Everlasting Embrace (Embrace Series) (6 page)

BOOK: Everlasting Embrace (Embrace Series)
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I start running after the man of my dreams, and without warning
I slip on a light dusting of snow on the grass. As my arms and legs flail in the air,
I try to re-catch my footing

to no avail

with a huge thud
land flat on my back. Nathanial races to my side, reaches out his hand and tries to help me up to my feet. Laughing harder than we have in months, I give him a little
tug, and in the blink of an eye

s flat on the ground

My hero, you came to my rescue. Too bad you bailed right alongside of me.

I give him a little nudge
and we roll around on the fresh snow cove
red ground. After a few giggles

and tossing around som
e of the soft cotton
like snow

we get up and walk over to the gazebo where we can sit and relax for a bit. It

s decorated with little white twinkle lights that mimic the stars above. Greenery
with white and red flowers
around each post and banister. I lean in to take
the robust aroma of the roses.
At this moment I realize I

ve been set up. With the freezing temp
ature roses would never have lasted, Ebony must be behind this somehow
and has magickally decorated. It

s the only explanation for the roses being in perfect condition. I let a small smile slip
, but decide to allow the romance behind this special day take hold of me and keep my suspicions to myself.
The moonlight shines so bright
above us
through the parting clouds that
I can see every little detail. E
of moonlight glistens off the snowflakes
ensuring each
miniature ice crystal

. We both sit on the white wooden bench that circles
the interior of the gazebo. This is the
perfect place, with the perfect man
n a beautiful night.

Okay, so

ll give you that

m having
a blast.

I chuckle, trying to brush some of the snow off my jeans before it melts.

I know
right? Well
I kinda wanna talk to you about something.

Nathanial takes my hand
kissing the back of it and resting it on his knee.


s wrong? This sounds serious.

Nothing is wrong, but it is serious. See
Luke and I have been talking about Nik and his future. We both want him to have what we had growing up.

Your parents? Look Nate
I know how amazing they were, but you can

t possibly be thinking of raising them from the dead?

I ask with utter shock.

hell no
That never even crossed my mind.

I see that he feels insulted at my assumption.

Sorry, hun.
I should have known better.

No, it

s okay. I should have phra
sed that better. What I mean is

Luke and I had a wonderful chil
dhood. Our parents were amazing
and loved us more than anything. I


Luke and I

want the same for Nik
two loving parents.

Of course you do, and you know we all love him as if he were our own.

I know, but Luke and I though
it may be a good idea for him to have t


parents. Well what I mean is

Nathanial drops to one knee in front of me, sending me into a

Sophia, we al
ready have eternity together, but nothing will make me happier than you promising me forever. Our love shines brighter than all the stars in the night sky
and although we share so much already, one thing is missing. I want to shout it to the world that you are mine
and I am yours. Will you do me the
of becoming my wife?

He pulls
the most magnificent ring
h six of the clearest diamonds

one in the center
h the other five surrounding it

and mounted with pure platinum. The ring resembles the most delicate flower.

I picked this ring because you are like a flower to me, always brightening my day
and I wanted something that resembled how I feel for you.

Tears begin to sting
my eyes
because of his love
his soul. Nathanial is the sweetest
most loving man I have ever met
and I feel so lucky that he has chosen me. Rising from the bench, I pull him up as well.

m unable to take
my eyes off the brightest blue
I have ever seen, sparkling brighter than the stars above. Tonight they
my sole like never before
, I can

t help but smile.
Throwing my arms around him
I brush my lips across his, sinking deeper and de
eper into the throngs of love

eal love
, not
the imagined kind that breaks your heart, but the kind that say


m yours

. As our lips part
just enough for me to speak
I ans
with overwhelming happiness

course I will marry you
Oh my G
I can

t believe this,

I scream with complete giddiness.

Nathanial smiles, removes
promise ring
from my finger on my left hand
and moves it to the right hand. He kisses the engagement ring once
, and then my left hand
s he
slips the diamond ring on
my finger.

I love you Sophia. Y
ou are my love,
my future, my life, my eternity

and now
my forever. Thank you for making me the happiest man in the world.

I have to ask you one thing though. What does us getting married have to do with Nik?

Oh, I got so wrapped up in what I was going to say
I plum forgot. Luke and I are wondering if you would consider adopting Nik with me, making him officially our
. This way
he has the parents he deserves
and we have the family we always dreamed about.

Wow, are you serious? Luke is okay with this?

It was his idea when I told him I wanted to ask you to marry me.

He knows alread
y? Who else knows?

I chuckle, t
hen hear the snow
crunching as footsteps approach
and out from the bushes come Luke with a video camera, along with Eliza, Ebony and my entire family
including Nik and Ebony

s daughter Eyln.

You were all in on this? I can

t believe you? Who is taking care of the school?

Elijah chuckles.

y dear
enough with the questions. We have everything under con
trol. Now answer the poor boy! W
ill you have a family with him and adopt Nik?

Sorry, sorry

of course I will
I alread
y think of him as my little man.

I smile and take Nik from Matilda

s arms. With a soft kiss on his forehead, the tears stream down my f
ace again
as complete happiness flows from every inch of my being.
I used to think it was difficult for vampires to cry, but the tears have flowed freely from me over the past few years. I guess I just needed to open my heart to feel real emotion.

Chapter 5




By the end of the weekend
our full-time students
arrived and
settled into their rooms. Now that it

s Monday morning
we are getting ready for classes to begin. Florence has been working hard in the kitchen since the early morning to prepare meals for all twenty
ight students. She opens the
dumbwaiter, placing the food inside
allowing it to be transported to the dining hall. Just as the entrances to the school are magickally protected
so is the dumbwaiter. We can

t take any chances of someone finding out about the school
, so each
opening requires the same incantation to open.

I think you made way too much food, but it sure looks delicious.

I chuckle as she places fresh made rolls, muffins, pancakes and turkey bacon next to the blood porridge, blood sausage, fresh squeezed orange juice and both blood coffee and regular coffee.

my dear Sophia, I do not know these children yet
what them to start off the school day with a full belly. I think I have something for everyone. Oh
before I forget, can you grab the fruit platter
from the refrigerator please

I do as I

m asked
and we proceed down to the school to enjoy our first breakfast with everyone.



Isaac rings the dinner bell
and everyone files into the dining hall and plops down at the table. With big eyes
they all watch Elijah stan
ding at the head of the table.
He smiles

On behalf of my family
I would like to we
lcome each and every one of you
to our School for the Supernatural. Each one of you are her
because you are gifted
and we hope to help you learn how to use your gifts to do good. We are so excited to have you here. For now
please enjoy the meal Florence has prepared for you all. The blood food is located at one end of the table and the regular at the o
ther. We want everyone to enjoy
but do not want to offend anyone either. So please

until our relationships become stronger

s keep the different meals apart. Now
please help yourselves and mind your manners.

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