Fall of the Mortals (Book 1) (4 page)

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Authors: Ken Bush

Tags: #Vampire Apocalypse

BOOK: Fall of the Mortals (Book 1)
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“It’s like they’re taking their anger out against us,” said Harold. “But why?”

“They’re just wild animals,” said Shaun. “It doesn’t make any sense.”

“You’re probably right, Shaun. It’s creepy though.”

“Yeah,” said Shaun.

“So, what’s got you so down?” asked Harold. “We’ve noticed since yesterday.”

“Really?” asked Shaun.

“Yeah. You seem depressed,” said Harold.

“They took something special from me,” said Shaun.

“What?” asked Harold.

“My last photo of my wife and daughter.”

“I’m sorry to hear that,” said Harold. “Is there anything else bothering you?”

Shaun kept the truth from Harold. He wasn’t about to say he was having secret rendezvous with his dead wife who was now a vampire. Harold held an extended stare at Shaun waiting for him to tell him more. Shaun noticed him.

“Really. That’s it,” said Shaun.

“Okay,” said Harold. “That’s it. It is what it is.”

“Don’t worry. I’m not severely depressed,” said Shaun.

“You’re not going crazy on us, right?” Harold asked with a smile.

“Never,” Shaun responded.

“You better not,” Harold chuckled. “We already have Mr. Jones to deal with.”

They both chuckled.

“I remember one time he came back in smelling like he had been sitting in a dumpster. He had an armful of trash. I asked him, ‘
What are going to do with that garbage, Jones
?” He said, “
I’m going to melt it down and make a new plastic.

They laughed.




The elevator opened on the top floor. Shaun and Harold laughed some more, finishing another joke. They began to step out. Chris rushed up to them.

“It’s Jones! You gotta hurry!” hollered Chris.

Shaun and Harold rushed through the foyer double doors and into the living area. Mr. Jones was swinging a broomstick around, smashing things in the kitchen. Betty was lying on the floor. Her arm was hurt.

“Betty!” Harold hollered, rushing to her aid.

“The man is outside his mind!” said Betty.

“C’mon, you vampire sons of bitches!” Jones shouted from the kitchen.

He smashed some glasses on the kitchen counter with the broomstick.

“Think you’re gonna take me?” he shouted. “No sir!”

He smashed the microwave door with the end of the broomstick. He pulled it off the counter. It landed on the floor and he kicked it. Thai, Yuri and Trang stood back, trying to keep Jones contained. They didn’t want to hurt him.

“C’mon. Calm down. Take it easy,” hollered Thai.

Yuri reached his hand out to take the broom from him. Jones swung it hard and struck his hand. Yuri yelled out.

“Think you’re gonna take me out?” shouted Jones. “I’ll kill you!”

Shaun and Harold rushed in. Harold grabbed Jones from behind, lifting him up. Shaun took the broom out of his hands. Jones kicked Shaun in the chest with both feet, sending him back against the counter. Harold took Jones to the floor.

“You vampire sons a bitches!” Jones shouted.

Harold held his arms down; Shaun and the others held his feet down. They were finally able to restrain him.

“Calm down, Jones! Calm down,” said Harold.

“Go to hell you vampire sons a bitches!”

“We’re going to hold you down as long as it takes,” said Harold.

“That’s fine with me. I’ll kick all your asses!” shouted Jones.

“Any ideas?” asked Harold.

“We’re gonna have to get him medicine. He’s got dementia,” said Shaun.

“We’ll have to restrain him for the night,” said Harold.

“You ain’t restraining nothin’!” shouted Jones. “I’ll kill you, man!”

“Thai. There’s duct tape in that drawer over there,” said Harold.

“I am a war veteran, you freaking bastards. I’ll kill all of you!” hollered Jones.

“Got it,” said Thai.

“This is for your own good, Jonesy,” said Harold, wrapping his arms up with tape.




It was a few hour later. Dinner was over. Everyone was winding down for the evening. Mr. Jones was sleeping on his blanket wrapped in duct tape. He had struggled so much trying break free he wore himself out. Harold rubbed some lotion on Betty’s arm for the pain.

“How’s that?” he asked.

“Better. Thanks, baby.”

“We’re going to put some more on in an hour,” said Harold.

“I’m going to lay down,” said Betty.

Betty’s face was bothered. It was easy to tell she was stressed about Mr. Jones. They were stuck with him. There was no state department aging services to call. No group home. He couldn’t go anywhere. Harold turned to Shaun.

“What’s the plan for Jones?” asked Harold.

“We’ll check the hospital for anti-psyche meds,” answered Shaun. “I’ll take off at the crack of dawn.”

“Thai. Yuri. Why don’t you guys you go with him?” asked Harold.

They nodded.

“Of course.” said Yuri.

“Check the psychiatric ward,” said Betty.

“We’ll go there first,” said Shaun.

“Let’s try to get some sleep, if we can,” said Harold.




It was one fifty in the morning. Shaun was anxious to have another meeting with Sharon. It was a dangerous thing to do but he couldn’t help it, he was still in love with her. He promised himself he would keep his guard up but he knew he wasn’t that strong. Being around her again made him feel alive. He didn’t care about slipping into her spell either. In a way, he liked it. It was intoxicating.

He quietly left the room again and headed to level sixty-eight. His heart began to pound. He felt anxious. It was like meeting Sharon all over again but being just as in love with her.

The elevator doors opened. He saw her outside the window. She looked fantastic. She formed a cold grin watching him draw closer. He knew he was a complete idiot but he didn’t care, he had to see her.

“I’m back,” said Shaun.

“Will you invite me in now?” asked Sharon.

“You know I can’t. I want to so bad but I can’t.”

“Why?” she asked.

“It puts the others at risk.”

“You don’t trust me,” said Sharon.

“The vampire, I don’t,” answered Shaun. “Are you still my wife? Or is she lost?”

“Let me in, Shaun. I’ll show you how sexy I think you are.”

Shaun was in trouble. He felt temptation take hold of him. He didn’t know if he could hold her off much longer.
Maybe I can trust her. I have the crucifix in my pocket if she tries anything,
he thought.

“Where’s Kylie?” he asked.

Sharon’s expression was blank.

“Our daughter? Where is she?” he asked.

“I don’t know,” said Sharon. “But she’s here among us.”

Shaun’s eyes watered.

“Have you tried to find her?”

“She is one of us, Shaun. No harm can come to her.”

He looked down in sadness.

“Don’t dwell on her,” said Sharon. “Let me in and I’ll make you immortal.”

Shaun looked at her.

“Immortal?” he asked.

“You must come with me if you want to see our daughter again.”

A cold feeling ran down his spine. Her offer was tempting.

“Bring her here tomorrow night,” said Shaun.

Sharon began to weep.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“I’m thirsty, Shaun,” she said. “Very thirsty.”

Shaun looked around. He saw a small paper cup on the floor.

“Wait here,” he said.

He picked up the cup and used his pocketknife to make a small cut on his hand. Some blood droplets dripped into the cup. Sharon’s eyes went large. Her mouth salivated. She licked her top lip, anxiously waiting for him to hand her the cup. He began to extend his hand to her. She tried to reach for it but the fumes on the blinds were too powerful.

“Bring it closer to me,” she demanded.

He carefully extended the cup through the blinds and then the broken window. She reached for it but he pulled it back.

“Tomorrow. Bring Kylie.”

“Fine! Give it to me!” she hollered angrily.

Sharon grabbed the cup and drank the droplets, crushing the cup in her face. She closed her eyes, licking her lips fervently as if it filled her with euphoria. She opened her eyes and looked back at Shaun.

“Tomorrow night,” she said and flew away.



Trouble at the Hospital


Morning came over the city. Shaun, Thai and Yuri came out of the tower. They walked to the parking terrace.

“How we doing this?” asked Thai.

“We’ll check all the pharmacies in the area first,” said Shaun. “But there’s a problem.”

“What?” asked Yuri.

“Antipsychotic meds are prescription drugs,” said Shaun. “They’re not going to be just sitting on the shelf unless we’re totally lucky.”

“Good point,” replied Thai.

“Get me what we need. I’ll make it,” said Yuri.

“Do I look like a pharmacist?” said Shaun. “I don’t know what they put in the stuff. I know of a few types of meds but that’s it.”

“Pharmacist maybe have book?” asked Yuri.

“It’s worth a shot,” said Thai.

“Let’s go,” said Shaun.




Shaun drove up to a downtown pharmacy in the Ferrari. The glass windows and doors of the pharmacy were broken. They went through the interior searching for the pharmacist’s book. There was nothing. The place had been cleaned out by others with the same idea. Shaun noticed the computer monitors.

“Any power over there?” asked Shaun.

Thai flipped a few switches. The overhead lights came on. He turned on the computers. A prompt came up requesting a password.

“Damn,” said Shaun noticing the prompt.

“There is no book here,” said Yuri.

“Is there anything that says
?” asked Shaun. “We just want to keep Jonesy calm.”

“There’s nothing here but Band-Aids and aspirins,” said Thai.

“I have a feeling this is gonna be a long day,” said Shaun with frustration.

“Let’s get to Good Samaritan Hospital. We’ll try the mental ward,” said Shaun.

“What if they don’t have prescription meds there either?” asked Thai.

“If it’s a dead end, we’ll check St.Vincent and the Silver Lake Medical Center.”

“Are they far?” asked Yuri.

“Those are three downtown hospitals we should have road access to,” answered Shaun. “One of them has gotta have meds for Jones.”

“There’s the White Memorial on Chavez Avenue?” said Thai.

“That’s to the east though. The roads get congested over there,” answered Shaun.

Shaun drove the Ferrari down Grande Avenue. Yuri sat in the passenger seat. Thai sat on the rear of the car with his feet in between Shaun and Yuri.




They arrived at Good Samaritan. The glass entrance doors were locked. Shaun pulled out his pistol and shot out the doors. Glass shattered all over the entrance. Shaun entered. There were large pieces of glass sticking out of the framing.

“Watch yourself on the glass, guys,” said Shaun.

Yuri and Thai carefully entered. The lobby had the odor of dead bodies. It smelled terrible. There were gurneys on wheels against the walls. The nurse’s station had dried coffee puddles from cups being knocked over when the streets were chaos. There was portable medical equipment on wheels knocked over on their sides in the hallway. Shaun looked down one of the hallways. A few dead bodies lay on the floor at the entrance of the emergency room. Shaun and Thai looked at a directory posted at the nurse’s station.

“I don’t see a mental ward anywhere,” said Thai.

“The pharmacy is in the basement,” said Shaun. “We’ll check there.”

Thai and Yuri covered their noses.

“That smell is horrible,” said Yuri.

“That’s for sure,” said Thai.

“That’s the smell of dead bodies for ya,” replied Shaun. “Especially lying around for several months in a confined space. I’ve smelled it many o’ times.”

“So this doesn’t faze you at all does it, Shaun?” asked Thai.

“Nope. Been there, done that.”

They went to the elevator; the doors opened. Three dead bodies lay on the floor. A more concentrated odor of dead flesh came out of the elevator. Shaun cringed. Thai heeved. He couldn’t take it. Yuri covered his nose and mouth in disgust. Shaun grabbed a dead hospital employee and pulled her stiff corpse to the other side of the elevator floor. She was blonde and had a cute face. Her eyes were open and she appeared to look directly at Thai.

“C’mon guys. They’re just dead people. They won’t bite you,” said Shaun.

Yuri and Thai stepped in the elevator behind Shaun. The doors closed.

“To the basement we go,” said Shaun pressing the ‘*B’ button on the elevator.

Thai couldn’t help but look at the dead hospital employee repeatedly. Her dead, piercing stare bothered him. He looked at her and the two dead men she lay on. Thai began to perspire. His heart pounded. He started to feel sick. It felt hot in the elevator. He exhaled. They arrived at the basement; the doors opened—the pharmacy

Shaun and Yuri stepped out. Thai staggered out and fell against the wall breathing heavy.

“Hey Thai. What’s up?” asked Shaun.

Thai panted, bending over, holding his knees.

“They’re dead,” Thai said panting. “They’re all dead in there, man.”

Shaun stopped the elevator doors from closing. He rolled the dead nurse assistant onto her belly, facing her away from them.

“Take it easy, my friend,” said Yuri. “Deep breath. In and out.”

“You looked in her eyes didn’t you?” asked Shaun.

“Huh?” asked Thai.

“You never heard the myth about looking into the eyes of dead people?” asked Shaun.

“No,” answered Thai, shaking his head.

“Some believe their souls haven’t left their bodies yet,” said Shaun. “They’re just trying to talk to you through them.”

“That’s creepy,” said Thai.

“That’s why a dead person’s eyes have a magnetic draw,” said Shaun.

“What was she saying then?” asked Yuri.

“She was saying… ‘
Excuse me kind sir. Since I’m dead, please roll me over so I don’t stare at your goofy friend,’
” answered Shaun in a mock female voice.

Thai and Yuri laughed.

“Feeling better?” asked Shaun.

“Yeah,” said Thai, exhaling again.

“Good. Don’t take this crap so seriously,” said Shaun.

“So this is the place for medicine?” asked Yuri.

“It’s a basement pharmacy. Let’s look around,” said Shaun.

They looked around the shelves. There were dozens of bottles with pills and fluids in them. Shaun carried a small basket and dumped several of the bottles in the basket by handfuls.

“Finding it?” asked Thai.

“No, but its medicine. We may need it at some point,” answered Shaun.

“What medicine do we need?” asked Yuri.

“Anything that says anti-psychotics,” said Shaun. “Preferably,
Zyprexa, Abilify

“How do you know about meds?” asked Thai.

“After fifteen years on the force, you learn about mental illness,” replied Shaun.

“None of them are here,” said Yuri.

“Okay, let’s take what we have and head to St. Vincent,” said Shaun.




It was mid-afternoon. They spent the whole day checking hospitals and pharmacies in the downtown area. Antipsychotic meds weren’t found anywhere. Shaun pulled up to the Silver Lake Hospital.

“This is it,” said Shaun. “If we don’t find anything here, we’ll have to wing it.”

“What if medicines we have are not effective?” asked Yuri.

“Then I’ll punch Jones’ lights out,” answered Shaun with a sarcastic grin.

Yuri and Thai glanced at him.

“Just kidding. I wouldn’t do that,” said Shaun.

They rushed to the top floor, the mental ward. They rummaged through every door and closet they could find. They scattered property everywhere frantically searching for meds. Thai opened one of the last cabinets. He grabbed a bottle that said, “
Rx Seroquel

“Hey, I got it! Seroquel. Right here,” hollered Thai.

“That’s what I’m talking about,” said Shaun shaking the bottle and inspecting it. “That’s the stuff, boys. We’re good.”

Suddenly, there was a loud rumble. The entire floor of the mental ward shook. The ceiling lights blinked and turned off. They staggered and fell to the floor. Shaun dropped the Seroquel. All the windows shattered, broken glass flew in on top them. They buried their faces in their arms. Medical equipment fell to the floor and papers flew everywhere.

“Earthquake!” shouted Shaun.

There was a tumultuous crashing sound. The entire floor tilted. Shaun and the others slid across the floor towards a huge gap in the wall. They were in imminent danger of falling seven stories to their death. Large pieces of medical equipment, computer monitors, tray holders and other small items followed them. Shaun struggled to grab the Seroquel but it was no use. The bottle went over the edge and fell to the pavement. Shaun and Thai barely caught hold of the edge. They hung outside the wall of the building. Floors one through six were in the same condition all the way to the street. Much of the building was destroyed.

Yuri tried to grab onto something sliding to the edge. He was heading right for Shaun and Thai. He was almost able to grab onto a desk but he was struck by a large piece of medical equipment. He fell over. Shaun barely caught Yuri’s wrist, saving his life. Shaun yelled struggling to hold Yuri up. Other items toppled over them and fell to the street.

In the background, the earthquake ripped through the downtown area. Small to medium sized buildings crumbled to the street. A large gap broke open in the road causing more buildings to tumble to the street.

“You gotta be freaking kidding me!” Shaun shouted, trying to hold on. “Give us a break! Just give me a damn break!”

 “Thai! Climb up! Help us!” hollered Shaun. “I can’t hold on much longer!”

Thai struggled to climb back onto the demolished edge of the seventh floor. It looked like a gigantic slide leading to a steep cliff. There was barely enough room to stand. He took Shaun’s hand and helped pull them up to safety. Shaun lay there, knowing the three had almost died.

“Hey! Look!” hollered Thai.

They looked out at the city. Dozens of vampires flew out of their rest places from underneath the destroyed buildings. They were incinerated by the sunlight.

“Yeah! Burn up!” growled Shaun.

“That must have been hundreds of them!” said Thai.

“That was just a handful,” said Shaun in a tired voice.

“The roads are destroyed,” said Yuri. “We’re still a few miles from the tower.”

“Let’s get to the main level,” said Shaun. “We gotta get moving.”

They climbed over the elevated, destroyed flooring to reach the other side. It was like climbing up a wide slide. There were several jagged metal parts sticking out of the cracked walls and the floor. The flooring was ripped up and wedged against the elevator doors.

“The elevator is history,” said Shaun. “We’ll take the stairs.”




Harold and the others stood at the windows with sad faces. They knew the sun was almost down. There was no sign of Shaun, Thai or Yuri.

“Maybe they’re okay?” said Betty.

“It’s all my fault,” said Harold.

“What you mean, now?” asked Betty.

“I sent them out there to find medicine,” said Harold. “Now it’s clear I sent them to their deaths.”

Harold sat on a sofa. He was full of grief.

“Don’t blame yourself. Don’t you do that,” said Betty.

Kim and Ni began to weep for their brother Thai. A tear rolled down Harold’s cheek.

“Where could they possibly hide out there?” asked Harold. “If they’re still alive, that is.”

“Shaun is a tough cookie,” said Betty. “And Yuri is a smart dude. They’ll think of something.”

“I sure hope so,” said Harold, wiping away his tear.

He looked over at Mr. Jones. He was lying on the floor. His wrists and ankles were still tied up in duct tape. A strip of tape was also across his mouth. He screamed muffled sounds through the duct tape. Harold took the tape off his mouth. Mr. Jones let out a deep breath and panted for a moment.

“Feeling better?” asked Harold.

“Untie me,” said Jones.

“You need medicine,” said Harold.

“Well, does it look like I’m gonna get any?” Jones hollered. “I don’t think so, you freaking jerk!”

Harold put the tape back over his mouth.




Shaun, Thai and Yuri hurried down the stairwell to the main floor. 

Outside the building, they rushed to the Ferrari and got in. Shaun drove away. The streets were heavily damaged from the earthquake. He drove around looking for a way to get out.

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