Eyes on the Pride (Awakening Pride Book 8) (11 page)

Read Eyes on the Pride (Awakening Pride Book 8) Online

Authors: Lacey Thorn

Tags: #Awakening Pride

BOOK: Eyes on the Pride (Awakening Pride Book 8)
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“So whose journals do you have?” she asked as he poked her and began filling tubes with her blood.

“Mmm, different people,” he answered, his attention clearly focused on what he was doing.

“Is something wrong?” Darby asked as he seemed to visually analyze her blood.

“As much writing as you all do, I expected you to bleed ink,” he murmured.

Her eyes widened until he glanced at her again and she noted the twinkle in his gaze. Tah laughed.

“Open,” the professor demanded, and she responded without thought. He swiped a huge swab in her mouth, running it over her inner cheek.

“What’s that for?” she asked as he turned and handed Calloway another swab, gesturing for him to do the same to himself.

“He’s bitten you.” He nodded toward the mark just visible at the collar of her shirt. “Changes seem to begin with the introduction of their saliva into your bloodstream. Have you noticed any differences from how you were before?”

She nodded. “My hearing’s better. Actually, all my senses are increasing.”

“Good, good,” the professor muttered as he made notes on a clipboard. “Won’t be on par with your mate’s but much better than mine. Your recovery time if injured will decrease, also. Your body will become more resistant to run-of-the-mill illnesses. That bite of his, it’s better than a flu shot.”

Calloway snorted a laugh.

“Ah, here comes Gideon,” the professor said. He put the vials in the pockets of his lab coat, grabbed his clipboard then headed out with a wave of his hand.

“He’s…interesting,” Darby said.

Tah grinned. “He’s been like a father to Abby. When she and I mated, he took on the lot of us without question. He’s passionate about his work, works far more than he should and is one of my daughter’s favorite people in the world.”

“His daughter is Jess Mueller, correct? The one mated to all four of the wolf alphas?”

Tah nodded. “And also a close friend.”

“You have ties to the bear shifter pack in Wyoming, as well?” she queried.

Tah gave another nod.

“Connections,” she said, answering the question in his gaze. “The wolves, bears and coyotes. Now, to the watchers. It’s going to take all of us if we plan to put a stop to this war. You’re the first alpha to bridge the gap with the leaders of the other shifter species. Staying separated makes it easier to control you. Banding together will make you formidable foes. Proactive instead of reactive. It has the potential to change everything.”

“Something to delve more into this evening,” Tah replied. “I’ll leave Gideon to show you to your cabin and see you both at dinner. Call me immediately if you hear back from your contact.”

“I will,” she promised as he turned and walked in the direction the professor had gone earlier. She was a bit confused by his abrupt departure. Wasn’t he excited at the thought of putting a stop to the hunters once and for all?

“He’s mulling it all over. What you said back there,” Gideon conveyed as he led them outside. “You’ll learn that Tah doesn’t make rushed decisions. He contemplates every avenue and discusses it with the rest of the pride. The council makes final decisions on most things, but his opinion weighs heavily into it.”

“Council? I didn’t realize shifters had a council.”

“This pride does,” Gideon informed them.

“Who sits on it?” This was something Darby hadn’t heard of before, but she found it didn’t really surprise her now that she’d met them all.

“Tah and Abby. Reno. Logan. The professor. Gabriel. Murphy, whom you haven’t met yet. And my mate, Vic.” Gideon smiled as he said his mate’s name. He led them to a barn with ATVs in it. “The cabin is a bit of a hike so I thought we’d take these.”

“You guys use these to get around?” There didn’t seem to be enough for all of the people in the pride.

“Not usually. These are mostly for the human members of our group, which you are now a part of. Don’t be nervous if you see big cats roaming around,” he warned. “We have a tendency to shift and go for runs. Logan’s just had his animal come out of recession, so you’ll see a large snow leopard sniffing around a lot. He usually has a lioness or a smaller snow leopard with him.”

“Wait! Logan Dobson is a shifter? When did that happen?” Darby asked. None of their intel said Logan was a shifter. His sister Laura was, but Logan was thought to be pure human.

“His animal was recessed. We could have lost him when we tried to bring it out. I thought the answer lay in sharing his mate’s blood with him. Instead, I almost killed him. The professor saved his life. It wasn’t Clara’s blood he needed. It was his sister’s. Laura had an enzyme in hers blood that Logan’s wasn’t making. That was the key to unlocking his beast.”

“And the professor figured that out?”

“He’s tenacious when it comes to finding out how we tick. He works round the clock trying to find ways to help us,” Gideon said. “If there’s anything in your blood to worry about, he’ll find it,” he assured Calloway.

Calloway nodded, and Darby took his hand, lacing her fingers with his and giving a squeeze.

“Ready to see your cabin?” Gideon asked and indicated for them to select one of the four wheelers.

“Hop on,” Calloway ordered, and Darby jumped on the seat behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist and pressing her aching breasts against his back. She wanted him again. Her mouth watered with the need for him. She could tell by the way his thighs tensed and the way he tried to subtly adjust his seat that he was just as hungry for her.

Gideon rode another ATV and led the way. Darby took in everything around them as Calloway drove. The land was mostly flat with spots of tall grass and occasional smatterings of trees in thick clusters. She thought of the people on the ranch shifting and roaming the area and wondered if Calloway would do the same. She’d yet to see him in cougar form and really wanted to.

They pulled up in front of a small cabin, and both men shut off the ATVs.

“It’s a single unit. One bed, one bath, kitchen, dining room, living room. It’s already furnished, but let us know if you need anything. Fridge is stocked, and your stuff was brought here while we were in the lab. Dinner’s at six-thirty, but we usually get there a little early.” Gideon’s glance rested on Darby. “We’re all curious to hear what you have to say, Darby.”

She nodded, feeling overwhelmed again. She needed to organize her thoughts on paper or she’d go in and flit from one subject to the next as the whim struck her. She was terrible at focusing when she was nervous. Her dad constantly pulled her back to topic when they were having discussions. She missed him, more than she’d anticipated. Next time they spoke, she needed to be sure to find out when he’d be back. And where he was heading. Here or back home.

Calloway took her hand and led them into the house. The door shut, he flipped the lock and she found herself pressed against it. Her shirt was up around her neck and his lips were all over her in an instant. She moaned and fought her way out of the confining cotton, tossing it to the floor as he immediately unclasped her bra and ripped it off. His lips covered her nipple, tongue working the bud before taking hard pulls and scraping it with his teeth. He moved to the other one, fingers coming up to pluck the one he’d freed while he fed on its mate.

“Calloway,” she moaned, trying desperately to climb him, wanting that hard ridge pressing against her to ease the ache between her thighs.

He turned her around, and suddenly, she was bent over a recliner, chest against the chilled leather while he shoved her remaining clothes down around her knees. The jerk of denim followed by the rasp of a quickly lowered zipper then the crown of his cock was pressed between her thighs. She wiggled, desperate to give him more room, but the clothing confining her wouldn’t give. Instead, he gripped her hips and lifted her up onto her toes, his cock fucking against her folds, his moans telling her he enjoyed the tight space his dick was surrounded by.

“Inside me,” she begged. “Now!”

He grunted, and fingers glided through her slit. One digit slid deep, hooking and rubbing against her wall. She canted higher onto her toes, wiggling and managing to work the material farther down until it puddled at her feet. She kicked one leg completely free and brought her knee up to rest on the arm of the chair and pressed back.

“Your cock,” she demanded. “I want it.”

“You want this?” His voice was a raspy growl behind her, and she turned, knowing she’d see that delicious gold color claiming his irises. He ran the tip of his dick through her slick folds, brushing it against her opening then sliding past until the head grazed the taut bundle of nerves that brought her so much pleasure.

“I need you,” she moaned, squirming and rubbing herself over him. “Please.”

With a deep groan, he drove in, his cock bottoming out inside her, his balls tapping her swollen lips. She tried to spread even wider, bracing her arms for the onslaught of thrusts. He bent over her back, covering her as he rode. His teeth scraped her skin, and she threw one arm behind her, grasping his neck and digging her nails in.

It was fast and hard, as if they’d spent too much time apart, which made no sense. He fucked her until she came with a scream then he pulled out and went to his knees behind her. His cock was replaced with his tongue, and she was fucked again, this time riding his mouth to completion while his fingers toyed with her clit. She collapsed against the chair, unable to help as he stripped her completely, leaving everything in a pile as he lifted her into his arms.

His mouth took hers, and she tasted herself on his lips and tongue. Another door closed behind them, and she was cocooned in the semi-darkness. Cool cotton met her back as he lowered her then stood. She watched as he made quick work of his clothes and climbed onto the mattress, sprawling between her thighs. This time, when he entered, it was slow and easy as if he’d managed to slake the burning need for her. She gently smoothed her fingers through his hair, rubbing over his neck and across his shoulders.

They made love, maybe for the first time since they’d come together. An unhurried glide of flesh, soothing touches and slow, easy kisses. He caressed her, his tongue a balm that cooled her overheated skin. She explored his body, tracing every ridge of muscle she could reach. Her lips trailed kisses along his smooth flesh, her tongue sweeping out to taste him. Their soft moans filled the air, along with the gentle slap of their bodies meeting. This time when they came, it was together. He dropped his head and nuzzled the bite he’d marked her with, licked over it several times then as the orgasm eased away, he bit down, flinging them into another even stronger wave and throwing them higher.

She must have dozed. The next thing she knew, Calloway was shaking her awake, telling her it was time to dress and head back to the main house.

“I needed to shower,” she groaned as she jumped up. “And to organize some notes.”

“I want you to smell like me,” Calloway stated arrogantly then shrugged his broad shoulders. “And notes won’t help you stay on topic. I will, or I have a feeling Tah will.”

“I wanted to talk to you, too,” she added as she searched for what she wanted to wear.

“About?” he asked as he sat on the bed, kicking back and watching her with a contented look.

“What happened when you met Tah.”

“You were right,” he said. “He’s my alpha. My cougar knew that even if I didn’t.”

“So you’re glad we came here?”

“This is where I belong, where we belong,” he corrected. “I’m not saying it won’t take some getting used to. I’ve done my best to avoid large groups, especially of shifters. It will take some adjustment, but I’m willing to try.”

She smiled at him, finally pulling a dress over her head. She wondered if he’d intended for her to wear it when he grinned at her.

“I did,” he assured her. “I like to see your legs, imagine them wrapped around my waist.” His voice was smooth velvet. “Or my neck. I like the thought of bringing you back here, pulling off your panties and bending you over so I can slide in from behind. Fuck you nice and deep. I want to cup that lush ass in my hands. Maybe, slick that tight rosette and take you there.”

Her breathing grew shaky, her nipples beading against the cups of her bra, the tight buds drawing his gaze to the front of her dress. He inhaled, a rumble falling from his lips, and she knew he’d scented her lust.

“I thought you’d like that idea as much as I do,” he murmured, coming to his feet and walking toward her. He pulled her close, dropping a kiss on her lips. “Later, baby. When we come back here. I’ll take my time again. Let you suck my cock while I lap that sweet cream from your pussy.” His tongue traced her bottom lip. “Then I’ll fuck you until you scream my name. I’ll make you burn for me. Finger-fuck your ass until you’re begging me to ride you there.” One palm smoothed under her dress, cupping her rear cheek and giving it a squeeze.

She groaned. “You’re torturing me. Call them, and say we can’t make it.” She eyed the bed, ready to throw off her clothes and climb back into it with him.

His chuckle washed over her as he shook his head. “After,” he promised. “We’ll meet the rest of the group, have that talk then head back here for a night of nothing but pleasure for you, baby.”

“I have no idea how I’ll be able to concentrate on that talk now. All I’ll be thinking about is coming back here with you.”

“You make me lose my head, Darby. My only intention was to wake you so we could head out. Then I saw you there, all flushed from sleep, your body bare and beautiful. We don’t have time to do all the things I want to, but that will be all I’m thinking about until we get back here.”

“So you wanted to torture me, too?”

He laughed and dropped another kiss on her lips. “It’ll only make it that much better when we do return.”

She licked her lips and groaned. She was going into a houseful of shifters, smelling like lust, sex and Calloway. He’d firmly stamped her as his in every way imaginable, and damn, if that didn’t make her want him even more.



Chapter Eleven



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