Fall From Grace (7 page)

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Authors: Christine Zolendz

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Fall From Grace
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“Six weeks or so,” he answered.

“Okay, so it’s only for a few weeks. Just think of the exposure it’ll get you with having auditions.  If that’s not good for you guys, then cancel the next six weekends.  Take a break,” Conner offered in all his level headedness.

Shane grumbled in the corner like a child.  The rest of the band considered what Conner had said.

“We can always get Tucker to do it.  It’s been a while, but I bet he remembers how to play,” Ethan said.

I followed Lea into the kitchen when she went to get more water.  “Okay, number one, why the hell are you serving them like that?  Are you now studying for a career in waitressing?  And number two, isn’t this like a personal band thing, why are they here talking about this? Don’t they have like an entire apartment building they live in?  And number three, Tucker can play the guitar?”

She offered me a goofy grin.  “They always come to Conner for advice.  He’s the smartest one in the bunch.”

“A raisin would be the smartest one in that bunch, Lea,” I cut her off with a laugh.  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to cut you off. I couldn’t pass that up, continue please.”

“They have all known each other from high school.  They were all in the high school band together in ninth grade.  Conner used to play with them too.  And they always end up coming here.  Conner’s here a lot.  It makes me crazy, if I know they are having weird band orgy parties there and Conner is with them.”

“Lea, have they ever had weird band orgy parties where they live?” I asked.

“No, but they might.  Grace, I really like Conner and I don’t want him to lose interest in me and end up with some random...”

“I got it.  I’m not complaining that Conner is here.  He’s awesome, Lea, he is.  And don’t you dare volunteer me for anything to do with playing my guitar for them!  I saw that face you made!”

She made a pouty face at me.  “They may be jerks sometimes, but they are really great guys, even Shane.”

“Even Shane what?” Shane’s voice cut in.

Lea and I jumped at the sound of his voice.  Lea composed herself quicker than I did.  “We were just wondering what we could do to help, that’s all?  Um, how long were you standing there?”

His face gave nothing away.  “Long enough to know that we are jerks, but really great guys, even me.”  He glanced at me.

Lea chuckled, “Yep, that’s how I feel about you guys in a nutshell.  So what can I do to help?”

He tilted his head.  “Do you have markers and paper, so we can make some posters and put them up in all the local bars.”

Lea jumped to it.  She flew through the apartment gathering supplies for her little art project.

We ordered pizza and we all sat around and colored flyers for the auditions.  We looked like a group of five year olds on a play date.  When I mentioned that out loud, all hell broke loose.

Alex’s face scrunched up and he shouted, “Brayden picks his nose and eats it!”

Almost choking on a bite of pizza, Brayden shouted, “Alex has got the cooties!”

“So we look like five years old, huh?” Ethan asked coming up behind me.  He grabbed me in a gentle headlock and gave me noogies on my head.

I screamed and ran for my water bottle, and poured it all over Ethan’s head.  “Oh no,” I teased.  “Ethan just wet himself!”

Conner opened his water bottle up next and poured it all down the front of Lea’s shirt.  She screamed and tackled him, and poured the contents of her water bottle down the front of his pants.

Brayden climbed onto the coffee table and mooned everyone.

Shane just sat, watching the antics with a mischievous grin on his face.  He held a full water bottle in his hand, cap off, eyes blazing at me.  Oh, crap!

Our eyes locked and he sprang at me like a cougar on its prey.  I tried to get out of the way, but I slammed into the now disabled Alex, who was chanting for Shane to get me. Thank God, his open water bottle flew out of his hands in the opposite direction of me. I bounced off Alex and landed sprawled out over Shane. I held my arms out over him, trying not to touch his body.  Without a moment of hesitation, he flipped me over onto my back and while laughing, he pinned me down.  Alex kicked over a closed water bottle to him and he fumbled for it.  Grabbing it with his right hand, he brought it up to his mouth and tried to open it with his teeth.

I bucked hard underneath him, but he was so solid, I couldn’t move him.  He bent down, with his face hovering next to mine, and whispered, “She is a mortal danger to all men. She is beautiful without knowing it, and possesses charms that she's not even aware of. She is like a trap set by nature - a sweet perfumed rose in whose petals Cupid lurks in ambush! Anyone who has seen her smile has known perfection. She instills grace in every common thing and divinity in every careless gesture. Venus in her shell was never so lovely, and Diana in the forest never so graceful as you.”  He lifted his head slightly and his eyes looked deep into mine.

“Cyrano De Bergerac, Shane?  For a self-serving man-whore, you know way too many romantic quotes,” I whispered back.  How in the world would someone like Shane know a quote like that?

I tried to move again, electricity shooting up through my body.  Oh my!  I grabbed the only thing I could, my slice of pizza, and smashed it in his face laughing.

He rolled off me laughing just as hard.  “Oh shit, she got me good!”

For good measure, I threw a slice at Alex, catching him right in the middle of his forehead, where it stuck.  Everyone was howling with laughter.

That is, until Lea screamed, “Who the hell is going to get the cheese off the ceiling?”

It took us an hour to clean up the mess that took us five minutes to make.  We definitely acted like five year olds.  However, we all laughed and we had a plan to help with the situation they were in.  When there was no more cheese to be found on the furniture, we split into pairs to post up the pizza stained flyers.

Shane held the stack of flyers in his hands and gave out the orders as if he was elected president.  “Conner and Lea, you guys hit the Bowery Ballroom and the bars around there.  Brayden and Ethan, you guys hit the Highline and wherever else you can think of on the West Side.  Alex, you go home.  Both your arms are broken and you look like an idiot.  Grace and I will hit the East side.”

He looked over at me and smiled, “Ready?”

I tried to hide my horror of being stuck with him.  I don’t think I did a great job. “Uh...yeah...sure.”

He chuckled, grabbed my coat and handed it to me.  “Don’t worry, I won’t try anything, unless you’ve change your mind.”

I shot him a look.

He put his hands up in the air as if a surrender.  “Yeah, Grace I got it.  You’ll never have sex with me.  Right.  I know.  Maybe I’ll make up a few tee-shirts so there’ll be no confusion for anyone who thinks my dysfunctional ass can’t just innocently flirt.”

I put my coat on, stuck my tongue at him and walked out the door with everyone.  Could he even be capable of flirting innocently?

Shane followed me down the steps and we walked down the block in silence until we got to the corner.  “Thank you for helping.”

I looked up to him to see his expression, but there was none.  No hidden meaning.  Just a thank you.  “No problem.  Conner and his friends are very special to Lea, and I’d do anything for her.”  I looked ahead again.  “Besides, it’s just handing out a few flyers.  I’m not playing a guitar for him, just helping you guys find someone who can.”

“Yeah, that would be a hoot.  Watching those delicate little hands of yours playing Alex’s heavy riffs, now that would be hysterical to see.”

I glanced up at him, but made no attempt to tell him I could play.  I walked right over my pride and kept my mouth shut.

Taking Alex’s place would cause people to ask questions about my past, and I just needed to move forward to find what I was looking for. Lea’s friends were nice enough, but not worth me baring my soul in front of everyone.

We walked through the East side, hitting all the bars that held live bands.  He regaled me with stories of all the guys when they were in high school, but never talked about himself.  Before I knew it, we were sitting in a quiet corner in Boozer’s, sipping beers and snacking on cheese fries with Alex who never went home, just straight to the bar.  The waitress had given him a straw for his beer, so he wouldn’t hurt himself any further.  Not long after we arrived, Conner and Lea showed up.  Brayden and Ethan strolled in last, followed by Tucker, who was feverishly trying to explain to the both of them that he couldn’t play guitar for them on Friday, because he had a date with the hottest girl of his dreams.  When he saw me, his cheeks turned deep red. He obviously hadn’t known I would be there to hear that.

“Hey, Tucker,” I nodded.

Tucker’s eyes brightened when I said hello.  He smiled broadly.  “Hey, Grace.”  He moved through everyone, pushed Shane’s chair over, with him still sitting on it and pulled up a chair next me.  “Hey, Shane, you don’t mind right?”

Shane shrugged Tucker off, but for a fleeting second, I saw a tightness settle around his ice blue eyes.

Tucker’s expression was full of elation at the sight of me.  A brief thought flew through my mind. Could Tucker be the one I was looking for?  Maybe I needed to give him a chance; maybe I had missed something?

“Wow, Tucker.  What are you, like 12?” Alex teased.

Tucker smiled bashfully at me.  “Dude, I just want to sit next to the prettiest girl in the bar, that’s all.”

I smiled up at him.  He couldn’t be the one I was looking for, could he?  Give him a chance.  Give him a chance.

Alex laughed at him.  “Tuck, you think she looks pretty now?  God, you should have seen her in her little pink teddy bear pajamas before.  It made me start thinking of very indecent things,” Alex whistled and gave me a wink.

Tucker looked down at me and raised one eyebrow.  “Hmmm.  Damn, I miss all the good stuff.”

“Oh yeah,” Alex continued.  “She looked all sweet and innocent.  I just wanted to corrupt her.”

Lea softly chuckled, watching Alex flirt with me.  “Corrupt her?  What were you thinking of doing?  Show her the smallest penis in the world?  Make her dislike men forever?”

Shane choked on his beer laughing.  “Yeah, dude.  One night with you and she’ll run screaming to a convent.”

Alex laughed along with Shane, “Ahh.  You’re probably right.  But, sorry Grace, watching you in those little pink pajamas, put pictures in my mind of how freaky I’d get with you.”

Everyone laughed.

As always, Lea took it a step further.  “So, Alex, what kind of freaky things go on in your place?  Hmm?  What’s the freakiest thing you’ve ever done?”  I think she asked the question to embarrass him, but it didn’t work well.  His face reddened, his eyes widened, and a huge smile broke out on his face.  This was going to be a horrible conversation!

“I love bondage. I’d love to spank you, Lea,” he said to embarrass her right back.  “But what I’d really love is to know what freaky things you get up to, Lea,” Alex replied politely. “And you too, Grace.”  Somehow, I knew this line of questioning was going to turn to us.

I laughed and gave him a wink.

Conner threw a handful of cheese fries at Alex.  “Leave my girl’s freakiness outta your thoughts!” He laughed.

Shane leaned across the table and crossed his arms.  “Okay, Lea’s off limits, because she’s Conner’s girl.  I’d like to hear about Grace, though.”

Tucker pushed Shane so hard that he almost shoved him off his chair.  “Real nice, ass!”

I glared at Shane, who gave me an innocent look.

With the most serious expression I could make, I joked, “Some of my close friends have called me Black Widow, because after I sleep with someone, I kill them.”

Shane looked at me evenly, matching my serious expression, “I have no doubt in my mind that you have had that effect on men, since I feel like I’ve died every time you’ve smiled at me.”

I looked away and tried to gather up my composure.  The way Shane just said what he did had made me feel uncomfortable.  It felt more than some guy just trying to get in my pants.  I grabbed a few of the empty bottles off the table, walked toward the trash, and tossed them in.  I walked up to the bar and ordered something a little harder than beer; I wanted my insides to burn.

“May I have a shot of Jack, please?”  I threw a few twenties on the bar.  I figured I’d stay at the bar for a few minutes.  It felt safer to do a couple of shots than try to figure out why Shane was trying to make me feel uncomfortable.  Or, why it was getting me uncomfortable.  How many times have I smiled at him?

“Hey, you okay?” Tucker’s voice materialized beside me.  He placed his hand on the small of my back and motioned for the bartender to pour two more shots.  “Shane just says things to see how people react to them.”

I picked up my second shot and he clinked his glass with mine.  “Shane doesn’t bother me.”

He nodded and smiled down at me, “Well, that’s good.  He just hardly ever meets a girl that doesn’t think he’s a rock star.  He’s a good guy, he just knows that there are a lot of women who want to be with him because of what he does, not who he is.  He’s not used to beautiful girls not paying attention to him.”

I desperately wanted to change the subject.  Why would I want to talk about Shane?  Why did everyone around him feel the need to justify the things he does or says to me?  “Talking about rock stars, I heard that you play the guitar.” I smiled.

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