Every Battle Lord's Nightmare (6 page)

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            “We're coming up on the cutoff to Wallis,” Yulen informed her.

            “Are you asking if we should stop there?” She glanced upward. “It won't start getting dark for another couple of hours. We could get a few more miles under our belts if we keep going.”

            “But I want to see if they've heard of this summit conference. Zane and I are wondering if any Mutah compounds have been included.”

            “Or if Highcliff is even aware those compounds exist,” Batuset added.

            She agreed. “Good point. And if they have no knowledge, what then? Are you planning on asking them to tag along?” she jested.

            Yulen's face remained stoic. “That's exactly what I plan to do.”

            “Yulen! Do you think that's wise? I mean, considering how reluctant you were to include me?”

            “This conference is about treaties between Mutah and Normals,” Yulen stated.

that's the real purpose of this talk-fest,” Batuset interjected, adding a snort.

            Yulen nodded. “I don't know if there will be any Mutah representatives there, but wouldn't you agree it's only right that some were? Plus the fact that Wallis was the first to sign a treaty with me makes it that much more imperative they attend, don't you think? So they can tell the other battle lords how they've been affected?”

            “Also, if there
other Mutah representatives there, they can exchange information about what to expect,” Batuset pointed out.

            Atty made a face. “You're right. They need to know. And it's only right some of the council attend. How much farther?” She glanced around, trying to find a landmark she recognized.

            “Another half hour,” Yulen speculated. “And if the council needs to convene to discuss the issue, I wouldn't object to us staying the night and hitting the trail fresh in the morning.”

            She reared her horse, letting the battle lords forge ahead. Once she resumed her position in the convoy, she glanced at her second, noticing his furrowed brow.

            “What 'cha thinking about?”

            “I'm thinking about why you left Mattox behind,” he confessed. At her raised eyebrow, he ventured, “You didn't want to bring him in case something happened to you and Yulen. That's the real reason why you left him in Madigan's care, isn't it?”

            “It's... You're right, Warren. Yulen and I didn't discuss that fact in great detail, but deep down, you're right. He's the battle prince. The rightful heir to Alta Novis. If something should happen to me and Yulen, Liam and Madigan and Tory will see to it that he's raised and trained to take over running the compound. I'm amazed by your astuteness.”

            The man blushed from her compliment and honest praise, but didn't reply. Instead, he muttered a quick excuse to retreat down the line to check on the soldiers, turned his horse around, and trotted off. Atty watched him go until he was out of sight, then swiveled around to stretch her legs in the stirrups.

            It was a good thing they would be arriving at Wallis within the hour. She’d finally be able go to the bathroom in private, without having nearly a hundred pairs of eyes watching over her.


Chapter Eight




            “Halt! Identify!”

            Yulen pulled up his horse and stared in the direction where the shout had originated at the top of the tall, wooden barrier. “I'm Yulen D'Jacques, Battle Lord of Alta Novis, and guardian of of the Mutah compound called Wallis. My company requests entrance and a consultation with your Council of Elders.”

            There was a moment's pause. When the voice returned, it sounded less forceful. “Is Atty with you?”

            “I'm here. Who is that? Fohregard?”

            The ponderous gates began to open before she was finished. Once there was enough room to enter two-by-two, Yulen turned to Mastin. “Have the troops remain out here before you follow.”

            The second nodded and went to advise the soldiers. Atty led the way into her old compound, her husband and second flanking her.

            People began filling the streets as the news went out about the battle lord and lady's arrival. Many of them noticed Atty's little bulge and yelled their congratulations. Most, if not all, followed the group to the center of the compound.

            Yulen stepped forward and helped her down from the saddle. Atty noticed Fortune being pummeled with hearty slaps to the back and shoulders by old friends and family. Until one young man raced in to throw the man into a bear hug.

            “Who's that?” a voice asked at her elbow.

            Atty glanced at Paas, whose eyes were wide with wonder, as well as no small amount of fear. “That's Memnon, Fortune and Tory's son. Don't worry, Paas. Everyone here is an ally.”

            “Yeah, I know, but they're all...”

            “Strange looking?” Atty smiled.

            Paas tossed her an apologetic grin. “Sorry. It's a bit...disconcerting at first to see all the...abnormalities.”

            “Yeah, well, now you know how I felt when I saw those other tribes when they attacked yours. Especially the guys in the body paint who wore those animal heads like hats.”

            Paas chuckled at the memory. “The Kintucks and Orlins can appear pretty fearsome. I've fought them for years, and the sight of them still sends shivers down my spine whenever they attack.”


            She barely had time to turn around when a giant of a man engulfed her in a warm embrace. “Twoson, it's good to see you!” She laughed at the man's look of surprise when he noticed her bump.

little battle prince on the way?”

            “More like a battle princess. You're looking well. Still head of the council?”

            “Among other things. Come on.” The Mutah gestured at the group. “Let's go to the meeting lodge where it's warmer and discuss why you're here.”

            “What? I'm not allowed an occasional visit to one of my territories without it being questioned?” Yulen jested.

            Twoson rubbed the side of his nose. “I sense an ulterior motive, Battle Lord. That and...” His eyes jumped to the people he was unfamiliar with.

            Yulen paused for introductions. “Twoson Pike, this is Zane Batuset, Battle Lord of Foster City. The man beside him is his second, Dardin Tabb. Our traveling physician is Dr. Fergus Thrasher. And the young woman beside my wife is Paas. She's from the Lanta Tribe out east.”

            This last caught the council head by surprise, and he addressed Paas directly. “There are compounds out east?”

            “You remember when I went missing last year during one of my hunts?” Atty asked the man. “Paas found me and took me in. She saved my life. When Yulen rescued me, she and Cole... They became a couple, but Cole felt it was his duty to remain with Yulen.” Atty gave the woman a warm smile. “Love won out. Paas came to Alta Novis to be with him. And I feel very fortunate to have gained a good friend and excellent hunter.”       

            Twoson noted the markings on the strange woman's face, including the little nose ring, and nodded. “You fit in with us,” he simply said, startling Atty. When the man turned to enter the lodge, Yulen bent to whisper something in Batuset's ear. Atty made a note to ask him about it later.

            They took seats in the audience as other members of the council sat around the table located on the small stage in front. Twoson, being the head, sat directly in the middle. Others from the compound filed in, filling the lodge until people were forced to stand along the walls. Atty noted how she was triangulated in, with Yulen to her right, Paxton to her left, Mastin directly behind the battle lord, and Paas next to him, behind her. Renken sat beside Paas, completing the protective circle. She wanted to tell them she was perfectly safe within her old home compound, but decided not to argue the point. They were doing what they felt was right. The thought pleased her.

            “All right. This meeting will come to order.” Twoson pounded his meaty fist on the table, then addressed the battle lord directly. “You asked to consult with the Council of Elders?”

            Yulen stood. “I did, your grace.”

            Atty tried to hide her smile. Technically, because of the treaty, Wallis flew the half-red, half-blue banner of Alta Novis. Which meant Yulen could, if he demanded, be totally in charge of this gathering. But she knew that part of the treaty included allowing each Mutah compound to continue governing themselves by their own system. The battle lord would only intervene if he felt there was an immediate need to do so, such as the threat of a preemptive attack or other dangerous situation, which couldn't wait for any long decisive measure.

            Yulen continued, and Atty took the moment to study the council members' faces, including the crowd.

            “I don't know if you're aware of this, but Alton Highcliff, Battle Lord of the Rocky Gorge compound in Corado, has invited me and Fortune Batuset, Battle Lord of Foster City, to attend a summit conference. From what we understand, they want my testimony and possibly my assistance in extending further treaties between Normal and Mutah compounds.”

            “We haven't heard of this conference, D'Jacques. Personally, it sounds like a great opportunity to provide guidance and establish more such treaties,” Twoson said. “Is that the purpose of this visit? To inform us of this summit? Or is there another reason?”

            “My reason is two-fold, your grace. I want you and any representatives you choose, to accompany us to Corado. To be a voice for the Mutah. I have reason to believe no Mutah compounds have been invited to attend, and it's imperative that other Normals are aware of the type of governing system you use. There are a many factors to initiating a treaty, and if they are to be accepted and work, both parties need to be familiar with each other's customs and traditions.”

            Yulen glanced down at Atty. “The battle lord is aware of our marriage, but it won't be enough to sway the diehard disbelievers. They need to talk with you. They need to witness first-hand your intelligence and strength of character. I will be the first man to admit I had no knowledge of how similar my people were to yours. Not until Atty showed me.”

            “Let me see if I got this straight,” one of the council members spoke up. Atty didn't recognize the man, which meant he must have moved to Wallis after her departure. And if the man was one of the elite council, chances were he was one at his old compound.

            Yulen nodded once. “And you are?”

            “Berris Dullay. You want some of us to go with you to this Normal compound?”

            “That's correct.”

            “How far away is this place?”

            “From here, six to seven more days’ journey northward, then west.”

            “Can you guarantee our safety in the presence of the Normals?”

            Atty felt a tenseness blanket the crowd. They trusted Yulen not to harm any of them, but their trust did not extend to all compounds under Normal rule.

            “No, your grace,” Yulen admitted. “But I will do what I can. I also promise to try and maintain order, and come to your defense if there is a threat.” He held out a hand to encompass the others sitting around him. “You have our word.”

            Dullay nodded, making the skin flaps cresting his bald skull bounce up and down. He coughed, then wiped his sweaty face with a limp handkerchief. “D'Jacques, I have heard much about you.” He pointed to Atty. “I've heard even more about you, Atty. And although I feel your intent is worthy, I am very reluctant to risk our lives on the basis of your promise. I vote we don't send an envoy.” He slapped the table for emphasis, and leaned back in his chair.

            Twoson glanced at the other members sitting on either side of him. “That's one vote nay. What say the rest of you? Raise your hands if you also vote nay.”

            Atty watched in astonishment as the other councilmen raised their hands. All except for Twoson. She started to get to her feet to protest their decision, when a strong hand pressed down on her lap.

            “Let it go, Atty,” Yulen whispered.


            “No.” The word was final, allowing for no argument.

            Atty clammed up. There had to be a very good reason for her husband not to push the issue, but her people's refusal stung her pride. She was left with glaring at the other council members and mentally accuse them of cowardice. A loud clearing of a throat jerked her attention back to the center of the table.

            Twoson drummed his fingers for a few seconds. When he finally spoke, he stared directly at Yulen. “The council has spoken. However, their decision may be final, but so is mine. I will accompany you to Corado as a representative of Wallis and our Mutah community.”

            The lodge erupted in protest and cheers. It was obvious the people were split as to whether or not anyone should go with the battle lord to such a faraway location, especially if there was no guarantee they would survive the trip. Yet there were those who were tired of being oppressed, of always having to hide what they were. They were the ones who believed the only way to overcome decades of hatred and misunderstanding would be to side with the battle lord.

            Yulen stood and faced the noisy crowd, waving his hands for quiet. The people continued to protest the council's decision, until Twoson also called for calm. Slowly, the bickering subsided, allowing him to speak.

            “Friends, whether you agree or not with our decision is a moot point. I am willing to try and bring about a more lasting peace between us and the Normals. Please accept my decision and theirs. And wish us good luck. D'Jacques?”

            Yulen pivoted around, waiting for the man to continue.

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