Everybody's After Love (19 page)

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Authors: Lyssa Layne

BOOK: Everybody's After Love
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“I’m ready,” I mumble, unable to think of anything else to say.

Bentley quirks an eyebrow. “Ready?”

Slowly nodding, locking eyes with him, I repeat, “I’m ready…to be yours. I don’t want you going anywhere unless I’m with you.”

Bentley’s eyes light up and he kisses me again as the church bells chime letting us know we’re late. I break the kiss this time and mockingly ask, “Am I scaring you away?”

His deep laughter fills the air around us and he leads us inside, slipping his arm around my waist. The rest of the wedding party and family are at the front of the church praying as the Jesus statue glares at us for being late. My arm is around Bentley’s back and I hold him close as though he can protect me from a figure on a pedestal and the evil looks from the other bridesmaids.

An hour later and Bentley did save me from the wicked Nikki. Bentley only let go of me when we had to take our places beside the bride and groom. Other than that, he was my knight in shining armor. Before we head to Mosaic, an upscale restaurant not far from the church, Bri greets us both with hugs and chatters nervously about her concerns for the ceremony. In true big brother fashion, Bentley takes her by the shoulders and says, “Bri, tomorrow will be fine. All you have to worry about is getting down the aisle and saying I do.”

The Ladner siblings embrace and I look away, trying not to encroach on their moment, only to be greeted by Jesus staring at me again. Quickly looking back at them, I ask, “Where’s Ariel?”

Bentley looks at me confused as Bri laughs. “She’s not feeling good so she stayed home with a sitter. She’ll be here tomorrow in rare form I’m sure.”

“Tell her I’m looking forward to eating cake with her at the reception.”

Bri nods and is pulled away by her mother to discuss something about where the florist should set up. I look back at Bentley who has that intense look on his face again. I follow his gaze to see him nodding at Father Foy, the priest in charge of tomorrow’s ceremony. The two of them are having a staredown but before I can ask anything, Bentley grips my hand and pulls us toward the exit.

Helping me into the truck again, he apologizes. “Sorry, I’m just not comfortable in church. I hope that’s not a problem.”

He shuts the door and climbs in on the other side. Scrunching my nose, I ask, “A problem?”

“Yeah, for when we get married. Did you want a church wedding?”

My heart skips a beat and for a brief second I see nothing but black. I want to be intimate with Bentley, I want him to move in, I think I even love him, but the mention of marriage and I’m ready to run for the hills.

Bentley’s laughter breaks my train of thought and I look at him. “Relax, Jules. I was only teasing… a little bit,” he says with a wink.

Instead of relief, my body is flooded with excitement. Once Paulie and Bri are married, Bentley and I will need to sit down and discuss our future. Goosebumps jump over my skin.
Our future?
I’ve never had a future with anyone, never even thought about it or wanted it. I always figured Smitty and I would grow old together, but now it looks like it’ll be Bentley and I rocking together on our front porch.

I float through dinner on cloud nine with Bentley by my side. He introduces me to family Bri had me avoid at the shower. Most of them are cordial enough, but a few give obvious disapproving looks. Bentley isn’t fazed by it, although we do cut out early after telling both Paulie and Bri to enjoy their last night of being single.

Once inside the house, Bentley immediately sheds his jacket and tie, setting them on the back of a kitchen chair. Leaning against the door, watching his long, muscular body move as he unbuttons his shirt and talks about the plans for the next day, I bite my bottom lip, trying to keep my hormones in check. His back to me, he shrugs off his shirt setting it with his coat and tie. His broad shoulders, muscles stretching his thin white undershirt have my body in a frenzy.

When I don’t respond to his question, he turns to face me and I take two steps to him, my mouth closing in on his as I take his head in both my hands. I keep moving until he’s pinned against the counter. Quickly, he returns the kiss, his hands slide under my dress and clench my thighs, lifting me, my legs moving around his waist. I can feel him straining under his pants and my hips immediately grind against him.

Our tongues moving together, he walks us down the hallway to my bedroom. Gently laying me back on the bed, he lifts his arms above his head to take his shirt off and I sit up, undoing his pants, letting them drop to the ground. Tossing his shirt to the floor, he lifts his eyebrow and speaks softly.

“You sure about this, Julianna? After we do this, there’s no turning back. You’ll be mine and I’ll be yours…”

My heart races and I wrap my legs around his waist, yanking and pulling him on top of me. He catches himself on the bed, his arms on either side of my torso as he grins.

“Condoms?” he asks.

Immediately, I frown and prop myself up on my elbows. “Use them or do I have them?” I ask, hoping he’s just asking for my opinion.

He leans back, resting lightly on my thighs as his hands move to my dress on my stomach. “I take it you don’t have any…” he says softly, avoiding my eyes.

Irritated, I complain, “You don’t either?”

Bentley scoffs and lifts my chin to look at him. “Relax, baby. I didn’t know you were ready, didn’t think to throw them in when I packed a bag for the week.”

My stomach drops. “Only the week?”

His dimple gets deeper. “You want me here longer?”

I shrug. “Maybe…”

Bentley stands up between my legs and drops to his knees. Sitting up to see him, I ask, “What are you doing?”

A mischievous grin spreads across his face and he lightly pushes me to lay back down. “Just because we don’t have a condom, doesn’t mean I can’t pleasure you.”

His fingers drag up and down my inner thighs and my body shudders in anticipation. My heart races as I close my eyes, trying to steady myself and prepare for Bentley’s touch. His lips press into the sensitive skin on my thigh, so close yet so far away from my pleasure spot. With my eyes shut, I breathe deeply wondering if I’m already this worked up and I haven’t even touched him yet, how will my body handle it when I finally feel him?

“Julianna,” I hear his deep voice pulling me out of my thoughts. I barely peep out a “yes” as I lean up and see Bentley grinning from between my legs. Our eyes connect and his thumb rubs over the thin silk fabric of my thong. His other hand reaches for my hand and we intertwine our fingers.

With a squeeze of my hand, he slides the fabric to the side and puts more pressure behind his thumb, rubbing directly against my sweet spot. My chest puffs up and down, my eyes fall closed again, and a low moan erupts from my lips. Bentley pulls my hand to get my attention. Looking at him again, his grin turns into a smirk.

“This is it, baby, no turning back,” he says confidently and my body throbs for him. In mid-nod, I let out a loud yelp of surprise as Bentley buries his face between my legs and I feel his tongue like I never have before.




Panting as I try to catch my breath from my release, I reach down and pull Jules up from between my legs. I don’t even want to think about the last time I came like this it was so long ago, but the blowjob I just received from Jules was like no other. She teased and satisfied me in ways I didn’t even know existed. There was this thing with her tongue, at least I think it was her tongue…

Currently, her tongue now twirls against mine before she rolls to the side, catching her own breath and snuggling up to my chest. She mindlessly drags her finger through my chest hair causing me to start to get hard again. This was the perfect end to an uneasy week, I still don’t know how I’m going to handle tomorrow, but I’ll figure it out and I just pray that Jules takes the news well. My fingers fiddle with her hair as she kisses my chest and blows on my nipple.

“Julianna,” I say trying to be stern but laughing. “You’re going to have to give this old man some time to recover.”

She turns her head to me, batting her eyelashes and speaking bashfully. “So you liked it?”

Lifting my head and pulling her to me so I can kiss her, I nod. “I loved it, baby, but if you don’t stop tempting me, I’m going to throw care to the wind and get us both in trouble.”

She giggles and rolls on top of me, straddling my thighs and pressing down on my growing manhood. “Oh yeah?”

Quickly, I flip her to her back, leaning down and teasing her nipple now with my fingers and tongue. “Yeah!” I taunt back as my free hand slides between her legs. After witnessing one of Jules’ orgasms and experiencing one from her myself, I don’t know which I look forward to more. I do know that our first stop tomorrow will be Walgreen’s to stock up on condoms.










The alarm on my phone beeps loudly but I refuse to wake up. I had the best dream that I don’t want to forget anytime soon. Reaching over to hit snooze, a grin spreads across my face as I feel Bentley’s arms wrapped around me and remember last night wasn’t a dream. Slowly, I move to my back so I can watch him sleep while thoughts of his tongue and fingers replay in my mind. The way he teased and pleasured me last night makes me wonder if my body will be able to handle it when I actually feel him inside me.

My index finger lightly trails down his cheek over his gruffy beard. I’ve fallen asleep with him beside me every night for the past week but this is the first time I’ve woken up with his arms wrapped around me. Bonus, I’m waking up with him beside me naked, fully feeling his morning wood pressing against my thigh. Glancing at the clock, I have an hour before I have to be at the salon for hair and make-up. Biting my lip and feeling a bit mischievous, I grip his wood and lightly stroke him, making him harder by the second in my hand.

Bentley nuzzles my neck as he moans. “Mmm, Jules, I could get used to waking up like this,” he says softly, placing a kiss beneath my ear sending my body into a craze and I grip him harder.

His mouth moves to mine and I don’t have time to worry about my morning breath as his tongue probes mine. His hips rock gently into my hand and I squeeze him tighter, feeling the vibrations of his moan against my lips. I’m supposed to be the one teasing him, but my body is on high alert with him this close to me… in the buff.

Still moving his hips, my hand going faster, Bentley breaks the kiss and looks into my eyes, running his hand through my hair. His hand moves to mine and stops my movement. Confused, I frown and wait for him to explain.

“It’s wedding day. We can’t be late,” he says. My frown turns from confusion to disappointment. Bentley grins and pulls my hand to his lips, kissing it lightly and sitting up. “Let’s move this to the shower.”

I turn my frown upside down and excitedly hop out of bed, grasping Bentley’s hand as he leads us to the bathroom. He doesn’t let go of me even as he turns on the water. As it warms up, he turns to me and pulls me close. I wrap my arms around his neck and I can feel that he’s just as hard now as he was in bed. Our lips touch and instantly we’re lost in our kiss.

So this is what it’s like to be in a relationship. To connect with someone. To have sex that means something. Well, we haven’t technically had sex yet but so far the foreplay has been better than any orgasm I’ve received from actual fornication. Whatever this is with Bentley, I want it and I want it forever. I’ve never had that with any other man and I feel like I should be freaking out but instead, I’m doing the opposite. I’m content. Right here, right now, in the arms of Bentley, I’m happy and content.

“Babe?” Bentley’s deep voice pulls me out of my thoughts. His beard tickles my chest as his lips brush over my tattoo.

“Hmm?” I mumble lazily, wishing we were still in bed.

“The water’s going to be cold again if we don’t get in.”

Bentley takes my hand and helps me step into the shower following behind me. Closing my eyes, I let the hot water pour over me and my muscles relax ever so slightly. My whole body aches from the way Bentley teased, tickled, and tempted me all night ending it with the most explosive release I’ve ever had. It’s a good ache and I can’t wait for more mornings after like this with him.

Eyes still closed, I feel his rough hands slide across my abdomen. He lathers soap over every inch of my body and it’s quite possible that between his fingertips tantalizing every nerve in my body and his massive erection constantly rubbing against my backside, I might come at any moment. I open my eyes, Bentley directly in front of me and I glance down with a grin. Bentley laughs and kisses my cheek.

“You’re all clean, you’d better let me finish this shower alone or else we’ll both be in trouble.”

I stick out my bottom lip pouting. He leans forward and sucks on it. I start to reach for him but his hand grabs mine, linking our fingers together. Bentley leans his forehead against mine and sighs.

“Julianna, I would love for you to touch me. God, the way you touched me last night...” He shakes his head, unable to put into words exactly how I affected him last night. “If you touch me now, I won’t be able to focus all day. I’ll have to stop for condoms on the way to drop you off and then our first time will be in my truck and that’s not how it’s going to be. When we get home tonight, I’m going to tease every inch of you again and once you can’t handle it any longer, I’m going to thoroughly enjoy the feel of you around me… multiple times.”

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