Evolve Series Box Set (32 page)

BOOK: Evolve Series Box Set
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Burning into me, the look in his eyes is now unmistakable. He sets down the binder and moves to me, cradling my face in his hands. Moving up, his fingers glide through my hair all the way to the ends and he rubs them between his fingers. Leaning in closer, he runs his nose along my neck, breathing in my scent the whole way and ending his path with a nip on my earlobe.

“I need some help here, Laney. I thought I could wait out the Evan thing, keep things casual with us, but I was wrong.” He nuzzles his face into my neck. “Then I thought I could let you go.” His hands slide down to grip my waist. “I was wrong again.”

His words, seductively angry whispers against my flesh, inflame parts of me I didn’t know existed. My breath stutters; can he feel my body react?

“So you tell me what’s right, Laney, cause I can’t take being wrong again.”

I lean back, wanting to see his eyes. They’ll tell me everything Dane won’t, every secret, every avoided question, the entire unknown. They’ll let me know it’s okay that I don’t know everything right now; what I do know is enough.

I know that my day is better if I see him in the morning before getting started. I know that I sleep better if his is the last voice I hear. My body knows the minute he walks into a room. My heart knows he needs me to give him time just as badly as I need him to give me answers. My mind knows that if I walk away now, I’ll eventually be fine, but fine isn’t the term I want used to describe my life.

I know if he plays a song around me it’s because he wants me to listen to the words and hear what he’s saying to me. I know he takes care of everyone around him anytime he can and he’d do anything possible to take care of me. And I know the feeling seeping up from my toes, tugging at me, doesn’t happen every day or to everyone.

He pulls me against him, leaning to whisper in my ear, “close your eyes.” He rests his forehead on mine, his hands sneaking lower down my waist. “Do you see us now, Laney? When I close my eyes, all I see is us, perfect. What do you see, Laney?”

The words are right there, fighting to escape, caught in my throat. I picture it behind my eyelids, me and Dane, every day, no one else. Contentment washes over me first, the acceptance of choosing what I really want. Then the wave of excitement, anticipation…want. I want Dane. I want him in a way I’ve never wanted anyone else, not even Evan.

Like a cloud moves out from in front of the sun, the heat and light finding its way through, with clarity, I too realize—Lil Laney will always love Evan and appreciate what we have, but it’s unlike what I have with Dane. The woman I am today wants this man.

I’d known it before I walked in tonight, known it for a while, but it ends tonight. My Christmas present to myself: I’m going to put my feelings first. No more guilt, I’ve hurt no one on purpose; in fact, I’ve kept myself in constant turmoil in an attempt to avoid that very thing, but I can’t fight it any longer.

“I see us,” I whisper back. “I choose us.” Opening my eyes, I stare at him for long seconds. A smile creeps across my face along with my realization.

He sees it, my surrender. His low growl echoes around us and he lifts me, hands gripping my ass. I wrap my legs around his waist and ram my hands in to his hair, attacking his mouth with mine. Our tongues collide in harmony, perfectly stroking each other. God, I love his mouth; hungry, seeking, rough, and sinful. There’s no way anyone has ever walked away from a kiss like this. His hands knead my ass while mine pull his hair. I slide my tongue along the roof of his mouth, teasing, before I pull back and nip his bottom lip, sucking on it.

Tucking my head down, I lick a torturously slow, straight line from the hollow of his throat to his chin. Looking into his eyes, now filled with a hunger so deep I tremble, I purr, “your choice; bedroom or right here.”










You don’t kiss like that if you’re still on the fence, right? She chooses us, me. That’s what she said. She could already be driving home, but she came here. She made me those thoughtful gifts, the most wonderful I’ve ever received, so she must mean it. I have to be sure; I can’t take the unsure footing anymore. I almost lost Tate, all I knew for sure I had…I have to know Laney is hanging on to me as tight as I am to her.

I thought things were great with us and then Evan walked in behind her. I don’t want to know why he was there that night at the hospital. I don’t want to know where they’d been before all hell broke loose and they got there. I will never ask and I’m hoping she never tells me. Forward—that’s the only direction we’re going now.

Any red-blooded male would pick bedroom and run in there like he’s on fire, but I have to keep myself in check. She only gets one first time, and I only get one chance to make it perfect for her, for us, so I need to slow my roll. Here’s what’s gonna happen—I’m gonna put on the CD she made me, mostly because I’m dying to hear what she put on there and I can’t imagine making love to Laney without music. Then I’m going to walk her into my room, a threshold no female has ever crossed, and make sure she’s mine. When I’m convinced, I’m gonna make love to her all night. Then tomorrow, I’m gonna do it again.

“Are you sure?” my voice comes out huskier than I’d intended, but damn if this girl doesn’t fuck with my head.

She nods, blonde curls bouncing on her shoulders, full lips swollen and wet from me—ME. Her brown eyes are always big, and beautiful, but right now they’re almost green and they’re half-closed, brimming with desire. Laney Jo Walker tiptoed in that dorm room a doe caught in headlights, walls of stone around her…and now she’s wrapped around me, handing herself over.

Setting her down, I entwine our hands, leading her to the backyard. I need to buy some time. “Baby, let’s get in the hot tub, relax. Sound good?” Looking back at her, I suppress a chuckle at the disappointment I see in her eyes. My baby is hungry for this, which fills me with a pride I can’t explain. “You change and get in. I’ll be right back.” With a long, slow kiss, barely able to pull myself away, I move to leave her.

This is one of those neon signs flashing “love.” I’m planning the romantic set-up rather than the excuse to leave afterwards. I’m thinking about where I put the candles instead of the KY.

“Umm…” she pouts, sexy and adorable.

“Go on,” I say with a swat on her ass, “I won’t be gone long, I promise.”

I hurry back into the house, mind and body running on all cylinders, ticking off things in my head faster than I can act them out.

Shoot Tate a text. You and Bennett are not to come out for ANYTHING. I mean it! Laney’s here-ruin this and you’ll be back on crutches.

Pop CD in sound system, program to start in T-minus 10 minutes, play in bedroom/backyard only. Tate doesn’t get to hear our soundtrack.

Bound up stairs and almost fall changing into swim trunks.

Grab candles, light, scatter strategically around room.

Sprint to kitchen. Open wine, spill some, who cares.

Walk calmly outside with two glasses.


“See, that didn’t take—” Words cease as I swallow my tongue. If I go blind tomorrow, I’m okay with that. “Um, baby, you forgot your suit,” I tease.

“I couldn’t find one.” She bites her bottom lip and shrugs.

Trying to hide my gulp, I wade through the water slowly, moving to her. I hand her a glass of wine and set mine down behind me, turning back to her when the CD starts to play around us, her sweet voice echoing through the backyard.

“Hi, Dane, Merry Christmas! I know it’s nothing fancy, like say, a trip to Disney World, but I hope you like it. I just thought a collaboration of us was worth having all in one place, so you could play it over and over…kinda like it does in my head. And here’s to hoping I get to make you another one next year. Love, Laney.”

I turn and look at her, the most beautiful blush across her face. “Well, that was kinda embarrassing,” she mutters,” I didn’t think I’d be with you when you heard it. While naked.” She casts her gaze down, wrapping her arms around herself.

Sitting and pulling her beside me, I lift her chin by one finger. “It’s the most amazing gift I’ve ever received, Laney. I love it.” The thank you kiss starts out gentle, but this naked miracle has other plans, climbing up on my lap and never breaking her lock on my mouth. Her arms slide around my neck, her knees spreading to grip the outside of my hips. I refuse to take her anywhere but in my bed the first time, so I stand, clutching her against me.

We’re dripping wet, but I’ll be damned if I’m stopping for a towel. I take the stairs two at a time, her legs gripped around my waist, and kick my bedroom door shut behind us, Laney sucking my mouth the entire trip. Her fingers muss my hair, pulling, her little moans and mews making me delirious.

“Baby,” I pant into her mouth, “tell me what you want. I need the words.” I walk to the bed and lay her down gently. Standing over her, my eyes raking up and down her unbelievable body, I send up a silent thank you that I’m a man, followed by a prayer to do right by her.

“Love me, Dane.” Her eyes are hazy, her arms opening to me. She’s so fucking gorgeous, unreal even, laying wanting in my bed. Beads of water still visible on her golden body and my chest aches with each breath I manage to take.

“I do love you, Laney. I love you more than anything.” I silence myself now, though all I want to do is profess on and on what she means to me.

She pushes herself up on her elbows, her beautiful, ample breasts thrusting towards me. Her nipples are a deep pink, just like her lips, and mine itch to kiss her there. “You love me? Like love me, love me?” Her eyes water and her mouth twitches, afraid to smile until she’s sure I mean it.

I move on the bed, hovering over her on my forearms but close enough to feel her warm body beneath me. “I’m not sure what kind of love you mean, baby, but if you mean do I want you to be with me forever, that I can’t bear the thought of being without you as my lover, my best friend, my whole world…one day my wife, and my baby mama,” I wink at her and smile, “then yes, I love you love you.”

Tears roll down her cheeks now, so I shift to lay beside her, wiping them away. “Happy tears, I hope?”

Chuckling, she nods. “Yes, very happy tears. You overwhelm me, but in such a good way.” She rolls on her side, burying her face in my chest. I run my hand down her side, over her hip, down to that little dent between hip and stomach, “Dane’s Dent.” Her breathing staggers against my chest as my hand treks to her delectable ass. I growl as I squeeze it, finest fucking ass ever; tight, round and all mine.

Timidly, she unburies her face and flicks her tongue on my nipple. Animalistic, I roar and roll her underneath me. I pin her hands above her head and roll my hips against her, making her gasp. “No more, Laney, I fucking mean it. No leaving me,” hip thrust, “no hiding shit from me,” hard, slow thrust, “and just me. Mine. For good.” I finish with a grinding circle against her core.

She nods her head. “I promise, Dane.” She raises her shaky hand to my face and strokes my cheek tenderly. “I love you, too.” Pulling my face to her, she kisses me deeply and whispers on my lips, “I’m all yours now. So what are you gonna do with me?”

Finally hearing the words from her, “I love you,” “I’m all yours,” the tension I’ve carried in my body for months vanishes. No more back and forth indecisive “oh what about Evan” bullshit. She’s mine now, she knows it, and after all this time, I can finally say I do, too. I can take the woman I love now and I get to keep her. Releasing her hands, I skim mine down her body, memorizing the feel of every inch. Her hardened nipples poke into my chest, so I take one in my mouth, teasing the other with my fingers.

“Oh God, Dane,” she groans, arching her back like a wet dream.

“Like that, baby?”

“Mhmmm,” she moans, so responsive. Her little hand sneaks to the drawstring of my suit, but I snatch it away. My pants absolutely cannot come off yet or the show’s gonna be over before the opening credits are done. She’s a virgin, and I’d die before I hurt her, so I have to make sure she’s more than ready.

“Not yet.” I kiss along her throat, trailing my fingertips down until they meet her bare, wet center. She lets out a little whimper at the contact, her thighs quivering against me. I suck in a breath; fuck, she’s so sexy.

I tease along the edges of her until her head is thrashing side to side, gradually slipping a finger inside her. She hisses and pushes down against my hand, so I add another.

“D-Dane,” she sputters.

“What, baby?” I bite a nipple gently. “Tell me.”

“I need,” she groans as I increase speed, adding my thumb against her hot button, “oh, oh I need that, just like that, Dane.”

I chuckle; learning sweet Laney is going to be nirvana. “Just like that?” I mock, running my other hand through her hair. I feel her tighten around my fingers, spasming from within. “That’s my girl.” She wails, drawing up her knees, and comes on my hand. It’s the hottest, most erotic thing I’ve ever seen and I can’t wait much longer to be inside her. I kiss, suck, and nibble my way up her belly, paying extra attention to both breasts before taking her mouth feverishly. She runs her hands up and down my back before sliding them under my shorts, digging her fingers into my ass. She pulls my rock-hard groin against her, grinding into me. I refuse to believe all innocents are so good at this; Laney’s a fucking fireball. And she has no clue she’s walking sex; good.

“Dane!” She bites my chin, forcing my attention to her face. “I need you, right now.”

“Baby,” I say as I drop a kiss her forehead, “you can plan our dates, tell me what to wear, run the radio,” I wink, “you can even name our kids one day…after Disney characters even. But in the bedroom, the hot tub, against the wall or basically anywhere I have you naked and wet…let me lead.”

My fingers find her again, thrusting two in unforgivably. “Can you do that for me, Laney? Can you trust me to take care of you?” I curl my fingers up and stroke inside her, drawing a throaty whine from her. “Hmm?”

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