Excess All Areas (6 page)

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Authors: Mandy Baggot

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I had every faith in Agatha. She’s promised me a wedding dress one day,’ Emma admitted with a smile.

Does that mean that you and Yiannis have talked about it?’ Freya enquired.

We’ve spoken about it but it’s difficult. We don’t have that much money and we’d really like a place of our own. Mr and Mrs P are great, but living with your boyfriend’s parents isn’t ideal,’ Emma said.

Living with my
parents was never ideal, let alone living with someone else’s. Come to think of it, living with someone else’s would have been a whole lot better,’ Freya responded.

We’re saving up for a place but it takes time. The restaurant’s doing really well, but the money’s all tied up,’ Emma continued.

You’ll get there,’ Freya assured her.

I know, but I’m almost thirty now and I don’t want to leave it too late. I did want to be married before we had children,’ Emma spoke.

Marriage, children and here I am single again,’ Freya commented with a sigh.

Freya, I’m sorry. God how insensitive am I? I shouldn’t be thinking about me, I should be thinking about you,’ Emma exclaimed.

Don’t be stupid. All you’ve done since I’ve arrived is think about me. It was a good job I didn’t marry and have kids with Russell wasn’t it? If he thought I was large now, he would have had a shock if I’d got pregnant,’ Freya told her.

Emma couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

Have you spoken to him yet?’ Emma asked.

No, no battery left. Can I borrow your phone charger later?’ Freya asked.

Of course.’

Thanks. I may as well hear what the idiot has to say for himself in all those messages he’s left. So, seeing as I’m all kitted out and it’s only eleven, what are we going to do now? It’s a bit early for lunch isn’t it?’ Freya asked, checking her watch.

Oh yes, far too early and we’ve got other stuff to do yet, like dying your hair and having it cut and sorting out those nails of yours,’ Emma told her.

What? Well hang on, where are we going? I hope it’s not too far, because these bags aren’t conducive to long distances and it’s nearly the midday sun. I’m in jeans and you know I perspire like a weight lifter,’ Freya called as she tried to hurry along and catch her friend up.



Emma introduced Freya to Helena, who cut and dyed her hair, and Sophia who manicured her nails and gave them a French polish.

Freya looked almost unrecognizable from the pale, jaded and dejected red-haired individual who had arrived at Corfu airport the night before. Firstly, she was smiling and secondly, it felt great to be able to pamper herself and do it all with her best friend.

After the hairdressers the two women settled themselves at a café in the Liston and ordered lunch.

The Liston was an arcaded street which had been designed during the French occupation of the island back in the nineteenth century. The restaurants were expensive but it was worth the extra cost to sit amongst the beautiful surroundings and watch the world pass by.

So how do you feel now? Better than when you arrived?’ Emma questioned.

Do I feel better? Hmm, I’m sat in Corfu Town at a nice café, about to eat a tasty chicken
with my best friend, having spent the morning being pampered in every way. Yes, I think I’m feeling better. So, does blonde suit me?’ Freya asked her, looking down over her glasses.

Very much so and I’m so glad you’re having a good time,’ Emma replied.

Well that’s why I run away here when I lose the plot and not somewhere like Grimsby,’ Freya spoke.

I’m glad you came. I do miss you you know,’ Emma admitted a little emotionally.

Hey is everything OK? Is there something you’ve been leaving out of our phone conversations you want to share now?’ Freya asked her.

No, I just miss seeing you like we used to before I moved out here. I don’t have that many friends here. I mean there are a few girls at the office but we’re always so busy, there’s hardly any time to socialise,’ Emma continued with a deep breath.

But you’ve got Yiannis, that’s got to be better than having me around,’ Freya reminded her.

I know but there are some things you can only tell your best friend - as you know,’ Emma said.

Well I’m here now and I’m going to stay a while, have a proper holiday,’ Freya decided.












That evening the dilemma was which one of her new outfits to wear out to the restaurant.

Freya had arrived back at the Calypso Apartments at just before 4.00pm and had felt completely shattered. She’d felt like she was suffering from a lack of sleep but the pool had looked so inviting she had raced back to her room, changed into a swimming costume and got into the water. It had felt even better than it looked - cool, fresh and rejuvenating. A few lengths dodging the ten or so extremely loud children playing water polo had been just what she needed to get her ready for a siesta. A siesta that had lasted for three hours.

Now she was panicking, because she was due to meet Emma and Yiannis in half an hour at Banas Restaurant. And now, with so many wardrobe choices, it was difficult to decide what to wear.

She had borrowed Emma’s phone charger when they arrived back in Kassiopi. Her mobile now had a full battery and was ready to go. She had called her assistant Simon and told him to take care of things while she was away and she’d listened to the messages from Russell. Surprisingly, despite the number of missed calls, there were only three.

Hi Babe, I’m here at the restaurant. It’s nearly half past one now, so give me a ring as soon as you can. You’ve obviously been held up I guess.


Hi Hon, it’s seven o' clock now. I’ve been trying your phone and the office since this afternoon. I’m worried about you. Could you give me a ring as soon as you get this, let me know you’re OK. Love you Babe.


Hi Freya, I don’t know whether you got my other messages or the missed calls but - have I done something to upset you? If I’ve done or said something or you want to shout at me for some reason just give me a call and we can talk about it. I love you.


He sounded almost genuinely concerned in the first two messages but the third sounded guilt ridden.

Freya had phoned him just ten minutes ago and had reached his voicemail.


Russell, this is your large girlfriend, you know, the plain one you’ve wasted a year and a half of your life with. Just to let you know that I’m fine. I’m with someone who cares about me and is loyal and faithful to me - something which I don’t think you have been. Don’t ring me again, don’t ring Simon at the office and get your things out of my flat. I never want to see you again.


Freya smiled as she remembered the satisfaction she had felt when she’d hung up. Talking things over with Emma had definitely helped her to clarify her feelings. Now for a clothes decision. The black trousers and green halter neck top, without a doubt.

She wore high-heeled black sandals with sequins on and picked up the matching handbag. Looking at herself in the full length mirror she could see a change. Now all she had to do was
that change. She had done it before, she could do it again.

Banas Restaurant was only a few minutes walk from the Calypso Apartments and it was just after 8.30pm when Freya arrived there to find Emma already waiting for her.

Styled by Agatha! Now get ready to fill the room with your light,’ Emma spoke as Freya joined her.

Don’t joke. Agatha was completely serious about my light! Where’s Yiannis?’ Freya questioned, noticing immediately that Emma’s boyfriend was absent.

He had to work. One of the waiters is sick and he couldn’t get cover. He’s really sorry, he was really looking forward to seeing you,’ Emma told her.

still going out with him aren’t you? It’s just I haven’t seen him since I landed,’ Freya commented.

I know, I know, but I thought we could maybe go back to Petroholis Restaurant for late night drinks,’ Emma suggested.

That sounds like a great idea,’ Freya agreed.

Good. Well, let’s go and have a birthday meal,’ Emma said excitedly, taking Freya’s arm.

Have I got a balloon on my chair? Tell me I have a balloon on my chair,’ Freya spoke as they entered the restaurant.

Banas was an extremely popular restaurant in Kassiopi, due to its location on the edge of Kalamionas beach. It served high quality international cuisine and was also famed for being in the perfect position to watch the sunset. It was always a spectacle.

The restaurant was busy and the women had to wait for one of the dozen or so waiters to come and attend to them.

Emma spoke to the waiter in Greek explaining that they had booked Freya’s favourite table. The waiter immediately began to look flustered and started to shuffle from foot to foot looking uncomfortable. Although Freya’s Greek was pretty limited, she could sense that something wasn’t quite right.

What’s going on? Why is he looking like that?’ Freya asked Emma.

There’s a problem with the table. He’s going to get the manager,’ Emma told Freya.

What sort of problem? A wobbly leg? Someone still sat there from the first sitting? We can wait a bit, perhaps have some complimentary drinks for the inconvenience,’ Freya said, looking forward to the evening.

It sounded slightly more terminal than that but we’ll see what the manager has to say,’ Emma said with a sigh.

Terminal? You mean - hang on, I can just see our table and there is someone on it! There’s a whole party taking up three tables, including ours,’ Freya announced as she looked through into the restaurant.

Mmm he mumbled something about that, but don’t worry, the manager will be here in a minute and I’m sure he will sort something out,’ Emma said calmly.

Hang on a minute, I don’t believe it! Do you know who’s sat at our table? Bloody Nicholas Kaden and there’s his minion who tried to buy my rolls! That man has completely taken over the village!’ Freya exclaimed in anger.

She stared over at the table and could just see Nicholas Kaden, dressed in a white shirt, open at the neck, looking older than she had remembered him looking in the last DVD she’d rented. He looked slim, yet muscular and there was no denying he was handsome. However, as Freya looked at him, all she felt was irritation. Who did he think he was? She had been in Corfu less than twenty four hours and already he had made a nuisance of himself and inconvenienced her in many ways. Now he and his film buddies had taken her table, the sunset table, the table she loved - the table Emma had booked especially for her birthday. Freya’s temper was rising rapidly. If there was one thing she could not stand it was people with inflated egos thinking they were better than anyone else. She had spent her life running away from people like that! Just because he was an actor who happened to get his face on the front of magazines he did not have the right to stamp all over her and pinch a table they had reserved.

Emma was now talking to the manager of Banas and Freya demanded to know what was being said.

Are they going to be finished soon? On their desserts are they?’ Freya questioned the manager.

Freya he says he’s sorry. Apparently they booked for six people originally and then turned up with more,’ Emma attempted to explain.

Well that isn’t our fault. So what’s he going to do about it?’ Freya asked, becoming more riled by the second.

As I have said to your friend, I can only apologise and offer you a table tomorrow night, with some free drinks,’ the manager told her.

I know it’s not the same but I could make tomorrow night if Yiannis can manage without me at the restaurant,’ Emma told her, trying to make the best of the situation.

No I’m sorry, that won’t do. Excuse me,’ Freya said.

Before anyone could stop her she headed off into the restaurant, walking swiftly past other tables in the direction of Nicholas Kaden.

He was oblivious to Freya’s approach. He was sat next to a super-slim, super-blonde haired woman, who wasn’t wearing very much, and Freya could see they had just started their main course. He was laughing at something that had been said to him by one of the men sat opposite. It was only when he had finished laughing that he noticed his bodyguard was now standing at the table next to a blonde-haired woman in a green top, preparing to escort her away.

Get off me!’ Freya shrieked, flapping her arms so as to relieve herself from the bodyguard’s grasp.

Roger, it’s OK. If she wants an autograph I’m quite happy to do it,’ Nicholas Kaden spoke hurriedly as he watched Freya attempting to rid herself of the tall, black man.

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