Fading (Shifter Rescue) (5 page)

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Authors: Sean Michael

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BOOK: Fading (Shifter Rescue)
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I bet I can find some sexy books.
He knew all he had to do was ask Pirou for anything for the kits and his brother would make it happen. Pirou took very good care of the rescues.

“Can you find Cather again?” Hill looked and sounded so worried.

Jag nodded. He wasn’t going to stop until he did.
I can. I will. You’ll see.

Hill’s trust was a tangible thing, sure, almost visible.

Jag told himself it would be boring if Cather was as easy, but really, he simply wished Cather wasn’t hurting as badly as he was, wasn’t depressed and mourning so hard. Jag was worried Cather was going to give up before Jag really had a chance to get through to him. He started licking Cather again.
I’ll find you books to read
, he promised.

He felt the sudden, warm pleasure. Oh, a way in to his lost kit. He continued grooming while shooting a look at Hill and growling softly at him to join them. Hill immediately shifted, coming to settle in close, so happy, so warm. Jag purred, sharing his grooming between them, letting them know that he accepted them as a pair, together. Hill groomed them both in turn and, after what seemed like days, Cather joined in for a few careful licks.

Jag purred, so pleased, and gave Cather extra grooming as reward. Such a lovely coat. It would be gorgeous one day with proper care. His kits simply needed love. They needed him.

Luckily for them all, he was coming to accept that Hill and Cather weren’t just another pair of kits he was helping rescue and rehabilitate. They really were his.

Chapter Eight


Hill slipped out of the bed he shared with Cather and Jag, heading for the bathroom in the dark. He turned the hot water on, left the light off, and slid into the steam to soap himself off. Jack himself off. Tug himself off. Get himself off. He chuffed softly at the utter ridiculousness of his own thoughts, his hand moving over his cock.

Pretty kitty, feeling himself up

The thoughts slid over him, followed immediately by Jag’s hands on his skin.

Oh. Oh, please
. Hill arched into Jag’s body, into his hands.

Jag’s hands felt like heaven on earth, moving over his body. The touches were long and slow, sliding on him, and they felt so good. He purred softly, letting Jag hear him, letting Jag feel his pleasure. Jag hummed in reply and encouraged him to lean back against the strong, warm muscles.

This was magical -- warm and easy, lovely, bone-deep.

Smell good, kit
. The words were a balm.

Feels good. So good

Jag’s huge hand never once stopped moving. It didn’t rest anywhere, and it skirted Hill’s nipples, his cock and balls, but it felt so good to have someone else’s hands on him again that he didn’t care. His body felt like he was buzzing, like he was a little bee with fluttering wings.

Jag’s touches slowed, becoming even more wonderful, and Hill’s buzzing increased.

“Sensual kit,” murmured Jag, lips dragging over the skin of Hill’s neck.

“Hungry.” He wanted someone to love on him. No, he wanted Jag to do it.

“I’ve got what you need right here.”

Finally -- finally -- Jag moved to his nipples, fingers sliding across them, then down to his third nipple, touching it, too.

“Look at this. A special prize.”

Hill’s cheeks heated, but he nodded and pushed up into Jag’s fingers.

“Is it more sensitive?” Jag tugged on it gently.

“It is. I feel it all on my ribs. It’s like Cather’s eyes. Special.”

“Cather has special eyes when he shifts?” Jag just kept tugging and flicking, touching him so good.

Hill hesitated, but the secret was already out now. “C-Cather’s eyes never change. Ever.”

“He has cat eyes as a man?” Jag asked.

“Yes. Please don’t tell him I told you.”

“That sounds incredible. Why wouldn’t he want me to know?” Jag’s fingers moved back and forth over Hill’s third nipple, making him so hard.

“No one knows except for me.”

“A special secret. Like this.” Jag pinched his nipple lightly this time. “Thank you for letting me know. I’m honored.”

“Yes. Our secret. Our special secret.”

“Yes.” Jag took his chin and tilted his face back, lips pressing lightly against his.

Hill opened up easily, his entire body feeling awake, alive. The kiss began slowly, Jag’s lips sliding along his, but as he opened his mouth, Jag’s tongue slipped between and in, sliding into his mouth.

His hips rolled, sliding his ass along Jag’s erection. Jag groaned, and it was Hill’s movements that had brought that sound out.

“Sweet kit. You make me need.”

“That’s good. Need is delicious.”

Jag beamed at him. “It is, Hill. And need with the right person -- people -- is even better.” Then Jag kissed him again, the hand on Hill’s chest, sliding from nipple to nipple to nipple.

His eyes rolled back in his head, his cock slapping his belly. Jag touched his other hand to Hill’s cock, barely grazing it. Oh. Oh, he wanted that. Not barely touching, but firm. Strong.

“Like this?” Jag asked, hand wrapping around him and holding on tight as Jag stroked him.

“Yes!” His head fell back, his throat working as pleasure flooded him.

Jag wrapped his mouth around Hill’s exposed neck, teeth sharp and hard as they dug in.

“Master!” His orgasm surprised him, rattling him deep in his bones.

Jag’s teeth never left his throat, signaling Jag’s claim over him. His soul rejoiced--the hole deep inside him filled in a rush.

Jag finally let go, licking at the mark on his neck while squeezing his cock, bringing one shudder after another winding through him.

Thank you. Thank you. I needed. I did
. Hill had needed this even more than he’d realized.

I know, kit. I have you. You’re mine.

The words were exactly what Hill needed to hear. Almost too good to be true. Almost.

He swore he smelled Cather there in the bathroom, even with the soap and water and Jag. He didn’t know if it was true or not but he reveled in it, in the belief that they were together in this. Hill needed to believe that they could join together, the three of them.

All three
, Jag agreed.

It had to be a good sign that Jag could read his thoughts, even when he wasn’t trying to send them. Right?

Silly kit. Of course it is

He had to laugh and press close. He hadn’t done it on purpose this time either. Jag pulled him close and brought their mouths together, taking a kiss from him, opening his mouth and slipping his tongue in. He arched, his sensitive cock rubbing on Jag’s belly.

“Still needing?” Jag asked softly. “Me, too.” Jag pushed against him, cock hard and hot and huge.

“Oh. Can I touch? Please?”

Jag didn’t even hesitate before nodding, and his “yes, please,” was echoed by a very sure
! in Hill’s brain.

Hill reached for Jag’s cock, fingers dragging over the fat shaft. He could only imagine what that would feel like, to have Jag stretching him -- his mouth, his ass.

“You can taste me, kit. Right here, right now if you want.”

He didn’t so much as hesitate. Hill went down to his knees, lips stretched open to take the heavy, turgid cock. Jag wrapped a hand around Hill’s skull and tilted his head back, slowly sliding the thick cock back and forth across Hill’s lips. Then Jag pushed the head between them. The flavor hit Hill in a rush, and he swore he could hear the universe ring for a second. He’d never tasted anything so right as Jag’s cock. Pre-come dripped onto his tongue and it was like coming home, like he belonged, on his knees with Jag’s cock in his mouth.

“Hot fucking mouth,” murmured Jag. “So fucking good.”

Hill lapped and licked, gathering each little drop of passion. Jag moaned and groaned, being very vocal about how much he was enjoying the tongue-kisses. Hill felt like he was floating, like the world was spinning like a top beneath him.

Jag tightened his hold on Hill’s head and began rocking slowly, and Hill opened up, welcoming the thick prick into his throat. Moaning, Jag pushed slowly all the way in, then drew out again before once more spreading Hill’s lips wide to take the thick cock in. Jag’s thighs spread like they had a mind of their own, like he needed more space for his aching balls.

Shoot when I do
. The thought was clearly an order.

. He ached, his entire body responding to the command.

. Jag sounded pleased at the word and Hill knew it was right, that it was true.

Moving faster, Jag began to thrust harder, sliding faster along Hill’s tongue. He moved in time, hips rolling, bucking as his balls swung.

Soon. Soon, kit. My kit.

Yours. Your own. Master. My master.

Now! Come with me!
Jag slammed into his mouth, spunk pouring down his throat.

Hill swallowed, coming at the first taste of Jag’s salt in his throat. The pleasure was huge, and he didn’t know where the pleasure from the flavor of Jag in his mouth ended and the pleasure from coming began. It all sort of melded together. And he swore he could feel Jag’s pleasure inside him too.

Hill carefully cleaned Jag’s cock with his tongue, stroking the shaft, caressing every inch. The hand in his hair loosened its hold, Jag stroking now instead of tugging or holding tight. He could hear Jag panting, could hear an echo of their pleasure in the bond he knew they shared. It felt so good, to nuzzle Jag’s belly, adore him.

“Such a pretty kitty. I think I’ll keep you.” The words were softly spoken, full of gentle care.

“Swear it?”

Jag met his gaze and nodded, saying
inside his head at the same time. It was a very clear and undeniable answer. And that felt like heaven.

Yes. Yes. Master. Yes.

Jag kissed him again and this time Hill could feel that Jag was claiming him, and the kiss melted him on a cellular level.

Before he knew it, Jag had turned off the water and picked him up, carrying him out of the bathroom and toward the bedroom. When they got there, though, the bed was empty. The room was empty.

Cather was gone.

Chapter Nine


Cather shifted only long enough to open and close the door to the bedroom, then find and unlock the door out of the suite. He shut it behind him, then he shifted back into his natural form and began to look for an exit to the world.

Hill had a new master, a new mate, which was all Cather had asked for. Now it was time for him to go and be… something. He wasn’t even sure -- maybe be nothing at all. But he was sure that it was time.

“Oh dear, pretty one, you’re not supposed to be out here, are you?” The voice belonged to a man who looked surprisingly like a smaller version of Jag.

Cather head-butted the man, going for non-threatening so that someone would show him the door. Slender fingers slid through the fur on his head.

“Did you get shut out, then get lost?”

He needed a door, a way out. He shook his head side to side. No. No, they were ready for him to leave. They had each other now. Hill would be loved and cared for. He’d done his duty. He could go.

The man frowned. “Can you shift for me, honey, and tell me what the problem is?”

Cather sighed, but slowly made himself human, making sure that the man couldn’t see his eyes. “I am looking for the door out.”

“Oh, honey, I’m sorry, but I can’t help you there. Does Jag know you’re wandering around? He must be frantic. Come on. Let me show you the way back.”

Cather! Cather!
Hill’s calls through the bond were frantic.

“I must go. Jag has a mate and I need to find another home.” He needed this man to understand.

The man frowned. “I don’t know what the ins and outs are, but I do know that Jag wouldn’t send you out on your own like this. Come with me, please.”

Cather, where are you? Come back immediately.
Jag’s call was much more direct than Hill’s had been. And it was an order. As if Jag was his master.

“I can’t. I’m sorry. Please understand.”

The man took his hand, their fingers wrapping together. “Come on. Let’s get you back where you belong.”

Cather shook his head, calling the cat, trying to shift.

Jag appeared suddenly in front of him. “Cather? What are you doing out here? We’ve been calling you. Sorry, Pirou. He’s never even shifted before, and it never occurred to me he would get out.”

Jag touched his shoulder, hand so warm, gentle but firm. Cather hid behind his hair, desperate for the cat to come to him.
Please. Please
. He just needed to go.

Jag stepped up and wrapped around him, hugging him. “Easy, Cather. Easy. I’m not here to hurt you. No one is.”

“I’m going to let you have Hill. You’re both mates. I’m just going to go.” His voice felt rough in his throat.

“Mates? What…” The other man sounded surprised.

Jag shook his head. Cather could feel it because Jag hadn’t let go of him yet. “No, that’s not how this works, and you know it. You’re a part of it.”

“Perhaps you should discuss this in your rooms where it’s warmer,” the other man suggested.

“He’s right, Cather. Do you need me to carry you?” Jag asked.

“I wish to leave.” Why couldn’t he shift? What was wrong with him?

“You don’t have anywhere to go, Cather. And you belong with Hill. And with me.” Jag pulled back and just like that lifted him up, carrying him down the hall.

I found him.
Jag sent the words and Hill’s relief was palpable through their bond.

“I wish to leave.” He squeezed his eyes closed, his heart broken.

“I can’t let that happen. You and Hill belong together.” Jag kept walking.

“I wish to
!” He tried screaming the word.

Jag sighed but didn’t stop, didn’t put him down. “When you’re healed and you have a place to go, a job to support yourself. When you’re well and you’ve spoken to me and to Hill about it, if you still feel the same way, you can go.”

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