Evil Machines (28 page)

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Authors: Terry Jones

Tags: #antique

BOOK: Evil Machines
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Mark Sundaram
Emma Sundt
Andrew Sunnucks
Robert Suppes
Mark Suret
Flo Swann
Lindsay Swann
Dror Tankus
Mike Taylor
Alan Taylor
Dave Taylor
Stuart Taylor
Simon Taylor
Howard Teece
Pedro Telles
Charles Testrake
A. J. Thomas
Mark Thomas
Laura Thompson
Mike Thompson
Graham Thorley
Christian Tjaben
James Tobin
Raphaël Toussaint
Christine Trudeau
Matt Tubb
Mark Turner
Yvette Turner
Dominic Twose
Peter Tyler
Kati Vallius
Ramon van der Pol
Tanya van Dijk
Wim van Schijndel
Sietske van Vugt
Joe Vecchio
John Viele
Darlene Vincent
Rose Vos de Mooy
Mike Wade
Teresa Wagener
Ben Walker
William Walker
Katey Walker
George Walker
Steve Walker
Scott Wallace
Alistair Wallace
Sheryl Walpole
Izzi Ward
Miranda Ward
Ansgar Warner
John Warren
Syd Webb
Richard Webster
Kate Webster
Robert Wells
Paul Western-Pittard
Ben Wheeler
Paul Whelan
Robert White
Katya Whittaker
Andrew Wiggins
Gerry Wilde
Stephen Wiles
Richard Williams
Stuart Williams
Arwel Williams
Ian Williamson
Naomi Wilson
Iain Wilson
Jodi Wilton
Nichola Winney
Leonie Winson
Doug Winter
Graham Wise
Stuart Witts
Charlie Wood
Rob Wood
Matthew Wood
Carol Woods
Kirstin Woodward
Emma Woolerton
Kevin Wright
Michael Wynn
Alan Yentob
Andrew Yeomans
Todd Yoder
Lauren Yorston
Jon Young
Charlotte Young
Brecht Yperman
Arun Zachariah
Jane Zara
Lynn Zarb
Gregory Zayia
Zoé Zeller
Berkeley Zych



Evil Machines
This digital edition first published in 2011
by Unbound
21 Peter’s Lane, Clerkenwell, London EC1M 6DS
Text design and typesetting by Palindrome
Cover design and illustration by Ryan Gillard & Kiera Kinsella
All rights reserved
© Terry Jones, 2011
The right of Terry Jones to be identified as the author of this work


has been asserted in accordance with Section 77


of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988
A CIP record for this book
is available from the British Library

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