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Authors: Naomi Chase

Exposed (4 page)

BOOK: Exposed
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“Have at it.”

As Cynthia reached across his cluttered desk for the phone, her blouse stretched snugly across her breasts. They were on the smallish side, as opposed to the big, bodacious boobs Tamia had been blessed with. Brandon loved licking and squeezing Tamia’s breasts, loved the way they bounced up and down as she rode him during sex.

Get a grip, dude,
Brandon mentally scolded himself
At the rate he was going, he’d be surfing the Net for porn the minute Cynthia left his office.

Propping her slender hip against his desk, she pressed a button on the phone to reach the conference room. “Brandon’s pitching in for dinner. He wants kung pao, too.”

“Yes, ma’am,” a disembodied male voice drawled over the intercom.“Does His Royal Highness require anything else?”

“Fuck you, Kessler,” Brandon said good-naturedly.

“Only if you promise me a job when your father becomes governor.”

As raucous male laughter flooded the background, Cynthia clicked off the speakerphone with a shake of her head.

“Don’t mind him,” she told Brandon.“He’s just jealous because he knows you’re going to make partner before the rest of us do.”

“How do you know that?”

Cynthia gave him a look. “Come on, Brandon. Everyone knows you’re the front-runner.”

“Why?” he challenged.“Because of who my parents are?”

“No,” she said calmly,“because of who
are. Top of your class at UT Law, editor of the law review, recipient of a prestigious federal appellate clerkship. The partners knew what they were doing when they aggressively recruited you. They know you bring more to the table than an impressive pedigree. You’re one hell of a litigator, B, and you really work your ass off for your clients. Unlike
people around here, who only stay late so they can pretend to log more billable hours on their time sheets.”

Brandon chuckled, undeniably flattered by her glowing assessment of him. It was incredibly important to him to make partner on his own merit. He never wanted anyone to think he’d been given a free ride just because his wealthy, powerful parents had pulled strings for him. It was one thing to drop their names to score hard-to-get dinner reservations. But expecting preferential treatment from employers was out of the question.

Leaning back in his leather chair, Brandon remarked,“You work just as hard as I do, Cyn. So that means either one of us could make partner.”

“I know.” Her brown eyes twinkled. “You think it hasn’t occurred to me that you’re my biggest rival? Why do you
think I’ve gone out of my way to befriend you? As the old saying goes: Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.”

Brandon laughed.“Damn, girl, that’s messed up!”

She grinned unabashedly.“No, honey, that’s

Her teasing words to the contrary, Brandon knew Cynthia would never deliberately sabotage him. Over the past two years, they’d developed a mutual respect and rapport that had enabled them to work well together on various cases.

With a law degree from Howard, Cynthia had been a rising star at the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund before a severe bout of homesickness lured her back to Houston. Brandon already knew she was the kind of woman his parents would approve of him dating, even marrying. She was well educated, successful and sophisticated,
she was the product of an upper-class family with strong ties to the community. If Brandon’s father ever decided to run for governor—as many assumed he would—Cynthia’s dad could be a powerful ally as pastor of the largest black megachurch in Texas.

By all outward appearances, Brandon and Cynthia were perfect for each other. They had similar family backgrounds, shared the same career goals, and enjoyed many of the same interests. Because they were so compatible, Brandon knew they could probably build a good, prosperous life together.

But Cynthia would never be Tamia.

She wouldn’t set Brandon on fire with one hot glance. She wouldn’t dazzle him with her dual personas—a take-charge bitch in the boardroom and a freak between the sheets. She wouldn’t make him feel as sprung as a schoolboy with his first crush.

She’d never rock his world the way Tamia had.

Despite his resolve to take things slow with her, Brandon could no longer deny that he was falling for Tamia. Their phone conversations were the highlight of his day, and he always looked forward to spending time with her, though it was
never enough. She was the only woman he’d ever dated for more than six months, and that was saying a lot.

So maybe it was time to give serious thought to taking their relationship to the next level.

Fortunately, Brandon knew a good way to start.

Chapter 5

“So how’d your meeting go yesterday?” Shanell asked Tamia over lunch the next afternoon.

The two women were seated at a small table inside a downtown sushi bar that boasted a chic Japanese decor. As usual, the popular restaurant was packed, the din of laughter and conversation rising to an almost deafening level.

But that wasn’t why Tamia didn’t hear Shanell’s question. Since last night, she’d been preoccupied with thoughts of her pending tryst with Dominic Archer. She’d gotten very little sleep and had zoned out during a creative strategy session that morning. When one of her team members commented on her uncharacteristic silence, she’d made up some excuse about feeling under the weather, which generated speculation about whether she’d fallen prey to the latest flu strain. Tamia would’ve welcomed a severe case of swine flu if it would have solved her dilemma.

“Hello?” Shanell waved a pair of chopsticks in her face. “Am I talking to myself here?”

Tamia blinked, pulling out of her reverie.“Sorry. What did you say?”

Shanell frowned. With her deep brown complexion, sculpted
cheekbones, and eyes the color of cognac, she bore a striking resemblance to the actress Regina King. Her thick black hair bounced and behaved even better than Oprah’s, and she was always fashionably dressed, as evidenced by the Donna Karan seersucker pantsuit she wore today.

She was one of the first people who’d befriended Tamia when she started working at Richards Carruth. Shanell, who was eight years older, had taken Tamia under her wing, easing her transition from college student to working professional. As human resources manager, she had her finger on the pulse of everything that went on at the agency. If Tamia landed the promotion, Shanell would probably find out before

“What’s up with you?” she asked Tamia. “You’ve hardly spoken three words since we sat down.”

Tamia smiled wanly. “I’m sorry. I just have a lot on my mind.”

“Like what?”

“Work stuff. Different projects.” She wished she could confide in Shanell, but that was out of the question.

“I was asking you about the meeting you had yesterday morning,” Shanell said, deftly picking up a piece of sushi with her chopsticks.“Did it go well?”

“Sure,” Tamia lied.

“I saw him as he was leaving.
Talk about fine!” Shanell fanned her face with her left hand.“Girl, I envy you, having a client who’s such a hottie.”

If only you knew,
Tamia thought darkly.

“I wanted to rush over to your desk and get the lowdown on Mr. Too Sexy, but I had to teach new employee orientation, which of course lasted all day.” Shanell polished off her sushi and reached for a spicy salmon roll.“So tell me about him.”

That was the
thing Tamia wanted to do, but she’d always discussed her clients with Shanell. Refusing to do so now would only fuel Shanell’s curiosity.

“His name is Dominic Archer,” Tamia said neutrally. “He
owns a multinational company that supplies and distributes Caribbean food products.”

“Is he Caribbean?” Shanell asked.

Tamia nodded.“He’s from St. Croix.”

“Oooh, a West Indian brotha. I went to college with a guy from St. Croix. Talk about oozing charm and finesse. And he had the sexiest accent I’d ever heard. Made me weak in the knees.” She grinned, shaking her head at Tamia.“Girl, you’re in trouble.”

You have no idea!

Aloud Tamia said, “I could only hear a trace of Dominic’s accent. He’s been in the States for a minute, so he’s learned how to mask it very well.”

Shanell nodded. “Like Idris Elba’s British accent. He can turn it off and on whenever he wants. And when he unleashes it? Watch out, ladies! That thing is like a secret weapon!”

Tamia sipped her sake martini, wishing the most dangerous thing Dominic could unleash upon her was his West Indian accent.

“Is he married?” Shanell prodded.

“I don’t know,” Tamia said in exasperation. “And you’re asking
too many questions for someone who’s supposed to be happily married her damn self.”

Shanell grinned unabashedly.“What can I say? Mark won’t be home from Iraq for another three months. Ain’t nothing wrong with me admiring other merchandise—as long as I don’t buy or put anything on layaway!”

For the first time that day, Tamia laughed.

As she and Shanell were walking back to the office after lunch, Tamia’s cell phone went off. The “Crazy In Love” ring-tone identified the caller as Brandon.

“Hey, baby,” Tamia greeted him warmly.

“Hey, yourself. Listen, I’m on my way to a hearing, so I can’t talk long. But I wanted to let you know that we have dinner reservations at Vic and Anthony’s.”

“Oh, good.” She grinned.“I knew you’d be able to pull it off.”

“Of course. There’s just one thing though. The reservations are for tonight.”

Tamia stumbled on the sidewalk.

“Yeah,” Brandon said apologetically.“I know it’s short notice, but I might have to go out of town over the weekend.”


“It’s not definite. One of the partners may need my assistance for a few days on a case that’s being tried in Austin. I’ll know for sure by tomorrow whether I have to go. But just in case I do, I figured I’d push up our dinner date.”

“Oh,” Tamia said weakly.

“Does eight work for you?”

Be there at eigh
Dominic’s voice echoed through Tamia’s mind.

“Actually, tonight isn’t good for me,” she told Brandon.“I have to work late.”

“Can’t you cut out a little early?”

“No, I can’t. It’s a really big project with an aggressive deadline. I expect to be at the office pretty late.”

Brandon sighed.“Oh, well. It was worth a shot.”

Guilt assailed Tamia. “If you don’t have to go out of town this weekend, we’re definitely on for Sunday.”

“Sounds good.” Someone spoke to him in the background. After responding, he came back on the line and said, “Look, baby, I gotta run. I’m at the courthouse now.”

“Okay. Talk to you later.”

As Tamia returned her phone to her handbag, Shanell raised a brow at her.“That’s rare.”

“What?” Tamia mumbled miserably.

“You choosing work over Brandon.”

“What’re you talking about? I always work late.”

“Not when you have plans with Brandon,” Shanell coun-tered.“If you’re both working late, that’s one thing. But if he’s
free for the evening, you usually drop everything to spend time with him.”

Tamia should have been offended by the comment, but she knew Shanell was only speaking the truth. Securing a future with Brandon was Tamia’s top priority; it even outranked her precious job. And Brandon knew it, too. Which was why he’d expected her to be available for dinner on such short notice.

“Are you mad at him?” Shanell asked curiously.

“Not at all,” Tamia said with a quick shake of her head. “Like I told him, I have to work late.”

Shanell still looked skeptical. Thankfully, they’d reached the glass office building that housed Richards Carruth, along with several other top-tier firms.

Five minutes later Tamia was back at her desk, where she spent the rest of the day dreading the night to come.

Chapter 6

She stayed at the office until seven-thirty, then caught a cab to the address Dominic had given her. Ten minutes later the taxi pulled up to the Four Leaf Towers, a pair of gleaming high-rise skyscrapers that soared majestically above downtown Houston.

At the entrance to the east tower, Tamia was greeted warmly by a doorman. Her Jimmy Choo stilettos rang out on the marble floor of the luxurious lobby as she crossed to the reception desk and gave her name to the uniformed attendant. After she was cleared, she boarded an elevator that whisked her up so quickly, she barely had time to blink before it arrived on the fortieth floor.

When she reached Dominic’s unit at the end of the corridor, she found the door slightly ajar. Her heart thumped into her throat.

This is it,
she told herself.
Once you cross the threshold, there’ll be no turning back.

Mouthing an earnest apology to Brandon, Tamia took a deep breath to shore up her courage and pushed the door open. Stepping inside, she closed the door behind her and glanced around. A dimly lit crystal chandelier hung overhead, casting a seductive glow throughout the double-height foyer.

Seeing no sign of Dominic, she ventured farther into the penthouse. Despite the unsavory circumstances that had brought her there that evening, she couldn’t help admiring the opulent decor, which featured ultramodern imported furniture, Italian marble flooring, priceless sculptures, lavish paintings in gilded frames, and floor-to-ceiling windows that boasted panoramic views of the stunning skyline.

She’d always thought Brandon’s bachelor pad was impressive. But Dominic Archer’s penthouse was a showstopper, taking luxury to a whole new level.

“Hello?” Tamia called out hesitantly.

After a moment Dominic called back,“In the den.”

She followed the sound of his deep voice to a private seating area located off the enormous living room. She found him reclining on a plush coffee-colored sectional that curved around a leather ottoman. He was smoking a blunt and talking on his cell.

He glanced up at Tamia’s appearance, his heavy-lidded eyes looking her over from head to toe. She wore a belted trench Burberry dress that hugged the curves of her body and ended just above her knees. She’d considered changing into a sexier outfit after work but had quickly rejected the idea. Why the hell should she go out of her way to spruce herself up for this bastard? He was blackmailing her, threatening to ruin her life. Shit, he should be grateful she hadn’t shown up there in a muumuu with granny panties underneath.

BOOK: Exposed
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