Exit the Colonel (65 page)

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Authors: Ethan Chorin

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Khomeini, Ayatollah
King, Martin Luther
King Abdullah II, of Jordan
King Hussein, of Jordan
King Idris
King Khalid bin Abdulaziz (Saudi Arabia)
Kristof, Nicholas
Kufra aquifer
Kusa, Musa
asylum in Qatar
defection of
double agent
education of
mercenaries and
Landsman, David
Lantos, Tom
Lautenberg Amendment
Lavrov, Sergei
Layden, Anthony
Leahy, Patrick
Lear, Tobias
Lee Kuan Yew
Lehman Brothers
Lieberman, Joseph
Le Matin
(Swiss newspaper)
Le Nouvel Observateur
Le Pen, Marine
Leptis Magna
Lévy, Bernard-Henri
Islamic Emirate and
on Mahmoud Jibril
on the revolution
and Saif Al Islam Gaddafi
speech in Benghazi
Lewis, Bernard
aid, postrevolutionary
alcohol in
arms exports to
austerity in
backed coup in Nigeria
Bulgarian nurses and Palestinian doctor, imprisonment of
Byzantine invasions of
colonial reparations
conflict begins
constitutional assembly, preparing for
constitutional monarchy of
early US relationship with (late 1700s–early 1800s)
economic boom
elections in
embargo against (1982)
employment, postrevolution
finances, postrevolutionary
foreign business in
foreign interference, postrevolution
formation of independent state
freedom of speech in, postrevolutionary
humanitarian crisis
human rights in
independence, World War II and
infrastructure and education, under Gaddafi
invasion resistance
Islam role of political, postrevolution
Italian occupation of
Italy and
lack of rural infrastructure
natural gas in
nuclear weapons
oil and.
Libyan oil
opposition, growing
plot to murder Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah
population of
postliberation militias
postrevolution optimism
provinces, unification and
regional disparities, pre-uprising
regional history
religion and ethnicity in
removal from state sponsored terror list
secret services meeting with Welch
Shari'a law and
social inequities, correcting
success of revolution
technical development
as totalitarian state
travel ban lifted
tribal traditions in
unemployment in
unity argument
uprising, Internet and
US travel ban lifted
water in
weapons of mass destruction and
Western ignorance of situation in
withdrawal of ambassadors
worldview, exceptionality and
Libya Al Ghad
Libya Al Mussawara
Illustrated Libya
Libya Al-Yowm
Libya Al Yown
(Internet newspaper)
Libya and the XXI Century
(Saif Al Islam)
Libya Development Report
, 2002
Libya Human and Political Development Forum
Libya17Info (blog)
Libyan Arab African Investment Company (LAAICO)
Libyan-Arab Foreign Investment Company (LAFICO)
Libyan Automobile Club
Libyan Bar Association
Libyan Businessmen's Council
Libyan Claims Resolution Act
Libyan Economic Development Board
Libyan Free Forces
Libyan Human Assets Office
Libyan Investment Authority (LIA)
Libyan-Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG)
Libyan National Economic Development Board
Libyan News Agency (JANA)
Libyan oil
Libyan Olympic Committee
Libyan Red Crescent Society
Libyan Telecom and Technology Company (LTT)
Libyan Tribal Council
Libyan-Islamic Fighting Group
Liquidity, foreign exchange and
Livni, Tzipi
Liwa Energy
Lobbying, corporate
Lockerbie bombing
Musa Kusa and
payments to families
sanctions for
settlement negotiations
London School of Economics
Saif Al Islam, attendance
London's Travellers Club
Longuet, Gerard
Lord of the Rings
Lotophages, Libyan ethnicity
Loyalist forces
Lugar, Richard
MacAskill, Kenny
Maces, Libyan ethnicity
Mack, David
Madison, James
Mafqoodeen (the missing)
Maghbooshi, Ali
Maghur, Kamel
Maidan Al Shajara
Mandela, Nelson
Mandelson, Peter
Manipulations Africaines (African Manipulations
, Péan)
Marathon Oil
March 17 radio address, of Gaddafi
Marsa Brega, oil export
Martin, Ian
Martinez, Luis
“Martyr Factory, The: Why One Libyan Town Became a Pipeline for Suicide Bombers in Iraq” (
Mass graves, postrevolution discovery of
Massoud, Rihab
Mattar, Hisham (
In the Country of Men
Mattawa, Khaled
Mattes, Hanspeter
Maziq, Hussain Yusuf
McCain, John
McConnell, Mitch
McDonough, Denis
Medco Energi, Indonesia
Al Jazeera in Libya.
See also
Al Jazeera
freedom of speech, postrevolutionary
French, on Libya
suppression of
western, on intervention
See also titles of specific publications and media outlets
Mediations, failed
“Meet the Press” (TV show)
Megaraha tribe, Libya
Megaryaf, Mohammed
Merz, Hans-Rudolf
Messlah, oil fields in
Metiga Airport
Miani, Antonio
Michener, James
Middle East Partnership Initiative
attacks on civilians
conflict begins
crackdown in Tripoli
French Operation L'Harmattan
soldiers fire on funeral
strikes against oil crescent towns
western intervention
Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel
Ministry of Investment and Trade
Ministry of Martyrs, Wounded and Missing Persons
Minoui, Delphine
Mismari, Idris
Mismari, Mohammed
Mission creep
battle for
display of Gaddafi's body
militia executes Gaddafi and associates
oil and
siege of
Mohammed VI, of Morocco
Moley, Kevin
Monitor Group
National Economic Strategy (NES).
See also
National Economic Strategy
reform strategy and
Moorehead, Alan
Morals, Libya intervention and
Morocco, reform in
Morse, Edward
Morsi, Mohammed
Mortar-fired cluster munitions, used on civilians
Moubarak, Miftah
Mousavian, Hossein
Moussa, Amr
Mubarak, Hosni
Mudiriyyat al Amn, interior security offices
Murzuk basin
Musevini, Yoweri
Muslim Brotherhood
Mussolini, Benito
Mustaganem, Algeria
“My Friends When I Die” (story)
Nabbous, Mohammed
Najjar, Alexander
Nasamons, Libyan ethnicity
NASCO, national supply company
Nasr, Huneish
Nasser, Gamal Abdel
Nation, The
National Competitiveness Council
National Economic Development Board (NEDB)
“National Economic Strategy” (Monitor Group)
National Economic Strategy (NES)
as reform vehicle
National Front for the Salvation of Libya
National Oil Company OiLibya
National Public Radio
National Report on Human Development
National Review Online
National School of Economics, Saif Al Islam and
National Security Council
National Transitional Council
ineffectiveness of
Islamic extremism and
leadership, strained
Nation of Islam
National Oil Company (NOC)
action in Libya
collaboration with rebels
conflict begins
delay in Tripoli liberation
French Operation L'Harmattan
Libya intervention and
Responsibility to Protect doctrine and
Natural gas, in Libya
Nayed, Aref
Near East and South Asian Affairs bureau, US State Department
Near East Bureau
Neihoum, Sadiq
Nejm, Mohammed
Neoconservatives, WMD and
New Beginnings, Obama speech
New Economics Cities program, Saudi Arabia
New York Times
New York University, Abu Dhabi satellite
Nguesso, Denis Sassou
Nigeria, Libyan-backed coup against president Kountché
Nixon, Richard
No-fly zone
Norway, oil stewardship and
Notes from Hell
National Transitional Council
Nuclear weapons, Libya and
Nude Woman with the Gazelle, statue
Nye, Joseph
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oasis Group
Obama, Barack
Congress, War Powers Resolution of 1973 and
foreign policy, US-Iran
on Gaddafi
March 28 speech to Americans on Libya
New Beginnings, Cairo speech
passive approach to uprisings
Obeidat tribe, Libya
Ocampo, José Luis Moreno
Occidental Petroleum
BP contracts, release of Abdelbasset al Megrahi
contract irregularities
discovery of, in Libya
European dependence on Libyan
Libya's development and
as national resource, postrevolution
no war for
postrevolution production
pricing, revolution in
primacy of
sector, worry in
shift in pricing
Oil India Ltd.
Old City
history of
O'Leary, Anne
Oman, Ibadi Muslims in
OneNine Petroleum
Organization of Petroleum
Exporting Countries
Operation L'Harmattan, France
Opposition parties
Organization of African States (OAU)
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
O'Sullivan, Meghan
Otman, Waniss A.
Ottoman Turkish Empire
Ouannes, Moncef
Oueddei, Goukouni
Ouled Sahr
Ouled Suleiman tribe, Libya
Oxford University
doctor from, arrest and imprisonment of
Popular Front for the Liberation of (PFLP)
Palmer, Joseph II
Pan Am Flight
Paris Peace Treaties, of 1947
Participatory government
Péan, Pierre
People Around Gaddafi, The
Perle, Richard
Phoenicians, settle in Libya
Pierini, Marc
Political Islam, postrevolutionary
Popovich, Sonia
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
Popular Front for the Liberation, of Palestine–General Command (PFLP–GC)
Porter, Michael
Powell, Colin, rebuilding relations, with Libya
Power, Samantha
Press, suppression of.
See also
Pricing of Libyan Crude, The
Prince Andrew, of Great Britain
Prince Bandar bin Sultan
Prisoner transfer agreement (PTA)
Private ownership, abolished
Prize, The
Problem from Hell, A: America and the Age of Genocide
Project and Development Programmes and Reconstruction

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