Everything You've Got: Anything & Everything, Book 2 (17 page)

BOOK: Everything You've Got: Anything & Everything, Book 2
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Then she came toward him.

As she got closer, her breathing changed. She took a deep breath, which seemed to hitch slightly, then puffed out a long stream of air. “I hope you’re not in a hurry to hit the road,” she said.

He shook his head. “I don’t think there’s any way I could concentrate on the road.”


When she stopped in front of him, he lifted his hand, running the tip of his finger over her lips, her chin and down her throat until he came to the edge of the tank top, then he drew his finger back and forth along the neckline. “No way.”

She licked her lips. “Good.”

“God, Kat, every time I get within two feet of you I want you so damned much I can hardly think. Then that kiss—” He leaned in, determined to pick right up where they’d left off.

But she ducked.

Instead, she took his hand and lifted his index finger from the neckline of her shirt to her mouth. She sucked the tip into the hot wetness of her mouth, running her tongue over the pad of his finger.

He pulled in a quick breath as pulses of lust shot straight to his cock. As he slid his finger free, the tip wet and glistening, he groaned and she leaned in and brought it back into her mouth, sucking hard. She curled her tongue under it and he slid along the silky flesh so similar to other places he wanted to slide. Then she took his wrist, pulled his finger out, and licked from the base of his wrist to the tip of his middle finger.

Just as he was about to reach for her with his other hand, she went to her knees, her hands skimming down his sides, over his hips and then around to the front of his jeans where she cupped him with both hands.


Wordlessly she ran her hand up and down the length of the evident bulge behind his fly as she cupped his balls with the other hand, squeezing just enough to make him nearly lose his mind.

“Kat—” But he lost the rest of the words when she popped the snap and eased his zipper down.

She had his jeans whisked down his thighs and his erection free of his boxers in the blink of an eye. His cock strained toward her as she returned to the pattern of stroking, cupping and squeezing but now she was able to wrap her hand around his shaft, skin on skin, as she pumped him. Luke let his head fall back, a deep groan coming from what felt like his soul.

“Come here,” she said softly. She stood, her hand still on his cock, and gestured toward the chair right behind him.

He was in no position to refuse her anything. The woman knew a thing or two about hand jobs. “Hang on.” He reluctantly removed her hand and quickly kicked his shoes, jeans and boxers off so he didn’t trip himself and cause a concussion—or worse. He’d hate to black out and miss one second of this.

“T-shirt too,” she said huskily, running her hands up underneath the soft cotton like she had in the museum. This time, though, she took the whole shirt up, pushing it over his shoulders.

He yanked it over his head and tossed it in the direction of the bench by the table.

“Now you,” he said.

But she gave him a sexy smile and shook her head, giving him a gentle shove into the chair. “I have a better idea.”

As he sat, he reached for her. “There’s no better idea than me getting deep inside you, babe.”

She dodged his hand. “Oh, I don’t know.” She leaned over him, her hands on his shoulders, her breasts at eye level.

He turned his head just enough and sucked on a nipple through her shirt. She gasped and ran her hands down his arms, leaning closer. He could smell her hair, feel her heat and he wanted to grab her and strip her down.

She had her fingers linked with his though, so he settled—for now—for licking the soft, sweet skin along the side of her neck.

“Luke,” she breathed.

He loved that almost helpless sound, like she couldn’t think of anything but his name.

“This is going to be so good,” she whispered.

“I know.” He started to reach for her but—couldn’t. He tugged and found that his wrists were held together. Behind his back.



She leaned back, a triumphant, sexy smile on her face. “Yeah?”

With disbelief he tugged again. He was cuffed all right. And he didn’t want to get free. “Okay. So now what?”

She pushed her hair back away from her face and let her eyes roam over him. He was as naked as he could get, as aroused as he could get, and completely—well, mostly anyway—at her mercy.

“This is all about you, Luke. How you feel, what you want, what you need. You’re not going to think about me or doing anything for me or making me feel anything. You’re just going to enjoy.”

His cock throbbed with the unspoken promise there, but more, his heart pounded.

He stared at her. She’d claimed that he didn’t let people do things for him, that his focus was always on everyone else, because he wanted them to need him.

Well, he
her now and having her focus completely on him, with no expectations of him in return, made him feel…vulnerable…but also humble, and hot, and a bunch of things he couldn’t even describe.

She didn’t seem to be expecting words though because she knelt between his knees and took hold of him again, gliding up and down slowly at first, then pumping him with a little more pressure.

“God,” he groaned. “You’re going to make me come like this.”

“Not quite like this,” she murmured.

Luke watched as she leaned forward, then licked the head of his cock, then sucked the tip into her mouth as she had his finger.

“Kat,” he groaned. “I want—”

He had no idea what he was going to say though because she took him deeper, stroking his base with one hand, massaging his balls with the other.

The heat and wetness were nearly too much, but then she sucked and Luke couldn’t help tightening his glutes and thrusting a little deeper.

She’d lift her head slightly, lick, then slide down, his cock gliding between her lips, until he was deep. Then she’d start over.

It was heaven, pure and simple. No woman had ever felt like this. Watching her head move over him, feeling her pulling on him with her mouth and hand, it was almost as if she was enjoying it as much as he was. But when he lifted again, pressing deeper, and she moaned, he knew it was true. Holy crap, a woman who enjoyed giving head.

She really was perfect.

A few minutes later he felt the tightening deep in his balls.

“Kat, babe, I’m really going to come,” he rasped. He wanted to be inside her. He had no trouble believing he could get it back up for her shortly, but he wasn’t going to make it this time and she’d better—

She wouldn’t move away though, even when he nudged her with his foot, and as he felt his climax start and quickly build she kept working him until he exploded, spilling into her mouth.

He slumped back in the chair. “Unbelievable,” he breathed.

She sat back and grinned at him. “Yeah,” she agreed simply.

“You were, are—”

“I know, unbelievable, right?” she asked. She stood, her hands running up his thighs, then up over his chest, sighing. Then she bent over and kissed the base of his throat, reaching back to unlock him. She turned and bent to grab his clothes, then tossed them on his lap. “This is definitely the best tourist stop in Nebraska.”



Kat settled into the passenger seat and strapped her seat belt on even though Luke was in the bathroom cleaning up and getting dressed.

She took a long drink from the bottle of water she’d grabbed from the fridge, hoping to cool off some. She felt like she had a fever. It wasn’t like she’d never given a blow job before but—wow. She’d never liked it quite that much.

“Seriously?” he asked as he put one long leg over the console between their seats and dropped into the driver’s seat.

She took a long drink of water and turned to look at him. For a moment she lost her breath. He was so sexy and for a moment she could remember every detail of how he felt, looked, sounded—and tasted. And frankly, she wanted more. She felt herself blush. “What?” she asked as if she had no idea what he was talking about.

“That—” he gestured toward the back of the RV, “—and now we’re just gonna start driving again?”

“What did you want to do instead?” she asked innocently.

“Well, I’d really like to put my mouth between your legs,” he said as he started the engine.

Heat rushed through her and she had to concentrate on not fanning herself.

“Then I’d like to put my cock—”

“Okay,” she interrupted. “So you’re feeling cheated? You seemed to think that was a good idea at the beginning. And in the middle. And, oh yeah, at the end.” She gave him a little smile she knew had to look wicked.

He didn’t smile back but his gaze was hot and she couldn’t look away.

“Oh, it was a fantastic idea. And let me just be clear—anytime you want to get on your knees in front of me, please feel free. I’m just feeling like there wasn’t nearly enough naked-and-moaning time on your part.”

“I’m fine.” She tilted the water bottle back again and squeezed her thighs together. “We’re even from last night.” She’d be even better if she could steal a few minutes back there with her travel vibrator, but she could handle this.

“This isn’t over,” he said, but he shifted the RV into drive and pulled out onto the highway.

She knew it wasn’t over.

She could barely sit next to him without thinking about how great he felt in her hands and mouth and imagining how great he’d feel deep inside her, thrusting over and over—

“I’ll be right back.” She almost took a nosedive trying to scramble over the arm of her chair, the tote bag she had right behind her seat and the console.

“You’re going back there
?” he asked. “Without me?”

“Bathroom. I’ll be right back.”

She grabbed her overnight bag from the closet in the bedroom, rummaged for the tiny vibrator she kept in her bag—and yes, used from time to time when she traveled. She was a doctor and knew that sexual release was an important part of overall balance and health. It was a fantastic stress-reliever. She dated and had human-to-human sexual relationships too, but sometimes all a girl really needed was a quick orgasm to get a good night’s sleep.

The little purple plastic toy only needed an AA battery and fit perfectly in her travel bag. With it clutched tightly in her hand she shut herself in the bathroom. Leaning back against the door she closed her eyes and thought of Luke. How he looked naked, how he felt and sounded as he slid in and out of her mouth, as he came, and then how he said he wanted to put his mouth between her legs. Then there was last night—

Strangely, memories of his hand between her legs flashed past quickly, moving to the feel of him just holding her in bed through the night. And it did nothing to quell the lust.

With one foot up on the stool and her skirt hiked up, she flipped on the vibrator. She always had good orgasms with her vibrator and with the added thoughts of Luke she came quickly and surprisingly hard.

In person, with him using more than his fingers, she’d probably last three seconds.

Several minutes later she was still trying to calm her heartrate. She still wanted more.

A lot more. Soon.

She cleaned up, tucked her friend away in her bag and checked her makeup and hair in the mirror in the bedroom. A quick reapplication of some eye shadow and lipstick, a ruffle to the hair and she was ready to head back to the front.

Feeling a little more relaxed and in control, she reclaimed her seat.

But as Luke shifted in his seat to look over at her, she felt even more aware of him than she had before the vibrator. Want thumped through her like the bass from a loud car stereo and the wetness between her legs simply couldn’t all be contributed to the orgasm.

At this rate, she was going to have to sleep with him just so she could sit next to him comfortably. Not to mention get any sleep with him next to her for another night.

“You okay?” he asked.

She looked at him sharply. “Of course. Why?” No, not at all. Because of him.

“You look weird.”

She did not. She’d just looked in the mirror and she looked fine. “I’m fine.”

“No, really, you look…hot.”

She frowned at him. “Knock it off. I gave you a blow job fifteen minutes ago. You don’t have to compliment me

He grinned. “I didn’t mean it as a come-on. Though you do always look hot. But,” he said quickly when she opened her mouth to respond, “I mean you look hot as in temperature. You need more AC?” He leaned forward and turned the AC up without waiting for a response from her.

“I’m fine,” she repeated again. But she lifted a hand to her forehead and felt that it was a bit damp. Her cheeks felt warm too. And she was probably flushed. Orgasms could do that to a person. So could lust.

“You’re not sick, are you?”

“Why would you think I’m sick?” She’d just given him a
blow job
. Who did that when they had a fever, for God’s sake?

BOOK: Everything You've Got: Anything & Everything, Book 2
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