Faithless (Mistress & Master of Restraint) (23 page)

BOOK: Faithless (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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Calm, patient, polite Ezra has vanished- in his place is a pissy hot guy with lust and frustration written across his features.

“We alright, here? I can go,” I offer to calm Ezra down, worrying that territorialism and jealousy are dominating Ezra more than he is dominating us.

Arms yank m
e back down and become a steel band around my back. Cort hisses a warning, “No, don’t you fucking dare make this about you, Ezra! This isn’t about just the two of us. You heard Faith, she thinks you’re hot. It isn’t just me that has her wet. Now quit being a pissy shit and get down here. Personally, I’m sick of being a virgin.”

“You’re not a virgin,” Ez grumbles, rolling his eyes. “I would know,” he whispers, a blush flushes across his pale chest- a glimpse of the Ezra I know.

“As someone who has wanted to be with a girl since… forever… I look at it as losing my virginity. And you, Ez, wouldn’t you like to use that thing on someone- other than my mouth or hand?” Cort raises an eyebrow towards Ezra. I don’t turn around. The sight of Ezra’s stiffy is imprinted in my mind. I impatiently wiggle around in remembrance.

My stupid girly parts are doing a dance- clenching like a fist- aching. “I have to know whether or not this… chatty bullshit is over or not. Cuz if not, I’m going outside and rubbing one out. Seriously, I’m going insane here,” I growl.

Cort barks a laugh, chest rumbling beneath me. “God, this is why I love you, chick,” he chuckles. “I don’t know how to get you off, but I’m sure I’ll figure it out.”

“I want to,” Ezra creepily purrs. The sound radiates down my spine and pools in my belly. Something about those three words worries me. Ezra sounds like someone else- he’s too eager with a seductive note in his tone.
“You guys makeout, I’ll take care of the rest,” is said in a strange cadence.

“Ah! Ah! Ah!” I quickly pant out as Ezra licks my toes, nibbling on the tips.
“Ugh,” is pulled out of my throat when he sets his teeth into my calf.

I try to kiss Cort, I really do. But I can’t concentrate as Ezra makes a feast out of my feet and legs. I don’t think Cortez minds since he’s preoccupied with my breasts. He pinches, teases, cups, and squeezes. At one point, I swear he was weighing them in his palms.

“I want to take off my pants,” Cort whimpers. “They’re cutting off my circulation.”

I lift up off of him, but Ezra’s hand stills me. “No,” Ez breathes. “Cort stays dressed.”

“Why?” Cort huffs out, confused. “You’re naked. Faith only has a skirt wrapped around her waist.”

“I’m in charge,” Ez says in a strained voice I’ve never heard him use. Cort jerks as if he’s been electrocuted. “Faith can rub you through your pants.”

Proving that he meant business, Ezra gently takes my hand and cups it over the bulge in Cort’s pants. I feel like a contortionist: sitting high on Cort’s chest so our mouth can touch, my hand underneath me, with Cort’s body the only thing keeping me upright.

her while she strokes you,” Ez commands. “Trust me,” he purrs- and right then, I sure the hell don’t. Ezra’s up to something- he’s being creepy. 

I don’t know what I’m doing, but I quickly forget to care. Ezra gives me a tongue bath, gliding his hot, moist tongue over the backs of my thighs. Every few seconds he nips me with his front teeth and I
groan in ecstasy. My body is alive with sensation. The lighter the touch, the more I crave it. The punishing pinch of teeth makes me feel crazed.

Slowly, patiently, I kiss Cortez. Our tongues barely touch as our lips mingle. Cort is back to his drugged state. The deeper Ezra goes into not sounding like himself, the more pliant Cort becomes. As we kiss, Cort strokes my breasts, cups my ass, and grinds his bulge into the palm of my hand. I just lie on top of Cortez and enjoy the sexual onslaught of the Ezes.

Ez keeps up a dirty string of naughtiness as he laves me with his tongue. His soft lips murmur pure wickedness against my flesh. Every time Ez says something Cort wants to try, Cort’s cock twitches beneath my palm as moans fill my mouth- Cort’s moans.

I jerk upright with a grunt as a probing tongue touches my back bits. “Easy,” Ezra cautions. “It will feel really good. I would know,” he purrs, and instantly the tongue is gliding between my legs. I tremble, having no idea what my body is feeling. My mind is reeling as Ezra tongues the bud of my ass, and then dives
deep down to my cunny, filling me, penetrating me.

“Oh fuck,” I hiss, legs stretching wide on a command from my horned up mind. My ass rises in the air in silent offering to Ezra’s lips and tongue. “I like that. I don’t know why I like that… that… yeah,” I beg like a good little slut. My fingers clamp down around Cort’s bulge as my backside thrashes on Ezra’s face.

I have a momentary lapse of panic as I realize that my body’s needs are controlling my actions. I’m thrashing and writhing around like a trashy slut. Grunting out praise as I ride on Ezra’s face- not caring which hole his tongue is fucking. I freeze in shame until I realize that the boys are just as unhinged as I am. I don’t even tell Ezra to stop when I feel him probing me with his cock. I rear back trying to impale myself on him- not caring that his cockhead is flirting with the bud of my ass.

“Ezra,” Cort barks out, freezing us all. “I have no problem with you going first, but we need condoms. I’
m not worried about disease… you following me here?”

Ez ignores Cort, slowly working the head of
his cock inside my ass. My slut of an ass ignores Cort, too. I strain back, trying to push that thick dick inside my dark passageway. My eyes roll back inside my skull as a long, throaty moan pours out my throat. Ezra’s inside my ass and we ignore Cort’s slaps and bitchy complaints.

“Faith,” Cort shouts in my face, fingers bruisingly biting into my cheeks.

“What? I like it,” I moan. “It… it feels really good,” I dreamily murmur, pushing back farther, wanting more than just Ezra’s tip inside me.

“Don’t move,” Cort whispers across my face. If he would’ve yelled, I would’ve ignored him. Cort’s nervous whisper breaks me from my ecstasy-fog.

“Ezra?” Cort softly asks. “Look at me, please,” he begs.

Ezra ignores him, pushing farther inside me. My mind is on red-alert but my body relishes the extra pressure inside me- the painful stretch as Ezra starts to fill me. “I picked her butt
, ‘cuz I figured you’d want to have her pussy first,” Ezra whispers to the air.

“Ezra, look at me,” Cort commands, stronger this time. “Now, and don’t move,” he cautions.

“Faith likes it,” Ezra purrs in that creepy voice, easily sliding in another inch or two. “I’m not hurting her. I told you it feels really good- better if you’re a guy. We have nerves that love stroked.”

“Ezra, look at me,” Cort tries again. I look over my shoulder at Ezra. He won’t look at either of us
- casting his gaze to the small of my back, tilting his head so we can’t see his facial expression. Ezra keeps shaking his head no as he affectionately strokes my back and shoulders.

“I like Faith,” Ez mumbles. “I’ll be good
, please let me stay.”

Cortez holds my gaze- his gray eyes are terrified. “Honey, can you slide up and out from between us, please,” he patiently says.

“No,” Ezra sighs in defeat. “Don’t do that.”

Arms hook under my armpits and swiftly pull me from beneath Ezra. I miss the warmth of him at my back and the feel of him inside me. Cort presses my shirt to my chest and gently pushes my skirt down.

“Is he asleep or is he still here. Which is it, Ez? Why are you here?” Cort stiffly says. His tone a mix of anger and deep worry.

“You’re no fun,” Ezra purrs, an evil smile twisting his lips.

I numbly pull my blouse back on, watching the strange way the guys are regarding one another.

“Ez,” Cort cautions.

“Fine,” Ezra growls, palming his stiffy and giving it a rough tug. “He’s asleep,” he absentmindedly says while jerking himself off, eyes never leaving his moving hand. I just watch in awe, no clue what is happening.

“Why?” Cort cries, tears glinting in his gray eyes.

“He was scared you would like Faith more than him. He didn’t want to go to sleep, just fade to the background while I got what I wanted. But I didn’t want that dizzy feeling while I experienced Faith. Jesus, Cortez, you never let me have sex. Ezra may be happy getting screwed, but you know I want to penetrate. Don’t do this. I really like Faith. She’s so pretty and soft and she smells and tastes good… and damn… she really likes me, too. She thinks I’m hot. She wanted me!” Ez shouts out of frustration, while he painfully tugs on his cock.

“Faith thought you were Ezra. This isn’t right,” Cort screams back.

“So,” Ez says with a shrug. “We’ll explain it,” he quietly whines. Anger flashes over his face, and then he beings to scream. “And. For. The. Last. Fucking. Time. I repeat. I. AM. EZRA!” Ez bellows in the tent.

My ears ring from the sharpness of Ezra’
s words. Deafening silence falls over everything within the tent except for the incessant ringing in my ears.

“I’m going to fuck one of you… and only one of you wants it,” Ez taunts, eyes on me. “You have thirty seconds to pick. I’m not talking a bj or handjob either. I want to penetrate something and fuck it- just once. And Ezra is nighty-night, he can’t save your ass
, Cortez,” Ezra snidely says. “Besides, I’d much rather ravish Faith. I want to make her cum,” he purrs at me, hand rapidly stroking his cock. The head is purple from his tight grip.

I whimper because
my slut of a body kinda wants him, too.

“Faith,” Cort slowly and quietly says, as if I’m dim or mentally impaired. “Look at me, chick

“I am,” I whimper.

“No, you’re not. Stop looking at Ezra’s dick,” Cort demands. I flick my eyes up to Cort’s and blush. “Better. I need you to run to the house and get Marcus.”

“Okay,” I mutter
. My eyes quickly flash back to Ezra’s stroking hand. A throat clearing has me looking at Cort again.

after me: Marc, Ezra is asleep. You need to call Dr. Weiss and get to the tent as soon as possible. Repeat it,” Cort says like I’m slow.

Marc, Ezra is asleep. You need to call Dr. Weiss and get to the tent as soon as possible. What’s going on?” I grumble.

“Ten seconds,” Ezra cockily warns with a deep groan. “
My God, I’m horny.”

“RUN!” Cort screams in my face.

And I do.







~Chapter Seventeen~

I ignore the need to scream to the sky as I drag my bare feet down the sidewalk through Crestview Drive’s pimp town. After I got Marcus and ran back to the tent… I don’t want to remember what I saw.

I can’t fight the quiver that rolls down my spine.

After I helped Marc peel the Ezes apart, I was screamed at by no less than three men to run along home.

So I did.

Now, I’m scuffing my bare feet down the sidewalk, not wanting to go home. It’s a few days into November- which means it’s spitting snow and I can see my breath billow from my nostrils and parted lips. I’m not even shivering because my body is still too hot- it hasn’t caught up with my whirling mind and tumultuous emotions… or the weather.

Weaving down the street, I look like a floosy.
All I have on is a torn skirt and blouse- nothing else. I left my wallet, shoes, bra, coat, and my torn tights and undies in the tent… with Cort, Marcus, and one… two… three… of the Ezras?

During t
he mile long walk down ShadowHaven’s drive, I replayed what Marc said to me as we ran to the tent- after he fought me on joining him. I told him it was my fault. Marcus looked at me with pity, took my hand, and told me the truth.

Ezra ha
s three personalities. The Ezra that I know is really Ez- who he needs to be for everyone’s sanity. Ezra is a hurt little boy who does bad things- a boy who only likes Cortez- a boy who is stuck at age twelve. The guy who I had sex with is named Master Ez. Marc named the personality Master Ez after some training Marc took when he went away. Master Ez is scary hot. Ez is both of them, making Ezra a whole person.

So… not my fault.

Ezra has been like this since the summer he started playing The Hunter- the summer he’d learned who his dad was- the summer he started having sex.

I never want to see that dead look on Cort’s face again- the dried t
ear tracks on his cheeks- or hear the panic in Marc’s calm, soothing voice- or see Ezra completely unhinged- or watch Cort cry because he’s doing something he doesn’t want to do as he moans in pleasure because he likes it. I never thought a guy would cry in misery as he got head. Well, it was better than the alternative. Ezra didn’t get to penetrate someone- except for me during those few brief moments of… holy fuck.

Fuck it.

I scream bloody-murder at the night sky. Not giving a shit that lights are popping on in my neighbors’ homes or that dogs are howling and barking. I’m just the crazy Simpson girl having a breakdown in the middle of the street while her boyfriends chat with a shrink.

Neck straining from the force of my lungs propelling all my pent up frustrations through my throat and out my mouth
, I scream. My fists clench at my sides until my knuckles turn white. Even my toes flex into the pavement.

either scream or kill or fuck something. I’m all alone- so screaming it is.

Screaming isn’t helping- I don’t want to scream anymore.

I look at the ground in defeat- my labored breath sawing between my dried out lips. My chest rapidly rising and falling as my heart pounds behind my breasts. My silent tears splat to the gray street, slowly turning the pavement darker- almost black.

So close. Am I a virgin? Did I lose it to a boy with multiple personalities? Which one did I lose it to? Which one did I want to lose it to? Ironically, even the straight kid living in
side Ezra’s mind wanted to tap an ass. The soreness between my cheeks lets me know that I’m probably still a virgin. I don’t think a tongue counts… or a dick in my asshole.

Sinister laugher bubbles up from deep within my chest and maniacally spills out
between my lips. Three months ago, I was a happy girl, or as happy as one could expect. I was naïve, and blonde, and dumb. I had two parents, one sister, and an aunt. Today I’m sixteen. My daddy and aunt are locked up behind bars, most likely for life. My momma is a drunken skank who threatened to off me. I have four siblings… or more. My real momma is a real whore. I have two boyfriends- or four, if you count all the Ezes.

My less naïve, jaded self stands in the middle of the street, crying, while wearing torn black clothes and shorn off hair. Something’s gotta give.

A car rumbles up next to me and I don’t even care. Let the ton of metal end my suffering. I don’t hear it, it’s more like I feel the door open… and just my luck- my dumbass skank of a body lights up before I even look to see who it is. I just instinctually know.

“Another identity crisis,” Wil’s quiet voice feels intimate in the dark of my suffering.
The affection I hear puts a sly smile on my face and a fierce warmth in my belly.

“Nah,” I grumble
, popping a sarcastic eyebrow Wil can’t see, “just really horny.”

Wil’s sharp intake of breath makes me smirk.

“Want a ride?” Wil breathlessly offers.

My eyes flick up and light on my house that is directly across the street from me- like twenty feet to the gated driveway. “Yeah,” I throatily murmur
, smirk growing into a satisfied grin, “I want a ride.”

I side into the passenger seat of Wil’s car. The buttery leather is soft on my bare behind. I cringe a little when my
tender ass protests anything touching it.

“What happened?” Wil asks as he turns around in my driveway and starts driving out of civilization. Not the kind of ride I was hoping for, but it will do.

“I had three choices,” I begin. “My first was to scream-”

I watched you do that already,” Wil chuckles. He’s breathing hard, puffs of breath steaming up the windshield.

I snarkily ask, knowing full and well what is affecting his breathing- me. At least I hope it’s me.

“Nope,” Wil
says but doesn’t elaborate.

“You been screaming, too?”
I coyly ask.


“Dude!” I shout. “I can’t take much more shit tonight. Why you breathing funny?”

“You smell like sex,” Wil flatly says, eerie eyes cutting to the side to look at me while he drives down a winding road.

“Sorry,” I mutter in humiliation, definitely not what I thought… I blush to my hairline as I cross my legs and push my skirt up to my cunny, hoping to stop the smell. I nearly cry when he cracks a window.

“I didn’t say I didn’t like it,” he bites out
around clenched teeth- nostrils flaring. “Option number two after screaming?”

“Kill something. I was standing in the street all alone and way too lazy to break into my grandfather’s house and commit patricide.”

“Don’t joke about something like that, Faith,” Wil warns, but his lips are quirked up into a smile- like he either thought it was funny or it would be fun- probably both.

“Option three?”
he offers, a slight smirk curling his lips.

“You don’t want to know option
number three,” I gravely warn, trying not to laugh.

“I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t,” Wil patiently says, even though I’m wearing
his patience thin. Wil usually gives me one time before he goes serial killer on me. Last week, he slapped me for ignoring him, so I kneed him in the nuts. We’ve had a hands-off-policy until last night’s almost sex. Wil has learned that even though I know he’s not fucking around, neither am I- Wil hits me, I hit him back twice as hard. It’s been rather fun, actually- sadistic foreplay.

“My choices were scream, kill, or
fuck,” I gravely say. “It’s just you and me, Wil… and I’ve already screamed,” I threaten. “Do you want me to hurt you or screw you?”

Wil does that sexy
, breathy gasp again and I almost fly over the armrest and jump him as he drives. God, I hate girl hormones- and yes, that was a prayer.

“What happened tonight?” Wil
says underneath his breath, but my senses are so attuned that I heard him just fine.

“As always, your homework leaves little to be desired,” I disrespectfully say. Wil’s fingers clench around the steering wheel in anger. To be a brat, I part my thighs
, and snicker when his nostrils flare.

“No, you’re nothing like Gwen
,” Wil bites out, “You’re worse,” he verbally slaps me.

I ignore the same song and da
nce that we do before one of us beats the shit out of the other. I disrespect him, he tells me I’m like my mother- it’s like we’re a married couple. I don’t know why Boyd is so scared of us being alone together.

“Did you know that Ezra is mentally ill?”

“What?” Wil squawks.

“He is,” I
conversationally say, shaking my head yes. “I found out while Ezra’s dick was buried in my ass,” I say to shock him.

“Ugh,” I grunt as I’m thrown across the car as Wil veers across the two-lane road and pulls off to the side. I’m blinking my vision clear as he yanks me over the gearshift while his other hand hits the seat release. I find myself straddling his thighs with my back resting against the steering wheel.

“You were a virgin last night- hymen still intact- I know,” Wil rapidly growls though his clenched teeth.

“That’s your fault,
not mine,” I growl back, and Wil has the decency to wince.

“Faith,” Wil
sighs. He finally gives in and touches me. He runs his palms up and down my thighs, squeezing every few inches as a massage. I close my eyes against the wicked pleasure that radiates beneath his touch.

“I wanted you to be the one to take it,” I cry out, lip trembling- pissed that I admitted something that I’ve t
ried to ignore since I met Wil. I love my friends. But that first kiss was hotter than the almost sex I just had. Being with the Ezes will never compare to that small taste of sex I had last night with Wil. It isn’t about the act, it’s all about Wil.

“They must have us
ed condoms- bad, Faith, bad!” Wil snidely hisses.

“What?” I weakly say, my chest constricting in pain. I tell him my feelings and he’s pissed that I didn’t get knocked up
by some other guy.

can tell. I only smell you,” Wil roughly whispers. His halogen gaze bores into my soul.

How can you tell? Are you a sex bloodhound? Do you love the scent of spooge? And by the way, that is really gross,” I say with a grimace.

Wil quickly flicks my skirt up and leans forward to smell me. I just lie against the steering wheel, stunned out of my skull that Wil is looking at me down there and sniffing me.
His breath warms and cools my scorched skin. He’s so close that it tickles and makes my body clench, begging for more contact.

“I had my fingers inside you last night,” Wil
seductively purrs, almost chanting. His intense eyes longingly gazing at my exposed body scorches me. “I will never forget your scent. I used my sticky hand to whack off the instant I got to my car. I wanted our juices mingled.”

Fucking girly parts- spazzing out because Wil said something so dang c
heesy. I hate being a dumb girl. I can’t stop my cunt and womb from tightening like a fist, throbbing and pulsing, and I can’t cool the lust boiling the blood in my veins.

“Why’d you stop?
” I softly murmur, asking Wil why he went limp on me.

“What happened tonight?” he deflects my question.

“Why’d you stop?” I ask again.

“What happened tonight?” he asks again.

“I don’t want to talk about it,” I growl.

, either,” he growls back. 

“I guess we’re at an impasse,” I gloat.

“I guess we are,” Wil snarls- I close my eyes because that nasty sound turns my girly parts all a flutter- dumbass hormones.

“I’m turning you on,” Wil arrogantly says.

“Stop sniffing me,” I protest with a thwack to his forehead.

Wil grabs my hand, wrapping his fingers around my wrist. “I’m not. There are other way
s to know,” he says with a devastating grin that leaves me speechless. “Your face is flushed. Your breathing is accelerated. Your nipples are sticking out your silk blouse.”

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