Everything But (17 page)

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Authors: Jade C. Jamison

BOOK: Everything But
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Not that he didn’t give her a chance to renege.
  “Sure you don’t want to get a bite to eat first?”

She nodded. 
“You hungry?”

He smiled.  “Not really.”

re was a large revolving door in the front but to the side was a regular door, and he opened it for her.  Once through, he
put his arm back over her shoulders.
It felt nice, and she wrapped her arm around the back of his waist.  And then she smelled him again, that spicy, masculine smell that made her want to tear him apart.

When they got up to the counter, the young woman started typing in his information off his driver’s license and she asked a couple of questions.  She was being as professional as possible, but Erin could tell the woman knew who Riley was.  Fortunately, Erin had never met the young woman before, or that could have proven to be embarrassing and hard to explain, considering there probably was no question about what the two of them would be doing.
  He gave the clerk a credit card, but she couldn’t help but hear the price of the room. 
Holy shit.
  She couldn’t believe he’d drop that much on the room.  And he was
be totally pissed when all was said and done and he’d blown that fucking much.  Oh, well…according to Jackie, the goddess of relationships, it had to be done.

They started walking over to the elevators and Riley asked, “So how was school today?”

“It was fine, but I had to answer a bazillion questions about


  ‘Ms. Lancaster, what’s Riley Schultz like?’ ‘Did he like the food?’ ‘Is he a good dancer?’ ‘Did you kiss him?’  You put not just my cheerleading squad in
a frenzy
but all the kids.  I’m surprised the gym wasn’t more crowded during the auction.”

The elevator door opened and Riley placed his hand against
side of the
to hold it
while Erin walked inside.  “It’s ‘
it was a last-minute thing.  Guess I got lucky.”

He walked in and pressed a button.  Erin said, “
I call bullshit.  Why else would you dress up like a rock star right now if you didn’t want to be noticed?”

He looked down his no
se at her, his eyes already seem
ing as seductive as they had yesterday.  “Only one person I want to be noticed
and I think it worked.”

Oh, hell, yeah.  Going through with the plan was going to be really hard, because it




Chapter Sixteen


help himself, having had to think about Erin and handcuffs all fucking afternoon long while listening to his mom
about her scrapbooking class.  So once he’d
ed the door with the card they gave him
at the front desk
, he didn’t even let her set her purse down.  He just locked her face in his hands and kissed her.

Maybe that was a bad move considering her hard feelings yesterday, but
.  She’d teased him with the
handcuffs and then looked fucking hotter than hell,
even though he restrained himself, he needed
a little taste.

But she responded and not by slapping the shit out of him.
  Maybe they could talk later when they had
out of their systems.
  When he pulled her close, she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him back.
He wound his fingers through her hair
just over her ears
, something he’d had yet to do
, and held himself back from just throwing her on the
couch a little farther inside
and having his way with her.
  He felt like a fucking animal, almost like a teenager, unable to control his thoughts and feelings.

He moved his lips to her neck, loving the taste of her skin there, and she said, “Now, hold on.”  Her voice was barely a whisper. 
Her lips touched his ear when she said,
in charge now.”

He paused, letting the hot breath flood out of his lungs onto her neck.  Had he turned this goddess into a dominatrix?
  And this time, when all his blood took a dive for his nether regi
ons, he didn’t fight it.  H
e lifted his head and held his arms in the air as though he were being arrested.  “I’m all yours.”

“That’s more like it.”  Yeah…there was definitely something dominant going on there.  This might be a whole lot of fun.
her purse off her shoulder onto the floor and laced her fingers in his, pushing his arms
the door and kissed him.  She was aggressive.  He liked it.  He was just going to follow her lead, let her d
o whatever she wanted to do.  She backed away and then looked around.  “Holy cow, this place is huge.  Is there an actual

He laughed.  “Yeah…there better be.  I paid for one.”

She picked her purse up off the floor and walked over to the
that surrounded the kitchen area.  She set her purse on the counter and fished out the handcuffs
and something else she
in a pocket of her skirt
  What the hell was it?
  She turned around and gave him a seductive look.  “What are we waiting for?”

Oh, God…his cock was throbbing in anticipation, but he could wait.  He just couldn’t think
  He stretched his arm toward a door across the room that he figured had to be the bedroom. 
“After you.”

She smiled and sauntered toward the bedroom.  God, those


By the time they’d walked in the bedroom, his eyes had
her from her feet up to her head, and after she placed the handcuffs on the foot of the bed, he took her in his arms, holding her around the waist, and kissed her.  There was nothing sweet or tender about the kiss; it was passionate and bordering on rough, and he hoped that would communicate to her that he was open to whatever she wanted to do to him.  By the end of the kiss, she was peeling his shirt off.

And then, after throwing it on the floor, she pulled
and then grabbed his hands, urging him to the bed.  Jesus…wasn’t even concerned about foreplay.  That was just as well, because he didn’t need it.  He didn’t recall a time he’d
foreplay.  Just thinking about
or seeing a woman he was thinking about that way did it for him.  His imagination this afternoon had been his foreplay.

Her hands on his chest urged him to sit on the bed and he did. 
She kept pushing against him until he was on his back.  Erin
the handcuffs
the foot of the bed and then turned around.  God, he was glad he’d sprung for a high-class place.  Some of the discount places didn’t have headboards.  This place had a good old-fashioned wooden one that matched the dresser and nightstand. 
And the bed itself was probably designed to take a beating. 
She held his forearm in her hand and slapped the cuff around his wrist.  Ouch.  A little rough, but he’d said he was going along for the ride.  So he didn’t even wince.  She pulled his arm up to the
and tightened the other cuff around the post.

She looked down at him and grinned.  She was thoroughly enjoying this.  God,
he relished the way
his hard on was digging into the pants and he couldn’t wait for her to pull them off him too.  She cuffed his other hand, again slamming the side of the cuff into his wrist, then pulling his arm up to the post.  And then his upper body was fully restrained…he was fully hers.

She kissed him, then her lips moved to his neck, his chest, and she sucked on one of his nipples.  Oh, God…not many girls did that but when they did…
  He let out a sigh as her lips continued their trip south.  Yeah, of course he liked it when a girl liked him enough to go down on him, but it was even better when he liked the girl back.

So when she started unzipping those pants that had since become too hot and too constraining,
he felt a huge relief.
  But she was going to tease him some more.  She brushed his cock through his shorts just enough to practically make it jump up and dance, and then she started to pull his pants down.  But that feat was easier said than done with leather pants.  Maybe he should have taken them off before she cuffed him, and he thought some of making the offer, but she managed to get them to budge.  He lifted his ass up off the bed to help and once she got them mid-thigh, she seemed satisfied enough with that progress.  He sure as shit was happy enough with them right there.
  Pulling down his underwear was easy after that.

He was aching for her to touch him, so when she wrapped a hand around h
is shaft, he bit his bottom lip and sucked air through clenched teeth.  “
big boy,
” she said, “how does that feel?”

What the fuck was she doing
with her voice
?  She sounded so

, cooing and purring, her voice low and seductive
.  His eyes were still closed and he bit the side of his cheek. 
But h
e relaxed his jaw and said, “
’ fantastic.”

“Good.”  She bent over and licked
him there
and he felt like he was going to jump out of his skin.  All real thought had gone out the door and his entire brain was located right fucking there.  She was amazing.  She was running her tongue up and down the shaft, just teasing.  It was some of the most delicious torture he’d experienced in ages.

She stopped and literally stood up on the bed.  She lifted a leg, pretty dangerous on the bed
but she managed to keep her balance, and
she held her
on his chest
, the heel of her shoe digging into his skin
.  She was reaching in her pocket to pull out whatever it was she’d put in there.  “You’ve been a naughty boy, haven’t you?”

He hadn’t thought he could get harder, but that did it.  He swallowed and nodded his head,
his eyes, daring her to do her damnedest.
  He knew he looked like a defiant child just daring his mom to beat the shit out of him.  After grinding her heel in his chest enough to leave a mark, s
he got b
ack down and started kissing his
.  It was
he saw what was in her hand:  a tiny bottle of oil.  She twisted the lid
while she nipped at his nipple.  She poured half the little bottle in her hand and he smelled
  Not his favorite, but right now he
didn’t give a shit.
  Then she wrapped her hand around his cock.  She
her hand up and down and it was smooth and
good.  He let out a breath.

That feel
, baby?”

He could barely talk. 

…I thought you might like that.”

“Oh, I do.  God, yeah, I do.”

She put her lips up to his ear.  “Tell me when you’re close.”

He managed a nod but said nothing.  Not yet.  Part of him wondered why she wanted to know.  What the fuck was she
do to make it a winner?  She’d already succeeded in his book.  He didn’t know the last time he’d felt like this. 
In his early twenties, maybe.
  It had definitely been a while, and she was pushing all his buttons.  She was massaging his entire cock, up and down, up and down, and her grip was perfect
—not too tight, not too loose
.  And she was kind of squeezing the crown every time she got to the top

Everything grew tight and
he could feel the pressure building, building, until bl
ackness started closing in on the edge of his vision and he closed his eyes.  H
e could barely breathe.

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