Fall into my Heart (The Subzero Series, #1) (13 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Elise

Tags: #romance, #romantic comedy, #contemporary romance

BOOK: Fall into my Heart (The Subzero Series, #1)
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trying to find out why you and Noah are threatening to run over poor,
defenseless radio DJ’s and feed them to bears if they don’t play your music.”

Is that the word on the street?”

what people are saying.”

know it is criminal what some people come up with.”

it is just a rumor?” I nearly sighed with relief.

for the most part yes.”

does that mean?” I pinched the bridge of my nose between my thumb and

Noah and I had the munchies – cause we were hungry not cause we were partaking
in any illegal munchie inducing activities mind you – so we decided to go get a
few dozen bagels from Mega Bagel. We like to go there cause they make those
bagel sandwiches and load them with cheese and they have those bagel dunkers
and -“

Tyler, could you get to the point?”

so anyway, there we were in Mega Bagel and in walks Jim Dwyer and Benny Fortino
and we just simply asked them when they were going to play our music. Every
other show on Z93 plays us except for them.”

all that happened?”

yes, except no.”

shook my head and threw my hand up in the air. “Yes or no Tyler, which is it?”

it could have been all but then Benny said he would play our music but Jim said
over his dead body and.....” Tyler trailed off.

me guess, that’s when you threatened to run him over and feed him to bears.”

when he said over his dead body we told him that could be arranged. I would
never threaten to run him over and feed him to bears. I wouldn’t dream of
endangering the bears like that.”

laugh slipped out involuntarily. “Bye Tyler.”


walked in to my condo after work and found Abby lounging on the couch flipping
through a magazine. She tossed it aside when she saw me and smiled. It was kind
of nice coming home and having my little sister here waiting for me.

what do you normally do on a Thursday night?” She asked.

lately it’s been obsessing over what to wear out on Friday night.”

eyes got big. “Oh! Let me pick something out for you!” She exclaimed.

of the sudden I had a flashback to Jocalyn trying to get me to go out in the
most ridiculous outfits a couple weeks earlier. “Alright but only because I
know you’ll make me look good.”

She jumped up and ran into my bedroom. I followed her in there curious to see
what she was going to throw together.

pulled out a short sleeve maroon corset top with black lace. “Well you’re not
wearing this.”

not?” I asked defensively. I loved that top! Especially with my long black
skirt with the thigh high slit up the side.

I am.” She said flashing me a toothy grin.

I should call Tyler and warn him so you don’t catch him too off guard.” I
teased her.

turned away quickly as her face blushed bright red.

I saw that!”  I told her.

you’re wearing this.” Abby held up a chiffon navy blue top and a pair of dark
boot cut jeans.

I said, “and I’ve never worn that.”

you’re the only person I know that does that.” She said as she ripped off the
price tag.

next night we got all dressed up and headed over to Stoaked. It was 9:30 when
we got there and Subzero had already been playing for a while. I immediately
spotted Jocalyn bopping up and down in the middle of the dance floor.

Chloe, what’ll it be?” Dex asked me as I approached the bar.

white Russians. I see Jocalyn is already in full swing.”

laughed. “Yeah, it’s gonna be a long night for me.”

laughed as he handed me our drinks. I handed Abby her cup and we pushed through
the crowd to get over to where Jocalyn was.

you Chloe’s sister? Oh my god! It’s so great to meet you. I’m Jocalyn!” Jocalyn
said as she continued dancing.

leaned in to me and shouted, “Wow I think I’m gonna need another one of these
to keep up with her.”

me, I know the feeling!” I shouted back.

looked over at the stage and immediately locked eyes with Jack. He winked and
flashed me a smile that sent shivers down my spine. It seemed as if I had just
started drinking my drink, when Abby got us a second round. Before I knew it
were bopping around the dance floor right along with Jocalyn. This was the most
carefree I had felt in a long time. We were jumping up and down and spinning
each other around. I glanced over at Jack again and I swear he was laughing.

was so much fun!” Abby said as the bands set ended.

are definitely the most amazingly coolest girlfriend ever.” Jack said coming up
behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck.

thank you!” I said.

look.....wow! I don’t know if I want to take you out or take you back to my
place.” He said staring me up and down.

tempting but I have a guest.” I reminded him.

it looks like she wouldn’t miss you too much.” Jack nodded his head toward
where Abby and Tyler were standing. They were standing almost as close as Jack
and I were. I watched as he leaned in and whispered something in her ear. She
started to giggle.

supposed to find out if she is single.” Jack said.

is.” I said with a hint of surprise in my voice.

wrong?” Jack asked.

I just never would have guessed those two would hit it off so well.”

that a bad thing?”

not bad, just a little surprising.”

let’s go,” Jack said grabbing my hand, “You two ready?” Abby and Tyler started
walking over toward us.

Tyler coming?” I asked.

well you know the whole across the hall thing worked out for me so he’s hoping.....”
Jack trailed off and flashed me a smile.

I said smiling back.

we reached Jack’s truck, Abby started laughing.

so funny?” I asked her.

sorry. I’m just trying to picture you trying to get up there.” Abby teased.

have her covered.” Jack laughed as he pulled the step stool out from the back
of his truck, which caused everyone to erupt with laughter.

guys are so funny.” I said with mock annoyance.  We piled into the truck with
Tyler and Abby in the back seat and me up front with Jack. I could hear the two
of them whispering in the back and I tried as hard as I could to strain and listen,
but I couldn’t make out what they were saying. When we got back home, I started
to walk towards my door but Jack grabbed my arm, tossed Tyler my keys and
pulled me toward his place.

are you doing?” I asked him once we were inside his place.

things,” Jack said as he pulled me close to him, “One, I am trying to help my
friend out and two, I want some time alone with my girl.”

started to say something but Jack silenced me by grabbing me by the back of my
head and crushing his lips against mine. I knew he was trying to use his lips
to persuade me and I’ll admit it was working. It’s amazing the effect his mouth
has over me.

know I am really helping everyone out.” Jack said nobly.

How do you figure that one out?” I asked him.

it’s obvious Tyler and Abby want to get to know each other and I want you and I
know you want me.”

do I?”

it’s my sexy rock star vibe. You find it completely irresistible.”

yes that in combination with your big fat ego.”  

know you really do look beautiful.” Jack said. He traced his fingertips up and
down my bare arms. I closed my eyes as Jack leaned down and slowly kissed me
along my collarbone.

pulled off my shirt and ran his hands across my back. Leaning his face towards
mine, he softly kissed my lips. We let the kiss linger for a minute and when he
started to pull away, I gently bit his lower lip. He laid me down on the couch
and kissed me from the top of my jeans all the way up to my lips.

I told you today just how much I like you?” He asked me.

shook my head.

me show you.” He said. And he did.....twice.

Chapter Twelve


walked up the stairs to my condo a couple of days later and immediately
received the shock of my life. There sitting on the floor, leaning against the
door was Connor.  He smiled at me as he stood up. It took every ounce of restraint
that I had to not punch him in his perfectly whitened teeth.  

the hell are you doing here?” I asked him angrily.

heard you were living here now and I had some free time so I thought I would
come for a visit.” Connor looked at me and shoved his hands into his jeans.

you can leave now.”

Chloe, I traveled really far to get here. Can’t we just talk?”

have absolutely nothing that I want to say to you Connor.”

started to brush past him to unlock my door when he grabbed my arm. I looked
down at the offending hand on my arm and then up into his brown eyes. I was
mentally giving him ten seconds to get his hand off of me before I gave him a
good swift kick in his misters.  

I’m sorry. I made a mistake and I want you back,” Connor reached up and stroked
my cheek with the back of his hand, “I miss you and I love you Chloe. C’mon
baby. We were good together. We can still be good together. Let’s just start

know when we broke up I was a mess. I thought I didn’t know who I was without
you but I was wrong. Your cheating on me was the best thing that could have
happened. I have a life here and an incredible boyfriend who is everything you
wish you could be but you’re not and you never will be. I don’t miss you Connor
and I don’t love you. I’ve moved on and I suggest you do the same.”

that, I walked into my condo and left Connor standing in the hallway with his
mouth wide open. Cleary he thought that was going to end differently than it
did. I rolled my eyes as I shut the door, making sure to lock it just in case
he happened to get any wild ideas about trying to come in. Abby was standing by
the door looking like a child that got caught sneaking candy.

you hear that?” I asked pointing at the door.

and that was ah-mazing! I’m so proud of you!” She jumped forward, pulling me into
a hug.

felt so good! We should go out. I wonder what the guys are up to.”

shrugged as I fished my cell phone out of my purse.  I dialed Jack’s number but
after three rings, it just went to voicemail.

Jack, it’s Chloe. I just had a completely victorious moment and Abby and I are
going to Barnaby’s to celebrate. You and Tyler should meet us. Call me.”

quickly changed into jeans and a plaid button down shirt. I checked my phone
before we left and again once we got to Barnaby’s, but still no call from Jack.

and I each ordered a glass of champagne and an order of nachos to split.

being liberated from skanky men!” Abby said raising her glass.

and to finding some amazing guys after coming to a new country.” I said as I
raised mine.

three drinks, and still no call from Jack, we decided to head home.

he’s at the studio or rehearsing with the guys.” Abby said as we were walking

had considered that as a possibility until we got closer to the condo and I saw
Jack’s shiny black pick-up truck parked in the first row of spaces. That
couldn’t be good. I mean even when he was dead tired he at least called to say
a quick hello.  I gave Abby an uneasy look.

don’t.....I bet you he’s tired. They work such crazy hours, you know that.”

you’re right.” I said trying to convince myself that was all that it was.
Before I went to bed though, I tried calling Jack again. “Please pick up.
Please pick up.” I whispered. Every time I heard the phone ring I felt just a
little bit more disappointed. Disappointment turned into feeling completely
hollow as I heard “Hey, you’ve reached Jack. Please leave a message.....”

tried calling Jack a couple of times the next day with no luck. I knew
something was going on but I couldn’t figure out what. I was even more confused
when I found out that not only had Abby and Tyler been talking but they had made
plans to go out to dinner. If Tyler had time to call my sister, then surely
Jack should have time to call me, right?

came and I still hadn’t heard from Jack. When I got home and saw his truck in
the lot, I decided enough was enough. I was gonna go up and knock, no bang on
his door. He hasn’t talked to me for a few days now and if he was going to
avoid me he could at least give me a good reason why. The worthless piece of
junk they call a lift was broken again so I pushed open the doors that led to
the stairway. I was halfway up the stairs when I looked up and saw Jack coming

I said trying to sound nonchalant and upbeat.  

Jack said flatly.

stood there awkwardly for a few minutes, me trying to figure out what was going
on and Jack barely looking at me. Realizing I need to be the one to break the
ice, I blurted out “What time do you want to meet on Saturday?”

looking at me, Jack replied coolly “We’re not.”


took a deep breath and said “Well I think maybe you should go with your

fia....What are you talking about?”

it Chloe. What were you thinking? That I wasn’t going to find out?” Jack

it hit me like a ton of bricks. A wave of nausea came over me as I realized
that Connor must have run into Jack when he was camped out at my door the other
day. Stupid Connor..... that overly dramatic dumbass really does ruin everything.

Jack, you don’t -” I tried to explain but Jack threw his hands up to stop me.

what were you lonely? Bored? Did you think maybe it would help your career? I
guess you didn’t plan this out as well as you thought you did.”

could feel the tears forming in my eyes and I kept telling myself not to cry.

if you would just please listen to me.”

really, really liked you Chloe,” Jack said cutting me off again, “I’m just.....I
can’t do this. I can’t be the other guy, some fling, your replacement
boyfriend. I’m done.....we’re done.”

tears in my eyes defiantly spilled over and ran down my cheeks.  I couldn’t
believe this was happening. I didn’t want Jack to see me cry and I didn’t know
what to do, so I ran past him up the stairs. As soon as I was safely behind my
front door, the tears started flowing like waterfalls.

Abby called out.

walked into the living room where Abby and Tyler were cuddled up on the couch.

my gosh Chloe! What’s wrong?” Abby asked jumping up from the couch.

I said in between sobs.

Abby and Tyler exclaimed at the same time.

you know this was gonna happen?” Abby asked Tyler.

I swear. I’m gonna go talk to him. I’ll call you later.” Tyler said.

happened?” Abby asked.

grabbed a box of tissues and we both sat down. I curled my legs up under me and
pulled a throw blanket on top of my lap. Pulling a tissue out of the box, I began
dabbing at my tear stained eyes. Setting the tissue in my lap, I grabbed
another one from the box and began twisting it between my fingers.

must have run into him when he was waiting for me to come home the other day.
He told Jack we were still engaged.”

tell me Jack believed him.”

nodded. “He wouldn’t even give me the chance to explain.”

felt the tears stinging my eyes again and suddenly I just wanted to be alone.
The only person I wanted to talk to was Jack and he wouldn’t talk to me. I
didn’t want to talk to anyone else, not even my sister. I didn’t want to
analyze the situation to death like I normally I do. I just wanted to lie in
bed, wallow in my own self-pity and cry until I didn’t have any more tears.

gonna go to bed.” I sighed.

I’m here if you need anything.”

is the best thing about Abby. When you say you want to be by yourself, she
doesn’t push. I went into my bedroom, traded my work clothes for pajamas and
fell into my bed. I began crying again as I curled up into a ball. I didn’t
understand how this could happen. I just wished Jack would talk to me. I heard
Abby’s phone ring from the other room and I knew it was Tyler. Part of me hoped
she would come and tell me what he said, but she didn’t.

tried my hardest to concentrate at work the next day but I couldn’t. My
emotions were going back and forth between being sad and being angry. I was
angry at Connor for coming over here and ruining things. I was angry at Jack
for believing Connor and not listening to me. I was angry at myself for running
off and crying instead of insisting that Jack talk to me.

noon, I decided I had enough of trying to avoid people but I wasn’t ready to
talk to anyone. I emailed Jonathan and told him I was leaving, grabbed my stuff
and made my way home. As soon as I walked in the door, I put my pajamas on,
grabbed a pint of cherry chocolate chip ice cream and parked myself on the
couch. I kept telling myself to stop eating the ice cream and I finally
did.....when the carton was empty. Abby and Tyler walked in holding hands just as
I dropped the empty ice cream container on the table with a groan.

honey.....Did it make you feel better?” Abby asked holding up the empty carton.

worse actually, Not only will I be alone, I’m going to be fat too.” I said
without any emotion.

you sure you want to go to this ball?” Abby asked.

nodded. “Is Jack still going?”

I believe so.” Tyler said.

he ever going to talk to me?” I asked him.

looked as if he was trying to figure out what to say. “I think he just needs
some time.”

reaction was equivalent to a no. I could feel the tears well up in my eyes. I
could understand him not wanting to talk to me if I had done something wrong
but I hadn’t. I didn’t ask that big dumb fool to come over here. As a matter of
fact, our run in the other day was the first time I had even spoken to him
since we broke up. I’m not even the one that told him I was moving to London.

Sweetie, don’t cry.” Abby knelt down on the floor next to me.

just.....I like him a lot. I don’t know how this happened. Did he say anything to
you Tyler?” I asked hopefully.

shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other. “No sorry. I can assume what
is going on, but he just says that he doesn’t want to talk about it yet.”

wasn’t sure if Tyler was telling the truth or trying to put up a front for his
friend, but I figured it was the best answer I was going to get. I stood up and
grabbed my fleece blanket.

are you going?” Abby asked.

my room. I just want to be by myself.”

I lay in bed, I could hear Abby telling Tyler about my relationship with
Connor. At first, I couldn’t believe she would air my dirty laundry like that
but then I realized what she was doing. She knew Tyler would tell Jack. This was
perfect. Tyler will tell Jack and Jack will realize that this was all a big
huge mistake. Yes, that’s what will happen! He’ll realize this was just a
misunderstanding and he’ll come running back, begging me to forgive him, which
of course I will. This thought made me feel better and I quickly fell fast

next day came and there was no Jack ringing my phone or knocking down my door.
I waited all day until it was time to get ready for the ball but it never
happened. Maybe he was waiting to have some dramatic reunion tonight where he
takes the DJ’s microphone to issue an apology and declare his undying love for
me in front of everyone or maybe he’s planning on showing up like we originally
planned and he’ll tell me he has been going crazy without me and he’ll beg me
to forgive him or maybe.....or maybe I spend too much time watching movies.

taking a nice hot shower, I blow dried my hair, flipped it out and began to
apply my makeup. I smoothed on foundation and loose powder before adding brown
eyeliner, copper eye shadow and a couple slicks of black mascara. I completed
this with two swipes of clear lip gloss and went into my room to get dressed. I
slipped into a satin coral spaghetti strapped empire waist gown that just
lightly grazed the floor.

look gorgeous.” Abby said as I walked into the kitchen.

so do you.” I said and she did in her silver strapless tea length gown and her
brown hair pulled up into a french twist.

sure you want to do this?” Abby asked.

nodded, although part of me wasn’t sure. I hadn’t had so much as a glimpse of
Jack and wasn’t sure what to do when I saw him tonight. Do I say hi to him? Do
I wait for him to say something to me? Well considering the fact that he hasn’t
spoken to me in the past few days, I figured the chances of him saying anything
to me at all were slim to none.

Abby said, “Let’s go.”

spotted Tyler as soon as we walked into the hotel ballroom; it wasn’t hard
considering he was the only person there that looked like they dressed up in a
tuxedo and escaped from the circus. He immediately ran over to us.

both look amazing.” He said without taking his eyes off of Abby’s face.

you, so do you.” Abby said as she reached out to touch his arm.

Jack come?” I asked anxiously.

he’s right ummm.....” Tyler’s voice trailed off and a look of panic rose on his

followed Tyler’s gaze and saw Jack talking to a bunch of people. Then I
realized what had shocked Tyler so much. There cuddled up next to Jack with her
arm wrapped tightly around his was Julissa Patton. My heart stopped. I couldn’t
believe what I was seeing.

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