Read Eye of the Tiger Online

Authors: Crissy Smith

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Eye of the Tiger (18 page)

BOOK: Eye of the Tiger
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He slipped his arms around her waist to pull her up so her back was plastered against his chest. The move changed the angle of his thrusts.

“Oh God!” she said. “Zak.”

‘Oh God’, was right. He was close. His cock was so hard. He needed to spill inside her. Wanted his seed to coat her and leave his mark. He wanted every other shifter out there to know she belonged to him.

He tightened his hold even more. “Mine!” he shouted.

“Yes!” She went over the edge once again but this time she hooked him and dragged him along for the ride.

Sparks lit up behind his closed eyes. He desperately slammed into her before freezing and coming harder than ever before in his life.

They fell onto the ground still wrapped together. He shifted so his shoulder and hip were taking the majority of their weight.

“That was unbelievable,” she murmured.

“Hmm,” he managed. He was beyond words.

He slid out of her, turning to lay flat on his back. She rolled over, propping herself up on her elbow. “So…”

“So?” he questioned.

“I’m hungry.”

He laughed. “Shit, you’re one of those people that is energized with sex, aren’t you?”

She bent down and kissed him. When she pulled away she was smiling widely. “I so am.”

“Fuck!” he grouched. “I guess I’ll make you dinner then.”

“You cook?”

He wasn’t sure how he should take the surprise in her voice. “Yes I cook—very well, if I say so myself.”

“Wow!” she said. “The best sex in my life and dinner. I may never leave.”

He’d expected that a statement like that would make him uneasy, but instead he was swamped with pleasure. Satisfied that he’d put that awe in her voice.

“Come on,” he said, climbing to his feet. He held out his hand.

Her palm met his and he lifted her to her feet.

“Let me… Uh, there are my pants.” She wandered off to start to collect her garments.

Zak watched her, just enjoying the view of her bending over to gather up her clothes.

“Are you just going to continue to stare at me?” she asked without turning.


She giggled. “Okay.”

Shaking his head, he walked toward his clothes that he’d folded on the deck chair. A ringing started and he had to dig around to find his cell.

Cody’s name popped up on the screen. Abilene was strolling over to him so he answered while holding out his hand to her.

“Hey, buddy,” he greeted Cody.

“What’s going on? I thought we might grab some dinner but Jamie said you took off like your ass was on fire.”

Jeez, had that only been a couple of hours ago? It seemed like days if not weeks since he’d freaked out on Abilene. “I’m good. Had to get home and check on something but everything is fine.”

“Sure.” Cody didn’t sound like he believed him but seemed okay with letting it go. “So dinner? Aubrey said she’d meet us.”

He wanted to spend time with his friends. Really he did, but he’d much prefer staying in with Abilene.


“It’s just I was about to make dinner and…”

“And you’re not alone?” Cody finished.

He chuckled. “I’m not alone.”

“Say no more. I’ll tell Aubrey you already made other plans.”

“Thanks, man.” He had great friends.

“Have a good time.”

Zak pulled the phone away from his ear. “How about some food?” he asked Abilene.

“Sure.” She rubbed his stomach. “We’ll take care of one hunger before the other.”


Chapter Fourteen




Key in the lock, Zak secured his house before turning and grabbing Abilene’s hand. His body was still loose and limber after the morning shower they’d shared where he’d had her against the shower wall.

He couldn’t see himself ever tiring of having her close. That worried him since he wasn’t certain what kind of future the two of them could have. Abilene had a job that could take her away for long months at a time. ATF operations took place all over the country. Plus his own work made it hard to keep any relationship going for long. Even if she didn’t live over an hour away they probably wouldn’t see each other that much if their careers took them into investigations like the one that had brought them together.

He’d have to really think about what he could do to ensure that he and Abilene had a real chance at something lasting. He’d seen the way that Cody and Aubrey had struggled to keep things together but Zak was just as determined as Cody had been. Even Jamie was happy with Brandy, who had no connection to his job. If anything, Zak was lucky because he knew that Abilene understood what he did and why he couldn’t pass off some of the more crazy assignments.

He led her down the walk to where she’d parked then opened the driver’s side door. She paused before leaning forward and kissing him. “Thank you.”

“You’re very welcome,” he told her, enjoying the tingling her mouth left on his. “I’ll see you at the office.”

She nodded. “I just have to run to the hotel and change clothes, but I’ll be there soon.”

“You know…” he started before he could catch himself.

She glanced at him.

Hell, he might as well finish. “If you brought your bags over here, you wouldn’t have to go back and forth. You could leave straight from here in the mornings.”

She smiled. “That would save some time,” she agreed. “Are you sure?”

Was he? It was probably crazy and he knew it was way too fast but yes, he wanted Abilene with him all the time. “I’m sure.”

“I think I’d like that. We still have a good amount to work on with the case. Jamie and I will finish up some of the initial reviews but the District Attorney will start the charges. Cody had better luck with the interviews from Robbie, Scott and Bud. They’re not staying silent like the group from the bust. Since we’ve finally got some information we can use, it might be a little while before we’re done. I might wear out my welcome.”

Cody had called the night before and caught them up on his interview. They’d caught their first break and finally they had some intel on Mike Timmons. They still didn’t know where he was but they had several safe house locations.

Zak was shocked to realize that he actually wanted the case to go on longer just so he could keep Abilene close. “I don’t think you’re in danger of wearing anything out but me.”

Her soft laugh sent warmth through his stomach.

“Is the big bad tiger tired?”

He growled. “And hungry! So get going and I’ll stop by and grab us something from the diner. I’ll meet you in the conference room.”

She rose to her toes one more time, but only gave him a loud sloppy kiss on his cheek. “My hero.”

He mock grumbled, shoving her gently into her seat before slamming the door closed. He stood in the street watching as she pulled away from the curb and out of his neighborhood.

Wow, what a difference a few hours could make. When he’d arrived at home the night before, he’d been sure he’d fall back into depression and anger. It always happened when he thought about his past. They’d gotten him counseling when he was younger and living with a foster family. The family had actually been pretty decent to him. They’d clothed and fed him—made sure he got an education, but they hadn’t loved him.

Until he’d met his two best friends he didn’t think anyone had truly cared about him. Now that he had Abilene, he could see the difference in what he’d thought he’d wanted and what he now hoped for.

Twirling the key ring in his hand, he started toward his truck. There was a diner that wasn’t far from the office that served the best breakfast sandwiches. He could drink a cup of coffee while he waited on his order. He’d even get a few for the others that would be working with him.

Two steps from his truck, Zak froze.

In his excitement about Abilene, he hadn’t picked up on the quietness of his neighborhood. There were no dogs barking, no sounds from anyone. He glanced at his watch. While it was early, he should be able to hear people out and about.

And he could feel himself being watched.

Not in the curious sort of way that some neighbors viewed him but with real menace. He slipped his hand down and toward his back.

“I wouldn’t go for that weapon you’re reaching for.”

Zak stopped. He turned toward the small set of bushes between his and his neighbor’s house. Mike Timmons stepped into view.

“Don’t make me shoot you,” Timmons said. “I could have easily taken out that pretty federal agent that just left. Instead I waited until you were alone.”

How had Timmons found him? How long had he been at Zak’s house? As those questions ran through his head he felt nauseous. Neither he nor Abilene had picked up on anything.

“What do you want?” he asked, remaining calm. He knew what to do when he was being threatened. He’d been trained to deal with his cover being blown.

“You have something that belongs to me. I want it back,” Timmons told him.

Taking a good look at the older man, Zak noted how much a few days had changed him. Instead of the expensive suit, Mike Timmons now wore jeans and a button-down shirt. He also hadn’t shaved in several days and, by the smell of him, he hadn’t showered either.

“I didn’t take anything,” Zak replied.

“Don’t fuck with me. I gave you my trust and not only did you betray our group but you took my brother-in-law down with you!” Mike yelled.

He could only be talking about Logan. Zak hadn’t caught the family connection before so this made the situation worse. With Timmons’ hand shaking as he pointed a gun at Zak’s head, he’d say Timmons was just about to lose it.

A desperate man was dangerous in a fight.

Zak’s cell started to ring, making Timmons jump.

“Don’t answer that!”

“Okay,” Zak said. “The phone is in my pocket. Look! I’m keeping my hands out and in front of me.”

“I’ll kill you! I should just go ahead and do it but first you’re going to help me.”

He nodded. “What is it you want me to do?”

“You’re going to free Logan.”

“I can’t do that,” Zak tried to reason. “I’m not the only agent on the case. I can’t even get that close to him.”

Timmons snarled. “You better figure out a way. Call your girlfriend if you have to. But you are not leaving my sight until I have my brother-in-law back.”

This guy had been smart in all his dealings before. It was a strange turn of events to see the nerves and craziness in his eyes.

“I can’t,” Zak repeated.

“You have to!” Timmons’s hand wavered. “My sister won’t forgive me. She said I’m dead to her if I don’t get Logan back. You will get him free.”

His sister? Zak didn’t really need to deal with any more family drama. He’d had enough the day before when he’d met the eldest Perez.

“Look, it’s not only the Coalition involved. We also have the ATF and FBI at our office. Logan isn’t going anywhere. He would be missed.”

“Then you better start praying. Either Logan is brought here or I’ll start to send them your body parts. How would you like that?”

Crap, this guy has gone insane.
Maybe if Zak surprised him he would be able to wrestle the gun away from Timmons. There was no way he could get to his own weapon but he had a pretty good chance at taking his opponent’s.

“Don’t even think about it. Are you stupid enough to think I’m alone?”

Zak wasn’t sure what had given his intentions away. He peered around but didn’t see anyone else. Timmons could be bluffing.

“Start walking to the house.”

He nodded before following the order. Timmons would have to walk right behind him if he wanted to keep the weapon trained on him. Three steps up onto the porch and he could make his move.

Looking up, he wanted to curse.

Two huge shifters stood in front of him. One had a wicked-looking knife against his own leg while the other cracked his knuckles. Here was Timmons’ muscle.

“After you,” Mike Timmons said from behind Zak.

Still holding his keys in his hand, Zak walked up the three steps, warily watching the new additions. He slowly unlocked the door before pushing it open. He’d just started to move forward when he felt a shove from behind.

He dropped his keys as he caught himself on his hands and knees. He grunted when a kick to his ribs landed hard.

“Get him inside,” Timmons ordered.

The two goons grabbed him by the arms and dragged him deeper into his home. Zak let them take his weight. If he could act like he was more injured than he was, maybe he’d be able to work out an escape.

He was dropped into the middle of his living room floor.

“Make him want to cooperate,” Timmons told his men.

“Gladly,” the guy with the knife replied. “Fucking traitor.”

Zak rolled onto his back to see him approach. He had a small limp so Zak dubbed him Gimpy. The other was grinning with his arms crossed. He was Grumpy. Yeah, Zak liked his nicknames for the two brutes.

His amusement didn’t last long. Instead of taunting him like he’d expected, Gimpy went right at him, throwing back his arm and punching Zak in the chin.

Zak tried to move out of the way but the guy was quick.

Taking the hit, he tried to rise up but Grumpy swept his legs out from under him. They took turns beating him. Just when Zak thought he had an opening the other would hit him with enough force that Zak’s vision would waver. He didn’t know how long the punishment lasted but fuck, he hurt. Mike Timmons sat in his recliner, gun on his knee, laughing as he watched.

If it was the last thing he did, Zak would tear that smirk from his face.

Inside, his tiger started to claw to be let out. He had to bit his lip and push back so he could stay in human form. He’d like to release his animal but he was afraid that would earn him a bullet in the head. Timmons was too close to let him get complete control of the room.

When the punches and kicks finally started to ease Zak fell down to the carpet on his stomach. There was blood already staining his freshly vacuumed floor and that pissed him off even more.

“I think he gets the picture,” Timmons told his goons. “Run into the kitchen and get us something to eat while I have a talk with Agent Lewis.”

BOOK: Eye of the Tiger
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