Read Executive Perks Online

Authors: Angela Claire

Executive Perks (23 page)

BOOK: Executive Perks
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“What a good little girl you’ve been all this time, sticking to guys who don’t even know how to eat your pussy. No wonder you weren’t getting any. Well, that’s all over now. Professor Winston’s here to see to it you learn everything you need to. And maybe we’ll get a little extra help on that score. Maybe we can find another guy to fuck you up that sweet, tight pussy while I teach you how to take it up the ass—”

She struggled.

“Surely you’ve heard of that. A
ménage a trois
. Two on one. You get the idea. It’s not usually my first choice, seeing as how I hate to share, but chicks love it and if you’re very good—”

She got away from him with one furious jerk, pushing him back. He laughed, running his fingers under the nearby shower head of steaming water and then sticking his hands in his hair, slicking it back. He reached for the bar of soap in the alcove near the shower head and turned his back on her. “Go home, Virginia. I’m tired of playing with you. You think I’m kidding or trying to shock you? You think I haven’t done every one of those things and more?” The soap was running along his sides and down his legs as he rubbed vigorously, working up a thick lather. He stood directly under the spout, flinging the soap across the room violently and then crossing his arms over his chest.

“I’m not shocked,” she said in a small voice.

“Like hell,” he muttered.

She didn’t know why she kept trying, but she did. She didn’t want to walk away from him like this. “Sex is…sex is more than that. Or it can be.”

“How the fuck would you know?”

She turned into him, winding her arms around his neck. “Because I’ve met you.”

He pushed her against the wall, but at the last minute flipped her around again. His hands slid down to her hips and he tilted her up to him and slid, smooth as could be, not into where he’d threatened, but into the hot wet passage that had prepared itself for him and she relished it. She braced her palms against the tiled wall as he pulled his cock back and then drove in again. Hard. She let out a little moan as he put his palm on her back, pushing her down so she was angled farther out. Abruptly, he pulled out of her and kicked a nearby bench in their direction. Without preliminaries, he bent her over it, placing her hands on the scarred wood, her bottom sticking out toward him. And he thrust his hard cock right back into her wet depths.

It felt so good. How could it feel so good even when she knew, could almost feel like a palpable thing, how angry he still was?

“Oh yeah, you met me and I’m good for a nice hard fuck, aren’t I?” He punctuated his words with precise, practiced strokes, pulling her hips and then pushing them out at just the right rhythm, the shower head still close enough to rain water down on them as he stood between her open legs. He moved one hand from her hip to her clit, playing with her, never ceasing the thrusting of his cock, in and out of her. “You held out as long as you could, but when you finally gave in to it, you saw how much you wanted it. And girls like you always get what they want, don’t they? But I need to stay in my place. Fuck you where you want to be fucked and when you want to be fucked.” He whispered the words into her ear as he expertly demonstrated his finesse, more practiced and controlled than he had been with her in the funeral home.

Her head lowered as he moved to kiss her neck. “Aaron, I didn’t mean—”

“Shhh,” he murmured with a hard, deep stroke.

She came, faster than she would have thought possible, just from some movement he made, hitting some deep, deep spot within her.

He kept going, even as she tried to pull away. “No, no, none of that. Even the most selfish of…lovers,” his hesitation at the word tore at her, “lets the other one come too. So you stay right there, princess. It’s time I get mine.”

It felt as if he was winding her up again, with his slow careful movements, and suddenly she realized this was not giving him what he needed, whatever his casual words. She loosened his hands from her hips and scrambled away from him so quickly she caught him by surprise. She flattened her back against the wet wall as he stared at her. His penis was red and swollen, jutting out from his body, wet with her juices. He put his hands on the tiles on both sides of her, boxing her in and glowered down at her.

“Why do you keep stopping me, Virginia? More games? What’s wrong with you rich-girl types? Always has to be some kink. For you, what is it? You need to be either scared out of your wits or teasing a guy until he’s begging for it?”

“No.” She laid her palms along the side of his face, his cheeks feeling hot from the steamy shower and their even-more-steamy lovemaking. When she ran her lips delicately along his jaw, he grabbed her wrists and roughly pried her hands away, pushing her slightly. She wasn’t surprised. Nor deterred.

“I don’t want to make you beg for it, Aaron, and I’m not scared. I want to make love to you and I want to see you. You’re not—”

He grabbed her ass and lifted her in his arms, shoving his cock right back in where they both wanted it as she wrapped her legs around his waist. Her arms went tightly around his neck as he braced one hand on the wall and lunged into her, holding her ass tightly with the other, looking down to where his thick cock was shoving in and out of her wet slit.

“You’re not…” It was hard for her to talk as he really got down to business, no control evidenced any longer. But she wanted to get this out. “You’re not…” He lunged and she arched. “You’re not the big bad wolf.”

They both came. She could feel him pour into her, moaning, as the spasms racked her pussy.

Panting, he loosened his grip on her and she slid down, kissing one hard shoulder, one firm pec. His mouth twisted slightly and his eyes closed. He seemed to be hesitating for a second, and she figured it was an even toss-up as to whether he’d gather her to him or push her away again. She had hurt him. And from what she could tell, he’d had too much of that in the course of his life.

But in the end, his arms went carefully around her. “I don’t believe a woman’s ever cried that particular compliment out at the moment of orgasm.”

She chuckled, resting her wet head against his chest. “You
a good guy, Aaron Winston. I don’t care what you’ve done to survive, and I have no right to judge. You’re right about that. You’ve always been right about that. I didn’t mean what I said back in the car. I didn’t. I’m done pushing you away.”

His lips went to her hair. “Thank God for that.” Then he swore. “Oh shit. I can’t believe I did that.”

“Shhh, I wanted it.”

“I mean I forgot a condom. I can’t believe I did that. I never do that.”

A condom. Shit was right. It had never entered her mind either. But that wasn’t what she wanted to talk about right now.

“Look, Aaron, I’m really bad at having, er, boyfriends.” Her confession sounded juvenile, but she was going with it.

“No worse than me at having girlfriends. I guarantee it.”

“But I’m willing to give it a try if you are.”

She took the hard hug he gave her as a yes, his face buried in her shoulder.

“I wouldn’t have hurt you, Virginia. Like that, I mean. I was just trying to—I don’t know…I was just pissed.”

“I know you wouldn’t have hurt me.”

She held her breath, wondering if he would say more, but when he didn’t, she accepted it.

He pulled back to look at her. “And no other guys. I
just trying to shock you with that.”

“I wasn’t shocked,” she said playfully.

“Yeah? Well, forget it. I’ll give you what you need. No assistance necessary. Count on it. Now, what do you say we dry off and go back to my apartment and give an actual bed a try?”

“Now who’s insatiable?”

“I meant to sleep, Miss Beckett. Insatiable I may be, but I’m not Superman.”

She laughed. “You let me be the judge of that.”

* * * * *



The next morning, the executive floor of Beckett Family Delicacies was buzzing with activity. And not the productive kind that a shareholder like Aaron necessarily liked to see. The clusters of whispering workers outside of desks and cubicles flashed startled stares as he walked by with Virginia. It didn’t exactly look as though anybody was dreaming up a new sales strategy or developing a nifty new cracker.

Virginia didn’t seem to notice as, head down, she forged through to what was apparently the entrance to her office suite.

Nice. Cool blues and polished wood and floor-to-ceiling windows.

Not as nice as his, of course, but nice.

The woman behind the desk outside Virginia’s office held out a stack of message slips to her boss.

“Not now,” Virginia said, opening her office door.


Aaron turned to the voice, noticing the slightly scruffy owner of it. The guy had been seated on one of the waiting chairs in the reception area, but stood up. Older, maybe late forties, he had that used-to-be-a-heartbreaker-but-drank-himself-to-oblivion look about him, with the red nose, the beefy jowls, the thinning hair. His suit was expensive, if marred by too bright a tie and too much jewelry, although any jewelry for a man was too much in Aaron’s view.

“Brian.” Virginia halted at the entrance to her office. Her tone was a cross between surprise and annoyance. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m here because this Nazi secretary of yours here will never put me through to you and you don’t return my calls.”

Virginia’s assistant typed on her computer, pretending not to hear.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Have you called me, Brian? I apologize. I’ve been pretty busy.”

“Yeah, running an empire and all. I know how high and mighty you are. Christ, if Nora wasn’t so scared of her own little sister, I wouldn’t even have to be doing this.”

Aaron tried to place the names. A relative apparently.

Whether the guy was deliberately belligerent in order to gain entrance to her office and more privacy or whether he was just that way all the time, Aaron couldn’t guess. But if he was trying to get a private audience with her, it worked. Virginia shot a cautious look at her secretary and then said, “Come on in, Brian.”

She ushered him in, then gestured to Aaron to follow. “No need to wait out here, Aaron. This won’t take a minute.”

Aaron followed her cue and took a seat on one of the couches in her office, as Virginia assumed a place behind her desk.

“Aaron?” Brian seemed to notice him for the first time. “What the hell is Aaron Winston doing here, Virginia, and why the hell are you on first-name basis with him?”

Virginia took the metaphorical gloves off. “None of your business, Brian. Now what is this all about? If it’s a bigger allowance, I’ve told you before, I don’t handle that. The dividends go to Nora. It’s her stock. What she does with them is her own business. I have nothing to do with it.”

“Bullshit. You run everything around here. You know you do. If it wasn’t for you and your damned obsession with this company, Nora would’ve sold her stock years ago like I wanted her to and we wouldn’t be nickel and diming it with the fucking dividends. We’d have some real money.”

“I don’t call over a million dollars a year nickel and diming it, Brian. Not to mention, you know Nora has her own money, just as I do and all the Becketts do. Our father made sure of it. She doesn’t need to sell her stock.”

“Yeah and your father made sure I couldn’t touch it and wouldn’t get a penny of it if we divorce either.”

Aaron supposed it was some kind of progress in whatever screwed up relationship he had with Virginia that she was allowing him to hear all this. If a corporate raider wanted to find a weak link in the Beckett family chain, this guy was prime material. He wondered when it was that he had stopped worrying about taking over BFD and started worrying about the wellbeing of its current owner. About the time of the murdered girl maybe or before that?

Virginia looked her deadbeat brother-in-law square in the eyes and said calmly, “I have to be honest with you, Brian. This kind of frantic behavior on your part confirms what I’ve been suspecting for some time. You’re using again. And if that’s the case, it’s understandable that Nora would be reluctant to supply you with the means with which to support your habit. You need help.”

Brian reared out of the chair he’d barely just taken. “You tight-assed little—”

Time to intervene. Aaron stood up and grabbed the guy’s arm to pull him away from Virginia’s desk. “Hey, calm down.”

The bloodshot eyes that stared back suggested Virginia wasn’t far off the mark. Her brother-in-law was on something all right. He shrugged out of Aaron’s hold indignantly, straightening that garish tie.

“A couple of joints a day and some coke is not ‘using’ to anybody but one of you killjoy Becketts. I came here to tell you that Nora is going to ask you about an investment opportunity that we have in a casino in Reno and if you know what’s good for you, you’ll tell her you think it’s a good idea. That’s it. No fucking graphs and present value crap. It’s a good idea. Just tell her.”

With that, he stormed out, not bothering to close the door. Aaron did it for him and then sat in the chair Brian had vacated. “Nice guy.”

Virginia, still seated behind the desk, leaned back in her chair, shaking her head. “He’s not always like that. At one point, a long time ago by now I guess, he was pretty brilliant. He had a lot of promise.”

“With what? Meth labs?”

“Computers. We all thought he was going to be the next Bill Gates. I actually haven’t seen him for a while. I was worried this was why. He usually tries to stay away from the family when he’s like that. It’s just…it’s just sad. They have three kids, teenagers. I know that’s why Nora tries to stick it out.”

BOOK: Executive Perks
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