Evolve Series Box Set (63 page)

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“Can we go see him?”

Suffice it to say our heated moment has passed, every part of me already craving the next one.

“Of course.” I grip her hips and help her down, leading her to Sebastian’s stall. “You ever ridden a horse?”

“When I was little, my mother tried to put me in some kind of lessons. But those horses were stuffy,” she wrinkles her nose, “they didn’t run or jump or anything; they just kinda walked around beside the teacher.”

“Did you have to wear the little jacket and hat?” I tease her.

“Ugh, yes.”

I was kidding; my bad.

“Well, Sebastian here loves to run and jump. I’ll show you one day. And he’s a sucker for pretty girls, aren’t ya, boy?” I let him nuzzle my hand. “Look in the bucket over there. He’s really a sucker for pretty girls who give him treats.”

She reaches in the pail and scoops up a handful of honeyed oats, his favorite, extending out her arm as far away from her body as possible. I slide in behind her, pressing up against her. “He won’t hurt you.” I scoot us, as one, closer. “Flatten your hand. It’s okay if some spills, he likes your hand flat.”

“It tickles!” She giggles when Sebastian eats from her hand…I think. I have no idea what’s happening really, having gotten lost in her silky blonde strands and the sweet smell of strawberries.


I love strawberries.



“He ate it all.”

“Oh,” I straighten, “right, okay. You ready to go see the farm then?”


I place her to the side and back the four wheeler out, patting the spot between my legs for her to sit.

“Do I get to drive?” she asks hopefully, blue eyes as clear and bright as I’ve ever seen them.

I’m thinking country looks real good on her.

“We’ll see.” I wink, scooting flush against her once she’s seated. “Hold on tight.”

Now I admit, once again, I’m a bit of a romantic, but any tough guy who thinks he’s not… I’m thinking he’s never given a sexy girl her first farm tour. Every time she gasps, wiggling her little ass into my crotch while she points to some new sight excitedly, well, it does something to a man; I don’t care who you are.

Sharing this with her all but takes away the trace of sadness in me when I get to thinking about Dale. He loved this place, his land and home, and made sure to make it all it could be for his family. I will always miss him, but I know he’s watching (hopefully not the part in the barn earlier) and I know he would get a kick out of my girl here.

I show her the creek, the cows, all the chicken coops and the king of the farm, Mufasa, the Jones’ prize Angus bull. Whitley doesn’t much care for him and begs me to drive away quickly. Next stop--the pig pens. Now this… For this, she jumps off the four wheeler and splashes through the mud. It seems some babies have joined the farm and Whitley spots them right away.

One would think, upon first meeting Whitley, of which even I was guilty, that the only way to get this girl to “oooh” and “ahhhh” would be to take her to Tiffany’s or maybe shoe shopping. But no, all it takes to elicit the sweetest sounds and smiles you’ve ever seen from Whitley Suzanne Thompson are muddy, squealing baby pigs.

When I heard Laney tell Dane she loved him, I thought bullshit, not possible, too soon… I’m not sure what it is I’m feeling right now, but I am sure that I understand Laney’s predicament a tad better now. Maybe your true self only thrives in the accompaniment of the one made to bring it out in you.


“Evan! Come over here and look at these precious little babies!”

I saunter over, not splashing mud everywhere. The vision of Whitley tugs at my heart. She seems blissfully unaware that she’s covered, on her knees in a swamp of…well, pig shit, and that one big sow really wants her to unhand those babies. “Whit, we probably need to go. You’re making their mama real uncomfortable, sugar. ‘Bout time to meet Parker, too, after we get you cleaned up.”

“What do they do with their pigs, Evan?”

They don’t rub them against their cheeks and blow on their bellies, of that I’m sure. She’s definitely not gonna like my answer.

“Well, they sell some,” I rub the back of my neck nervously, “and they…um, some I guess probably serve as food.”

The response you’re expecting, girl goes crazeballs at the thought of her “precious babies” being eaten…that’s exactly what happened. There’s a few tears, some wailing and stomping (all of which I find mesmerizingly hot) but mostly one pissed off, brooding female the whole ride back to the house. She doesn’t smell great, either.




“Feel better?” I ask Whitley as she joins us in the living room, looking perfect once again.

“Yes, much. Thank you, Angie, for letting me use the shower.”

“You bet, honey. I put your clothes in the wash.”

She comes and settles in beside me, smelling like Whit again, so I throw an arm around her and pull her into me side.

“So, Whitley, Evan tells me you have a bone to pick with me?”

Good idea, Parker, poke the sleeping bear with a stick.

Whitley had briefly met Parker and Hayden before heading up to shower, but had yet to unleash her wrath. I warned him though. “No,” Whitley shakes her head, “I thought about it and I understand. I’m not an idiot, or a vegetarian,” she bites her lip, eyes welling up, “but maybe, in this particular case, uh, well, I will buy the whole herd from you!”

Done for. Heart—tapping out.

Parker rolls off the couch, emitting hyena-like hysterical giggles, and Angie and Hayden both cover their mouths, trying not to join him.

I kiss her temple, absolutely enamored. “A herd is cows,” I whisper in her ear. “It’s a litter of pigs, but Whit, where are you gonna keep a bunch of pigs?” Now even I have to stifle a laugh; the thought of Whitley corralling a bunch of pigs just too tempting.

“Whitley, why don’t you come help me?” Hayden stands. “Let’s see what we can come up with for supper.”

“I’ll help too,” Angie says as she rises. “You boys will be lucky to get fed, teasing sweet Whitley like that. Evan, why don’t you invite your parents to come over and eat with us?”

Whitley’s already smiling when I look at her and gives me a slight nod.

“Yes, ma’am,” I reply. If Whit’s comfortable with it, then it sounds great to me. I can’t wait for summer and being home again sans driving back for training, helping Parker on the farm and…damn, I need to find out Whitley’s plans.

I’m not going all summer without her.

Mom and Dad accept immediately, my mother practically leaping through the phone when I inform her she’ll be meeting Whitley. I may have called home a few times and mentioned her. Tonight doesn’t worry me a bit; my parents are the two most loving and accepting people on the planet, but there’s no sense blindsiding anybody.

“You ladies need any help in here?” I ask them in the kitchen. It’s good to see Angie smiling; I think having Hayden around will be very good for her. And wait until a baby comes—I know that’s Parker’s ASAP plan; she’ll be over the moon.

“I think we’ve got it, don’t we, girls?” Hayden wipes her hands on a towel and pours two glasses of tea, handing them to me. “You visit with Parker, Evan. He loves it when you’re home.”

“Whit, you good?”

She turns from the counter where she’s busily cooking, giving me a shaky smile. “Are your parents joining us?”

“Yep, oughta be here any minute. My mama can’t wait to meet you.”

No one else would have caught it, but I do, her fleeting glance down at herself, followed by a lip bite and quick swipe smoothing her hair. “You’re beautiful.” I wink, watching her consideration, then acceptance, before my very eyes.

I hear the tires on the gravel outside and couple farm dogs barking. “That’ll be them pulling up now. Come on, pretty girl.” I hold out my hand, loving how she slips hers in mine without hesitation.

“I’ll be right back,” she tells the other ladies.

“No you won’t,” Angie points out with a smile, “you let us finish this. Charlotte’s not gonna want to share you and we’re not gonna make her.”

“Oh, okay.” Whitley questions me silently and I grin, knowing Angie’s right.

“Come on.” I kiss her nose briskly and pull her out.




“Will we see you at the house tonight?” My mom stops and asks at her door.

“I don’t know.” I look at Whitley, who looks at the ground. “We may stay here, or head back; we hadn’t really thought about it.”

My mom gets a knowing smirk on her face, shushing my dad as he hollers at her to “leave those kids alone and get in the truck, you busybody!”

“Whitley, it was so great to finally meet you; my boy talks about you all the time,” she says, snagging Whit’s little body up in a big hug. “He probably just doesn’t want you to see his room. I swear, it still smells like gym socks. I don’t think that smell will ever go away. Now, you call me the next time you have a performance, because I’m coming to watch. Oh, and make sure Evan brings you down for Mother’s Day, unless you’re going home, of course, cause we have a great big lunch with games, and—”

“Charlotte, I swear I’ll leave you here! Take a breath, you’re gonna scare the girl off!” my father yells again from the cab.

“Oh dear,” a hand flies to her throat, “I haven’t scared you off have I?” My mom’s face is suddenly riddled with worry.

“Not at all.” Whitley giggles and hugs her. “I think you’re wonderful and I will definitely see you soon. Night, Mr. Allen!”

“Good night, Whitley, very nice to meet you, honey,” my dad says, his voice going all soft—sucker.

When they finally pull away, I’m exhausted. I haven’t spoken in probably fifteen minutes, just hanging back and taking it all in. Dinner with my closest friends and family, everyone immersed in love, laughter, good food and healing, Angie happy and smiling, my mother smothering the greatest girl in the world… Yeah, it’s been a damn good, exhausting night.

Whitley, clearly not exhausted, jumps into my arms and I naturally, effortlessly, catch her. “I see why you’re so great. Your parents are amazing!”

“Yeah, they are.” I beam with pride. “But I’m not sure giving my mom your number was the best idea. She may drive you insane. She’s always wanted a daughter.”

Whitley bends back and I grab her waist tighter. “Spin me around,” she says, her voice airy and fascinated as she spreads out her arms and looks up at the sky.

So I spin her, slowly at first, then faster with each of her delighted squeals. When we’re both dizzy, I pull her up against my heaving chest, her cheeks flushed, hair wild and windblown. “Today has been the greatest day of my life,” she exhales in the sexiest voice. “Thank you, Evan, for choosing me and giving me everything I ever wanted.”

Mine too, because of you, God you’re amazing, never leave me…all said back to her in tongues.




“Are you okay?” I’m not feeling my best either, on the road early after spending a night asleep in the hay, Whitley wrapped in my arms. That part was heavenly, but hay bales? Not the most comfortable bed and my body is stiff as hell this morning. But how do you say no when that’s where you land, her lips not letting go… you just don’t.

“Fine, why?”

“I thought I heard your stomach growling or something. You sick? You want me to stop and get you something to eat?”

“No, I’m fine. Just keep going. Maybe we should listen to some music?” She leans over to turn on the radio.

“I heard that Whitley! Are you in pain? Damn babe, I hear you whimpering too.” Panicked, I immediately find a spot to pull over. “What’s wrong, Whit, talk to me, where’s it hurt?” I’m running my hands all over her, searching, when another noise comes and I’m close enough this time to know it didn’t come from her. What the—

“Evan, I’m fine, really,” she pleads, “let’s just get back on the road and get home. And music! I am really in the mood for some loud jams to wake me up. I know, play my ringtone song for me!”

Who is she trying to play right now? Not this guy, and I’m so hoping I’m wrong right now.

As my head turns to look behind the seats, Whitley’s hand flies up to turn that same head back to her. “Kiss me, Evan, right now,” she demands, doing her best to sound sexy through her alarm.

Not falling for it, I lean up and over, lifting the blanket. And there, just as I realized moments ago there would be, is a baby piglet…staring up at me.

“Whitley Suzanne Thompson! You smuggled one of their pigs?”

“Smuggled is such a harsh word. I prefer acquired, and yes, I acquired this little piggy, who shall now be referred to as Tiny.”

“Tiny for a couple months,” I scoff, “then not so tiny. Whitley, you can’t keep this thing. It’s gonna get big. And messy.”

“I already thought of that.” She crosses her arms, chin rising in defiance. “When Tiny needs more room, I’ll rent a no kill zone from Parker and go for visits.”

That might actually work. Parker would never charge her, and if she asks, he’ll house her his pig for her. And…what better way to spend her summer than back home with her pig, and me. I’m liking this ridiculous plan better and better every second.

It overwhelms me, that feeling inside that I can barely contain, screaming and making me want to scale buildings and fly. “Get over here,” I growl and reach for her. “You’re the cutest damn thing I’ve ever seen in my life. I just wanna eat you up.”

“Mmm. I’m gonna hold you to that.”





Full Circle





Life is good.

The Lady Eagles are 28-12 and the team’s free as birds Mother’s Day Sunday, so it’s time for me to go see my mom with Dane. Sam has started her pre-in vitro shots and my dad had a date with Rosemary, the receptionist at his work, last weekend!

And Evan, sweet and wonderful Evan, walks into Algebra every week with a smile on his face, a spring in his step, and a whistle on his lips. Seeing him happy sets my soul free and our friendship—I think it might just be okay.

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