Everything I Need (24 page)

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Authors: Natalie Barnes

BOOK: Everything I Need
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My heart is pounding so fast that it feels as if it’s about to jump out of my chest. Not because of the horrible reporter, but at hearing Tristan lash out. His deep voice rumbles through the mics as if thunder was going off in the fucking building, echoing straight through me. His jaw flexes as the muscles under his shirt strain against it, showing every valley and depth of him. The veins in his arms and neck bulge.

Fuck! I haven’t seen him like this since Minneapolis- uncontrollable. But his anger gradually fades. He charges toward me, still breathing heavily. My mouth falls open with a gasp. He wraps his arms around me and crushes me into him, devouring my mouth with his. I feel his breath, hard, pouring out of him and going right into me. I inhale him and his kiss. One hand wrapping behind his neck, I pull him down and closer to me with my other hand, holding on tightly to his solid bicep.

“Fuck, Sophia. I fucked up out there,” he whispers roughly against my lips, before diving his tongue back into my mouth again.

The way he is right now, coming undone in front of me, sends heat pulsing through my veins, spilling into my core.

“Tristan . . .” I faintly get out before he’s back devouring me again.

“I need you, Sophia.”

He pulls away from the kiss but still holds on, his eyes desperate, frantically searching mine. Running the pad of my thumb over his bottom lip, he leans into my touch and closes his eyes, his breathing finally evening out.

“Shh. It’s okay. Everything will be okay,” I say gently, reassuring him. “I love you.”

I lay a gentle kiss beside his mouth on the thick bristles of his facial hair. I mean it, and I don’t feel any resentment when I say it out loud. I don’t feel embarrassed at what he or others might think, because every time I speak the words aloud, especially to him, feels even better than the last.

A throaty moan escapes him as he opens his eyes, they’re raw, penetrating right down to where my body achingly needs him the most.

“I love you, Sophia. You’re mine and no one talks to you that way. Ever!” He closes his eyes tight again, pressing his forehead to mine, his voice shaky and gruff. “I’m so fucking sorry I hurt you.”

“Tristan, stop!” I hold on to him tighter. He doesn’t need to say it, not anymore.

“No!” His eyes looked pained as he grabs each side of my face, holding on to it gently with his rough hands. “I wanted you so damn much then that I didn’t know . . . You were always perfect, and I’m so fucking sorry, Sophia.”

He crashes his mouth down on mine again. My eyes fill with tears behind my closed lids. When I open them, they start to fall, one by one, down my cheeks. He swipes each one with his thumb and places it to his mouth, laying a gentle kiss on it.


Lux clears his throat behind Tristan, who doesn’t turn, but I angle my head off to the side. This must be a sight . . . Tristan and I holding each other close with tear streaks down my face.

“Tristan, I know this is bad timing, but next-”

bad timing, Lux!” he says while continuing to look down at me. A beautiful, yet still cocky, grin spreads across his face. Mine mirrors his as we both stand there like fucking idiots, staring at each other.

“Well, I guess.” Lux says back. I hear the click of his expensive shoes as he heads for the door, but before he opens it, he yells back, “Just be ready, you two! It’s TMZ official now!”




“It is time!” Roger exclaims as he jumps out in front of me, holding a case of beer in one hand, and a backpack in the other.

We’re all at the garage, loading up the bus and getting ready for the tour. Jared is ahead of me, rolling his suitcase.

“You ready again, Soph?” Matt shows up at my side, pulling me in. His black hair is even longer now, almost Jeff’s length, hanging just below his ears.

“You know it!” I wink back at him.

“We’ll take that, Miss Ariel.”

I remember Steve and Tom as the guys helping us out last time as our roadies.

“Nah, I’m good.” They look at each other for a second, causing me to raise my eyebrow at them. “What?”

Shaking their heads, Tom laughs.

“We need a little more to do. Roger has had Jeff here for the past two hours, loading up. He’s taking our work away.”

My eyebrows shoot up as I look around them and sure as shit, Jeff is loading all the equipment into the storage compartment of the bus while Roger stands behind him, drinking.

“ROGER!” I scream over at him.

He shrugs, barely turning to look at me.

“What? It’s initiation!”

Rolling my eyes, I hurry my way over to Jeff, whose sleeveless white shirt is sticking to him after working out in this heat for the past couple hours.

“Christ, Roger!”

Grinning at me, he shrugs again. Placing my hand on Jeff’s sweaty back, I make him stop. When he turns to me, he tugs up his pants, which hang off of his narrow hips.

“I’m good.”

He sounds out of breath as if he’s been working out, which is exactly what he’s been doing, lifting all this shit.

“No, you’re done. Here.” I turn behind me and grab one of Roger’s beers.

“Hey!” Roger whines, as I face Jeff again.

“Get your ass on the bus and chill. No more initiation shit.”

“Cool.” He shrugs once then leaves.

“What the hell, Sophia?” Roger laughs in my face.

Stepping up to him, I yank on the case and start walking toward the bus.

“Hey! That’s mine!” he whines at me.

“Nope, not until you load some shit yourself. Help Tom and Steve out!”

I shut the door behind me and quickly lock it, laughing at Roger’s stunned face.

“Fuck!” His muffled voice comes through the door. Jared, Jeff, and I are all on the bus, looking down at him as he just stands there.

“Come on . . .” He stomps his boot on the ground, looking pissed. Pointing like a little kid would do on the school bus, I laugh even harder at him.

“Can I at least have a beer?”

Matt comes strolling up, but Roger stops him.

“Hey, we gotta do this shit first,” he points at the rest of the equipment. Matt glances over his shoulder.

“Fuck that! You’re the dick, you do it,” he says, then uses the back of his hand to knock on the door, which I quickly open, letting him in.

“Hey! W-wait!” Roger tries to sneak his hand in, but it’s too late. “Damn it, Sophia. Come on!”

We’re all laughing at him as he sulks away. He needed this; he’s such a bully sometimes. He has a good heart, but his jokes or whatever sometimes become too much. Besides, this is funny shit, watching him work while we’re all in here, drinking his booze. It’s not like we could drink all of it, anyway. There’s enough for a couple fucking tours, and this is just the U.S. side! Roger is a big guy, it won’t take him long to throw around a couple things. He put Jeff through a lot!

By the time he’s done, he’s huffing and puffing his sweaty self onto the bus. He sits down at the table where Matt, Jared, and Jeff are playing X-Box. Roger looks around before his eyes land on me.

“I’m gonna have a fucking heart attack, Soph!”

“Should lose some weight then,” Jared chuckles while destroying someone on the TV. Roger rubs his chest and glances over his shoulder at Jared.

“Dude, shut the fuck up. It’s all muscle. The ladies call it pure platinum, okay? You’re a skinny bitch.”

“Pure platinum?” Jared chokes out. We all laugh.

“Fuck yeah, man. Check out this gun show.”

Matt raises his hand to cover his eyes.

“God, please stop!”

Roger is not
just not as in shape as the other guys. His arms are freaking huge, though. I pat the seat beside me.

“Come on, Roger. Light up that joint and let’s get ready.”

His smile is huge as he looks over at me.


Ah, bad idea asking Roger to sit next to me after working outside in eighty-five degree weather. But hey, it’s not my first time around these stinky boys. Back in the day when we caravanned to festivals was much worse. Roger pulls out the joint as Matt puts some music on. Avenged Sevenfold’s “Hail to the King” starts to play as the bus’s hydraulics go off.

“It has begun,” Roger says in the Mortal Kombat way.

Holy shit, here we fucking go . . . again!





Chapter Twenty-Two





We’re not flying out to our first show like we did the first time. Instead, we’re driving cross-country. The climate changes before our eyes, going from warmth and glow, to damp and gray as we ride through state after state.

I welcome the sight. We merge onto the very familiar exit. I-75 is taking us back home. Excitement and giddiness start racing through me. The boys are still sleeping and the mid-morning light starts casting gray shadows over the pavement. It’s late October so there’s only a light dusting of snow covering the ground.

Pulling the blinds open, I prop up some pillows and lean back, picking up the phone from beside me on the bed. I smile when I notice I have a text from Tristan.


Short and simple, but I love how he texts me little things throughout the day. I know he wanted to crash with us or me with them, to be close, but I have to experience this with my boys. Besides . . .we make up for lost time at the stops. Heat pools in my panties at the thought of the time we went MIA somewhere in Nebraska. Pushing my hair out of my eyes, I text him back.

Almost there! :D

Springing from the bed, I toss my phone down as I bend over and grab my jeans from the floor. The only thing I have on is my dad’s old Pantera shirt that I use to sleep in.

Sliding my jeans up my thighs, I bounce, trying to get the tight jean material over my hips. I button them up then, yanking my shirt off, I bend over and dig around in my bag to pull out my dark hoodie. It’s kind of Emo-looking, but it’s cold here and I want to be comfortable. For another thing, after we check in I’ll be on my way to see Frankie to get ready for tonight’s show.

Opening my door, I take soft steps down the narrow hallway of the bus. Going by the boys’ bunks, I run my hand across the curtains, making them sway.

“Come on, time to get up!” I speak loudly so they can hear me through their deep, hung-over sleep.

Jared pops his head out of the curtain, looking adorable. His normally put together hair is going everywhere, but I like it! He’s handsome, really, no matter what he does. With his prominent cheekbones and sharp nose, Jared is good looking.

“Where we at?” he asks foggily, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hands. He swings his legs over the side, hopping down from the top wall bunk.

“Detroit!” I say excitedly.

It’s been a long time since I’ve been back this way and it feels damn good. I love that Lux scheduled our opening date here.

“I’m gonna grab a quick shower,” Jared says to me as he slides the bathroom door open.

“We’re going to be at the hotel in a few minutes, couldn’t it wait ’til then?” I ask him, smiling.

“Nah, it will only take a few minutes.”

“Sure it will,” says Roger from inside his bunk. A moment later, his curtain comes flying open. “Holy shit!” he says, grinning. “This is gonna be fucking awesome!”

Taking a seat at the table, I pick at a Pop Tart, watching Roger make some coffee.

“You want some, Sophia?” he asks, glancing over his shoulder at me.

“Nah, I’m good. Thanks.”

“Suit yourself,” he mumbles as he goes back to preparing the coffee.

Jeff peels himself out of his bunk, wearing nothing but boxers. I’m used to seeing the rest of my boys like this, because, hell . . . I’ve seen all of them at one time or another back in our college days wearing even less. Nothing sexual . . . God no! Usually when they were too wasted, or if I accidentally walked in on a couple.

“Locks were invented for a reason,” I remember telling them.

I have to get used to Jeff. He’s shorter but well defined, his hair, like Jared’s, is also all over the place. Scrubbing his face with his hands, he pulls down a couple mugs for him and Roger.

“So what do we do next?” Jeff looks at me and asks.

“Well, we’ll get checked in, and right after that we’re heading straight for the arena. I’ll be getting ready, and you guys can hang around the stage and help with setups, or-”

Roger interrupts.

“Guy, we’re gonna be in the back, jamming and drinking ’til it's time. Then after that, we’re going to be doing even more drinking, until every groupie looks like a centerfold.”

“Shit, Roger! And that’s how you get STDs!”

I quirk my eyebrow at him, crossing my arms. So disgusting. Smirking at me, he shrugs.

“That’s what condoms are for, silly.” He flips his hand daintily, mocking a feminine voice.

“I’m surprised you know how to work one when you’re that loaded.”

“Ha ha for you, Soph. I usually don’t, but the chick always does.”

He winks at me.
I know he’s teasing. He’d better be fucking teasing . . . but the thought just sickens me.
Look who’s talking!
A shitty bitch voice speaks up in my head.

“Matt, get your ass up. We’re in the D!” Roger yells as he sits on the couch against the back wall of the bus.

He begins rolling a joint as Jeff heads back to put some clothes on. Jared comes out a minute later with a towel wrapped around his narrow waist, running his hands through his hair and pushing the fallen pieces back. Leaning over the table, he peeks outside.

“Oh, yeah! We’re staying at the same place as last time.”

Turning my head to the side, the bus begins to pull into the drive of the hotel. So many memories come flooding back. Cory with us, telling Tristan off, the kickass show and the after party . . . I look down, smiling at the thought. The bus’s hydraulics squeal as we come to a stop.

I grab my suitcase out of my room and wave at my boys.

“See you’s in a half an hour. Don’t be long, either, we gotta head out.”

“Yeah, Jared! You hear that? And you too Jeff!” Roger points his chin at him, chuckling.

Stepping off, I see Tristan by the front glass doors, standing there looking fucking hot with his dark gray jacket and a light gray open hoodie underneath. The hood falls out the back over the collar of his jacket. His hands tucked in his pockets, he tilts his head back, smiling at me.

The November wind whips through his thick hair, causing dark tousles to blow across his shadowed face. Damn. He walks over to me and takes hold of the handle of my suitcase with one hand and wraps the other arm around my neck, pulling me into his side. He lays a kiss on top of my head and we enter the hotel.

Lux is standing by the front desk, wearing a long, black coat. His cold weather style reminds me of what a modern-day Rockefeller would wear. All he needs is one of those top hats and he’d be set. He loves his suits.

He nods and walks past us, heading for my boys. Tristan must already have his key.

“You know,” his voice whispers in my ear, low and gruff, “I guess I can understand you wanting to be with your band, but here, you’re staying with me.”

He stops, his eyes staring down at me, cloudy with lust. We both glance up and realize that we’re right in front of a familiar set of elevators. Desire begins to burn through me again, causing my clit to ache, needing his skillful touch to release. He must notice it; a dark, sensual look sweeps across his face, hardening it. Pulling away from me, he presses on the button to call the elevator. Oh, shit!

I run my tongue over my lips. He steps into me again, hooking his index finger in the top of my jeans, sending chills over my skin where his finger grazed it. Pulling me into him, he dips his head down, gently sliding his tongue over and under my top lip before closing his mouth around it.

When the elevator doors open, Tristan pulls me into him harder and with one step, carries me into it. Spinning on his heel quickly, he slams on the button for his floor, then swiftly faces me. His eyes are animalistic, seeking their prey.

With the tendons in his neck flexing with every breath he takes, he stalks toward me.

“Tristan!” I squeak, lifting my hands in front of me to try and keep him at bay.

Shaking his head ‘no’, he slams both hands on either side of my face, using his mouth to suck and bite my neck and below my ear.

“Ahh . . .” A moan slips from my throat. “T- Tristan. We have no time.”

I slip into a panic. Last time I was here, I was wasted, first of all. And it was late. Shit! There could be kids wandering around right now.

“Don’t worry, baby. I’m not taking you here,” Tristan growls at me, as if he was reading my thoughts. “You’re gonna ride this cock before you leave, though. I don’t give a fuck how long it takes.”

His words threaten and excite me all at once. When we do arrive at his floor, we break away from each other just long enough to get to his room. There’s a large man wearing a suit standing outside who nods at us before opening the door. Great. I hate that he sometimes has security.

“Take off your clothes!” he commands before the fucking door is even closed. I’m sure the guy out in the hall heard him.

My eyes widening, I tuck my hands into my back pockets.

“Sophia, I’m not fucking around. Take your clothes off!” he growls.

I don’t want to wait around any longer. Yeah, so what? He can be demanding sometimes. But that’s the shit that really gets me wet.

Unbuttoning my jeans, I slide them off as I watch Tristan shake his jacket down his arms while he undoes his jeans. When my jeans are off, I’m standing there in just my light pink lace boy shorts and hoodie. A mischievous grin forms across my lips knowing damn well that I’m not wearing a bra on underneath, and that gets Tristan going every fucking time.


“Come on,” he says, pointing his chin at me as he lifts his shirt over his chiseled chest.

My eyes wildly take in the sight of him. I swear to God, this will never get old. I love how he’s standing in front of me in just his boxers, the tattoos on his arms dancing every time he flexes from holding back. Grabbing the hem of the hoodie, my head falls back as I bring it up and over.

“Fuck!” Tristan groans.

Taking my hoodie in my hand, I lift my eyebrow at him, then drop the heavy material to the floor. Placing my hands on my hips, I sway my way over to the bedroom, giving him the opportunity to check out my ass. I love playing with him.

Tristan’s rough hand clamps down on my shoulder, pushing me over the side of the bed. With my ass in the air, I grip the comforter and peek over my shoulder. Holding his lips tightly in his mouth, he rubs his hand up and down my ass, grazing his finger between the cheeks every once and while.

“You like going around in public with no bra?” he rumbles at me.

Out of nowhere, his hand comes down and strikes my ass, causing me to jump forward. Tristan stops me by grabbing my hips, pulling me back to him. With one hand twisting around my hair tightly, he tugs hard, causing my neck to tilt and my back to arch.

“I always knew that you loved being a little cock tease.”

His voice is low but his breathing is wild. I start rubbing my ass in slow, tortuous circles around his dick, with only the thin material of his boxers and my panties as barriers between us.

“God damn, Sophia,” he groans. Placing a hand between my shoulder blades, he shoves my body down on the mattress,  ripping my panties off of me. Since I’m so turned on, they’re clinging to me when he hooks his finger around the elastic.

“Get up,” Tristan demands.

Looking confused and needy, I turn on my side to see what the fuck is going on. I was expecting him to shove himself inside, and he tells me to get up?

Tristan sits down at the edge of the bed, separating his legs. He leans over on his side and grabs me, hauling me over to him. I must not have been moving fast enough. Tristan reclines back, dragging me up his body by my wrist.

“I want you to sit on my face.”

Holy shit! So fucking turned on to the point that my clit feels excruciating pain, I crawl up him. His mouth is parted slightly as his eyes rake my body. Opening my legs, I rest my knees on the mattress and lower myself down onto Tristan. He reaches up and laces his fingers between mine to steady me as his tongue starts assaulting my clit.

“Fuck, Tristan!” I choke out.

My head falls back, pushing out my chest. My breasts feel heavier as heat takes over my skin. My nipples pebble every time Tristan’s tongue slides around my folds. Needing more, I push myself down harder on his mouth, gripping his hand tighter.

“That’s it, my girl. Fuck my face.” Tristan’s voice vibrates through my pussy walls.

As I moan louder, my breasts begin to ache like never before as I feel my orgasm building deep inside my womb. When I can’t hold back anymore, I come, letting go around Tristan’s tongue. Shivers run down my spine as heat ruptures through my core. My eyes roll back and I take small gasps of air, riding out the wave of bliss.

My body is weak. Tristan raises himself up, positioning his cock below me as I grip his shoulders.

“So fucking beautiful, Sophia,” he whispers.

I breathe in my arousal off of his face. He presses down on my hips, sinking inside of me.

“Look at me!” Fluttering my heavy eyelids open, all I see is Tristan’s penetrating stare. “Now, fuck my cock as your tight pussy just did my face.”

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