Evolution Impossible (32 page)

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Authors: Dr John Ashton

Tags: #Christian Books & Bibles, #Theology, #Apologetics, #Religion & Spirituality

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As I mentioned earlier, this list is far from exhaustive, but it is sufficient in my view to substantiate the assertion that evolution is impossible and never happened!

Of course, to raise these objections against evolution in a scientific journal would most probably create an outcry along the lines that Dr. Avital experienced. In fact, when I had a peer-reviewed article drawing attention to some of the unproven assumptions underpinning evolution, published in
Chemistry in Australia
in 2007,
it drew a very hostile response from some scientists.
It is revealing, however, that these scientists offered no substantial evidence to refute my arguments — they simply expressed their shock that such an article could be published in a reputable scientific journal.
These professors also claimed that the arguments against evolution were based on a religious belief and not based on science. I believe the previous chapters of this book powerfully refute this claim, which is commonly raised against those who reject evolution.

The bottom line is this. For evolution to occur — for the frog to become the prince — a massive amount of new genetic information has to come from somewhere. In the popular fairy tale, it happened in a moment in response to the kiss of the maiden. According to the theory of evolution it takes longer — hundreds of millions of years. But an extension of time does not change the science. The random processes of nature cannot provide the changing “kiss” — the new genetic code — even given eons of time. As the eminent scientist and author Dr. Paul Davies points out, biological information is not encoded in the laws of chemistry and physics, and this information cannot come into existence spontaneously. He writes, “There is no known law of physics able to create information from nothing.”

Where does this now leave evolution? It is a “wish” theory, not unlike a fairy tale, for those scientists who wish to maintain a purely mechanical model for our existence.

When we look carefully at the geological and fossil evidence, it is very consistent with a catastrophic worldwide flood not so long ago. As to explaining how we came to be — science really has no explanation. But we do see overwhelming evidence of amazing design in every part of nature that more realistically can only have come from a super-intelligence. The creation scenario fits this evidence very well.

Some readers may be thinking,
What about all the pain and suffering we see around us. How can that be part of a creation by a super-intelligence?
Most of us have probably grappled with this question at some time or another and some spiritual explanation is probably the best answer.

If a super-intelligence — God — can reveal the future, as we have seen in chapter 13, He can also reveal the past.
This means that God can reveal how we came into existence. That revelation was that the earth and the universe were created in six literal days about 6,000 years ago (Genesis 1:1–2:1).
Because extreme wickedness and violence had become widespread, most of the life on earth was destroyed in a supernatural worldwide flood about 4,300 years ago (Genesis 6:5–7:24).

I believe we humans were made in the “image” of this super-intelligent Creator God. This is why our minds have the ability to discover and understand the amazing details of the workings of nature. We did not evolve from monkeys — we are far more “special.” Far from our presumed primate ancestry, we have been endowed with the capacity to enhance our lives and our environments with reflections of the unlimited qualities of our Creator, into a timeless future. Let us not restrict our access to these in favor of a singular reliance on the now-impossible theory of evolution to explain our existence, our significance and purpose, and our prospects.

. O. Kashti and Z. Rinat, “Education Ministry Chief Scientist’s Dismissive Remarks on Fundamental Tenets of Science Spark Calls for His Ouster,”
(February 21, 2010). See

. Ibid.


. John Ashton, “A Creationist’s View of the Intelligent Design Debate,”
Chemistry in Australia,
vol. 74, no. 3 (2007): p. 19–20.

. See C. Barner-Kowollik, R. Brooks, and A. Whittaker, “Your say . . .”
Chemistry in Australia,
vol. 74, no. 4 (2007): p. 2, 29.

. Paul Davies, “Life Force,”
New Scientist
(September 18, 1999): p. 27–30.

. See, for example, John Ashton and Michael Westacott, editors,
The Big Argument: Does God Exist?
“The Problem of Evil,” by J. Paulien (Green Forest, AR: Master Books, 2006), p. 179–196.

. Dr John Taylor, professor of mathematics at Kings College, London, cites one extensive study, reporting 1,600 cases of people who saw details of the past long before they were born. See John Taylor,
Science and the Supernatural
(London: Paladin Books, 1980), p. 177.

. For the calculation of the approximate date of the Flood see appendix 1.

Appendix 1

Calculation of the Approximate Dates for Creation and the Flood Using Data in the Biblical Record

Genesis chapter 5 records the age when the patriarchs became fathers, that is, Adam, 130 years old; Seth, 105; Enos, 90; Kenan, 70; Mahalel, 65; Jared, 162; Enoch, 65; Methuselah, 187; Lamech, 182; Noah (Flood), 600. Adding these years up, we get a total of
1,656 years from creation to Flood
. (Note: these ages could be up to +1 year off for each of the ten patriarchs depending on whether they became a father just after a birthday or just before a birthday. That is, 1,656 is the minimum number of years, with 1,666 years the maximum, with the correct value somewhere in between.)

Genesis 11:10–25 records the age when post-Flood patriarchs became fathers. That is, Shem, 2 (years after Flood); Arphaxad, 35; Salah, 30; Eber, 34; Peleg, 30; Reu, 32; Serug, 30; Nahor, 29; Terah, 130 (died at 205 when Abraham was 75, Genesis 11:32, 12:4). Abraham was 75 when he left Haran and made a covenant with God (Genesis 12:4). Adding up these years, we get a total of
427 years from Flood to the covenant
with Abraham. Again, the years could be off by up to ten years as before. That is, the maximum number of years would be 437.

The dates for the Flood and creation can be calculated as follows from the date of Solomon’s fourth year, which is now believed to be 967
. The Exodus occurred 479 years earlier, that is, 1446
(1 Kings 6:1). The covenant with Abraham took place 430 years before the Exodus (Exodus 12:40–41; Galatians 3:16–17). Since the covenant with Abraham was 427 years after Flood, the time from the Flood to the Exodus was 857 years.

Therefore, the Flood was 1446 + 857 = 2303 b.c. and creation was 2303 + 1656 = 3959 b.c. (approximately).

Note 1: Ussher has Solomon’s fourth year as 1012
, that is, 45 years earlier than the current date assigned to this event. Ussher’s date for creation of 4004
– 45 = 3959
The calculations shown in this appendix are consistent with Ussher’s calculations but are dependent on the accuracy of the historical date for Solomon’s fourth year.

Note 2: The uncertainty in the Flood date would be +10 years, that is, up to ten years older. The uncertainty in the creation date would be +20 years, that is, up to 20 years older.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Appendix 1

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