Eye of Ra (24 page)

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Authors: Kipjo Ewers

BOOK: Eye of Ra
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“You shall rue the day you stepped foot on this planet, half-breed,” she pointed with fangs reared.


Without a word he dropped Anubis’ khopeshes, which transformed into their scorpion forms in mid-fall to land on their feet. He then laid down the body of Anubis, whose expanding chest revealed that he was very much alive.


Before Laurence had been able to land his fatal blow, the mighty Annunaki warrior had succumbed to the effects of the Samba Nectar.


“Do you still think this was a logical course of action?” His familiar asked him.


“Probably not,” Laurence shook his head. “But it’s as I said, I’m done running. Retract armor.”


On command, the Menos portion of his armor retracted, exposing his bare skin underneath. Laurence slowly laid down the Staff of the Ancients allowing it to transform into its Seni serpent form. He then removed his helm and placed it on the ground before finally dropping to his knees and placing his hands behind the back of his head to surrender.


As he did this, Bastet shuddered from a violent chill that ran down her spine. She reluctantly nodded, obeying some unknown command as she stayed her hand. She then released her weapon allowing it to transform into its feline form, which landed perfectly on its feet by her side.


“Take him to the Elders,” she commanded. “And see to the Eye of Set.”


Instantly the war party that surrounded him became less hostile. Eight of the warriors stepped forward to handle the situation. Three of them went to tend to Anubis who was still down, while the rest saw to Laurence.


They did not shackle him or place him in any form of restraints. With a hand gesture, a large man with porcelain skin wearing what seemed to be hawk inspired silver and gold armor ordered Laurence to stand up as he picked up his helm. 


As he rose to his feet, one of the female warriors with dark cocoa skin and huge, piercing silver eyes went to reach for his familiar. Still in its Seni form, its eye blazed as it hissed at her, ready to strike. Her familiar, encased in the back of her armor, came alive in the form of a metallic feline, hissing back at it from her right shoulder.


Laurence commanded his familiar to behave with a hand gesture. It obeyed and allowed her to take hold of it. As she lifted it reverently with two hands, it transformed back into its staff form. Her own familiar retreated back into its holding within her armor.


Four warriors got into position flanking his front and rear from all four sides, while the one holding his staff positioned herself in front of them. They began the procession, leading him away. He locked eyes with Anubis, who was faintly coming to after having been knocked out for so long.


Annunaki citizens continued to stare as the procession marched toward the largest pyramid structure in the capital. Laurence’s stomach began to twist into painful knots as he gaped, awestruck, at the building before him.


Surrounded by lush gardens, the massive structure appeared to be pure gold with silver hieroglyphics etched into different parts of it. Close up, Laurence could see that the very tip of the pyramid was constructed from crystal Ember. 


In front of it he beheld the monument tomb of Geb and his wife Nut who was laid to rest next to him after her passing. On top of their tombs was a massive silver and gold Alder-forged statue of Geb embracing Nut. She held an Ember sculpted version of Anu in her hands, forever glowing with Awakening energy, pressed against his heart.


As he entered the courtyard, his heart sped up as he came face to face with what appeared to be races from other planets. From what he could gather from their attire, they seemed to be dignitaries or diplomats visiting on business. Some curiously glanced his way like the residents of Anu; a few even gave their version of a pleasant smile. Others either snarled or shot him dirty looks of disgust. A group of one particular race with humanoid features, scale-patterned skin and large elfin ears, wearing outfits similar to ancient Roman single-shoulder togas, looked particularly displeased to see him.


He contemplated whether his course of action had been a smart one. He realized that he may have very well marched himself and the human race into extinction. Many piercing regrets swam through his head; one in particular was never having said goodbye to his father, and never having apologized for how badly he had treated him over the years, especially during their last conversation.


The procession brought him through several hallways and down two flights of steps into what he deduced was a holding area. There were rows of rooms each big enough to hold a midsize car.


They led him to the first room on the cell block, and the only thing within the room was one long seating area connected to the golden walls. The bench was wrapped in a cushion that ran the length of each of the walls.


With a hand gesture the lead guard of the procession beckoned him to step into the cell. He did so without a fight, then turned to see a clear honey colored energy field hum into existence within the bare entranceway.


Silently he watched as the guards marched away with both his helm and familiar. The female warrior holding his staff briefly locked eyes with him before straightening her gaze as she followed the armed guard out of the holding cell.


Laurence stepped closer to the field to get a better look but maintained a distance, remembering all too well from science fiction movies that touching the field would most likely lead to a very bad or uncomfortable end.


He sighed as he walked around and looked over the cell before strolling to one of the seating areas attached to the wall. As he placed his hand down on the cushion material, it was both soft and warm to touch.


“One of the best lockups I’ve been in,” he muttered under his breath.


He collapsed onto the bench with a groan. Baseball bat to the head exhaustion finally struck him senseless as he stared aimlessly up at the ceiling. His mind swam between the recent events that had led to him being in the cell and memories of better days. The memories of the past were mostly times spent with his father. He wondered if his father got his message, and what he was thinking at that very moment.


His memories and thoughts were halted by the sound of footsteps approaching. Painfully he sat up with a grunt, clutching his midsection. His battle with Anubis had taken more of a toll than he realized, now that the adrenaline rush was gone.


This time two guards returned with a male Annunaki. As the field dissipated he was able to get a better look at him. His skin was an almond brown, while his blonde hair was worn long with half the side of his head shaven. His age appeared to be that of a human male in his late forties. His large eyes were a bright sea green. He wore a shiny black and gold themed single shoulder tunic, black sandals, and the large silver chained pendant with hieroglyphics and crystals embedded within the etchings. From what Laurence could deduce, he was probably from nobility.


His familiar stood six feet tall and appeared forged from a pure gold material, with the head of a stork and the body of a nude woman. Its eyes glowed with a yellowish hum as it stared directly at Laurence, creeping him out.


The guards flanked each side of the entrance as the noble stepped in and curtsied before Laurence, placing his right hand across his left breast.


“I am Thoth from the House of Ra,” he announced himself. “I am the Chief Administrator for Healing and Science. I shall be treating your injuries.”


“You …are Thoth?” Laurence nervously smiled.


of me?” He curiously asked.


“You’re kind of known as the god of knowledge, in Egyptian mythos on my planet.”


“Flattering,” he smirked, “although as you can see I am mortal.”


“Considering you’re probably a couple thousand years old,” Laurence smirked back. “That’s kind of a hard argument to sell.”


“Rest assured my dear boy that we do age, expire, and lay our dead to rest the same way you do back on Earth. Well … not exactly the same. Whether it is sixty or a thousand years, time moves for all born of the Awakening the same. It is how you spend that time that matters.”


“So is English a secondary language around here?” Laurence shrugged. “Because you’re like the third Annunaki who I have ran into who speaks it very well.”


“What you call ‘English’ on your world is spoken and goes by many other names in the known universe.” Thoth informed him. “Some of your words have different meanings in other quadrants, but it is all just another way of relaying information. So, how are you feeling today?”


“Well considering I’ve been on two planets outside of Earth,” Laurence began to formulate. “On one of them I got into the mother of all fights with someone considered an ancient god where I come from, which I narrowly survived, and I am now on his home planet sitting in county lockup… Doing pretty good I guess.”


“At least we have not administered an anal probe…yet,” Thoth said with flat tone.


His response dropped Laurence’s jaw and left it hanging there.


“Apologies,” he sighed, “That was my attempt to administer some physician patient humor to easy any stress.”


“Well you just elevated it,” Laurence painfully shifted in his seat.


“Humans and their sensitivity to the anal cavity region,” Thoth shook his head. “Now that we have crossed the waters, may I have permission to examine you?”


“Thanks, but I think I’m alright,” he groaned again, attempting to stand.


“You survived a confrontation with Anubis,” Thoth approached him. “I highly doubt you are ‘alright’, even with your enhancements.”


“How do you know …?”


“Based on your species’ current state of evolution, it’s highly doubtful you’d last a human second against someone like Anubis without some kind of enhancements,” Thoth concluded. “Even if you are from Amun-Ra’s bloodline… No direct offense to either you or your species.”


“None taken,” Laurence painfully shook his head.


“That rather nasty incision on the left side of your abdomen was also a dead giveaway. Not many beings would have survived such a severe cut from an Ember and Alder forged blade coursing with the Awakening, and heal so quickly. Either your enhanced physiology has extraordinary healing properties, or you are an extremely stubborn individual to kill. Also, Anu’s gravity is five times greater than Earth’s. Had you been a regular human, you would have succumbed to the crushing forces which would have broken your bones among other things. Your enhancements have allowed you to adjust quite well, I suspect in time you will become much stronger than when you originally arrived. My familiar Seshaw shall check to see if you require any treatment.”


The familiar strolled up to him and extended its hands, palms up.


“Please place your hands on top of mine and provide me with direct eye contact,” it requested.


 As Laurence timorously obliged in its request, it gently placed its thumbs on the backs of his hands as its eyes began to glow brighter.


“Blood pressure is 120 over 80; pulse rate is 40-60. Detecting incision damage to the left external oblique and serratus anterior which is healing due to advanced cellular regeneration, ten internal compound fractures which have now healed and are now on a hairline level, one of which was a skull fracture that caused a fair amount of cerebral hemorrhaging,” it diagnosed. “Also detecting three areas of massive internal bleeding that have subsided to a minimal threat level.”


“Holy shit,” Laurence moaned.


“Still believe that you are
?” Thoth chuckled. “Dispense dosages of Jerra’s Milk and Orbitral.”


It released him so that its right palm could crack open producing two capsules, one orange and one purple.


“The orange capsule is called Jerra’s Milk, it has a bittersweet taste going down,” explained Thoth. “It is a genetic bonding agent that will increase the rate of repair at which your bones and organs heal. The Orbitral has no taste and consists of microscopic nanites that will operate on you internally to ensure that you heal properly. They will then monitor you for approximately twenty-four hours before shutting down and disintegrating.”


“Nanites?” He furrowed his brow.


“Best described as complex microscopic machines designed to perform a specific task,” Thoth smirked. “In this case to ensure that you do not accidently slip into a coma and extinguish.”


“Any chance I can get a …”


Before Laurence could make his request, Seshaw removed its right hollow breast casing with its left hand. A faucet underneath dispensed clear blue water into the metal breast, while Laurence sat with a dumbfounded look on his face. It remained there as the familiar extended the breast casing to him.


“Uh …thanks,” he swallowed as he took it along with the pills.


He popped both capsules and gave the breast cup a second look before downing the water inside of it. He quickly handed it back, glancing awkwardly to the side as the familiar reattached its right breast back to its chest.


“Within five to ten minutes you should be fully healed and ready to stand before the Council of Elders,” Thoth estimated.


“How is Anubis?” Laurence asked.


His question made Thoth narrow his eyes as he gave him another look over.


“A physician from the House of Set had the misfortune of treating him,” he answered. “I heard he has made a full recovery, although it will take some time for his pride to mend. I’d advise to steer clear of him for a while, and to not pick any more fights with ‘gods’.”

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