F-Stop (13 page)

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Authors: Desiree Holt

BOOK: F-Stop
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“Phoenix?” Delaware sat up straighter. This was a new wrinkle. “Absolutely not.

But why would they show up here asking about this? Did they mention kidnapping?”

“No. It seems one of the agency partners is involved with a woman named Katherine Culhane. Her sister is Eli’s executive assistant and she’s on the trip with them. They were concerned that they hadn’t heard from her and couldn’t contact her.” He picked up a paper clip and began unbending it. “I tried to tell them what I just told you—that they were all probably busy getting settled in.”

“Where are they now?”

“They indicated they were going to San Diego to see what they could find there.” Pelley frowned. “Do you think they’ll be a problem?”

Delaware was thinking furiously. He was well aware of the Phoenix Agency. Some hated them, some swore by them but they always got the job done. He was one of the few people who knew the government also used them when a situation arose that official hands couldn’t touch. He hoped he didn’t bump heads with them over this.

“I’m going to do my best to shortstop them.” Delaware shook his head. “Did they leave you phone numbers?”

Pelley pulled a thin business card from the corner of his desk blotter and passed it across the desk. “Here’s what they gave me. They said to call them if I heard anything.

Should I—”

“No,” Delaware cut him off. He copied the numbers into a tiny notebook, then handed back the card. “Let’s wait and see what happens on this end. If they contact you again and pressure you, give them my number.”

“Should I tell them about the video email? And my meeting with you?” Delaware shook his head. “I’ll take care of that when the time comes. If this crosses international lines, we need to handle this very delicately.”

“I don’t want them to do anything to screw this up. I just want to pay the ransom, whatever they ask for, and get everyone back.”

“About the ransom.” Anthony Delaware shifted uncomfortably in his chair. He’d have to give Pelley the bad news right at the start. “I’ll be honest, Mr. Pelley. There’s been a rash of kidnappings by drug cartels, taking the victims across the border to Mexico.”

“You can’t mean that.”

“Oh but I do. Narcoterrorists, they’re called.
The income from their drug sales isn’t enough anymore. They use ransom money to buy arms, which they sell to terrorists and street gangs.”

“Then why don’t you do something about it?” Pelley demanded.

“Unfortunately, we’re hamstrung here. Our border leaks no matter how much we try to plug the holes. If Mr. Wright and his party have been taken to Mexico, the FBI will have a hell of a time getting them back. We always advise not paying the ransom but in this case that may be your only option. And our only way to locate the hostages.” Pelley leaned forward, a strained look on his face. “What do you mean? That they might not be returned? Can’t you just go in and get them?” He shook his head. “First of all, there are five major cartels in Mexico and all of them have been involved in kidnappings in the past year. We have to find a way to pinpoint which one we’re dealing with here. And that’s a lot harder than you might think.”

“I don’t understand.”

“If—and I say if—they’ve actually been taken to Mexico, the Mexican government has not been as cooperative in situations like this as we’d like them to be. The cartels own the government in Mexico, so we get no help there. And Uncle Sam won’t want his fingerprints on any international situation.”

“So what happens then? We let them call all the shots? I’m not going to just throw up my hands. If we pay this ransom, we’ve got to be sure we get them back.” He glared at Delaware. “And you’re telling me the FBI—and maybe no other agency of my government—can assure me of a safe return?”

“I’m just saying that there may come a time in this process where the Phoenix Agency may be the only people who can help you out. But that is absolutely a last resort, as far as I’m concerned.” He tucked his notebook away. “We don’t even have any idea where the hostages are being held. I can probably figure it’s not in San Diego or anywhere around here. Otherwise they’d be more specific about where and when the hostages would be returned.”

“Would they get into that so soon?” Pelley sounded skeptical. “Wouldn’t they want to make sure they had the money first?”

“Of course they would, damn it,” Delaware snapped. “That’s a stupid question. But they aren’t handling this as if it’s all local. Meanwhile, I’m going to get some people out here to set up equipment on both your office and cell phones before the next call comes in and your computer. And I’m also going to bring in the San Diego office. Give them a heads-up. That’s the last known location so we may as well get them involved right away.”

He stood up, took his cell phone from his pocket and pushed one number. As he gave instructions on what he wanted, he stood over by the huge window overlooking the interstate. He hoped against hope that this didn’t all turn to shit, the way so many of these Mexico deals had recently. He didn’t want to be the one with Eli Wright’s blood on his hands.

“All right.” He sat down again and crossed his legs. “What about your secretary?” Pelley looked puzzled. “What about her?”

“I don’t think it’s a good idea to bring her in on this but if this goes on for more than a few hours, she’s going to wonder what the hell is going on in here.”

“Joanne knows absolutely everything that goes on here,” he told them in a tight voice. “She’s not just my secretary she’s my gatekeeper. There’s no way she won’t find out what’s happening. And leaving her out could leave us vulnerable when we most need her.”

Delaware stared at him a moment, then nodded. “As long as she understands that anything she sees or hears is strictly confidential. If she breaks that confidence I’d have to take her in.”

“I’m telling you.” Pelley’s voice turned belligerent. “Joanne is the least of your problems.”

“Fine. Now. Two men will be here in less than half an hour. Let’s hope your next call doesn’t come in before then. While we’re waiting, I’d like to go over this from the beginning again. From the moment Eli Wright made plans for this trip until this morning when the people from Phoenix showed up here. And you’ll need to copy that email to a disk for me.”

* * * * *

Kat thought she’d be sick when she saw the charred, twisted remains of the vehicles the Wrights and the security men had been using. The police had hauled them to an enclosed facility where crime scene techs were still going over them. While Mike talked to Detective Wagner and Mark took pictures of the cars with his phone, Kat stood at the side, taking in huge gulps of air, Faith’s steadying arm around her.

“I know you feel badly about the security people,” Faith said, “but we can be grateful none of the Wrights or Mari were involved. And glad that young Len is going to recover.”

“I know. But then where are they?” she cried. “I don’t sense them anywhere around here.”

“I’m not completely sure how remote viewing works,” Faith told her. “Do you have to have a specific location to focus on, or can you focus on the people and get their location?”

Kat shrugged. “It depends. Usually I have a place to start with and project my mind to wherever that is. Get a picture of the site or sites. Describe what I see.”

“Okay then. What about this? Wherever they were taken, they had to leave from here. So if you focus on San Diego again, maybe you can get a picture of what happened. Or something that will give you a hint.”

“That’s a good idea.” She rubbed her forehead. “As soon as we’re through here, maybe we can find someplace quiet and I can try.”

“I think the first thing we need to do is check into a hotel,” Mike said, coming up beside her. “We won’t be leaving here today and I think we could all use some lunch.” He put his arm around Kat. “And you need to rest.”

“As if I could until everyone’s safely back with us.”

“But you won’t be able to help them if you’re sick,” he pointed out. “Come on.

We’re finished here. Mark’s going to Wagner’s office with him to get copies of the report and talk to the arson investigator. The cars were destroyed by a bomb and we want to see if the pieces they found will tell us anything.”


“But nothing. I’ll call him when we get checked in and he can take a cab there or Wagner can bring him back.” He looked at Faith. “That okay with you?”

“Of course it is. Anything is fine. As long as we can make some progress.”

“Come on, kitten.” Mike hugged Kat gently. “Time to get you away from this. I’ve got a favorite place I stay when I’m here,” he said as they pulled away from the impound yard where the bombed-out hulks of the cars were being held. “I like it because they have a full floor of suites. It means I don’t have to conduct business in my bedroom. And it has great room service.”

“Oh Mike. I don’t think I could swallow a bite of food right now, I’m so worried and scared.”

“Maybe some tea and toast then?”

“Let’s get up to the room first. Then we can order something. I’d rather do that.” Faith took care of registering for herself and Mark, lifted the small bag she’d packed for them and turned toward the elevators. “I’ll be in our suite. Let me know if you hear from Mark before I do.”

“Or you could just send him a message,” Mike grinned.

The silent communication the Hallorans shared often was one of the agency’s best tools.

She chuckled. “See you in a bit.”

Mike filled out the registration slip for them, requesting a one-bedroom suite, and picked up his go-bag and Kat’s small suitcase.

“I can carry my own luggage for heaven’s sake,” she protested.

“I got it. Let’s go on upstairs.”

As soon as they were inside the suite, Mike dropped their suitcases and pulled Kat into his arms. Holding her tightly against him. She wanted to collapse into his strength, to pull the warmth from his body and melt the block of ice that had taken up residence in her stomach. She was so afraid for her sister.

“Kat? Honey.” He tipped her face up to kiss her but stopped at the sight of the silent tears streaming down her cheeks.

“Oh Mike. Those poor men. Those poor, poor men. What an awful way to die.” Pressing herself against him, she buried her face in his chest. She knew her tears were soaking his shirt but she couldn’t let go of his strength and the warmth that seeped into her. His hands stroked her hair and his lips touched her forehead. She wished she never had to move from this position.

Releasing a shuddering breath, she pushed back a little, rubbing her wet cheeks with the heels of her hands.

“Sorry,” she snuffled. “I’m just a mess. I need to pull myself together.”

“Let it all out,” he told her. “Don’t keep it bottled up.” She smiled through her tears. “I’ll be okay in a minute. Just hold me some more.”

“I’ll do more than that,” he said in a soft voice as his mouth came down on hers.

How had she ever thought she could live without this, she wondered. The heat of his lips, the wet warmth of his tongue as it licked the seam of her lips. She opened her mouth for him and then she was lost in the magic sweetness and unbridled passion of the kiss. It was definitely still there, the incredible sexual pull, the lightning that struck them both. All the pent-up feelings they’d been storing for two years exploded in the one searing kiss.

It was a long moment before they came up for air.

“I’d better call Mark, check in with him.” Mike pulled out his cell phone. “He’ll catch a ride here,” he said when he clicked off. “No sweat. He’ll be here in about an hour so we’ve got a little down time. I’m going to order you something light to eat.”

“After,” she told him.

He frowned. “After what?”

“After this.” She stood on tiptoe and wound her arms around his neck, pulling him close so she could press her lips to his.

Mark cupped her face, riding out the kiss with her then pulling his head back a little. “Kitten, your emotions have to be all over the place right now. I don’t know—” She pressed a finger to his lips. “I
know. More than food, more than sleep, more than
I need you to make love to me. To give me the strength to get through this. To do what I have to do. I’ve never stopped loving you, Mike, and that’s what will help strengthen my gift so I can do my part. Please don’t make me beg.”

“Never.” His voice was fierce. “I love you more than anything, Kat. And I’m going to show you just how much.”

He had them both out of their clothes in seconds and carried her into the bedroom, his mouth fused to hers, his tongue sweeping inside. Kat knew some might think it was wrong of her to be doing this with her sister and the Wrights in danger, but she hadn’t lied to Mike. She needed him with a desperation she hadn’t known it was possible to feel. It was the only thing that was going to get her through the nightmare she was facing.

Lying on her back with Mike pressed to her, body to body, she drew his heat into her. His thick cock pressed against her thigh, his hands cupped her breasts and again his mouth was feeding from hers. She pushed her tongue into his mouth, dragging his taste to mingle with hers.

He maneuvered her so they were on their sides, his leg thrust between hers so his thigh pressed against her pussy. She moved her hips so she could rub her clit against his hard muscle while he pinched her nipples and tugged on them. She heard a low moan and realized it was hers, rising up from inside her as she desperately rubbed her clit against him, riding his thigh.

That quickly the climax burst from her, shaking her, and she pressed herself hard against Mike’s leg. But no sooner had the spasms died down then he pushed her onto her back again and shifted so he could lift her to his mouth. She jerked at the electric contact of his tongue on her pussy, lapping her slit. He blew a warm stream of breath on her drenched folds and the inner walls of her cunt fluttered in response.

Bending her legs, she pressed her feet flat on the bed and lifted herself so she was pressed closer to his mouth. He opened her labia like flower petals and thrust his tongue deep inside her, driving it in and out. As if her body had still been poised on high alert a second orgasm drove through her. Mike held her while she trembled with the spasm, but he never removed his tongue. Almost as soon as the pulsing subsided he began again, lightly biting her clit, the insides of her thighs, her pussy lips. He scooped her cream with a long, lean finger and dragged it down to her anus, pressing against the tight opening. When she arched up to him again he slowly pushed the finger inside and timed its movements with the stabbing of his tongue inside her.

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