Expired (31 page)

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Authors: Evie Rhodes

Tags: #Fiction, #Thrillers, #Suspense

BOOK: Expired
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Evelyn briefly looked up. She stared at Quentin as though she had never seen him before. In truth she hadn't. Shock contorted every limb in her body.
The monster in Quentin had unleashed before her eyes. It had replaced the man that she thought she might love. Standing in front of her was a total stranger. It was a stranger who was in possession of a dark and lethal power. He was not of this world. Evelyn recoiled in shock.
Searing, white-hot, glittering flashes of light exploded in her brain. She searched the crevices of her mind desperately for a place to hide. There was no refuge. There was nothing for her to cling to.
A chord of deep fear struck within her. She babbled out loud, “Jesus Lord, Jesus Lord, Jesus Lord.”
The sound of her babbling added fuel to Quentin's fire. He burned a flaming “X” into the wall. “I AM THE LORD! I am your Lord, Evelyn!” Softly switching gears he said, “Though my name is not Jesus.”
His eyes burned a hole through her shirt. It sizzled but didn't burn her skin.
Returning to his former state he said, “Don't you ever forget that I AM THE LORD! I am Lord over both life and death. I will not be forgotten. Do you hear me? No one will ever forget me. Everyone will know I was here.” Quentin fixed his twin holes of blackness on Evelyn.
Evelyn sobbed. She gulped air. Raw fear held her in its grip. Astonishment was her new companion. She could feel Quentin crawling around in her mind, poking, feeling. He found it all. Every secret. Her mind lay spread-eagle naked before him.
His presence was a live wire as he insinuated himself into her thoughts. “My Lord.” The words rushed from her lips as if they belonged to someone else. She was barely aware of speaking them.
Quentin laughed. “You're coming along, Evelyn. You're coming along nicely. It pleases me when people use my title.”
Evelyn went mute. She was struck dumb by the supreme arrogance emanating from this creature.
“I am a Prince, Evelyn. The Prince. You've heard of me. You've read about me. Yet you don't believe in me. Few people do. It's what makes me powerful. You're a perfect specimen of the stupidest species to inhabit earth. I know animals smarter than you.”
Quentin threw his head back and roared, “I am what I am! Can't you see me?! You don't believe your own eyes?! Well, here I am! In the flesh! I am my own MAKER!”
He paused. “I am also YOURS!”
He pointed to the masterpiece he had seared into the wall. The flaming “X” glowed with a light of its own.
“This is my legacy, Evelyn. It is my mark. It will travel through the generations of my seed to come. It is a life force. It is what makes me eternal. Didn't they teach you all about that in Sunday school?”
He stooped down so he could be at eye level with Evelyn. “Take a look around, because you will spend a great deal of time on these very premises, Evelyn. You will never leave this house again. Oh, no. You will not ever leave. Because if you do . . .” He reached for a handful of her wet hair. He forced her face up to his.
His gaze bore into her. “If you ever try to leave you will die! You will die a death more vicious than the wildest imagination can conjure up. Painfully and slowly, I will release life from your body. Until you beg for death. Until you seek its face. I will kill you and anything you love. Understood? Look at the mark.”
His voice now held the musical tempo of soothing waters. “Look at it I said.”
Evelyn struggled to rip her gaze from him. She looked at the flaming, spirited “X” seared into the wall. The mark swam like a watery illusion before her eyes.
“You've been chosen to be the carrier of my legend. In your womb the seed of the “X” will be implanted for generations to come. You, Evelyn, will raise a warrior. Remember the number six. Don't forget it because it's a very important part of your future.” His words echoed through the chambers of her being.
Venom rose from the depths of her belly. Hatred swelled inside her. Refusal bubbled from the depths of her soul at the despicable evil. It spewed forth from her lips. She warred with him in a single word. “No!” She pushed him so hard he stumbled backward.
The tail of a reptile leaped from his eyes. It lashed around her neck choking her. It left a trailing red welt on her skin. As quickly as it emerged, it withdrew. Evelyn gagged. She wet herself.
Quentin was unperturbed. He got up and in her face just a little bit closer. Calmly he told her, “Yes.”
He turned his attention to the “X.” It burned brighter under the heat of his satanic gaze. Light streamed from his eyes.
He looked at her. Hot sensuality replaced the light streaming from his eyes, an animal scent of musk rose from the heat of his body.
Quentin slowly licked the outer parameters of Evelyn's lips. He was all lithe sensuality as he gently stroked her wet hair. He kissed the tears from her cheeks.
Evelyn rebuffed his very touch. Her skin crawled from the touch of the beast. Her insides heaved. Then something inside her cracked. It broke down. It disconnected. She lost the last of the tentative hold. She couldn't handle it.
Once again she reached out seeking solace in a corner of her mind she never knew was there. This time the corner embraced her with warm and welcoming arms. It was a place of peace, quietness and refuge.
She floated away as the beast mauled and devoured her body.
DAFINA BOOKS are published by
Kensington Publishing Corp.
850 Third Avenue
New York, NY 10022
Copyright © 2005 by Eva M. Rhodes
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.
Dafina Books and the Dafina logo Reg. U.S. Pat. & TM Off.
ISBN: 978-0-7582-9071-7

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