Fall Into Temptation (Blue Moon #2) (16 page)

BOOK: Fall Into Temptation (Blue Moon #2)
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“That we spent all night naked, wrapped around each other?” Her hand stroked up from the root to the crown. Beckett’s knuckles went white on the countertop.

“We don’t have time for another round, Red,” he groaned.

“You know, a lot can be accomplished in five minutes,” Gia said, slyly freeing him from his pants.

His eyes closed on a growl as her ripe lips encircled the crown of his cock and she proceeded to show him exactly how much could be accomplished.


eckett whistled
his way into the office on Monday morning with two steaming mugs of coffee. “Good morning,” he said, greeting Ellery.

It was a beautiful fall morning with just the slightest chill in the air demarking the arrival of sweater weather. The leaves were at their peak of color painted in bright reds and golds against the denim sky. He’d found himself hopping out of bed with a smile on his face that remained fixed there during his six-mile run before a shower, shave, and work.

“Morning,” she said, eyeing him suspiciously.

Today she was decked out in a relatively sedate black sweater and skirt with what he affectionately referred to as her Frankenstein shoes. Her black tights had an argyle skull pattern with crystals for the eyes.

“How was your weekend?” he asked, settling in the chair in front of her desk.

“Just dandy. How about yours? You look like you won the lottery.” She took a sip of coffee and leaned forward.

Beckett knew he was grinning like an idiot. He had been all weekend long. And he hadn’t seen Gianna since they parted Saturday morning with rug burned knees and sore, well-used bodies.

He’d still been grinning like a fool Sunday, when he’d checked in on the farm. His brothers had accused him of glowing like Summer. Their concern grew when he agreed to check out a house with his mother later that week.

He played it off as being refreshed from vacation until they were only mildly suspicious and escaped the brewery after helping set up the rest of the equipment before they could interrogate him further.

After this weekend, he was certain of two things. One, he was nowhere near done with Gianna Decker. And, two, he didn’t want to drag her through the unflinching Blue Moon spotlight, which also included his family. Until he and Gianna figured out what they were and where they were going, it was no one else’s business.

“My weekend was good. Quiet. Got some work done.” He felt his lips curving into a smile again. People were going to think he had developed a drug habit on vacation if he couldn’t regain control of his facial muscles. “So what’s on the agenda for this week,” he asked gruffly.

Ellery was still eyeing him like he had started casually shaving his head. Temporarily putting aside her suspicions, she began to run through the schedule.

“And then today I squeezed Gia into your schedule before lunch. She wants to talk about a legal guardianship.”

Beckett caught himself before he appeared too interested. But the flicker in Ellery’s coffee brown eyes told him he hadn’t been careful enough. He wiped the smile off his face and frowned intently. “Okay, that’s fine. I’m going to go catch up on some emails before Mrs. Eustace comes in at nine.”

He was already reaching for his cellphone and didn’t see Ellery’s smirk.

He fired off a quick text to Gianna.

I see I have a beautiful redhead on my calendar today.

Her response was immediate.
Hope you don’t mind. It’s not an excuse to see you. Or, at least, not just an excuse to see you.

My door is always open. Literally. I never lock the back door. Anytime you want to sneak on over here I’d be happy to see you. Naked or clothed.

Gianna responded with a winkie face that had him grinning like a damn clown. He needed to pull it together and soon before the entire town thought he lost his mind.

He counted down the seconds to 11:30 and was already halfway out of his chair when he saw her glide across the porch outside his window. Beckett had to force himself to sit back down and not hurdle his desk in his hurry to see her.

He waited until he heard Gianna and Ellery chit-chatting before casually exiting his office.

She wore cement colored capris with a dizzying pattern. Whatever strappy tank top she wore was hidden under a fitted, zipped jacket. Her hair was up in a sloppy knot on top of her head. She smiled at him like he was the sun and she was an exotic bloom.

“Good morning.” Her voice was a little husky and full of energy.

“Morning,” he answered.

They both stood there grinning at each other until Ellery cleared her throat. “Can I get you something to drink, Gia?” she offered.

“Oh, uh, sure. Coffee?”

“No problem,” Ellery smiled. “I’ll bring it in. Sugar?”

Gianna couldn’t seem to take her eyes off of Beckett and he liked it. “Yes, please.”

Beckett waited until Ellery headed for the kitchen before pulling Gia into his office. “Kiss me quick before she comes back,” he ordered.

Gia melted against him, her lips finding his in a spicy sizzle of heat.

He pulled back and studied her face. “I thought about you all weekend,” he told her.

She smiled, slow and sweet, and took a chair in front of his desk. “You may have crossed my mind a time or seven thousand, too.”

“We didn’t really get to talk … after.” Beckett rounded his desk and sat down.

Ellery bustled in with a mug. “Here you go,” she said, setting it down in front of Gia. “Anything else I can get you?”

“I think we’re good,” Beckett said. “But do you have the draft —”

“Of the motion? It’s in your email.”

Beckett glanced at his computer screen. “Perfect. And how about the —”

“Summary on Yeskovik vs. Yeskovik is done, but I found another more obscure case. Same custody issue, same outcome. So I’m adding that to the summary this afternoon.”

“Great. I also need to have the Yukon inspected and an oil change can you —”

“You’re on Ernest’s schedule for Thursday at 1:30. He said half-price since you helped his mom with the family trust.”

“You’re the best, El.”

She waved pistol fingers at them on her way out and shut the doors behind her.

“Where can I get one of those?” Gia demanded the second the doors were closed.

“Ellery? Hands off. She’s mine. I can’t live without her.”

“I can see why,” Gianna sighed. “She’d make life so much easier.”

Beckett grinned at her.


“Nothing. I just like having you here. In my office. Alone.”

“Beckett Pierce,” Gianna teased. “Are you flirting with your client?”

“A. Since this is a consultation, you’re not technically a client yet. B. Since our —” he paused and glanced over his shoulder before continuing in an exaggerated whisper. “Sexual relationship began before you were a client, I’m not being unethical. And C. Yes, I am.”

Gianna’s smile lit up her face. “In that case, after we’re done consulting I was wondering if you’d care to join me for lunch. At my house. Clothing optional.”

Beckett was glad he was sitting behind a desk so Gia couldn’t see his immediate and very noticeable physical reaction. “I think that sounds do-able.”

“Great, then let’s get this consulting nonsense over with so I can take your pants off.”

Beckett blinked. His mouth was open, but no noise came out.

Gianna was grinning at him in his visitors chair. “Unless of course, you’d like to test out how sturdy your desk is now and then consult later?”

“You’re evil. You stay on your side of the desk and I’ll stay on mine for the next fifteen minutes.”

She pouted and Beckett wanted to bite her bottom lip. “Behave yourself, Red,” he warned.

“Fine,” she sighed with an exaggerated eye roll. “Go ahead and consult me.”

“Did you talk to your ex-husband about legal guardianship?”

She leaned forward and grabbed the coffee. “I did. He seems to be in favor of it.”

“Seems to be?”

“It’s hard to get Paul to focus on the details, but he seemed enthusiastic about any solution that would free him of the burden of health insurance.”

“Okay. We’ll get started, but I do want you to try to make him understand all the implications. You don’t want him thinking that you’re taking his son from him
that this means he’s free from obligations such as child support and visitation.”

Gianna nodded. “I’ll make sure he understands.”

“Good. Then I’ll start the paperwork. We’ll file a Petition for Appointment of Guardian in family court. Paul will need to give his consent, which will make the process less complicated. Then there will be a court hearing.”

Gianna blanched. “A hearing?”

“It’s much less scary than it sounds. In a case like this the judge will likely review the filing and ask you and Paul why Evan should be with you before approving the guardianship.”

“Evan won’t have to testify, will he?” Gianna asked wide-eyed.

Beckett shook his head. “Since Evan’s under fourteen, the judge won’t ask for what they call ‘informed consent.’ And as long as you and his father are in agreement, it should go smoothly.”

Gianna nodded. “Okay. Then let’s get started.”

“We’ll get the papers drawn up this week.”

“So that leaves the issue of payment,” she said, pulling her checkbook out of her jacket pocket.

“Actually, I was wondering if you’d be willing to work out a trade?”

Her eyes narrowed. “Exactly what kind of a trade?”

“Mind out of the gutter, Red. Ellery’s birthday is next month and I’ve been racking my brain for a gift. She loves your studio. Would you be willing to trade, say, six months of classes?”

“Of course. As long as it’s an equitable trade. I don’t want you doing me any special favors here. Evan’s mine and I’d pay anything to make sure he has what he needs.”

“Understood. And the only special favor here is you’re saving me from mangling wrapping paper.”

“As long as that’s the case and you’re not trying to cut your secret lover a special deal in return for secret lover favors.”

“Those favors will remain completely separate from our attorney-client relationship.”

A smile bloomed on her pretty face. “Good. Thank you for your help, Beckett. It means a lot to me that you’re willing to help my family.”

“Just doing my lawyerly-landlordy duty.”

She cocked her head to the side. “Who knew?”

“Who knew what?”

“That goodness was such a turn on.”

* * *

ia stretched
like a cat and then flopped back down on her mattress. Beckett was facedown, his arm anchoring her to his side. “Well that sure beats a mid-afternoon cup of coffee,” she sighed, snuggling in.

The afternoon light filtered through the windows of her bedroom. New gauzy sheers that she still neglected to close at night hung from the corners of the room.

The house was blissfully quiet and her heart rate had returned to normal after two adrenaline-spiking orgasms.

Beckett nuzzled her hair. “What kind of shampoo do you use?” he sighed. “I like it.”

“It’s a fancy organic kind you can only get online.”

“It smells like a rainforest.”

Gia lightly trailed her fingers down his back. “You, Mr. Pierce, are a fine specimen.” She pinched his very firm butt cheek.

He grunted and flexed under her hand, teasing a laugh from her.

“Baby, don’t you think we should talk?”

“Are you talking to me or the pillow,” Gia asked.

Beckett rolled them both to the side and tugged her hips back against his. He was already hard again and Gia wondered if he had a genetic mutation that had him walking around with an erection all day every day.

Whatever it was, she thought as he guided his shaft between her legs, she was profoundly grateful for it.

He positioned himself against her entrance and slowly, inch by inch, eased inside her.

She sighed out her breath as he filled her. The angle didn’t allow for deep penetration, but it was enough to have her blood singing again. She moaned softly.

“Now, let’s talk,” Beckett said, whispering in her ear.

“Now?” She gasped as his hand traveled north to cup her breast.

“Now,” he said, his hips moving slowly, steadily.

“What do you want to talk about?” The words came out strangled.


“Beckett, you can’t seriously be trying to have a … conversation.” Her sentence ended in a gasp.

He nuzzled her neck and continued his onslaught on her senses. “What are we doing?” he asked, nibbling at her ear.

Gia tilted her head to give him better access to her neck. “Making love,” she whispered.

“And what are we?” His breath was hot on her throat.

She paused, lost in sensation. She waited too long and he pinched her sensitive peak.

“What are we?” he asked her again.

Her gaze focused on the fairy garden she kept on her nightstand.
stared back at her. “Lovers.” She sighed out the word.

The growl low in his throat told her he liked her answer.

“Is that enough?” he asked, quickening his pace ever so slightly.

For now,
she thought. “Yes. Please, Beckett,” she begged.

His hand slid from her breast across her belly to nestle between her thighs where he teased her to her end. As she began to come, she sobbed out his name and felt her release force his.

They lay in silence for several minutes, Beckett’s lips softly murmuring words too quiet to hear.

“Why do you call me Gianna?” she asked, finally breaking the silence.

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