Extraction (7 page)

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Authors: Xyla Turner

BOOK: Extraction
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“Want to come with me and Kevin? The more the merrier.”

“I don't like him,” I informed her.

“Stop being a grouchy bear,” she scolded me. “He's a great guy.”

“Like, Tommy is a good guy?” I leveled my eyes on her.

She slid on her panties, then turned around and dropped the towel to put on her skirt.

Her skin was a creamy, russet complexion and she was simply flawless. There wasn't a mark in sight and I scanned almost every area I could lay eyes on. Once her bra was on, she turned around and asked, “What?”

I’m certain my mouth was parted and my eyes glued to her body. She was beautiful. There was no doubt about it.

“Come here,” I said.

She teasingly shook her head in a negative motion and walked towards me unashamed in her bra and panties.

My hands rested on her hips so I could pull her closer to me.

“His lips touch you in any way, he’ll answer to me.”

“Why?” She laughed. “I can fight my own battles. Thank you, Mr. Bodyguard. I'm tough.”

“Sure you are.” I stood, pulled her in, kissed the top of her head and said, “I'll see you later. Come to my place when you get back.”

“Okay,” she agreed. “Get out today.”

I nodded, left to go to my apartment and tried to continue my sleep but I couldn't.

Looked like I could only sleep with her.

Chapter 7
No Dates


he past month
, Goliath was either in my bed or I was in his. We had fallen into some sort of routine. Whoever was up first in the morning cooked breakfast. Whoever’s apartment we ended up in, that person would cook dinner. We started and ended our day together every day. The times he did come with me, he would just chill if I was making jewelry and come watch me tend to the garden. Ollie thought it was weird but I figured he was a little sour about my not hanging out with him so much.

“So, are y'all a couple?”

I laughed and said, “No silly. We just hang out a lot.”

The older man rolled his eyes and murmured, “I'll say.”

“Yes, you do.” I shook my head.

“Just be careful, okay!” he called as I was leaving to finish making my jewelry.

When I closed Ollie’s door and turned around, I saw Sandra running her hands down Goliath’s chest in his entryway.

What in heaven’s name?

“I guess I've been so busy, I never noticed the new neighbor,” Sandra purred.

“I'm not new,” Goliath pulled back.

Deciding I didn't want to disrupt the two of them, I pushed off Ollie’s door and started to climb the stairs.

“Phoebe,” Goliath called.

I turned around and said, “Hey, Goliath. I'll talk to you later, okay?”

“No.” He closed his door, went around Sandra and was right behind me on the stairs. “Need to talk to you now.”

“Oh, okay.” I kept climbing and then we heard, “Okay, I'll see you tomorrow, Goliath.”

He didn't answer her and just kept following me to my apartment. Once we were safe through the threshold, Goliath said, “I thought you were going to stop by before you started making jewelry today.”

“You were occupied. I didn't want to disrupt anything. “

“There was nothing to disrupt.” He was emphatic.

“Still, I'm not rude. If you're occupied, then you are. It's no big deal, Goliath.” My voice was firm.

He stalked toward me and said, “You're not getting what I'm saying. I don't give a fuck how occupied I look, if you need me, we planned something or whatever, you stop and say something.” Goliath’s words were measured and slower than normal.

Therefore, I mimicked his pace and said, “Again, I’m not a rude person. I will wait my turn or talk to you later unless there is an emergency.”

His hand rested on my hip and Goliath stared at me for a beat then he said, “You're my priority.”


I wasn't quite sure what to say to that comment. Goliath has always been intense and protective. I think he feels like he needs to protect me from something or other people so that's why he keeps a close eye. I don't know or I was probably afraid to know. He just says odd things and I have no idea where to put it, so I let it be.

“Fine, Goliath. The next time some woman is feeling you up, I will interrupt and let her know you are my friend and I need you now.” I laughed.

He shook his head with an upward smirk across his lips. He had to know how ridiculous that sounded.

For lunch, one day, he and I went in town to get some burgers from the diner. Winston decided to sit with us at our booth because he hadn't seen me in a while.

“Who do you have here?” he asked me and gestured to Goliath.

“This is my neighbor, Goliath.” I raised my hand to him. “Goliath, this is Winston.”

The two men shook hands and greeted each other.

“What are you two lovebirds going to get today?” he asked us.

“No, no.” I corrected him. “We’re not dating. Just here to get some food.”

“Say what?” Winston moved his face towards me and pointed to his ear. “Say that again?”

Goliath laughed.

“It's clear as day you two are in love. Spare an old man his sanity.” He slid off of the bench and said, “Give me a second and I'll be back for your orders.”

I looked to Goliath who was looking at his menu. This was getting a little weird.

During dinner that evening, I decided it would be a good time to discuss a few things.

“Hey, I have some things I've been thinking about that I want to discuss with you,” I started off by saying.

“Shoot,” he took a large bite of his fish.

“So, I've enjoyed our time together but we’ve been together every day for the past two months now. You think we need some time apart or something?” I was curious.

“You're thinking about what Winston said?” Was his response.

“Well, yeah. Sort of.” I shrugged. “He's not the only one that has said something.”

“I don't give a fuck. What we have is between us. Nobody else is in this. So unless you have questions about us, everybody else can go fuck themselves.” Goliath had his elbow on the table with his fork pointed towards the ceiling.

I wasn't sure what to say to that because I didn't have a question per se. I had a built-in friendship that had turned out to be the best. Yet, we were missing something that I couldn't put my finger on.

A few weeks later, Goliath took me to the mall to get some clothes that he ended up paying for. We argued and fussed but he won. When I returned from the dressing room, Goliath was chatting with one of the saleswomen.

“No, she's a friend,” I heard him say.

“Ahh, good, just a friend.” She smiled. “So you're available for dinner?”

I cleared my throat.

“Yes, he's available for dinner,” I answered. “What day would be best?”

She smiled and said, “How about tomorrow night? My house?”

“Perfect!” I raised my eyebrows at him and whispered. “Uh oh.”

Goliath growled and said to the lady, “Will you excuse us?”

He grabbed me by the elbow and took me out of the store.

“What are you doing?” he snapped.

“Hooking you up.” I laughed. “She's cute!”

“That's not funny. I'm not fucking interested in her. Don't do that shit again.” He was pissed.

I stepped to him and said, “Goliath, I will do it again because you need to get out, have fun and get laid.”

“I'm good,” he said through his teeth.

“No, you're not.” I challenged him. “You need to get out, get a girlfriend, let them meet your parents, and go live your life.”

“That's not with you?” He stepped closer to me. “I'm the happiest I've ever been right fucking now. I'm at my best and you want to keep pushing me. Pushing me away, huh?” His nostrils were flaring.

“No, no.” I put my hand on his chest. “No, Goliath. I want you to take the next step in your life. That's all. It's one date. Come on. I'll even help you prepare. She's cooking dinner and you like food. Please. Humor me, please.”

His head descended causing our foreheads to touch.

“Okay, Phoebe,” he nodded, “for you. Okay?”

I clapped and hugged him. “You're going to have so much fun!”

I couldn't have been more wrong.

The entire time I kept wondering what was happening with them. Then I had this eerie feeling that wouldn't let up. I didn't want to seem over bearing or even territorial, so I didn't call him. He was probably engaged in some sexual activities at this point.

A knock on my door, broke me out of my haze.

I peeked out and saw Goliath standing there with his head down.

“Goliath?” I unlocked the door. “What are you doing here?”

He walked in, picked me up so my legs wrapped around his waist, then he turned me around so my back was against the closed door.

“Shh,” he whispered, then his forehead fell on mine but he continued to roll it back and forth so our noses were swiping each other’s with each movement.

He wanted me to be quiet but I wasn't sure what was going on and more importantly what he needed from me at that moment.

“Goliath,” I whispered.

“I don't want to go out with anyone,” he said through clenched teeth.

“Okay, that's fine,” I nodded. “Maybe next time, then.”

“No,” he snapped at me.

His tone caused me to jump a little. “Alright,” I said sternly. “Did something happen?”

“Fuck no.”

“Well? Why the change of heart?” I asked.

“I didn't want to go in the first fucking place.”

“You said you'd do it for me,” I said. “You did it, and now it's over.”

He groaned, then yelled, “Fuck!”

My fingers ran through his hair and I started to hum the first song that came to my head. It was my attempt to calm him down and chase away whatever was ailing him.

Goliath’s breathing started to slow down and the tenseness in his shoulders began to unravel. Therefore, I kept humming and massaging his head with my fingers.

His warm nose brushed against my skin and then his lips touched mine.


His lips lingered on mine and for the life of me, I wasn't sure what to do.

Did he mean to do this? Was he caught up? What in the world was happening with him?

I wanted to ask him and bring him back but I was afraid that he would stop what he was doing. I didn't want him to stop.

“Tell me to stop,” he said against my lips. “Tell me no.”

I couldn't say it. There was not one ounce of matter in my body that could utter either word.

“Goliath,” I pleaded.

And he heard me because he kissed me hard and I matched his intensity. His teeth scraped my bottom lip as he took it in his mouth and sucked on it with his lips. After Goliath let it go, I fisted his hair and tried to hold his head still so I could take what I needed. Suddenly, my emotions, feelings and lust took over and I was practically clawing at him.

Before I could, Goliath redirected us and we started to move towards the bedroom.

We fell on the bed and I jumped the man. There was no shame from my end, he was the first one in five years. The buttons started flying off his shirt as I tore it open but Goliath grabbed my hands when I went for his buckle.

“Wait,” he said, right before he flipped me over on my back. “I want to remember every single fucking thing.”

He ripped off my shirt and I quickly unlatched my bra before he demolished the good one. Once my breasts fell out, Goliath stopped and stared.

“God,” he sighed.

Then his face descended and that hot mouth covered my left nipple. A moan escaped me and my back automatically arched so he could take more.

Goliath went back and forth between my breasts worshipping each one. I laid there and allowed him to have his way. The squeezes, pinches, nips, and bites were all welcomed, and I had no objections. My body did what he wanted it to do, what his hands, and will commanded from it.

“Phoebe,” he murmured as he unbuckled my jeans. “I’m clean according to my last exam from six months ago.”

“When's the last time you had sex?” I asked.

“Four years ago.”


“Are you serious?” I gasped.

“Very fucking serious.” He began to pull off my jeans. “You?”

“I'm clean and the last time I had sex was this morning with bob.”

He stopped, then he asked on a growl, “Who the fuck is Bob?”

I leaned up, kissed him and said, “My vibrator, silly. It's been five years for me.”

Goliath continued to stare at me, then he spoke, “You say the craziest things.”

I burst out laughing until he silenced me by dragging down my jeans and panties, spreading my legs and latching onto my clit with his mouth. The sigh was the only thing that left my mouth.

He kissed, caressed, and flicked my nub with his tongue. The amount of energy that flowed through my body was enough to ignite a rocket. Goliath’s mouth was magical and no matter how much I moaned my release this morning with bob, nothing compared to him.

I whimpered and he had the nerve to suck harder.

“Oh my God,” I moaned. “Yes, yes.”

Goliath slide his finger inside of me and I came apart right around him; moaning my release. His slippery tongue twirled around continuously as I calmed down along with my breathing.

“You taste like heaven,” Goliath moaned.

Goliath’s arm reached around to his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. He retrieved a condom and unbuckled his pants. I knifed up to help him but his hand moved me back down. I pouted a little and Goliath said, “Stop.”

Once his pants and briefs were off, he put the condom on and placed his elbows near my head.

“Want to go slow, Phoebe. It’s been awhile and I want to make this good for you.” He kissed my nose. “Plus, it’s you.”

“It’s already good for me,” I interjected. “Simply perfect.”

“No, you’re perfect.” He captured my lips again.

As we kissed, Goliath entered me with slow and measured strokes. I had to be tight because it had been so long since I was with a man. Although, I had a bob, it was not the penetrating kind but instead just a trusty bullet that would give me an orgasm.

Once Goliath entered all the way, I was no longer kissing him back but gasping for air. The impact of us being connected was so powerful, every single part of me felt as if I was about to combust. I was so close and the feeling was so overwhelming, I wasn’t sure what to do with my hands, feet, mouth, or my body.

“Phoebe, stay with me,” Goliath began to stroke. “Baby, stay with me.”

My body wrapped around him as his hands dug into my butt cheeks and he lost all control. He might have started slow but after a while he began to power into me, causing me to scream out my orgasm. I bit him on the shoulder, which urged him on causing our sweaty bodies to slide against the other. It was hot, sexy and all us.

“Phoebe, baby, I’m coming,” Goliath growled. “I, I…”

My fingers ran through his hair and I pulled it hard, then whispered. “Yes, honey. Come.”

He roared loudly and trembled all over me before he collapsed.

Our rapid breaths, dripping sweaty bodies and post-coital haze were a clear sign of enjoyment.

I know my eyes closed but I don’t remember anything after that.

For the first time in life, I had been rocked to sleep.

The good way.

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