Every Vow She Breaks (37 page)

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Authors: Jannine Gallant

BOOK: Every Vow She Breaks
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“The cops were trying to be helpful.” He urged her toward the RV. “Do you want to sleep in it or in the house?”

“I’m so wiped out I could probably sleep on a rock, but I’ll take the bed. First, though, I want a shower.”

Jed turned her to face him. Holding her face in his palms, he kissed her, slowly and gently, with a depth of feeling that twisted her heart.

“Tonight, you can have anything you want.”

She touched the scratch on his neck, stroked his cheek. “All I want is you.”

His gaze heated.

“And a shower.”

With a laugh, he opened the door to the motor home. “Get your stuff. I’ll meet you in the house. I have a couple of things to take care of first.”

A half-hour later, Claire rubbed vanilla-scented lotion into her blessedly clean skin then slipped a purple silk nightie over her head. Tonight, Jed deserved a lot better than an old T-shirt or sweats. After toweling her hair dry, she combed it away from her face then frowned into the steamy mirror. Wiping away the fog with the towel, she studied the scratches and bruises she’d collected in the woods. The wounds would fade. She could only hope the memories would, too.

Pushing open the door, she stepped into the master bedroom and drew in a sharp breath. A mattress covered by a brightly patterned quilt that must have belonged to her great-aunt lay in front of the fireplace where flames crackled and popped. All around the room, candles cast a soft glow. Stretched out on the quilt waiting for her lay…Scoop. The dog rolled over and moaned, sticking all four feet up in the air.

She covered her mouth but couldn’t hold back a chuckle.

Jed slipped up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. “I’m going to kill him. Off, you damned clown. You’re ruining the affect.”

With a grunt, the dog scrambled to his feet and sauntered from the room. Jed kicked the door shut.

Claire turned to slide her arms around his neck. “You’re a true romantic.” She grinned. “Who would have thought?”

“Certainly not me. You bring out a side of me I didn’t know existed. The best side.”

“How did you—”

“I dragged the mattress in from the motor home. We really, really have to get a bed in here.” His fingers stroked along the side of her neck. “Vern finished the mortar work on the chimney, so we won’t burn the place down. I used scrap lumber for the fire and raided your aunt’s kitchen pantry for candles.”

“Impressive.” She touched his damp hair. “All that and you still had time for a shower in the other bathroom.”

“I thought about joining you…”

“Maybe you should have.” She kissed him, rubbing her hands up and down his bare back, slipping her fingers beneath the waistband of his briefs.

With an indrawn breath, he lifted her into his arms and carried her to the mattress, kicking back the quilt to reveal lavender sheets. Gently, he laid her down and stretched out beside her.

“I was scared out of my mind I might lose you.” Jed punctuated each word with a kiss.

“The whole time I was in that shelter, all I could think about was getting back to you. I knew you’d find me.”

He held her tight, his heart beating in rhythm with hers. “I didn’t save you. Bigfoot did. Or a bear. Whatever. We’ll probably never know for sure since I don’t believe any of Meyer’s ranting statements. The guy is out of his mind.”

Closing her eyes, she pressed her face against his chest. “I feel sorry for Preston. I wonder what made him snap. I never would have guessed he had such…problems. Maybe he was a little different, but—”

He pressed a finger to her lips. “He’ll probably plead insanity and hopefully get some much needed help. The nightmare’s over.”

“Thank God.”

“The future is ours.”

She raised her head to look into his eyes. “You meant what you said about living here part of the year?”

“I’d do anything to make you happy, but this will make me happy, too. I know we can work everything out.”

“I know we can too. For now—”

“Forever.” He kissed her, stroked a scratch along her cheek. “I don’t want to live without you. Not ever.”

Tears welled in her eyes. “Honestly? You’re sure.”

“Truly. Completely.” He touched the moisture on her cheek with his lips. “The timing could be better, after the whole wedding stalker thing, but I can’t wait. Will you marry me, Claire? Will you give me forever?”

Pure joy surged up to fill her and spilled over in a wide smile. “For better or worse?”

“Better. Always.”

“With you, life will be everything I ever wanted.” Wrapped tight in his arms, she kissed him. “I can’t wait to get started.”



Meet the Author


Write what you know.
Jannine Gallant
has taken this advice to heart, creating characters from small towns and plots that unfold in the great outdoors. She grew up in a tiny Northern California town and currently lives in beautiful Lake Tahoe with her husband and two daughters. When she isn’t busy writing or being a full time mom, Jannine hikes or snowshoes in the woods around her home. Whether she’s writing contemporary, historical or romantic suspense, Jannine brings the beauty of nature to her stories. To find out more about this author and her books, visit her website at www.janninegallant.com.


Be sure not to miss Jannine Gallant’s thrilling Who’s Watching Who series!







No matter where she goes, he knows her every move…


Long ago, Rachel Carpenter was a glamorous soap star. She gave it all up to move to Napa Valley with her daughters to open up a bookstore near her family vineyard. Her life is safe and dependable, until she encounters Kane Lafferty at a wilderness camp in the rugged High Sierra. A burned-out police detective struggling with his own demons, Kane is instantly attracted to Rachel. And like Rachel, he isn’t sure if he’s ready to open up his heart. But everything is about to change…


Someone is watching from the darkness. A fanatic obsessed with Rachel for years has decided to claim what he believes is his. It will be up to Kane to not only protect his new love and her family, but to uncover the identity of the stalker before it’s too late for all of them…



Lean more about Jannine Gallant at



Chapter One


“My baby has pink hair.” Rachel Carpenter planted her elbows on the table and held her face in her hands. “No, I take that back. Not pink. Magenta. Her beautiful, blond hair is magenta.”

Her sister smiled from across the table, the green eyes they’d both inherited from their mother sparkling with amusement. “Magenta is a lovely color.”

“Did I mention she cut it, too? Her hair is short and spiky. She looks like a punk rocker.”

Grace Hanover covered her mouth but couldn’t hide a smile. “I bet she still looks cute, even with short, magenta hair.”

“Of course she does. Lark would be beautiful bald.” Rachel let out a deep sigh and poked at a scallop on her plate. “I don’t know what to do with her. She’s so rebellious and angry all the time. She’s only fourteen, for heaven’s sake.”

Grace reached across the table to squeeze her sister’s hand. “Lark is too smart to do anything really stupid.”

“Her actions lately haven’t shown a lot of forethought. I’m worried about this new friend of hers. Rose is the one who talked Lark into dyeing her hair. Rose’s hair is Day-Glo orange.” Rachel pleated the napkin in her lap. “Why did Bryce have to go skiing that weekend? He might have been a lousy husband, but he was good with the girls.”

“The avalanche was a freak accident—one that wouldn’t have happened to him if he’d taken the girls to Hawaii like he promised.” Grace’s tone hardened. “Oh, no, his current bimbo wanted to hit the slopes instead.” She tossed long, brown hair over her shoulder with a sharp flip of her wrist. “Too bad you wasted over ten years of your life on the bastard before you finally divorced him.”

“They weren’t wasted. He gave me three beautiful daughters. You and I both know Bryce was a cheating idiot, but the girls loved him. They miss him so much. Jade and Ivy are adjusting, but Lark broods. She’s been seeing a therapist. The woman assures me she’ll come around eventually.”

“There you have it. Your daughter just needs more time. Eat your dinner.”

If only Rachel could dismiss her worries so easily.

They dined at her favorite restaurant on Fisherman’s Wharf. Through the window, the sun cast a golden glow over San Francisco Bay. To their left, the majestic span of the Golden Gate Bridge stretched northward. Farther out in the bay, Alcatraz stood sentinel on its lonely rock.

“How’s work? Do you have a full staff for the summer?”

Rachel turned to face her sister. “I think so. Ellen and Chandra are still with me, and I hired a new guy, Tim.”

Grace’s eyes held a challenge. “How about a quick fling with a young stud?”

“Very funny. I would never hit on an employee. Anyway, I think Tim’s gay, and I don’t date college boys.”

“You don’t date anyone.”

“Let’s not go there. It’s your turn for the hot seat. Who’s the new guy you’re seeing?”

“Nolan Marconi. He’s Italian and very intense.”

“What does he do?”

“Believe it or not, he’s a cop, a detective with the SFPD. Cops usually hate investigative reporters as a rule.” She sipped her wine and smiled. “But this one seems to like me—and not just in bed.”

Rachel covered her ears. “Too much information. Geez, Gracie, some things should remain private.”

“I’m trying to motivate you. Live a little. At thirty-five, you probably still have a few good years left.”

She ignored the direct hit. “Am I going to meet him before he goes by the wayside like the legions of men you’ve dated before him?”

“Yep. He’s picking me up when his shift is over.” Her eyes brightened. “In fact, here he comes now, and he has someone with him. Talk about hot.” She fanned a hand in front of her face.

Rachel glanced over her shoulder. Two men approached, and more than one woman in the crowded restaurant gave the pair a lingering look. They were definitely worth a second glance. One was of medium height with a rangy build. With his black hair tied back in a ponytail, he was movie-star handsome. The other man stood well over six feet and looked like he spent some serious time in the gym. Chestnut hair brushed the collar of his shirt, and sharp blue eyes didn’t miss a thing. When his gaze landed on her, Rachel sucked in a breath. Her sister was right about the hot factor.

Grace greeted the black-haired man with a lingering kiss.

“Grace, this is a friend of mine, Kane Lafferty.” The detective’s gaze never left her sister’s face. “Kane, this gorgeous creature is Grace.”

“Nice to meet you. Nolan and Kane, say hello to my big sister, Rachel Carpenter.”

“It’s a pleasure.” Nolan reached across the table to shake her hand. “Grace has told me all about you.”

“That can’t be good.” Rachel turned to the man at his side and smiled. When he grasped her hand in his large, warm palm, a tingle jolted through her. The last person she’d felt that kind of chemistry with was her ex.

Kane’s brow creased as he released her hand. “Rachel Carpenter... Why does that name sound familiar?”

“Not because you saw it on a rap sheet.” Grace scowled. “Her husband was Bryce Carpenter.”

The frown cleared. “Of course! I was a huge fan.”

Nolan nodded. “Everyone on the force was a fan. With that amazing arm, he led the Niners to some incredible victories. What’s not to love?”

“Plenty, but we won’t get into it. Have a seat, gentlemen.” Grace pointed to the empty chairs. “How about a drink before we leave?”

Despite the temptation to stay, Rachel lodged a quick protest. “I really shouldn’t. I have a long drive, and it’s getting late. The girls are home alone with Lark babysitting.”

“Don’t be a spoilsport. You’ve been nursing the same glass of wine all evening. The girls are fine. Lark is fourteen, and Mom and Dad are practically a stone’s throw from your house.”

Her sister was right. She was just making excuses, and it wouldn’t kill her to be social for a change. “I guess one small drink won’t hurt.”

“Darn straight. Enjoy yourself while you can. Summer vacation is just around the corner. In a couple of weeks, you’ll want to run screaming away from your children.”

“Probably.” Rachel turned when Kane took the seat beside her. “Do you have a family?”

He shook his head. “Just an ex-wife. No kids. Look, I didn’t mean to crash your evening.”

“You aren’t crashing anything.” Nolan tore his attention away from Grace. “Kane and I ran into each other at the station, and I asked him to join us.”

“The more the merrier.” Grace waved to catch their server’s attention. “What does everyone want to drink? I think I’ll have a cosmopolitan.”

After they ordered, Rachel restarted the conversation. “Do you two work together?” Her gaze wandered from Kane to Nolan and back. Strong was the word that sprang to mind. Kane had a jaw carved out of rock, and those shoulders… She squirmed in her seat. A broad set of shoulders was her secret weakness.

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