Eye of the Abductor (20 page)

Read Eye of the Abductor Online

Authors: Elaine Meece

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Eye of the Abductor
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“You play lovely, dear,” Gramie said.

“Thanks. I’ve missed playing.”

Brance planned to buy Allison a piano for their first wedding
anniversary. He stood behind the piano bench and placed his hands on her

“She sings too. She’s singing a solo on Christmas Eve.”

“Maybe,” Allison corrected. “Christmas without Nathan is so
depressing. I'd rather not celebrate.”

“If luck goes our way, we may have Nathan with us by this time
next year." Brance moved back allowing Allison to slide off the bench.

"That'd be a dream come true. Christmas and his birthday are
my two most difficult times of the year to be without him.”

“Poor, darling." Gramie placed a wrinkled hand on Allison's


On Tuesday, Brance entered the Bartlett Precinct on Appling Road.
Randy and Shawn talked over to the side of the lobby. If Randy, or Rif as he’d
been called, was a corrupt cop, no doubt he’d influence Shawn.

Later that day, Brance discovered during the time of the burglary
at Allison’s, Randy had been tied up at the scene of a wreck that required a
couple of hours to clear. Shawn was off duty and out of town with his family.

Maybe someone Randy had told had trashed her place. He couldn’t
count Escobar out either, but still his gut instinct told him a cop did it.
Then his thoughts drifted to Jill. Allison would never approve of him snooping
into her best friend’s life.

On his lunch break, he drove by Malden Brother’s. He walked up to
the fine jewelry display. Allison appeared from the other side of the counter.
“Brance, what are you doing here?”

“Since I’m getting married, I’m in need of two wedding rings. I
thought of surprising you, but I figured you’d want the commission from the

“Actually, I should let someone else ring it up. It's policy, but
since everyone is out to lunch, I have no choice but to do it. Marrying anyone
I know?”

“Prettiest gal this side of the Mississippi.”

“Flattery will get you nowhere.”

Brance had never seen Allison this carefree. He could be wrong,
but he could swear she was glad to see him.

“I’d kiss you if you weren’t behind that counter.”

She laughed. “Don’t make me call security.” She gave him a
genuine smile. “Okay, let me show you what we have.”

The sound of her laughter warmed his heart. It wasn’t something
she did often. He followed Allison down to the end of the glass case that
housed the wedding rings. “Select one.”

“These are all too expensive,” she said. “A simple band will be

“No, I want you to have a big diamond ring.”

"I’d rather have the band and use the extra money toward getting
Nathan back. Really, Brance.”

“If you insist. Do you sell wedding bands?”

“Yes.” She moved down a few cases. “I like any of these

“Can we get them sized by Sunday?”

“They’d have to be sent out. There’s a shop in the mall that will
do it while you wait. It’ll cost more.”

“That’s not a problem. Let’s go with these.” He pointed to two bands
with a Celtic design engraved in white and yellow gold

each ring housing three accent diamonds.

She unlocked the case and removed the two gold bands. “You picked
my favorite set.”

He winked. “I know. Put those on my credit card, then we’ll walk
down and have them sized. When's your lunch break?"

“In about ten minutes,” Allison answered. “But I told Jill I’d go
to lunch with her.”

“Fine. After we drop the rings off, I’ll take you both to lunch.”

“That’d be nice,” she said, a warm smile radiating from her
cheery face. It lifted his spirits to see her happy.

She worked on the ticket for the rings and swiped Brance’s card
before handing it back. “Sign for me please.”

While Allison worked, he stood to the side and waited for her
break. Brance smiled when Jill approached. “I thought I’d treat you ladies to

“Sweet.” She walked over beside him. “I never turn down free
food.” Her eyes averted to Allison, who was busy with a customer before looking
back at him. When she rubbed her hand over his butt, he winced. She smiled
seductively. “Don’t look so shocked.”

He sidestepped over, putting some space between them. “Allison
believes you’re her friend.”

“I am. That doesn’t mean we can’t have a little fun.”

He scowled at her. “I’m not interested."

When Allison joined them, Brance leaned and kissed her cheek. He
decided not to mention what had transpired with Jill. “I’m starving. Let’s go.”

They had the rings fitted, then Brance escorted Allison and Jill
to the mall diner. He waited until their orders had been taken to bring up the
burglary at Allison’s apartment.

“I don’t think Randy had anything to do with the burglary at your

“But you seemed so sure,” Allison said.

“The cop who helped with the loveseat?” Jill asked.

“Yeah. He recognized Allison and mentioned it to some others.”

“It was probably a chain reaction. That’s how gossip usually
starts,” Jill said. “He might’ve told two people and they might’ve told four
more. I’m just glad Allison wasn’t home.”

“Me too.”
Drop the bait. This is your only chance
. “As
soon as the results get back from the print we found, we should be able to nail
whoever destroyed her place and stole her money.”

“Print?” Jill asked, sounding choked.

“I forgot to mention that we lifted a good thumb print.”

“That’s really good news,” Allison said.

Brance hated lying. No print had been found, but he wanted to see
Jill’s reaction. And the panic that filled her eyes had given him even more reason
to suspect she was involved.

“Jill has agreed to be my matron of honor,” Allison announced.
“Do you have a best man?”

Brance tried not to show his distress. He’d mentioned his tying
the knot to a few people. It hadn’t taken Randy and Shawn long to inform his
coworkers that his bride-to-be was none other than the notorious Paige Wilson.
He’d approached several coworkers about being his best man, but they’d turned
him down flat. “Not yet. Maybe Colby.”

“That’s his younger brother,” Allison said.

Jill appeared stunned. “Colby Stone? I never made the connection
since you don’t really resemble one another. I went out with him once before he

First chance, he’d ask Colby about Jill.

Her gaze lingered on Allison. “I’ve always told you everything
would work out.”

Allison placed her hand on Jill's hand. “I’m so glad I have you
for a friend.”

Brance hoped like hell he was wrong about Jill’s involvement. Her
seductive invitation showed she would betray Allison. It’d be another blow
against Allison ever trusting anyone, ever trusting him.

In the middle of lunch, Brance received a call. “Got to run,
ladies." He handed Allison a hundred dollar bill. “Use this to cover the
ring sizing.” Then he slid a fifty in front of her. “This should cover lunch.”
He kissed Allison’s cheek and stood. “See ya, angel. Don’t forget we go house
shopping online tonight.”

“Thanks for lunch, Brance,” Allison said.

“Yeah, thanks,” Jill chimed, her eyes glimmering with jealousy.


The warmth from his mouth still heated Allison’s cheek. The
simple kiss had caused her heart to race. She watched him walk away before
glancing across the table at Jill.

“I don’t think he has anyone willing to be his best man. His
father and brothers are extremely angry with him.”

“Can you blame them?” Jill took a bite of her pasta. “It’ll ruin
his career. You know cops. It’s a brotherhood thing. One dies and they all come
out of the woodwork like roaches to attend the funeral. Brance will be seen as
a traitor.”

Allison’s throat tightened.

Jill nonchalantly continued. “Of course, he’ll get his
grandmother’s million. I hate to be the one to bring this up, but have you
given anymore thought to what I said, that he might be after Rob’s money?”

“I have. But Brance believes I’m innocent. I’m sure of it.”

“Trusting a cop again, huh?”

Allison shrugged. “I don’t see what I have to lose. An attorney
is drawing up a prenuptial that completely protects me. If we divorce, I’m well
taken care of not to mention possibly getting Nathan back. Regardless of his motive,
it’s binding.”

Jill twirled her fork in her pasta. “Let me run this by you. What
if he’s out for revenge? After all, Johnny Jenkins was his brother’s partner.
Blood is thicker than water.”

Allison thought about Brance and Dillon's relationship. It was
apparent there was a lot of animosity between them, probably due to Carla.
"I don't buy it. Brance and Dillon aren't close. I'm marrying Brance. I
don't have the money to take the Wilsons to court.” She paid the waitress and
stood. “If you don’t want to come Sunday, don’t feel like you have to.”

“I wouldn’t miss it. I just want you to be sure.”

“If it meant I stood a chance of getting Nathan back, I’d marry
the devil.” And she meant it.

On the way back, Allison picked up the rings, then they strolled
through the mall toward Malden Brother's. Jill had tried to stir up uncertainty
like a witch's brew to make her doubt Brance’s reason for marrying her. Why? 

“If you could put your hands on that five million, you wouldn’t
need Brance Stone,” Jill said. “You wouldn’t have to chance another cop
betraying you.”

“If I knew where the money was, I’d turn it over to the police.
As Brance said it’s blood money. I'd want no part of it. If anyone knows, it’d
be Candy Mirkle or Rob’s parents.”

Inside the store, Allison waited until Jill entered the elevator
before returning to the fine jewelry counter. Something didn’t seem right. Why
had Jill been so interested in the drug money? This wasn’t the first time she’d
brought it up recently.

Later that evening, Allison sat beside Brance at his computer,
viewing Bartlett homes for sale. His cologne had faded, allowing her to smell
the man beside her, warm flesh. A sensual sensation spiraled to the pit of her
stomach. She swallowed hard trying to ignore it. “I like this floor plan.”

“I do too. You want to make an appointment to see it?”

“Yes, but when?” She scrolled the mouse from house to house,
trying to keep her mind off him.

Stay focused.

“Maybe Saturday morning we can schedule the appointments. If we
start early enough, we can be done in time for you to make it to work.”

“Then let’s do it.” Without thinking she leaned over and kissed
his cheek. Before she could pull away, he held her close and touched his lips
to hers, then skillfully deepened the kiss with his tongue. Erotic tingling
zinged through her like electricity going from one circuit to the next. 

After the kiss, he whispered. “I’ll make your life right. Wait
and see, Allison Davenport.”

She wanted to believe him. But the old voice of anguish and gloom
kept warning her to back away. Tonight she ignored that familiar cry of
pessimism. She wanted to be happy.

While Brance disappeared into the kitchen, Allison clicked replay
on the virtual tour of the house they both favored. Excitement drummed through
her when she thought of the possibility of it being hers.

Her life had been so dismal for so long; this feeling of
happiness scared the crap out of her. After clicking out of the program, she
took the cup Brance offered. He sat down beside her and sipped his coffee.

“Jill wasn’t herself today. After you left, she said some things
that have me concerned. For one thing, she tried to scare me out of marrying


“She suggested you were out for revenge.”

Brance scowled. “That’s crazy. I didn’t know Johnny Jenkins.”

“No, but he was your brother’s partner, and there’s that cop
thing. One for all and all for one.”

“You’ve got us mixed up with the Three Musketeers.”

She smiled briefly before regaining a serious disposition. “To be
honest, I didn't believe it. She also said I wouldn’t need you if I found where
Rob hid the money. Brance, she’s never talked like this before. It might sound
strange, but I think she’s jealous that something is finally going right for

“I have a confession.”

Allison’s pulse elevated slightly. Had he been playing her for a
fool? Had Jill been right?

“There wasn’t a thumb print found at your apartment. I lied
because I wanted to see Jill’s reaction. Whoever ransacked your place and stole
your money had a key.”

“But Jill knows I don't own anything from when I lived with Rob.
She’d have to believe that I’ve purposely hidden something since moving back.”

"I think she’s somehow involved and knows the person behind
the robbery. I’m not sure how to prove it yet.”

Both became lost in their thoughts, creating a vacuum of silence.
After dismissing her concerns about Jill, Nathan came to mind. Allison couldn’t
stop thinking about her son. It’d been a while since she’d seen him.

“Brance, there’s something I’d like to do tomorrow. I know it’s
risky, but it might be my last chance to see Nathan for a while. And I haven’t
seen him in almost a week.”

“You want to go to the church nursery?”

“Yes, and then I’ll tell Jo Anne and Mona I have to quit. How'd
you guess?”

"Like I said before, I know you." Brance set his empty
cup down. “If the Wilsons have been informed you’re in town, they have alerted
anyone who works around Nathan.”

“It’s a chance I’m willing to take.”


Wednesday evening, Allison entered the nursery and smiled at
Mona. “Sorry, I’m late.”

She feared the Wilsons had stayed home as they had the previous
Wednesday. But her fears were snuffed out when she saw Nathan sitting in his
usual spot. He rolled the police car around while making a siren noise.

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