Falcon’s Captive

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Authors: Vonna Harper

BOOK: Falcon’s Captive
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Also by Vonna Harper


Roped Heat

“Wild Ride” in
The Cowboy

“Restraint” in
Bound to Ecstasy

Night Fire

“Breeding Season” in
Only With a Cowboy

“Night Scream” in
Sexy Beast V

Going Down

Night of the Hawk

“Mustang Man” in
Tempted by a Cowboy

Taming the Cougar





Although writers are, by nature of their craft, solitary creatures, we still need human contact to remain sane—or at least relatively sane. If it wasn't for the incredible friendships made possible by the Internet, the men in white coats with the butterfly net would have already run me down.


Thank you, thank you to the pros at Novelists Ink for sharing life in the trenches, the Bradford Bunch for laughter and understanding, other Aphrodisia writers for honesty and openness, and random souls who pop in and out of my in-box when I need to vent.


Closer to home, Rogue Writers, you know I'm talking about you.


he wind screamed, prompting the female Falcon Jola to pull her wings more tightly against her compact body and increase her speed. Alive as only a newly mature predator can be, she dove for the ground at over two hundred miles per hour. Tiny, bony tubercles in her nostrils slowed the rush of air into her lungs while her protective third eyelids lubricated her eyes and kept her vision keen.

Jola’s prey, a dark gray rabbit, hopped from one low bush to another, oblivious to the threat above it. As the earth rushed up at her, Jola spread her wings, abruptly slowing her flight. For the briefest of moments she debated letting the rabbit live, but although the bulk of her diet came from other birds caught and killed in midair, today’s energy and excitement demanded expression. Instead of crashing to the ground, she spun around so she skimmed the rocks and bushes. When the now-terrified rabbit abruptly turned direction, she sank her talons into it, easily breaking its neck. Done! Instinct rewarded.

Jola had just settled to the ground when, with a sharp cry, another Falcon swooped down, grabbed the dead rabbit, and headed skyward with it. Screeching, Jola flew after the thief, but instead of fighting to reclaim her kill, she flew in tight circles around the other Falcon, a young male.

This was Raci, her mate, her life companion. And although her body had only accepted Raci’s a few times, she knew his contours. She also knew the dance that was part of their mating.

For a while Jola circled repeatedly above Raci. At length, surrendering to another ancient instinct, she hovered while he flew past her. Then, turning over so she was flying upside down, she extended her talons. Timing the act perfectly, Raci deposited the rabbit in her claws. The instant the kill’s weight started to pull at her, she righted herself and drifted toward the ground.

Raci watched her for a while. Then, his smaller, paler body a blur, he swept under her, grabbing the rabbit as he passed. Screaming as one, they flew upward as if reaching for the clouds.

Again and again the pair repeated the courtship flight, with Jola relinquishing her kill only to have her mate return it to her. Finally, their tiny hearts fluttering, they headed toward the top of Raptor’s Craig, where they’d begun preparations for their future nest by scraping a shallow hollow in the gravel and dead vegetation.

Raci was flying ahead of her, slowed only a little by the rabbit’s weight. Studying his slate-gray back and long, pointed wings, she pondered why they’d chosen each other. Yes, her body was ripe and ready to carry the three to four eggs she’d deliver and help incubate, and Raci was healthy and mature, but beyond that she didn’t know what had brought them together.

Right now, as a predator, instinct was enough, but later, when she changed into human form, she’d need more of an explanation.

she silently reminded herself. At the present, following him home was enough. That and scanning the sky for an eagle. Fortunately, the greatest threat to their existence wasn’t around today. She and Raci were safe.

She had no way of knowing that her mate wouldn’t live beyond tomorrow, his heart stopped by an arrow.


awn crouched on the horizon as if gathering strength for the day. The birds, animals, rodents, and insects who came to life with the sun’s touch had begun to stir while night creatures settled into countless hiding places.

Ignoring the waning summer’s heat that would soon melt the cold from high desert rock, the small group of Ekewoko warriors walked single file along an ancient path laid down by deer or antelope. As befitting their status as those their lord trusted the most, they’d painted their chests with red and black symbols representing the hills and valleys of their birth. Although none of the five, nor those who’d remained at their encampment near the great lake, had seen their homeland since spring, their hearts remained in Ekew.

In contrast, they considered this rough and raw sweep of boulders, hearty bushes, and sharp peaks as both inferior and overwhelming. How, they pondered, could any living thing choose to call a place where the wind never ceased blowing “home”? Granted, the lake and creeks and streams that fed it provided sufficient fish and drew deer, antelope, and other game to it. In addition, the creeks and streams nourished what vegetation grew along its banks, but some of that vegetation was unknown to them, perhaps poisonous.

There was another question, one that each man kept to himself. How much longer would they have to remain here? Hopefully not until winter storms threatened to suck the life from everything, them maybe most of all. But there’d be no leaving until they’d captured what both Shaman Tau and Lord Sakima said they must if they were ever going to chase the hated Outsiders from Ekew.

Nakos walked at the front as was his right and responsibility, his eyes in constant movement. Grateful for his hide leggings and thick leather footwear, he gave little thought to his weapons, which included paralyzing darts and capture ropes. If the need arose, he’d snatch an arrow from the quiver at his back and place it in his bow; either that or rely on his spear. One thing about having embraced the ways of a warrior since boyhood: his body was ready.

Fortunately, the terrain no longer dominated his thoughts, and he’d long since stopped marveling at Shaman Tau’s confidence in his own ability to interpret sacred dreams about fierce predatory birds and the primitive, subhuman Wildings who lived here. This morning, Nakos’s mind stalked this way and that, as restless as the wind his companions cursed. They hated the constant low moan and swirling energy, but it made him feel alive.

Hungry for sex.

Damnation but the need to fuck had become powerful! He craved the potent sense of self and power that went with having a woman’s soft body under his. Bending to his will. Obeying his every command. Living to please him. Silencing his restlessness.

Shaking his head to rid himself of memories that tightened his cock, he drew on his eyes, ears, and nostrils to tell him what he needed to know. Unfortunately, so far the expedition into this land they’d named Screaming Wind had been unsuccessful. Granted, they’d spotted a number of the illusive Wildings at a distance and had brought down enough game to fill everyone’s bellies, but they weren’t here simply to kill and eat. Their goal was much more compelling, rooted in what the Ekewoko had always believed about their gods and spirits.

“Damn spiritless land,” his friend Ohanko muttered, distracting Nakos from his thoughts. “We’ve been here much longer than I thought we would be, but I still cannot understand why anyone would choose to live in this forsaken place.”

Nakos glanced behind him at the man whose physique so resembled his that they could have been brothers. The two were tall for an Ekewoko, with exceptionally broad shoulders and long, muscular arms and legs. Unlike most Ekewoko men, they didn’t carry extra padding over their bellies. Their hair was so dark it was nearly black and their eyes blue black instead of the usual gray.

“It has to be the great lake,” Nakos offered because his earlier praise of the wind’s song had failed to change Ohanko’s mind. “Without that, there’d be no—”

“I know. There’s no need to remind me of the lake’s blessings. Maybe it’s that
.” Looking disgusted, Ohanko pointed at the massive, desolate-looking peak to the south.

For a moment, Nakos simply studied the distant peak. Although it was more than a day’s walk from here, it challenged him in ways he didn’t comprehend. Maybe it was the way it extended into the sky as if trying to reach the heavens. If his lord commanded him to go there, he would, but his heart would fight to escape his chest the entire time.

“From what Shaman Tau’s dreams told him, the Wildings consider it sacred,” he pointed out. “Maybe they’ve stationed guards there.”

“Guards?” Ohanko asked. “Do you really think those
know enough to protect themselves, let alone a mass of rock?”

“I’m not sure. And maybe Tau doesn’t know yet. Sometimes his revelations come slowly.”

“I wonder why that is. He certainly has no doubt that the spirits are commanding us to capture a Wilding.”

“But he hasn’t said why.” Nakos looked around to assure himself that the others weren’t within earshot before continuing. “Do you think he knows what use a captive must be put to, what he needs to learn from one?”

“Ask him.”

Although he knew his friend was joking, Nakos had to work at a smile. “No one questions a shaman, about anything. Only a fool doubts that the spirits speak only to those they’ve entrusted with their wisdom.”

“And you aren’t a fool, are you, Nakos? Otherwise, you wouldn’t have become our finest hunter.”

“Finest?” Nakos teased, grateful because at least for this moment he didn’t feel as if the land was trying to steal his mind. “I thought you would never admit that.”

“You’re right, I shouldn’t have. Now you’re going to become even more insufferable than you are.” Ohanko was silent for a moment as he studied their surroundings. “It isn’t fair. Your ability to bring down game shouldn’t be that much better than mine. I’m going to tell you something. What bothers me the most about our lord’s opinion of your skill is how he always made sure you were properly rewarded. That’s what isn’t fair.”

“You’re talking about our lives before the Outsiders invaded Ekew. That no longer—”

“I know, I know! Just the same, Lord Sakima would still like nothing better than to reward you as he used to.”

“You’re jealous.”

“Of course I am. Just once I’d love to have a captive female delivered to my bed. Is it true, by the time you were done with them, they all came crawling to you begging you to fuck them?”

“Who told you that?” Nakos demanded even though he took pride in his ability to turn a helpless woman’s hatred and fear into heat. At least, he’d been able to before the Ekewoko had been turned into fugitives.

“Warriors talk.” Ohanko winked. “Was it true?”

“Ask one of the females.”

“I would if we hadn’t turned them all free. I curse them for slowing us down and taking food and resources we need for ourselves. Ach! Everything here is the same color. How are we supposed to distinguish one thing from another? No wonder the Wildings are so illusive.”

Glad for the change in subject, Nakos joined his friend in gazing at their surroundings. Within moments, he lost himself in a ritual that had served him well ever since he’d been welcomed into the warrior society. Sometimes when on a mission such as the one they were on today, he likened himself to a predator, a cougar or wolf perhaps. A predator was both simple and complex, a hunting and killing beast that did only one thing but did it well.

If he were a wolf, would this spiritless land accept him? Instead of challenging him to explore the countless valleys and stark peaks, it would stretch out before him as smooth and clean and welcoming as the lake. There’d be no need for caution, no reason to ask himself whether the simple creatures they were seeking were indeed harmless. The seemingly endless sweep of earth and rocks would reveal its hiding places and open his eyes to the nuances of color. His legs would walk sure and strong. His nostrils would understand every smell, and his ears would send clear messages to his mind. And because he comprehended his surroundings, he’d no longer ask himself why its draw was both powerful and unsettling.

Maybe most of all, his body would stop reminding him of how long it had been since he’d had sex.

“Do you know what I prayed for last night?” Ohanko said, speaking low. “For Lord Sakima to tell us that we can leave this place—and return home.”

Nakos, too, had hoped that both their lord and shaman would either get over their obsession with the Wildings or explain why capturing one of the illusive creatures was so important; he just hadn’t reached the point of praying.

“I’ve never seen either Sakima or Tau like this,” he admitted. “The two of them obviously share something they don’t want to tell us about. It’s as if they’re afraid they’ll reveal too much. I can’t help but wonder if something—the lake or that peak—has cast a spell over them.”
As maybe it has with me.


“What? You don’t agree?”

“When it comes to this place, I’m not sure of anything. All I know is, I don’t belong here. None of us do.”

Instead of trying to respond, Nakos concentrated on taking in as much air as his lungs could hold. With each moment, the day was becoming brighter and the colors more distinct. Strange. At night he agreed with his companions that this area was inferior because it was so different from the rich, rain-fed land where he’d been born and grown up, but daylight always softened his opinion. Even though he’d never been where the wind was constant before, the pressure on his body made him feel alive. Granted, it wasn’t the same as fucking, but at least a sharp breeze quieted his restlessness a bit.

Winter was coming. The days were becoming shorter, the nights crisper. Sometimes when the wind blew from the north he could taste snow. Surely Lord Sakima wouldn’t order them to spend the winter in such an inhospitable place. Surely he’d tell them they should return to Ekew and fight for what had always been theirs. Either that or he’d say it was time to join the Ekewoko women, children, and elders near the sea where they’d fled after the Outsiders invaded.

But if he commanded them to remain here…

Even as he divided his attention between where his feet were going and the distance where danger might lurk, Nakos found himself not dreading but embracing snow and ice. No longer would he and the others concern themselves with trying to capture a maybe worthless Wilding to satisfy their shaman’s and lord’s demands. Instead, everything would be about survival. He would pit his skills against the elements. Maybe Wilding spirits and gods were determined to destroy those who, like him, didn’t belong.

Who was still stalked by nightmares he refused to acknowledge.

He was pondering the wisdom of asking Ohanko if his friend ever had the same thoughts when movement overhead caught his attention. He’d seen eagles, hawks, and other birds of prey, of course, but this
was different from them. Swifter.

When he first noticed it, the bird had been to his right and so high above that it seemed part of the heavens. A heartbeat later it became a brown and white blur diving toward another, larger bird. By the time Nakos’s heart beat again, the smaller bird had struck the larger one in midair, causing countless feathers to fly about. An agonized shriek cut through him. He blinked. The larger bird was plummeting toward the ground. An instant later, the killer caught it and slowed its descent. The two reached the ground, then disappeared.

“Did you see that?” Nakos asked. “Nothing, not even an arrow, travels that swiftly.”

Ohanko didn’t respond, prompting Nakos to glance behind him. The man he considered his brother was staring in the direction the shriek had come from. Color had drained from Ohanko’s face, and his fingers were clenched.

Nakos’s own nails bit into his palms. Had they just seen a Wilding spirit?

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