Exquisite (29 page)

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Authors: Ella Frank

BOOK: Exquisite
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Alannah grinned at him and reached
up patting his cheek. “Oh I doubt that young man.”

“Mother, stop flirting with him.”

Mason grinned over at Lena and
smirked, “I happen to like it.”

Lena rolled her eyes at him, “Of
course you would. Anything female must bow down to your endless supply of

“Can I help it if the women love

He looked back to see a twinkle in
her mother’s eye. “Apparently not.”

Grinning he looked over to Lena,
“You should bring your mother down for dinner tonight.”

Lena looked over to her and he saw
the way Alannah looked back at her daughter, almost wary, expecting her to say
no. “That’s a great idea. Would you like to come with me or do you need to get
home right away?”

He watched as mother and daughter
seemed to reach an outcome neither of them expected. Then Alannah turned to him
and smiled brilliantly.

“I’d love to.”


Not twenty minutes later Lena went
to park around the back as Mason drove straight into his reserved spot.
Frowning, it took her around ten minutes more to find one of her own. Her
mother looked around the crowded parking lot then back to her. “Boy this place
sure gets busy. He must do very well.”

Lena stopped the car and looked out
to window to see Mason there to open the for her.

“Busy tonight.” he remarked as he
helped her.

Nodding she took his hand and
climbed out. “Sure is. Is it always this crowded Friday’s?”
“Yeah pretty much. The quietest nights are Tuesday and Wednesday.”

Lena turned to see her mother had
got out and was making her way around to them.

“Your place is packed. That’s a
sign that the food is good.”

Mason smiled widely, “Our food is
the best.”

“If he says so himself.” Lena

“Well fine, don’t let my words
convince you.” He reached out the crook of his arm to her mother and said
softly, “Let my food. Tonight you dine at the chef’s table.”

Lena watched her mother’s face beam
up at him and was amazed at how easy he seemed with a virtual stranger.
Catherine, his mother, was right. He could wrap any woman around his finger.

“Is the chef’s table in the
kitchen?” her mother asked excitedly. He winked at Lena over his shoulder and
they started forward. She followed from behind smiling and heard him reply.

“It sure is.”


Seated at the back of the bustling
kitchen Lena was absolutely amazed at the frenzied madness that was going on
all around her. The same three men, who she’d seen before, stood at the back of
the kitchen in front of several huge ovens, and they were screaming out orders
to everyone. They were flipping scallops in fry pans, baking chicken in another
and searing duck on the back burner. At the stainless steel prep table was a
lady madly plating salads and vegetables and then off to the very far left hand
side Lena saw Rachel bent over a pastry adding powdered sugar to the top. All
in all it was organized chaos. Her mother was watching fascinated as Mason
stood at the head of the ship, by the pass, checking over each plate and adding
garnishes to every dish. He would smile at the waiter or waitress, coming to
collect, then hand them the plate and move to the next, and each and every one
of his staff smiled at him as though he was the best boss in the world, and as
far as she could tell he was.


Mason could feel her eyes on him as
he worked. He hadn’t brought Lena back down to the restaurant until tonight
because it seemed as though every time they got down there somehow, someway,
would go wrong. However, he figured having her mother there as a buffer would
help him out and he had to admit he really liked her. She was sweet and genuine
and he couldn’t help but wonder how she managed to be so warm and accepting
after such a tremendous loss. It was obvious to him that any guilt or self
loathing Lena harbored was her own doing, because it was clear to him that her
mother just wanted her to be happy and it shocked him even further to realize
that she seemed grateful to
for making her that way. Stopping for a
moment he glanced over his shoulder and caught Lena’s eye. He tilted his head
toward her, motioning for her to come to him. She smiled at her mom squeezing
her hand and Alannah smiled then nodded toward her daughter as he watched the
capable doctor stand gracefully and make her way over to him.

“Having fun?” he asked when she
stopped by him.

“Yes actually. I love watching
chaos unfold.”

Laughing he nodded once. “Yeah I
guess to most on lookers it does seem slightly chaotic, but I assure you, every
single person here has a purpose and a job.”

He noticed she was watching him
closely as he garnished and wiped a plate then set it up on the pass.

“Oh I believe you. It reminds me of
my internship in the ER. Hectic.”

“When you’re here with me I almost
forget how brilliant you really are.”

She tilted her head to the side and
looked up at him with a small smile. “Brilliant huh?”

Grinning he showed her his teeth
and went back to the plate in front of him, “Well, that may be slightly
overstating the matter.”

“Well too bad, you already said
it.” he caught her poking her tongue out at him and raised a brow.

“Watch it Lena. That tongue has
much better uses then being sassy.”

“I hear lots of threats, but see
little follow through.” she chimed back. He stopped what he was doing and moved
to stand behind her. She stilled as he leaned down and whispered into her ear.
“Your mother is sitting over there watching us very closely, so behave yourself
young lady and stop torturing me.”

One of his chefs’s brought forward
a plate and it landed in front of her. She took in a deep breath as he continued.
“As much as I’d love to take you into my back office and show you what we could
do with that tongue how about we stick to garnishing some plates so I remain
one of your mothers’ favorite people.”

Laughing she looked over her
shoulder at him. Their noses were close and she had to raise her eyes a little
to meet his. “You think you’re a favorite of hers huh?”

“I sure do.”

“Oh? And why’s that?”

Leaning in he kissed her nose
quickly, “Because I’m your favorite and I make you happy.”

Her eyes twinkled at his and she
smirked, “You’re cocky Langley.”

“Hmm, I’m right. Now turn around so
we can garnish this plate before I forget everything and just say fuck it, and
take you right here.”

He watched her tongue come out as
she licked her lips and he groaned softly thinking she’d eventually be the
death of him.


The following Monday Lena had been
invited to go to Catherine’s for the usual Monday night family dinner. She’d
thought about it a million times then decided, why not. It wasn’t as though she
didn’t know everybody going, well except for Wendy, Mason’s manager, but the
rest of the family she’d already be introduced too. So that was where she
currently found herself. Standing on a little porch that wrapped around the
most charming cottage she’d ever seen. Lena had known Catherine’s place would
have lovely flowers due to the nature of her work, but her home was so cheerful
and warm, as you walked up the path to the front door, you couldn’t help but
smile. The house was yellow, and although it should’ve looked wrong it didn’t.
It was pastel and faded but none the less yellow. It was exactly as she would
picture a cottage. It peaked up into a triangular style roof and was framed by
a white balcony that wrapped around the porch. The two huge rectangular windows
were framed in white trim and the pebbled path leading up to the front steps
was lined in tulips that were so bright you couldn’t help but want to stop,
bend down and touch them. On the front porch was a swing that was secured to
the ceiling and it looked well used. There were plants, flowers and trees
everywhere. It reminded Lena of an enchanted forest and she was absolutely
mesmerized. As she came to a stop on the front porch the front door swung open
and Catherine stood inside the glass. Smiling at the lady she’d grown to love
over the years she watched as Catherine unlatched it then pushed it open coming
to stand out in front of her.

“Lena! I’m so glad you could make

Automatically Lena felt a smile
slide onto her mouth and she reached out to take Catherine’s hands. “Thank you
for inviting me.”

“Don’t be silly! I’ve wanted to
invite you for years. I just knew your answer would‘ve been a no. I’m just so
glad that somehow you were led to my Mason and we get to have you here now.”
she paused and tilted her head up to look at Lena thoughtfully. “Maybe someone
was guiding you to him, like it was meant to be.”

Sucking in a deep breath Lena
thought of Carly, then Mason’s father, and then dismissed the notion reminding
herself that was ridiculous and she was a logical, rational person who did
believe in things like that. However, with Catherine smiling up at her with
such hope in her eyes Lena mumbled. “Perhaps.”

“Well don’t just stand out there.
It isn’t quite as chilly these days but still, come in take your coat off. The
tribe’s out back in the living room and Mason’s in his favorite place.”

Lena smiled handing her the coat.
“The kitchen?”

“You got it. It’s just down that
hall there. You should go and let him know you’re here.”

Nodding once Lena turned and slowly
made her way down the narrow hall. On the walls were photos of a young Mason
and Rachel through different stages of their lives. There were school pictures
and holiday pictures by the Christmas tree, as well as graduation photos with
their parents standing by their sides. Then Lena noticed one of a small boy
with dark hair, a little too long, flopping down in front of his face as he
held up a fish in one hand and had a pole in the other with a smile as bright
as the sun. Behind him was a man who had the exact same smile and he had his
hand resting on the boys shoulder as though he was the proudest father in the

“That was my first fish.”

Lena spun around to see Mason
standing in the doorway leaning a shoulder up against the frame. He took her breath
away. That same black hair was pushed back, as though he’d run his long fingers
through it, and he had a light blue long sleeve buttoned down shirt on which
was hidden under a bright red apron that read “Warning: Complaints to the cook
may be hazardous to your mouth.”

After reading that warning she
looked up to see him grinning at her. “You looked very proud of yourself.”

Pushing off the frame he moved
closer and she noticed under the apron he had on a pair of jeans and she hated
the fact that she couldn’t wait for him to turn around and walk away just so
she could see his ass. He stopped when he reached her cupped her face in his
hands then bent down to place a gentle kiss on her mouth. Then smiling and
looking over her shoulder at the picture he nodded. “I
very proud of
myself. He was to.”

Lena turned back to the picture.
“He was very handsome. You look just like him.”

She felt him squeeze her shoulders
then say softly in her ear. “Are you trying to tell me I’m handsome Lena?”

Looking back up at him their mouths
were close and she smirked, “We were discussing catching fish Langley, not
fishing for compliments.”

“I think you find me handsome Lena

“I think you need to go and finish
making dinner.” she replied trying to keep her eyes on his but finding them
slipping to watch his mouth.

“Hmm, admit it. You think I’m

Laughing a little she turned fully
so she was now looking up into those laughing blue eyes. She reached out and
gripped the sides of his apron pulling him down so she could whisper against
his mouth. “I think you’re real pretty Langley.”

He frowned down at her. “Pretty?
That’s a girly way to describe me. I’m not pretty.”

Biting her bottom lip she smirked
at him, “Your right, but now you’re pouting which just makes you look cute and

Taking a step away from her he
crossed his arms over his chest and Lena thought she may just melt on the spot
with the look he was giving her now. “Cute? Pretty? Lena are you trying to
emasculate me?”

“No, it’s just with the apron and,”
she didn’t even get the rest out before he was pushing her back up against the

“And what? You don’t think a man
can wear an apron and still be a man?”

She raised her hands and fingered
the WARNING sign across his chest then raised hot eyes to his. “No I don’t
think that. I just think this apron should read: WARNING, smoking hot chef. May
be detrimental to women’s panties.”

His eyes turned to smoldering in
the blink of an eye and he leaned down and whispered against her mouth. “Oh yeah?
And how are your panties Lena?”

She was about to tell him they were
perilously close to melting, when she heard a cough from behind them. Mason
straightened and Lena looked over his shoulder at his sister who was staring at
them with a huge grin on her face and her own bright pink apron that read
“Cutie Pie” on it.

“If your done macking on the pants
suit, your timer is going off.”

Shaking his head he watched her
flounce back into the kitchen. Turning back to Lena he smiled down at her and
she asked softly. “Saved by the bell?”

Kissing her quickly he nodded then
moved back reaching out to take her hand. He tugged her with him into the
kitchen and she heard him say softly, “For the moment.”


Dinner was amazing. Mason had
cooked lasagna and it was so mouth watering it almost melted the second it hit
your tongue. The bread had been made from scratch and the wine was so delicious
Lena felt as though she were sitting at one of the best Italian restaurants in
the city. They were all seated around a huge dining room table. At the head sat
Catherine and off to the left was Wendy, a petite blond lady who had a quick
smile and a sharp wit and almost reminded Lena a little of herself. This was
the lady responsible for the running of
. Her husband was next to
her and was an average sized man with brown hair and laughing green eyes. They
seemed to fit into the group like family and in a way she supposed they were.
At the other end of the table sat Mason and she tried really hard not to keep
looking at him but it was difficult because every time he laughed or smiled she
found her eyes drawn to him like a magnet.

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