Everything I Have Always Forgotten (30 page)

BOOK: Everything I Have Always Forgotten
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Richard Hughes at the centre of an extended family group on his 75th birthday, in the garden of Môr Edrin, the post-war family home of Owain's childhood. And the Hughes family takes tea. Richard Hughes is at the head of the table with Frances Bazely seated to his right. Owain is half way down on the left next to Miss Plimsole.

Facing page:
On the estuary. Owain steadies the boat containing his cousins Edward, Henry (at the oars) and Charles Bennett,
and supervises a nautical wheelbarrow of cousins,
Owain with cousins Victoria and Henry Bennett.


Parc, the pre-war family home in north Wales,
the gatehouse of Laugharne castle,
the beloved Bentley, now restored,

BOOK: Everything I Have Always Forgotten
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