Fading Away (Hardest Mistakes #1) (11 page)

BOOK: Fading Away (Hardest Mistakes #1)
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“It’s fine, don’t worry about it.” Kai shakes his head with a smile, cramming another slice in his mouth.

“Do you want to go for a walk?”

“I don’t have any shoes,” he replies after swallowing his mouthful.

Damn, that’s right. Hold on, I have an idea. “There’s a thrift shop just a block down the road; you can walk that far barefoot, can’t you?”

He shrugs. “I suppose so.”

We walk slowly along the footpath so Kai doesn’t step on anything sharp. He has his arms wrapped around himself to ward off the slight chill still lingering in the morning air.

A bell dings as I open the door to the small thrift shop. The whole room is stacked full of clothes and accessories, some of it actually looks quite interesting and colorful. Kai passes me and heads for the shoes while I walk over to a clothing rack overflowing with coats.

He’s back standing beside me a moment later.

I twist to face him. “Find something?”

He lifts up his covered feet to show me, and then starts sifting through the coats in front of us. I stand back and take a good look at him. He needs another haircut, and a shave. I’m not entirely sure he’s put enough weight back on, but then I didn’t really look at his figure when he was being an ass to me at school. I pause to study his face as his eyes flicker over the clothes, he looks so sad.

“Are you okay?” I blurt out before I can stop myself.

He glances back at me, a little confused. “I’m fine. Why?” He grabs a hoodie off the rack and I follow him to the counter to pay, handing over a few bills to the kind old lady. I do a double take at her white hair and green eyes. Maybe she’s not as old as I first thought. She grins as we leave the shop.















I used to wear only the best. It didn’t matter what it looked like—Serena did the shopping—but it was still the finest and most expensive. And now…Now I’m reduced to secondhand clothes and old worn out shoes. How far I’ve fallen.

Sam walks half a step in front of me. I can’t see her face, she’s turned away from me. I never asked her about her date with Riley. Maybe she thinks I don’t care.

Do I care?

She slows suddenly when she realizes I’m not beside her. I don’t want to ask but now that I’m thinking about it, I have to know.

“So how was your date last night?”

She stumbles a bit, but recovers quickly. “It was fantastic, actually.” She smiles, her eyes sparkling. “Riley is so nice and considerate.” She looks off into the distance. Probably thinking about the idiot, I imagine.

“Great. That’s great.” I don’t mean for it to come out clipped, but it does. Her eyes dart to mine curiously, but she doesn’t say anything. Quick, I have to say something else. “So when are you going out with him again?” Oh yeah, that’s really something I want to know. I flinch at the sudden pain in my head and hasten our pace.

“I’m not sure. I guess he’ll call me.” She looks a little worried. I can see it in the creases on her forehead. She thinks he won’t ask her out again.

I sigh quietly, my breath coming out as fog in the chilled air. “Don’t stress. If he’s smart, he’ll call you.”

She glances at me with a small smile and sticks her hand in her pocket to retrieve the house keys. As soon as we’re inside, I lose the shoes and head up to Sammy’s room. She knows what I’m doing and stays downstairs.

I don’t even make it through the bathroom door before I’m on my hands and knees panting. The pain is worse when I change back, probably because it’s not natural. Everything hurts, even the tips of my fingers and toes burn. I collapse on the cold floor and pass out.




Mark stays for dinner, much to my embarrassment. He smirks at me every time I happen to glance his way, making me blush. I’ve seen plenty of naked men…in movies and magazines. Okay, so Kai was right, I haven’t seen anyone naked in real life.

Ashlee throws me a funny look and grins. When the awkward dinner is over I hide on the sofa with Kai as Mark and Ashlee say goodbye in the entry way. I can hear them kissing and whispering to each other. Sinking lower into the sofa cushions, I cover my face and peek out from under a cushion at Kai, his knowing silver eyes stare back at me.

Ashlee jumps on me as soon as Mark has driven away. “Little red in the face there, Sammy.” She laughs, pulling the cushions off me.

“Am not.” I try to get off the sofa, but she drags me back down by my wrist.

“Are you still a virgin?” she asks in all seriousness. My cheeks burn and I look away. Kai is listening to us from where he’s stretched out on the floor. Not cool. “It’s nothing to be embarrassed about,” she assures me.

“Oh god, what if Riley wants to go all the way? I don’t think I’m ready.” Did I just say that out loud? I blush again and hide my face.

Ashlee places her hand on my shoulder. “If you’re not ready, just say no. If he’s as nice as I think he is, he’ll understand and respect your decision.”

I regard Ashlee’s sincere expression for a moment, then nod slowly. She smiles wide. “Great, now let’s get our fan girl on.” Kai groans from the floor, Ashlee gives him a weird look, then turns her focus back on the TV, switching to her favorite drama.

If he’s not careful, she’ll start thinking something’s up with Kai. I’m starting to really like her, which will make it hard if I have to admit her to the hospital after she loses her mind.




I slip into my regular seat in Economics and pull out my notebook.

“Hey.” I jump and Riley laughs from behind me. I mentally smack my forehead; how could I forget he’s in this class with me?

“Hi,” I answer, spinning in my seat to face him. His vivid green eyes stand out on his face.

He studies me for a moment before asking, “I’ve been talking to Mark. Do you think you girls would be up for another group date? I was thinking a club this time.”

Remembering my last experience at a night club, I grin. “Definitely, that’s sounds great.”

At the end of the lecture, I dawdle putting my books away, hoping that maybe Riley will talk to me again.

“Bye, Sammy,” he calls out from halfway out the door. How did he get there so fast?




By the time I get home I’m exhausted. “Sammy!” Ashlee yells, running down the stairs. “We’re throwing a party next weekend! Is that okay? I’m calling it the ‘End of a Boring Summer Party.’” She spreads her arms wide and looks at the ceiling, playing up the name.

“That’s fine, sounds fun actually. I’ve never been to a party.” I pause. “Only one problem, I need to get a job. I’m running out of money to pay rent.”

Ashlee stops in front of me. “You should have told me. My parents own a deli here in town. I’m supposed to start helping out on weekends. Come with me on Saturday.”




I decide to take my human hour on Friday night to finish my Engineering assignment that Sam helped me start. They’re both going out again anyway. Being home alone doing nothing is depressing.

I wait at the front door for them to leave. Ashlee bounces down the stairs with Sam following close behind. A horn outside signals their ride and Sam runs her fingers across my head as she leaves, shutting the door behind them.

The inside of the house is quite warm so I don’t bother with my shirt, just the pants. It’s not like there’s anyone here to chastise me anyway. I take the notebook I’ve been working in down to the sofa and switch on the TV for background noise. I sit there for a while, trying to put pen to paper, but everything I write is clouded with thoughts of Sam.




Riley holds my hand as we wait in line at the club Ashlee took me to. I’m basically jittery with excitement. The doorman stamps our hands, and then we enter the pulsing club.

Ashlee and I leave the guys at the bar and start looking for a seat. They meet us at a small table and place our soft drinks in front of us. Ashlee grabs hers and takes a long gulp. The cool Coke feels amazing sliding down my dry throat. Riley smiles at me from across the table as he sips from his glass.

Ashlee and Mark finish their drinks and head out to the dance floor, twisting around each other in moves I couldn’t possibly hope to copy.

“Want to dance?” Riley yells into my ear over the loud music. His breath tickles my neck and I shiver. Not waiting for an answer, he snatches my hand and tugs me out into the surging crowd.

Pressing his body close to mine, we start dancing in circles. Halfway through, Riley leans down and brushes soft kisses along my jaw. Butterflies erupt in my stomach. I move closer to him and tilt my face up. He takes the hint and presses his lips against mine, they are so soft. I can’t breathe for a second. His mouth moves against mine and I return the kiss. The lights and sounds fade for a moment, leaving only us, then abruptly everything comes crashing back in as Riley pulls away.

We hold hands on the drive home and both the guys come inside with us after we pull into the driveway. “Did you leave the TV on?” Ashlee asks, walking over to the sofa and reaching for the remote. I frown and let go of Riley’s hand.

Damn it, Kai. “Yeah, I think it was me.”




It’s nearly ten in the morning before Ashlee emerges from her room. She’s taking me to work with her today, so I’m already dressed and fed, waiting for her in the kitchen. I wonder briefly if she’s noticed that Kai eats breakfast cereal in the mornings with me.

Ashlee and I arrive at the deli half an hour later and she proceeds to show me around. Just as she’s showing me the freezer room, Dylan Lanter, from high school, rounds the corner holding a handful of plates. He pauses when he sees us.

“Hey Ashlee,” he greets her, briefly glancing at me.

“Dylan,” Ashlee responds in a flirty voice. “Sam will be starting work here with us on Saturdays.” Dylan nods with a smirk then continues with whatever he was doing.

Once we’re out of earshot, I glare at Ashlee. “You didn’t tell me he works here.”

“Oh don’t worry about it, Sammy, he won’t say anything mean. He’s not like that.” I narrow my eyes at her but keep my mouth shut as she continues. “Guys only act like idiots because they want you. You’re a pretty girl, Sam.” Ashlee turns and leaves me with my mouth hanging half open in surprise.

I find Kai stretched out across my bed when we arrive home. “Your stupid friends just keep popping up everywhere.” He tilts his head at me.

“Dylan works at the deli I’ve just started working for.” Kai snorts at me and leaves the room. I get changed into my comfy flannel pants and a t-shirt, snuggling up on my bed with my laptop to work on my graphics homework and type up Kai’s engineering assignment he left out for me, so I can send it through to his teacher.




On Friday just before our Econ lecture ends, I turn in my seat to face Riley. “Are you guys coming to the party tonight?”

He smiles down at me. “Of course.” The class ends and Riley grabs his bag. “See you tonight, Sammy.”

Ashlee forces her way into my room just as I’m about to get dressed for the party.

“Here, wear this.” She throws a blue dress at me and leaves. Um, okay. I slip the silky strapless dress on and look at myself in the mirror. It’s a snug fit, but it looks amazing. I head down to the kitchen just as partygoers start to arrive.




The loud music downstairs hurts my ears, and hiding under Sam’s bed isn’t helping. I trot into the bathroom and let the change take over. The crippling pain pushes me to the floor and I cry out. As soon as I open my eyes again I slip on my clothes, including my shoes and my hoodie.

If I keep the hood up, hopefully no one will recognize me. I catch my reflection in Sam’s mirror as I pass, and pause. Pulling down the collar of my hoodie, I trace my fingers along the pink scars on my neck, sighing.

Most of the party is in the backyard, so I slip down the stairs and head for the deck, snagging a drink from the kitchen on my way. I take a sip as I sit down on a deck chair in the far corner. It tastes like a million different types of alcohol that shouldn’t be mixed, and straight away it’s giving me a nice buzz.

I gaze out into the yard and find Ashlee and Mark laughing and talking to a group of people. Sammy is standing quietly beside them, just listening to the conversation. “Hi.” The idiot pulls up a chair and sits down beside me. “I’m Riley.” Is this guy serious?

I glance toward him, keeping my face in the shadows. “I know who you are.”

He looks confused. “I’m sorry, have we met?”

Crap. “No, I’m a friend of Sammy’s.”

His face brightens. I feel like smacking him.

“Oh, nice to meet you then, I’m Sammy’s boyfriend.” He pauses. “Has anyone ever told you, you have freaky eyes?”

He sloshes his drink toward me and I ignore him. He frowns and looks out over the backyard before focusing back on me. “She’s a pretty nice girl. Little naïve, though. You got a girl?”

I lift my lip in a resemblance of a snarl. “No, I don’t.” He needs to leave me alone before I get violent. I have no tolerance for this…boy.

“So, what’s her name?”

Okay, now I’m confused. I scowl. “Who’s name?”

“The girl you’re in love with. She’s obviously messed you up.” I turn fully to face him and stare open mouthed, and then I get up and walk back into the house without a word. In love…I don’t think so. That part of me died when my body couldn’t become human for more than an hour.

“Wait! I didn’t get your name,” Riley calls out after me.

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