Exception to the Rules (14 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Morris

BOOK: Exception to the Rules
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“I see.”

“And also, I’m thinking we’ve experienced something pretty intimate so that should make it easier for you to answer my questions.”

“I wouldn’t be so certain about that.”

“You don’t think this was a profound moment?”

She gave him her
“You’ve got to be kidding”
look. “I’m not positive what this new level of closeness will do. What if I’m more reserved?”

Having finally regulated his breathing, Bas rolled over onto his side, propping his head up on one hand. “You think so? Well, let’s test your theory. What’s the most exotic fantasy you’ve ever had?”

“I thought we’d discussed fantasies.”

“We have, but we’ve barely scratched the surface.”


“Work with me. I want to know the naughtiest, most wicked thoughts you’ve ever had. The one that would get you arrested in every city but Las Vegas.”

She laughed. “As if I would tell you.”

He frowned with mock disappointment. “You said you would share everything. You gave me your word.”

“Some things are better left unknown.”

“Uh-huh. I can’t believe you. No way. You chickening out on me like this. I thought you were brave and willing to face a challenge head on, but sadly, I see I was mistaken.” He let his head drop to his forearm. “And after I’ve given you the best of everything I have.”

She fought to keep from rolling her eyes. “Give me a break.”

“Oh, no. Don’t try to take it all back now. The connection between us has been severed permanently.” He put his palm to his chest. “I’m wounded to the core.”

“Okay. Okay. I’ll make a deal with you. You tell me your deepest and darkest fantasy, and then I’ll tell you mine.”

His head was up in a second, resting once again on his hand. “Truly?”

“You are completely incorrigible. You know that?”

“Yes, but at least I’m determined.”

She arched a dark brow in his direction. “Tell me this. Even if you do tell me something raunchy and sexually explicit, how will I know if it’s the most wicked one you have? Maybe you have a whole slew of wild fantasies, and you’re telling me one of the tame ones just to put the squeeze on me.”

“Have I been dishonest with you up until this point?”

“How am I supposed to know that?”

“Let me help you out. No, I haven’t, and I never will.”

“That’s what you say.”

“I just think this is your way of wimping out.”

“You could be right.”

“That’s not fair.”

“Well, Bas, I hate to be the one who tells you this, but life is often not fair.”

He got that Oscar winning astonished look again. “What? Tell me it isn’t so.”

“No can do.”

“That sucks.”

“Yes, it does. But we have to deal with it.”

He studied her for long moment. “As much as I hate to, we’re going to have to postpone this conversation just a few. You stay put. Don’t move an inch.”

She exhaled dramatically. “I’ll do my best, but I make no guarantees.”

Bas slid off the bed and headed for the bathroom while she boldly stared at his cute butt. When the bathroom door closed, she let her head rest against the pillow once more and closed her eyes.

There was no questioning the fact that she’d just had the best sex ever. No competition, hands down. She’d experienced intense moments... Unimaginable. But also frightening.

When he’d withdrawn from her, she’d felt as if she’d lost some part of herself. Surely that wasn’t supposed to happen during casual sex. Even before now, with men she really liked, there had been a feeling of relief when it was over. She’d never been the cuddling type and had often been accused of being like a guy when it came to that sort of thing. That’s why she never brought men back to her place. Because she always felt the need to make a quick getaway. But with Bas, she didn’t want to leave his embrace. She wouldn’t have pushed him away if he’d wanted to stay longer to cuddle. Strange. Alarming.

Her gaze traveled to the door. The most concerning thing about him wasn’t this, although it came close, but the fact that as hard as she tried, she couldn’t find anything wrong with him. Perfection didn’t exist. No one she’d ever encountered was near perfect. So what was his vice? Did he hide behind his research? Was he commitment phobic? Did his relationships really dissolve because they weren’t meant to be, or did he change when he fell in love?

It was something to consider. Not that it really mattered that much, because there was no way in heck she was going to get seriously involved with him, but still. It was absolutely confusing. Perhaps, if it were a different time in her life, she’d want to figure it all out. However, right now, she’d better keep her focus clear. Casual sex was casual sex. Even mind-altering sex. Not anything more.

She sat up, and looked at the remaining material of her torn satin panties bunched around one leg. Taking them off, she threw them into the trashcan as she went to the closet and got her robe. It was late. She’d better get some rest. Tomorrow was going to be a busy day.


* * * *


Sebastian ran his hand through his hair, impatient to get back to Gaea, whether it was to pick up their discussion or something more physical, although the conversation so far had certainly piqued his interest. He couldn’t stop thinking about what had just happened. Hell, it was the most passionate encounter he could ever remember. Maybe it was the prolonged days of foreplay, but he wasn’t all too certain. Something was transpiring between them, but he was about to try to define it. What he needed was further investigation. Some hands-on research. His favorite kind. He hadn’t been dishonest when he said this was a good thing. With Gaea, the expectation into her mind, her sexual character, her method of approach, would definitely be enlightening. Revealing. Intriguing. He couldn’t wait to begin, and not just with questions about her fantasies, but her inspiration, her viewpoint on the male gender, and anything else he could uncover about her entire being.

To be able to get to know someone that well would be life altering. There was no doubt in his mind. He’d gotten to know a few women very well. Helena and Linda for, certain, however, neither of them had incited this level of interest. By some wild shot of chance, he’d been given complete access to someone who not only stimulated him physically, but intellectually and emotionally as well. It was like discovering a rare work of art, a perfect, unmarred stash of infinite wealth, ready to be analyzed piece by piece.

He made his way across the dark living room, his pace increasing as he neared the bedroom. Only, when he arrived at the door, he saw the empty bed. A flash of color caught his eye and he turned to find Gaea standing by the TV, her robe tied tightly at her waist, her arms folded over her chest.

The vivacious woman he’d left the bed had vanished, substituted by someone he didn’t know. Quiet, withdrawn, aloof. What had happened in the short time that he’d been away?

She smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes, full of caution.

“Is something wrong?”

“No. I just saw what time it is. I’m not going to have many nights where I can get a good night’s sleep, so I’d better take advantage of it.”

Even her voice sounded different. He felt exposed and defenseless standing in front of her, so he went to the mound of his clothes he’d so carelessly discarded on the floor near the bed. Bas pulled on his pants before he turned to face her, using the time to collect his thoughts, shoving his fury aside so he could try to comprehend this peculiar turn of events.

When he faced her again, it occurred to him that she’d experienced the shock he had, and this was her way of handling it. That had to be it.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” she asked.

“No reason. You are actually right. Plenty of rest is exactly what you need. I know you have a lot left to do this week.”

The tension in her shoulder dissipated. “Not that what we just shared—”

“I know. So did I. You’re incredible. But the priority is the campaign, and I’m here to make sure nothing interferes with that. So why don’t you go get ready for bed? The bathroom is all yours.”

“Oh, um, good.” Her smile faltered and for a second, he thought she was back, but then she set her shoulders, averting her gaze. “Thank you.”

“No problem.”

Gaea walked past him, sure not to get too close. And then she was gone.

More let down than he cared to admit, he picked up his clothes and headed for the living room. His gaze traveled to the closed bathroom door. Bas threw the articles in his arms onto the floor beside the couch and tossed the pillows on top of them. He pulled the bed out so hard the entire couch moved, but he didn’t care.

So he’d cut her some slack. She was afraid. He understood. His mother would be pleased. So why was he so ticked off? He’d been given the short end of the stick. Even though he comprehended the reason, read the fear in Gaea’s body language, it didn’t matter. He’d been more elated than he could ever remember being just a few minute ago, ecstatic as a kid on his birthday getting ready to open his gifts.

Which had just been taken away.

He got undressed again, slipping into a pair of shorts, then waited a moment to see if she would come out of the bathroom, and maybe... But a few seconds turned into a minute and a minute turned into several, and after a while, he didn’t care whether she came out or not.

Bas crawled under the covers and beat his pillow until it had the perfect indentation for his head. Bas heard the bathroom door open, saw the light behind his eyelids fade as she slipped the switch, heard the soft footpads as she crossed the carpet to her bedroom. Even though she tried to mute it, he could hear the click of the door as she shut him out.

It was a long, long time before sleep came.

Chapter Twelve


Gaea looked up into the darkness above her. For all her insistence that she needed a good night’s sleep, she certainly wasn’t getting one. The last time she’d glanced at the clock, it had been one-thirty. She’d tried her best to keep her eyes closed, did some relaxation exercises, but her thoughts kept returning to Bas and how she’d handled things.

She could tell he was upset. Not that she blamed him. Talk about being wishy-washy. The poor guy hadn’t had any sort of warning. On the other hand, it was probably best that she’d called their sex-fest to an end. It didn’t feel like the right thing to do, but that’s only because it had been such a long time since she’d made love. So long, that somehow, she’d forgotten how much she enjoyed it. If she didn’t know any better, she’d have sworn making love with Bas was an entirely different experience than anything she’d done before, but that was crazy. The atmosphere, the conversation at dinner, the hotel suite, all had come together to turn the night into something extraordinary. And to be honest about it, she really did like Bas. He was a wonderful guy, and had it been a different time in her life...

Oh damn it to hell and back.

Gaea rolled over and hit her pillow. It didn’t help. Even she was stupefied by her own excuses. She liked the guy. Loved making love with him. Gaea wanted more. Was it actually possible to have? Bas
her career? Could she have missed a clue along the way that would prove she’d been completely wrong?

Gaea tried to think of one person, one woman who’d had a gratifying love life in junction with a notable career. Her mind drew blank for several minutes, and when she did finally think of someone, an account manager she’d met at a huge networking event, she remembered Ursula and her boyfriend living in separate cities, her in Texas, him in Florida. Maybe that was the trick—distance. Maybe she could have the same sort of set up with Bas. Actual distance would work. They lived in the same state, practically the same city. Maybe they could agree not to see each other but once every month or so.

Rolling over, she felt the first ray of hope in the long night. This just might work. As long as they agreed not to contact each other during the interim. Act as though they were honestly separated by a few states.

The more she thought about it, the more it seemed like a good idea. He would be a respite, a treat, a prize for hard work. Bas could focus on his consulting jobs or come up with more research projects and not have to worry about a significant other. She could dive into building her successful career and not be sidetracked.

Gaea smiled. This just may be the best idea she’d ever had, better even than the concept for the Marcella Girardi fashion campaign.

Talk about having it all. This could be the solution to everything.

The compulsion was to get up right then and race out to the living room. But she wasn’t going to take a chance of waking him. Besides, it was a little too soon to present the scenario. He might not see the perfection of the plan. She’d be patient, see if the two of them continued to go as well they had. But at least she didn’t feel she had to keep him at arm’s length. As a matter of fact, the more they connected now, the easier it would be to get him with the program.

She exhaled with relief, found a comfortable position, and let her mind wander. Her life was good, and so was sex.

Yes, it was.


* * * *


It wasn’t the yellow cab Kallie had expected. Instead, Dax picked her up in one of the service cars that had been assigned to the models for the fashion campaign, which was perfectly okay with her. He could have ridden up on a bicycle, and she’d have been thrilled.

He looked delicious in worn jeans and a blue golf shirt. His hair was still a little damp, but still looked extremely tempting. Kallie pulled her apartment door closed, and when she turned to look at him, his smile made her feel as if it was all of her best days rolled up into one.

“You look beautiful,” he said.

No way in the world would she admit that she’d tried on every piece of clothing in her closet before choosing  the pale pink cap sleeve dress. Kallie didn’t want to wear any of the froufrou clothes she’d brought for this week’s events, but she didn’t want to wear jeans.

“I didn’t know where we were going,” she murmured.

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