Falconfar 03-Falconfar (51 page)

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Authors: Ed Greenwood

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BOOK: Falconfar 03-Falconfar
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(Daera: see Quevretb, Daera)


(Darlamtur: see Paelendrake, Darlamtur)


an Aumrarr; once the youngest, most beautiful, and most saucy of "the Four Aumrarr" who flew together, seeking to avenge the slaughter at Highcrag, now one of two survivors of that quartet (the other is Juskra).


Deldragon, Darendarr:
Velduke of Galath (noble), who dwells in the fortified town of Bowrock on the southern edge of Galath, which surrounds his soaring castle, Bowrock Keep. A handsome, dashing battle hero, of a family considered "great" in Galath, who defied King Devaer and the wizard Arlaghaun, and was besieged because of it. Near the end of DARK LORD he was brought back from the verge of death by the wizard Narmarkoun, who (unbeknownst to Deldragon and everyone else in Falconfar) cast magics into Deldragon's mind, to make him Narmarkoun's slave henceforth.


(Derek: see Welver, Derek) (Devaer: see Rotbryn, Devaer)


Dooms, the:
wizards so much more powerful than most mages that they are feared all across Falconfar as nigh-unstoppable forces. For decades there were three Dooms: Arlaghaun (widely considered the most powerful); Malraun; and Narmarkoun. During the events recounted in DARK LORD, Rod Everlar came to be considered the fourth Doom, and Arlaghaun perished.


Dreel, Halavar:
sadistic, ruthless wizard of Tauren, famous for destroying Skelt Tower with his spells. Short, lean, and sharp- featured, he has gleaming black eyes like those of a hawk, and is always gloved and dressed in black leather.


Dunshar, Annusk:
Klarl of Galath, an arrogant, cruel, ambitious, bullying noble, widely disliked by his peers. A burly warrior who spied on Galathans for the wizard Arlaghaun in DARK LORD, and who has been named Seneschal of Galathgard, and put in charge of the rebuilding of that royal castle to prepare it for King Brorsavar's Great Court.


Duthcrown, House:
a small but well-established noble family of Galath (its head holds the rank of marquel). The Duthcrowns have recently (and quietly) built themselves great wealth through shrewd land purchases.


Dzundiwur, Aumundas:
a commander in Malraun's army; an old, hollow-eyed veteran merchant and mercenary warrior of Stormar who's ailing from a variety of sicknesses. His miserly nature is almost legendary, and he fears wizards and has purchased various magical protections against their spells over the years, that he wears strapped to himself in a profusion of crisscrossing baldrics and weapons-belts.


Eldalar, Baerlun:
Lord of Hollowtree, a independent mountain- vale hold north of Arvale and northeast of Galath. A stiff, gruff old warrior who likes and trusts Aumrarr but strongly dislikes and mistrusts the neighboring realm of Galath—and all wizards, everywhere.


Eldurant, Tethtyn:
youngest underscribe to Bralgarth, the Lord of Hawksyl appointed by its conqueror Horgul. A young, lazy, stammeringly uncertain man.


Empherel, Jalren:
wizard of Skoum, an ambitious and arrogant man who frequently prowls Falconfar looking for magic—and wizards wounded or weak enough he can slay them and seize their magic.


Enfeld, Hank:
honest and a trifle slow-witted, but the largest and strongest of the custodians (janitors) at the headquarters of Holdoncorp, on Earth. Note: a fictional character.


Esdagh, Lanneth:
the more charismatic and talkative of the two "Brothers Esdagh," commanders in Malraun's army. A quickwitted, swift-tongued, persuasive and capable warrior; a burly man who customarily fights with an axe.


Esdagh, Mulzurr:
the more silent of the two "Brothers Esdagh," commanders in Malraun's army. A veteran warrior with customarily fights with an axe, and Lanneth's elder brother by some years. A patient, determined hunter who "never forgets nor forgives."


Eskeln, Candram:
longtime bodyguard of the wizard Malraun, a talkative warrior of swift wits and loyalty.


Everlar, Rod:
hack writer of novels, who believed himself the creator of Falconfar. During DARK LORD, he discovered he was one of its creators; in Falconfar, he is a "Shaper" (one whose writings can change reality), though non-wizards tend to think he is one of the Dooms (powerful wizards). He was referred to as "the Dark Lord" (the most evil and most powerful of all wizards, a bogeyman of legend) by the other Dooms, to blame him for their misdeeds. Considered to be the Lord Archwizard of Falconfar by the Aumrarr (the first Lord Archwizard since Lorontar). The Aumrarr Taeauna brought Rod (whom she often calls "Rodrel," the closest Falconaar name to "Rod") into Falconfar and was his guide until the wizard Malraun captured her at the end of DARK LORD; as ARCH WIZARD begins, he sets out to regain her.


Falard, Onzril:
senior hoist-jack in a Galathan stonemason's crew.


Falcon, the:
THE deity of Falconfar, the embodiment of all things, and fount of inspiration, wisdom, daring, and splendid achievement. All-seeing and enigmatic. Also known as "the Great Falcon," to distinguish it from lesser, mortal birds that share its shape, and as "the Lone and Flying Falcon."


Felldrake, Ollund:
Velduke of Galath, a fat, coarse, boar-like noble ruled by his gluttony, greed, and lust.


Forestmother, the:
recently-risen deity of Falconfar, gaining swift and wide popularity, and standing for wild ways and the unspoiled forests, against excessive woodcutting, land clearances, and despoiling overhunting and farming.


battle-slain Aumrarr of Galath.


Glorn, Branlabult:
longtime bodyguard of the wizard Malraun, an ugly but good-natured veteran. Kindly and worldly-wise.


Gorongor, Indragar:
longtime bodyguard of the wizard Malraun, a handsome, dashing warrior. Keen of hearing and attractive to women.


Gorult, Jelgo:
farmer of Darswords, who fled that independent hold when it fell to the army of the wizard Malraun.


(Great Falcon, the: see Falcon, the)


Gulkoun, Garfist:
Often referred to as "Old Ox" or "Old Blundering Ox" by his partner Iskarra Taeravund, this coarse, burly and aging onetime pirate, former forger, and then panderer later became a hiresword (mercenary warrior), and these days wanders Falconfar with Iskarra, making a living as a thief and swindler. "Garfist" is actually a childhood nickname he took as his everyday name, vastly preferring it to "Norbryn," the name his parents gave him.


(Haelgon: see Xindral, Haelgon)


Halamaskar, Anthan:
Lordrake of Galath, a cultured but unprincipled noble who seldom leaves his castle of Maurpath (and its surrounding forest, where he likes to hunt).


Halamaskar, Anthan:
Velduke of Galath, a burly, wealthy noble who owns many rich farms and fine lumber forests.


Halamaskar, Anthan:
daughter of Burrim Hammerhand, she fiercely insists on riding on hunts and taking war-training like any man. She has shoulders as broad as many men, long brown hair, startlingly dark eyebrows, and snapping blue-black eyes.


Hammerhand, Burrim:
Lord of Ironthorn, a large, prosperous, militarily-strong hold in the forests north of Tauren and northeast of Sardray, that for years has had three rival lords, ruling from three separate keeps. Gruff and shrewd, Hammerhand is the strongest of the three, a large, hardy, capable warrior and battle-leader. He rules the northernmost part of Ironthorn, a small demesne that includes the market town of Irontarl and the north bank of the Thorn River, from his crag-top castle of Hammerhold. His badge is an iron gauntlet (a left-handed gage, upright and open-fingered, on a scarlet field).


(Hank: see Enfeld, Hank)


a large computer gaming company that licenses the electronic media games rights to the world of Falconfar from Rod Everlar, and develops a series of computer games that increasingly diverge from Everlar's own vision of his world. (Holdoncorp is NOT based on any real-world corporation or group of people. The Falconfar tales are fantasies, not satires of, or swipes at, anything or anyone real.)


Hondreth, Palavar:
the only bodyguard of Lordrake Anthan Halamaskar that the Lordrake trusts (and a loyal warrior who is fully worthy of that trust).


Horgul, Amaxas:
warlord, leader of an "Army of Liberation" marching north from the Sea of Storms to conquer Raurklor hold after Raurklor hold. Said to hate and fear all who wield magic, and to execute all hedge-wizards and altar-priests he finds. Described as "more boar than man, a brawling, rutting lout governed by his lusts and rages," but a great warrior who dominates battlefields and warriors, inspiring and commanding swift and unquestioning obedience.


Imdael, Narbrel:
a mercenary archer in service to Olondyn of the Bow. Young, agile, and loyal.

Insenjones, Bert: a game programmer at Holdoncorp. Note: a fictional character.


(Iskarra: see Taeravund, Iskarra)


Jaklar, Cauldreth:
the Lord Herbal of Hammerhold, in Ironthorn. Priest of the Forestmother, a cruel, nasty, and ambitious young man, vigorous and judgmental by nature.


Jenkins, The:
nearby neighbors of Rod Everlar on Bridlewood Lane (on Earth). Note: fictional characters.


Aumrarr; the most battle-scarred, hot-tempered, and aggressive of the "Four Aumrarr" who fly together, seeking to avenge the slaughter at Highcrag.


(Lord Herbal, the: see Jaklar, Cauldreth)


Korauth, Orlryn:
the loudest and most aggressive of Malraun's army commanders (in the Army of Liberation formerly led by Horgul). His fearless, fiery-tempered manner makes him the most feared and disliked by others in that army. A burly, glowering warrior of skill and charisma, easily recognized by his flame-red hair, scowling brows and full beard. Lord of the minor hold of Balember, and a blusterer who has little use for women as warriors.


Kulduth, Hazandros:
ambitious hedge-wizard of Stormar.


(Lady Icycurses Wingwench: see Juskra)


Laeveren, Waend:
warrior of Darswords, who fled the independent hold as it fell to Malraun's army.


Larkhelm, Mordrimmar:
Arduke of Galath, a carefree, glib, unprincipled noble whose family banner displays a roaring lion.


Lionhelm, Halath:
Arduke of Galath, a handsome and principled noble.


lorn, the:
race of winged, flying, horned predatory creatures that dwell in rocky heights such as castle towers and the Falconspires mountain range. Often described as mouthless by humans because their skull-like faces have no visible jaws, they typically swarm prey, raking with their talons and even tearing limbs, bodies, or heads off or apart. They have bat-like, featherless wings, barbed tails, and slate-gray skin. Arlaghaun, Malraun, and many lesser wizards discovered or developed spells for compelling lorn into servitude.


the still-feared-in-legend first Lord Archwizard of Falconfar, once the fell and tyrannical ruler of all Falconfar, and the first spell-tamer of the lorn. Long believed dead but secretly surviving in spectral unlife, seeking a living body to mind-guide, "ride," and ultimately possess. So greatly is his memory feared that no one, not even a powerful wizard, has dared to try to dwell in his great black tower, Yintaerghast, since his disappearance and presumed death.


Luthtarl, Maraumedurr:
Lord of Dlarmarr, an independent port on the Hywond Shore.


Lyrandurl, Raelen:
wizard of Sardray, a hedonistic dandy who sports a golden-hued, scented beard and many golden arm-bangles of the sort favored by dancing-lasses. Deceptively jovial and apparently careless, he has destroyed many who have thought him an easy target. Often feigns drunken helplessness, to lure others into attacking him—whereupon he blasts them to flaming ash.

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