Everlasting Embrace (Embrace Series) (29 page)

BOOK: Everlasting Embrace (Embrace Series)
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Elijah stands at the head of the table, his presence commanding attention. Everyone sets their utensils down and looks up at him for guidance.

I know that you are hurting, some physical
, most mental
, and all of you emotional
. Today will be the hardes
s we question

why her
hy Carlina? She did a wonderful job last night
. Y
ou all did. Death is something that happens
and it

s unfortunate
. W
e lost one of our own. I want you all to be proud of your accomplishments last night. This is the best way we can
. S
he lost her life fighting for the
let it not be in vain. We made a great dent in the Cerberus last night. During your class today, you will discuss and go over the
fight s
imilar to a debriefing
this will help to get your feelings and concerns out.

Skah, his wife
and Caspian will run the class in the auditorium after breakfast is cleared away. Elijah and Nathanial have work to do at the law offices today, while the rest of us do research on destroying some of the oldest vampires in the world. Eliza is staying to help out with the babies, but Luke had to return to school. His exams are coming
due to the fact that it

his final year, he wants to ace his exams. I think he

s hoping to get an internship at the Smithsonian after graduation. He also has hopes of getting his
and then receiving a fellowship at the museum
. I

s important that we support him. His
in history and knowledge will be a true asset to them.
Washington is only about eight or nine hours from here, so it will be easy enough for us to visit.
This means Nik will continue to be raised by Nathanial and me. I think this is one of the things Elijah and Nathanial
working on today. We have been talking about drawing up papers that give us full custody of Nik. With Luke away and us married now, it makes
education, medical and life
in general. Of course

ll always involve Luke in major decisions.

As the others begin to clear their plates, I shake myself out of my running thoughts and focus on the environment around me.



Back at the main house
Florence makes a call to the same vampires that have been helping Nathanial and Nik since this past fall. Tryphosia and Abzudah
of the Oolatec clan
are two of the wisest vampires our family knows. She

s hoping
they may have some information on how to destroy Cyrus and Drake
once and for all. After an hour on the phone
and several pages of notes, Florence places the cordless receiver back on the hook. Her timeless face appears distressed and anguished.

What did they say

Constance asks with a concern I

ve never seen in her big round eyes before.

Florence begins to pace the room

hey are having some books couriered over. We have to search through them for definite answers, but from what they explained to me, it will not be an easy task.

We kinda know that already, but why do they say it will be difficult?

I question in a sarcastic tone.

It seems that the longer a vampire lives
the more calcified their bones become. This creates some kind of impenetrable body
that protects them. Over time
they become less sensitive to UV rays, and although the sun can hurt them, it appears that it won

t fry them. There are very few things that can kill a vampire as old as these two.

Her brow furrows as she looks to her feet.

lay it on us Florence

Isaac insists as he places a comforting hand on her shoulder.

The best way to destroy the grandchildren of Cain
s for Cain to do it himself. The problem is
no one even knows if Cain
still exists. Next
t goes to one of his three sons. These options appear impossible.
option we have
s to tear out their heart and burn it
another near
task as the bones of their body
protect the heart. The same goes for decapitation
the strength of the
cervical spine will not allow this
either. Do you see where this is going? I

m not sure if we can find anything to destroy them

Florence says with despair.

When the first vampires were created
took over until they form
two groups.
Each group had their own set of beliefs. The Ren
ta set rules, laws of
for our kind to follow in an attempt to live peacefully

and keep our secret hidden. The Cerberus
on the other hand
believe they were given this power and
they should use it to rule the world and control the mortals. They believe they are the highest on the food chain, thus rulers of the world.
I can

t help but wonder if there is some way of contacting Lilith. She started this mess by teaching Cain what to do
maybe she can help stop it as well. I wonder if we can contact her spirit in hell?

I just had an idea

I shout with excitement

f the best way to destroy Cyrus and Drake is by Cain, or his sons, wouldn

t Cain

s grandchildren
also known as Cyrus

be the next best thing
and so on down the family tree?

That makes total sense Sophia
. N
all we need is get one of the original Renata here. I think Elijah should get in touch with his contact tonight
. T
hey may also have another

Florence recommends as she begins to relax again.

We all know
something needs to be done about the Cerberus
and the thought of how to defeat the leaders looms over us. The tension in the room is near palpable. Trying to think of other matters that need attention
I decide to ask about the big case Elijah has been working on with Nathanial.

I guess there

s not much we can do right now about the Cerberus. Now
what about this big case Elijah

s got
. D
o you know anything about it?

Not really
. Y
ou know Elijah doesn

t care to talk about work at home. I

m sure it

s nothing that would be of interest anyway.

Eliza brings Nik in to the family room
and little Elyn follows behind
n her cute little floaty fashion. Nik loves when she flutters around him like a butterfly; both babies are nothing but giggles. The mood in the room changes for the better at the very sound of the young life before us.

Both Nik and Elyn are very special babies. Elyn is the
daughter to a
ne. Ebony and Matt had an unplanned pregnancy
teen marriage, and they ended up with a beautiful and powerful baby
and felt blessed about it.
Although everything has its price
Ebony was about to lose her life during the
-section, until Constance
her. A short time after
Matt lost his life in a terrible car accident involving a drunk driver. We all understand that it was meant to be

that h
e was called to complete his guardian training. A guardian is like a
angel that takes human form in order to watch over the magickal wit
hes of the world. We have no idea how long he will be gone. Things have been hard on Ebony

and Elyn is growing so fast
I only hope Ebony will find happiness again one day.

Now Nik

s a real miracle

s parents were unable to conceive until I healed his mom

s womb. She was soon expecting Nik, but an attack by the Cerberus cost the McCord

s their lives. Isaac was able to save the baby, but he was born a
day walker
. A
day walker
is half vampire
alf mortal. The venom for the Cerberus crossed the placenta
and saved Nik
death like his parents. He has all the strengths and powers of a vampire
but will continue to age until he consumes the blood of a vampire
hich will complete the
. He also doesn

t have the weakness that vampires have
. T
he sun doesn

t affect him
neither does
garlic, silver,
any of the
restrictions. Being a
day walker
is the best of both worlds. We had to bring in special trainers for him though. The intensified senses were too much for a baby to handle. He is doing much better now, as is Elyn. Ebony had to block her empathic abilities
. O
ur emotions were too much for her to take.

As Elyn floats around the roo
onstance opens her arms to her.

Come see Aunty Connie.

Elyn gravitates right into Constance

s arms and giggles a little more
, h
er little black curls tightly braided around her head, and her big brown eyes sparkling like Hailey

s comet shooting across the night sky.


s our little peanut?

Almost as soon she ask

s face falls as if something

s wrong

Chapter 25


In Harm

s Way


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