Excess All Areas (12 page)

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Authors: Mandy Baggot

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Leather seats, an in-car DVD system, drinks cabinet and multicoloured mood lights made the car more of a house on wheels. It didn’t impress Freya, but that didn’t stop her wanting to press all the buttons. She chose the button in the centre of the cherry veneer panel and suddenly the speakers vibrated loudly and the whole car was filled with the sound of Barry White.

Freya panicked. She couldn’t get it to stop no matter which button she tried. It was so loud it was hurting her ears. She had no choice but to bang on the dividing screen in the hope of assistance.

Roger’s face appeared and before she had a chance to say anything he shouted to her.

Square button on the door to stop and the dial for volume control.’

Freya hurriedly turned down the music to a more subtle level.

And if I’ve had enough of Barry White?’ Freya enquired.

Can you ever have too much of the Walrus of Love?’ Roger asked her.

I’ve lasted a minute or so and believe me I’m all Barryed out,’ Freya replied.

Flip open the panel in front of you and there is a list of CDs to select from,’ Roger informed her.

Got any 50 Cent?’ Freya asked him with a grin.

Most probably,’ he responded and the dividing screen slid back into position again.

Freya, feeling rebellious, selected Guns ‘n’ Roses and opened the drinks cabinet. There was a wide selection of wines, beers and spirits and Freya chose a brandy. She unscrewed the bottle and took a swig.

The back door opened suddenly and Nicholas slipped into the seat beside her. He was wearing khaki coloured linen trousers and a beige linen shirt with brown leather sandals. It was a smart, yet casual outfit and Freya noted that he was wearing a rather fragrant aftershave that her nose did not disapprove of.

Starting without me? Pass me a Jack Daniels,’ Nicholas said to her, noticing the small bottle of brandy in her hand.

Here. The measures are too small by the way. You should complain,’ Freya responded, finishing up her drink and passing him one.

You’re right, but I usually have two. OK Mikey, let’s go,’ Nicholas spoke, pressing the intercom which connected to the front of the car.

I’m still mad by the way,’ Freya stated as the car set off.

I expected nothing less. Guns ‘n’ Roses, good choice,’ Nicholas commented with a nod.















It took no more than five minutes to arrive at Harry’s Place as it was only a mile out of the village. The car pulled up outside and Freya went to get out. Nicholas touched her arm to stop her.

Hang on. Let a guy do things properly,’ he spoke, opening his door.

You aren’t going to hold the door open for me are you?’ Freya exclaimed with a laugh.

And what if I am?’

This is the twenty first century. You don’t need to do that any more. The world is so over Charles Dickens or didn’t you know?’ Freya continued.

Well Dickensian or not I like to treat a lady properly, so you will sit there and let me do this,’ Nicholas insisted.

Freya didn’t reply. She knew he was trying to charm her and she couldn’t help but wonder whether he treated all the women he dated to this performance, or just the ones he took bets on.

Nicholas opened the door and took her hand to help her out of the car.

Now, wasn’t that nice?’ he remarked, smiling at her.

Yes I feel so much more of a lady now. If only I’d remembered my silk gloves and dance card,’ Freya responded.

Shall we?’ Nicholas asked and he offered her his arm.

Freya took it and they headed towards the door of the restaurant.

Roger’s coming in with us, but he won’t sit with us. He’s very discreet, you’ll hardly notice him,’ Nicholas told her as he opened the door for her.

He can sit with us if he likes. He’s quite amusing,’ Freya replied.

So now you want to date Roger as well as Bruce Willis?’ Nicholas asked her.

Not at the same time obviously, because that would be rude and very unladylike,’ Freya answered.

Before Nicholas could make further comment, Harry came out to greet them in the foyer. He was a short, rotund man with grey hair and glasses and he had a smile as wide as the River Tyne.

Freya! Hello pet, don’t you look well?’ he greeted in his broad Geordie accent.

You look well too Harry. Is Margot here?’ Freya enquired, speaking of Harry’s wife.

No, not tonight pet. She’s sorry to be missing you, but she’s gone to Corfu Town with some of her girl pals for a meal and a show,’ Harry informed her.

Well maybe I’ll pop up and see her later in the week,’ Freya spoke.

She would like that. Hello Nick, nice to see you again,’ Harry said and shook Nicholas by the hand.

Hi Harry. So is everything arranged?’ Nicholas asked him.

Yes, just like you asked for. I’ll show you to your table,’ Harry said.

Harry led the way through the main restaurant where several people were dining. There were plenty of whispers and nudges the moment Nicholas, Freya and Roger walked amongst them.

Harry led them to the courtyard outside where all the tables had been cleared away, except for half a dozen. They had been put together to form one larger table. It was set with a white tablecloth, candles and a dozen white roses. It was the most beautiful table setting Freya had ever seen. There was also a cooler, housing champagne, stood next to the table.

Nicholas smiled as he saw Freya’s face light up.

Right, you’re all set. I’ll start bringing out the food in about fifteen minutes,’ Harry spoke.

That will be perfect,’ Nicholas replied.

Harry left them and Nicholas turned to Roger.

I’ll be just inside, sampling some of the stew. Just call me if you need anything,’ Roger said to him.

Thanks Roger,’ Nicholas replied.

Freya walked up to the table and inhaled deeply as she smelt the roses. They were gorgeous and smelt velvety, soft and sweet. She had always loved the outside eating area at Harry’s. It had a pergola style roof with flowering vines making a leafy canopy and there were lantern style lights suspended from it. At the height of the summer season Harry had live music in this area and when Freya had worked there the events had been extremely popular.

You like the table?’ Nicholas asked her as he stood beside her.

It’s very nice. So did you actually do any work today or did you spend the whole time thinking of ways to impress me?’ Freya wanted to know.

Am I impressing you?’ he asked her.

Is there more to come?’

You’ll have to wait and see.’

Then I’ll let you know at the end of the night,’ Freya answered.

She sat down at the table and let Nicholas pour her some champagne. He sat opposite her and raised his glass.

To our first date,’ Nicholas toasted.

May it not end in tears,’ Freya added as she raised her glass and knocked it against his.

Right, so where shall we start? A first date is usually about getting to know one another so do you want to begin? Ladies first after all,’ Nicholas suggested.

You want to know about me,’ Freya spoke, taking a sip of champagne.

Yes, of course,’ he replied.

I’m pretty much what you see is what you get. Where would you like me to start?’ Freya asked.

I don’t know. Start where you feel comfortable. Put it this way, I was going to skip mentioning my alcohol and prostitute addiction and my bit part in
Katie does Kansas
,’ Nicholas told her.

Again, not sure if you are joking or being serious,’ Freya replied.

I’ll keep you guessing. So tell me about your job. You’re a photographer right?’ Nicholas spoke.

Yes, I suppose I gave it away rushing out to snap the sunset last night,’ Freya answered.

Well there was that and the fact that Emma told us. So what’s your speciality?’ Nicholas asked her.

Weddings and schools. That’s what pays the bills. Occasionally I get referred to more illustrious clients and get to travel,’ Freya told him.

But what’s your favourite subject? What are you passionate about? I presume there must have been something that sparked your interest in photography,’ Nicholas asked her.

It’s the only thing I’ve ever been any good at. I prefer to take photos of scenes rather than people if I’m honest. Seascapes, coastlines, grassland, the sky - and sunsets are a big thing of mine,’ Freya answered.

Why was she telling him this? He wasn’t really interested, it was just small talk. But something was driving her to answer his questions.

So why not concentrate on the things you enjoy? Why the weddings and schoolchildren?’ Nicholas wanted to know.

Like I said, it pays the bills and you have to be really talented to make a living out of the other stuff. I don’t think I’m quite that good,’ Freya told him.

Well perhaps you just haven’t been discovered by the right person yet,’ Nicholas suggested.

Maybe. So what about you? Why an actor? Did you put on performances for the local neighbourhood at the age of three and dress yourself up as Robin Hood or something?’ Freya asked.

I could tell you that but it wouldn’t be true. I had no interest in acting at three or any other age; I was too interested in playing ice hockey. That was my big thing,’ Nicholas told her.

So why aren’t you an ice hockey player?’ Freya enquired.

I gave it up. After my parents died I pretty much gave up everything. I was at Harvard, studying law and I was doing well, but when my parents died I dropped out. When I think back on it now, it really wasn’t me anyhow. I might have made a good lawyer, but it would have bored me stupid,’ Nicholas spoke.

I’m sorry, about your parents. Was it an accident or something?’ Freya wanted to know, genuinely interested.

Yeah, a truck ran a red light. They didn’t stand a chance. My little brother was in the car too and he thankfully came out of it without a scratch,’ Nicholas replied.

Well thank God for that,’ Freya responded.

Yeah, he was very lucky. Anyway, although there was life insurance it wasn’t enough to put us both through school so I dropped out and got a job. I did anything just to get food on the table and make sure Matt had everything he needed, just like my mom and dad would have done. First I was a cab driver, then I was a barman, then I was a chef but they found out I couldn’t really cook, so then I was a waiter. One day, this guy comes into the restaurant and hands me a business card and tells me he’s auditioning people for an advertisement for Cheesy Twangers,’ Nicholas spoke.

Cheesy what?’ Freya queried with a laugh.

Cheesy Twangers. They are this disgusting tasting potato chip, in production for about a year and I’ve never seen a packet since. Anyway, I got the job and believe me the commercial was far more cheesy than the chips. After that I got a phone call and was invited to audition for a small part in a movie called
The Devil’s Curse
. And that was my first movie and my big break,’ Nicholas explained.

I don’t remember seeing that film,’ Freya admitted.

Don’t watch it! It’s terrible and I have a freaky hairstyle. God knows what anyone saw in my performance to offer me other roles but they did and the rest, as they say, is history,’ Nicholas concluded.

It was just as he finished that Harry and two of his waiters brought out huge platters of food.

I wasn’t sure what you liked so I ordered everything,’ Nicholas told her.

You’re kidding! I know I like my food but there are over fifty dishes on Harry’s menu,’ Freya exclaimed.

Sixty six - if you’re counting sides,’ Nicholas answered.

It was at least five minutes before Harry and his team had finished putting the food on the table.

This is a feast isn’t it?’ Nicholas remarked as he surveyed the table.

I can’t believe you ordered the whole menu. Why?’ Freya exclaimed.

Why not? Shall we start? I’m kind of hungry,’ Nicholas remarked and he began helping himself to the food.

Yeah me too,’ Freya agreed.

They filled their plates up with a variety of dishes and began to eat. All the food was delicious and the champagne was also slipping down nicely. Freya had almost forgotten that this date was fake. Almost, but not quite.

Do you enjoy what you do or is there something inside you that really wishes you were still driving a cab?’ Freya asked him as she ate some bread and

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