Fabric of Fate (15 page)

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Authors: N.J. Walters

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BOOK: Fabric of Fate
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They had their own mill where they ground their grains, a stable filled with powerful horses, craftsmen who made furniture and other household goods. It was like taking a step back through time and seeing what a real ancient town would have been like.

She’d also noted what was absent. There were no power lines, no traffic, no horns blasting in the distance, no cell phones or computers, no televisions and no pollution. She couldn’t say that was all bad. She’d enjoyed the quiet and the fresh air.

But there were also no grocery stores, which meant no chocolate. There was nowhere to buy clothing. No hospital either. That was a scary proposition.

She looked around the room and smiled at the men who’d joined them for the evening meal. They were all members of the small troop of men who guarded Dannon Keep. But she’d learned that no one did just one job. One of the men carved wooden bowls and cups, another worked with the horses, and yet another made weapons. Tara and a young lad around twelve years of age bustled in and out carrying more platters to the table. The fare was simple, but plentiful. No one went hungry here.

“Have you had enough?” Heroc leaned closer to be heard above the genial chatter.

“Yes, thank you.” She put her spoon down and pushed the bowl aside. “It’s delicious.”

“What do you think of our home?” There was no mistaking the pride in his voice.

“It’s beautiful.” They stayed on the grounds close to the castle but from high atop the walls she’d seen a pristine lake farther inland and a thick forest filled with towering trees. A majestic mountain stood behind them, sheltering them from the rest of the world.

A man hailed him and Heroc turned from her to answer his question. She enjoyed watching both men as they interacted with their people. Both were well liked and that said a lot about them. But she noted the deference in people’s tone when they spoke to Abrah. There was no doubt that he was the master of all she’d surveyed today.

All the pressure was on him as well. Over and over again today, people had come forward, men and women alike, asking for advice, seeking answers to questions or help with some problem. Abrah dealt with them all. He showed no sign of impatience or anger at the myriad interruptions. Heroc was quick to step in and shoulder any responsibility he could.

Audrey was impressed with their home and with them. How could she not be? The keep ran like a well-oiled machine. Everyone knew their job and did it to the best of their ability because it wasn’t just their paycheck at risk but their very lives. Survival wasn’t easy in such a harsh land and if the crops failed or the animals got sick everyone paid the price.

She’d never met two men she admired more and she hated to have to leave them. But she did. Didn’t she? Of course she did. What would she do in such a world? Her skills were useless here. Tara ran their home and they had no need for an advertising executive. She couldn’t cook, but Dorn ran the kitchen and certainly didn’t need her help. She knew nothing about gardening or raising animals. Her skills might demand a high price in her world but in Javara they were worthless. That was a humbling thought and something to really think about.

“Is anything wrong?” Abrah frowned at her but she wasn’t concerned. She was beginning to realize that was his natural expression. The man certainly didn’t smile much. He shouldered so much responsibility she wondered who he turned to when it all became too much?

In the past, probably his father or mother. But they were both gone now, leaving him and Heroc to deal with the burden of all these people.

“I’m fine. Just a little tired.” Truly, the fresh air and walking had taken a toll on her. She wasn’t exhausted, just pleasantly tired. She tried to hold back a yawn but it escaped. She covered her mouth with her hand. “Excuse me.”

Abrah shoved his chair back from the table. Every eye in the place turned to them. Audrey tried not to feel self-conscious as she took the hand he offered and stood. He nodded to his men who were still dining. “The day has exhausted Audrey.”

She felt like melting into the floor at the knowing grins some of the men gave her. There was nothing nasty or lascivious about them. They were more playful, but still, they all knew she’d had sex with the brothers.

“Are you coming?” It took her a moment to realize he was speaking to Heroc and not her.

“Yes.” He stood and accompanied them down the hall to the stairs. Carn jumped up from his spot in front of the fireplace and trotted up the stairs ahead of them.

The closer they got to the bedroom the more the bread and soup she’d eaten roiled around in her stomach. Would they expect to have sex with her again? Did she want to have sex with them again?

Her body heated the more she thought about it and she was practically squirming by the time Heroc opened the door and waved for her and Abrah to precede him.

Carn loped toward the fireplace, where a fire cheerfully crackled, and wasted no time turning twice in a circle and flopping down onto the floor. He tucked his face into his paws and let out a gigantic sigh.

She laughed at the huge beast. He was much like his owners—large and ferocious-looking, but really he was a big softie. Not that she’d ever say that to either man. Or the dog either for that matter. They were all proud males.

“Seems like Carn is exhausted by today’s endeavors too.” She walked toward the window, not glancing at the massive bed. They’d already proven it was large enough for the three of them.

Abrah stripped off his shirt and hung it on a peg that had been hammered into the wall. There was a series of them near the bed for hanging clothing. She tried not to stare at his broad chest and thick arms. Really she did. But his body drew her like a lodestone.


Heroc had come up beside her while she’d been watching his brother. “Yes.”

He cupped her face, rubbing his thumb over her cheekbone. “Beautiful Audrey. Will you give yourself to us tonight?”

She sensed there was more to his request than her simply sleeping with the two of them. She swallowed her growing nervousness. “What do you mean?”

He feathered his fingers over her lips, sending shivers of desire down her spine. Her toes curled in her boots and her pussy clenched. She didn’t recognize herself around these men. Her body jumped to life at their slightest touch.

“We want to take you at the same time.”

She swayed as her legs went weak. He couldn’t mean what she thought he did. “That’s impossible.”

He shook his head and shot her a grin that was slightly wicked and filled with sensual promise. “Not impossible at all. There is a herbal concoction that will make it easy for you to take both of us.”

Okay, this was pushing the boundaries for her. Sleeping with the two of them one at a time was crazy enough but having both of them at once—which meant one of them would be having anal sex with her—was something she’d never even considered.

She glanced at Abrah who stood beside the bed, his arms crossed and his face set in his usual stoic expression. He expected her to refuse. Heroc, on the other hand, had hoped she might say yes.

That was the integral difference between the two men.

“Yes.” She blurted out the word that would change her life and forever bind her to these men in ways they couldn’t even imagine. Already she was too attracted to them physically. She was afraid the emotional ties would follow her back to her world.

She’d never trusted a man, let alone two, the way she trusted them. She was smaller than they were, trapped in a world not her own, a world where their word was law. If she refused them they could take her anyway and no one would stop them, would see it as their right.

But she knew one word from her would put an end to things.

“Are you sure?” Heroc was still beside her, tension emanating from every square inch of his large body.

She nodded, half afraid to speak.

He smiled and the corners of his bluish green eyes crinkled, making him look younger. “How old are you?” She can’t believe she’d never asked him.

“I have seen thirty-three summers.”

“We’re the same age.” That surprised her. Both men seemed older, yet there was no denying they were in the prime of their lives.

“Come.” Heroc took her hand and pulled her toward the bed. Obviously, the time for talking was done.

Abrah wanted to pull Audrey from his brother’s grasp, toss her onto the bed and fuck her until she screamed his name with pleasure. Watching her all day long had been torture, but never had torture been so sweet.

Seeing her experience his home, observing her interact with his people had filled him with pride. He’d loved the look of surprise and wonder in her eyes. But he’d also seen the lost expression that had taken her from time to time, could practically hear her inner thoughts telling her she didn’t belong here.

And maybe she didn’t. She’d been ill. Because Heroc seemed to know more about her health he’d questioned him about it. His brother had assured him that Audrey’s illness wasn’t serious and could be handled with rest, good food and regular doses of Tara’s herbal tea.

Abrah wasn’t convinced. Tara said she needed to release her pent-up emotions.

He couldn’t ask Audrey to do that, not when he carried so much inside himself. He understood her better than she thought. He knew what it was like to be responsible for so many, to have lives hanging on his actions and words. He felt the weight of them every day in spite of how much Heroc tried to shoulder.

Abrah loved his brother and was grateful for his support and counsel. He didn’t know if he could do it on his own and hoped he’d never have to find out.

The only time he felt the weight leave him was when he spent time with Audrey. Something about her presence lightened the burdens pressing on his heart. When she smiled the sun came out even though the day was dull. Her laughter curled around his balls and squeezed them tight. A glance and his cock was as hard as a staff.

She and Heroc stopped beside the bed. Audrey had her shoulders thrown back and her chin tilted upward. So brave when he knew she feared what was to come. “We will not hurt you. Ever.” He made the vow with a fury in his blood. He’d kill anyone who ever hurt her. As quickly as it rose, his fury died away. Within a single day she would be gone and he would be unable to protect her.

The agony wasn’t to be borne.

He cupped the back of her hand in his palm, tilted her head up and kissed her. Her lips parted and he groaned as he surged into her welcoming warmth. She tasted like the stew and hot bread she’d eaten for the evening meal, tinged with the apple cider she seemed to favor. She gave a small moan and his cock jerked at the sexy little sound. She went up on her toes, trying to get closer to him. His balls swelled and threatened to explode.

Abrah slid his hands under her tunic and pushed it upward, breaking the kiss so he could free her from the garment. He needed her naked.

Heroc’s arms came around her, cupping her breasts. The firm mounds were delicate against his brother’s rough, tanned hands. Her nipples tightened under his gaze and when Heroc touched one tender pink nipple it hardened beneath his touch.

“So beautiful.” Abrah wasn’t a man for fancy speech but he wanted her to know he thought she was magnificent.

Red tinged her face and his heart skipped a beat as she blushed. Had no man in her world ever told her such things?

Heroc nibbled the sweet tendons in her neck and she threw back her head and gasped.

Abrah’s fingers flew over the laces of her pants. As soon as the material loosened, he dragged it down. “Lift her,” he ordered.

Heroc swept an arm around her waist and plucked her off her feet. Abrah knelt and removed her boots and pants, leaving her naked in his brother’s arms. The position was perfect for seeing her sweet pussy. He shoved both her legs over his shoulders, parted her with his fingers and buried his face between her spread thighs.

Heroc adjusted his hold on her so his hands were on her breasts once again, teasing the perfect mounds and playing with her taut nipples.

Audrey gave a sharp cry and drove her heels into his back. He teased her slit before letting his tongue slide inward. Her taste was incredible, a mixture of honey and spice and woman. He could eat her all night long. The wetter she was and the more she wanted them, the easier the double penetration would be for her.

But he would not allow her any pain. If she could not handle them both at once he would withdraw immediately. All Abrah wanted was her pleasure.

His tongue left her slit and moved upward. He sucked on her slick folds, licking the tenderest spots. Her clit was swollen, the nub red and hard and he pressed it with his tongue.

Audrey gasped and bucked toward him. Heroc laughed and Abrah raised his head long enough to see his brother nibbling on her tender shoulder while he tugged on her nipples with his thumbs and forefingers.

She was close to coming. Abrah could sense it in the erratic movement of her body, in the sharpness of her breathing.

He pushed two thick fingers into her pussy and almost came when they tightened around him. His cock was about to burst the lacings on his pants. His shoulders were slick and one of her legs slipped. He grabbed it with his free hand, pushing it up higher on his shoulder.

“Hold me,” Abrah ordered. Her heels dug into his back and he grunted his approval. He tongued her clit again and then pulled it between his lips, sucking gently. Audrey arched back against Heroc’s chest, the movement shoving her pussy more firmly against his face. Abrah sucked harder, while his fingers worked in and out of her constricting sheath.

Her cry was music to his ears. The way her hot channel closed around his fingers made him blind with lust. The taste of her sexual release washed over his tongue and he swallowed, wanting to share in the moment with her.

Abrah kept his face buried between her thighs until he knew she could take no more. He carefully removed his fingers and sat back, swiping the back of his hand over his damp mouth and chin.

He nodded to Heroc and his brother pulled her away and scooped her into his arms at the same time. Heroc placed her on the bed where she lay with her eyes closed. Her chest rose and fell rapidly as she gasped for breath. Her skin glistened with a light sheen of perspiration and her curly hair was spread over his pillows. Her long, slender limbs were lax and her legs were slightly open, allowing him a clear view of her pink and wet pussy. Her nipples, too, had turned more red than pink.

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