Evidence of Marriage (15 page)

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Authors: Ann Voss Peterson

BOOK: Evidence of Marriage
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Cord Turner stood in the shadow of the park shelter and watched the wedding party assembled on the north shore of Lake Mendota.

A month had passed since he'd met his sister, since he'd read in the newspaper about how she and that cop had brought down the Copycat Killer and saved the governor's daughter-in-law. A month since he'd learned about his father.

Kane was scheduled to be transferred back to the Supermax, or whatever the hell they called the place now. Fine with Cord. He didn't want to think about the bastard. He sure as hell didn't want to know him.

On the beach, the couple exchanged rings. Wind caught the bride's veil, the white cloud streaming out behind her, making her look more ethereal than an angel. Her groom held her hand, the smile on his face inspiring an empty ache in Cord's chest.

It had been years since he'd held a woman's soft
hand. Years since he'd felt the kind of joy that produced that kind of damn fool grin. He wasn't interested in women. Not even when he'd first been paroled. What was the point? None of them were Melanie. And any other woman just made the ache inside him burrow in deeper.

He turned away from his sisters, the bride with her groom, the other twin clutching hands with a man obviously crazy for her, too. He'd never know them. He could only watch them from afar. Just as he watched Melanie in the mornings when she walked from the parking ramp to her office building. He could only watch and remember. Remember all he'd thrown away.

Some people said violence ran in the blood, passed through genes from one generation to the next. Maybe it was true. He wasn't smart enough to know. His sisters hadn't inherited it. Maybe it was only passed on from father to son. And if that was the case, the violence in his family would come to an end with him.

The son of Dryden Kane.

ISBN: 978-1-4592-2550-3


Copyright: ©2006 by Ann Voss Peterson

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