Faith Revisited

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Authors: Madelyn Ford

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Vampires, #Paranormal

BOOK: Faith Revisited
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The Watchers:

Faith Revisited

Madelyn Ford

The Watchers: Faith Revisited

Copyright © November 2009 by Madelyn Ford

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eISBN 978-1-60737-457-2

Editor: Sandra Rychel

Cover Artist: April Martinez

Printed in the United States of America

Published by

Loose Id LLC

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About this Title

Vampire Paranormal

Once one of the most powerful of Angels, Bale, along with his fellow Grigori brethren, were punished due to Lucifer's trickery, and the only hope for redemption is to protect those Earthbound souls from the rising of Lucifer's Demon children. It is a duty they gladly accept. But when Bale finds himself fascinated with the vampire, Faith, he fights it. Not only does his longing for her go against a vow he'd made centuries before, he is pretty certain someone is targeting him and his brothers—one of their own—so to protect her, he tries to resist the pull.

For Faith Magee, meeting Bale was like stepping out of the pan and into the fire. An injury due to a Demon hunt sends her into Transfiguration, the process by which a child born of a Vampire father turns, one year early. Instead of getting out from under her domineering father's thumb, she finds that by taking Bale's blood she is bonded to a male who doesn't seem to want her. To make matters worse, blood from any other makes her violently ill. With her only options being starving to death or giving into an alpha warrior, what's a vampire to do?

Publisher's Note:
This book contains explicit sexual content, graphic language, and
situations that some readers may find objectionable: Violence.

1 Enoch 15

“And He answered and said to me, and I heard His voice: 'Fear not, Enoch, thou righteous
man and scribe of righteousness: approach hither and hear my voice. And go, say to the
Watchers of heaven, who have sent thee to intercede for them: 'You should intercede' for men,
and not men for you: Wherefore have ye left the high, holy, and eternal heaven, and lain with
women, and defiled yourselves with the daughters of men and taken to yourselves wives, and
done like the children of earth, and begotten giants (as your) sons? And though ye were holy,
spiritual, living the eternal life, you have defiled yourselves with the blood of women, and have
begotten (children) with the blood of flesh, and, as the children of men, have lusted after flesh
and blood as those also do who die and perish. Therefore have I given them wives also that they
might impregnate them, and beget children by them, that thus nothing might be wanting to them
on earth. But you were formerly spiritual, living the eternal life, and immortal for all generations
of the world. And therefore I have not appointed wives for you; for as for the spiritual ones of the
heaven, in heaven is their dwelling. And now, the giants, who are produced from the spirits and
flesh, shall be called evil spirits upon the earth, and on the earth shall be their dwelling. Evil
spirits have proceeded from their bodies; because they are born from men and from the holy
Watchers is their beginning and primal origin; they shall be evil spirits on earth, and evil spirits
shall they be called. [As for the spirits of heaven, in heaven shall be their dwelling, but as for the
spirits of the earth which were born upon the earth, on the earth shall be their dwelling.] And the
spirits of the giants afflict, oppress, destroy, attack, do battle, and work destruction on the earth,
and cause trouble: they take no food, but nevertheless hunger and thirst, and cause offences. And
these spirits shall rise up against the children of men and against the women, because they have
proceeded from them.”

1 Enoch 15:1-12

Excerpt from the
Book of the Fallen

Little has been written or is known about us, the Grigori. When the Great War broke out,
there were those of us—five thousand strong—who agreed to the Fall. We did so with great love
in our hearts to protect the Father's second born from the jealousy that had seeped into the souls
of Lucifer and his followers. And for thousands of years we stood resolute.

But in our love for those Earthbound, we forgot we were not of them, that we were Grigori.

We took wives. We had children. We built a world in which we could live. For three hundred
years, our home grew into a place of great advancement, and we were renowned for our
technological marvels, our superiority in battle, and our medical achievements. Our greatness
was our downfall.

In a vain attempt to save our homes, our wives, our families, we were tricked into attacking
Athens. Judgment was rendered upon us, and on that one fateful night, everything we had known,
everything we had loved, sank into the sea. Our Atlantis was gone, and we vowed death to
Lucifer and all his children.

It is a war we fight to this day. A war those of us who are left are willing to die for. A war
we will continue until we are no more.

Samyaza, leader of the Grigori


“And now as I said concerning faith—faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things;
therefore if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true.”

Alma 32:21 in the
Book of Mormon

Chapter One

It was a time of war. No thanks to the damn demons, the paranormal community's presence continued to remain hidden by a thread. But at least now the vampires and shifters were united and were no longer hunting each other. They had a mutual enemy: the demons. For some reason, the bastards from below were trying to drag them all, kicking and screaming, out into the open.

And so all paranormals took up Archangel Michael's motto “The only good demon was a dead demon.”

Faith cast a glance toward her vampire—or soon-to-be vampire—twin, Hope. At twenty-four, the twins had yet to enter their Transfiguration—the biological process by which a human born of a vampire father becomes a vampire—so they had to be very careful during their hunt.

Until the twins transfigured, they were easy to kill. And if their father, Garrett, ever discovered how they spent their evenings, the demons would be the least of their worries.

Hope nodded, and the pair split up, each twin rounding the building from separate directions, hoping to catch the demon unawares and cut off his chance for escape. Seattle had been hit hard these last few weeks: five dead women—proof the Lilu demon had developed a taste for human flesh. Damn, how Faith hated Lilu demons! They were the epitome of most vampire legends—the red-eyed, soulless, bloodsucking vultures that crept into your bedroom at night and drained you dry. She shuddered as she recalled stories of how one had risen from Hell in the seventeenth century and how humans had begun plunging red-hot irons through the hearts of their dead—and unfortunately, some of their living—in their exuberance to eradicate vampires. Fortunately for her, most humans wouldn't know a vampire if one smacked them in the face.

With a smirk, Faith turned the corner. Hope was in sight, nonchalantly meandering toward the demon. As of yet he seemed unaware he was being targeted. Their not having undergone Transfiguration was a plus that aided the twins while hunting. To most demons and many paranormals, they seemed human and were therefore perceived as nonthreatening.

From a distance, Faith watched Hope reach inside her jacket for the weapon she carried.

Faith had scoffed when her twin had shown her a picture of the fantasy-game replica online. But the first time she'd seen the clawlike dagger Hope had commissioned in action,
could hardly define her sentiment. Hope had hurled the blade like one would a boomerang, and it had sheared the demon's head clean off his neck. But this time Faith knew her twin was reacting too quickly, giving away their intent far too early. And the demon responded by lunging at Hope.

“Fuck,” Faith hissed, breaking into a run as Hope tried to sidestep the demon. Her sister was an excellent marksman, but when it came to hand-to-hand combat, her skill left something to be desired.

A sudden burst of noise, like the sound of snap pops on the Fourth of July, and the unmistakable scent of sulfur were all the warning Faith had before she realized the Lilu demon 2

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