Read Fall On Me Online

Authors: Chloe Walsh

Tags: #broken 3 the broken series love passion

Fall On Me (7 page)

BOOK: Fall On Me
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I smirked as my heart decided to do
somersaults inside of my body. "Then I should tell you that I
wouldn't have it any other way."

Pulling back the covers I watched as she
reached for my shirt on the floor. "Don't even think about it," I
warned as I slipped off my boxers. "No more cover-ups, baby. You're
mine. I want to see you. I want to fucking hold you in my arms
without any barriers."

She shook a little but nodded and climbed
into bed. Climbing in behind her, I drew her to me and kissed her
shoulder before flicking off the lamp. "Don't ever think I don't
want you," I told her as I pressed my erection against her peachy
little ass.

She squirmed against me and twisted her head
so she could see me. The moonlight was shining through the crack in
the curtains and I could tell she was blushing. "Then why haven't

"Why haven't I touched you?" I finished her
question for her. "Why haven't I fucked that tight little pussy of

"Yeah," she breathed. "If it's not because of
the scars then what is it?"

I groaned and wished to god I hadn't thought
about Lee's pussy. That's all could think of now. She nudged
herself against me. Shit… "Because you're not ready for me. You're
gonna need every ounce of your strength, princess." I smirked when
I heard her breathing hitch. "Because I've been without you for too
long. And the next time I'm inside you it's gonna be hard, rough
and all fucking night long. Now close your eyes and go to sleep
before I cave in and we both end up in the ER."

"God," she muttered as she turned her body to
face me. "You can't say things like that and expect me to just go
to sleep."

"Lee," I warned when I felt her small fingers
brush against the trail of hair under my navel. "Behave."

"We could do other things," she whispered as
her hand moved lower until she had my dick in her hand. "You're
hard," she purred.

"No shit," I groaned as I closed my eyes and
flexed into her touch. "Stop. Please…"
Control…Have some
self-control, dumbass…

"Do you want me to put it in my mouth, Kyle?"
she whispered. "We've never done that before…"

Fuck me.

Jesus Fucking Christ.

"Is that a serious question?" I moaned as her
hand stroked the length of my shaft. My back arched off the bed
when I felt her mouth close around the head of my dick. "I'm trying
to be good, Lee…no sex until you're better." Her hands cupped my
balls and I dropped my hand down to fist her hair. My legs were
shaking as she took me to the back of her throat. I didn't have a
whole pile of self-control and, after more than three months of
being without her, she was pushing me to my limit. "You're…breaking
my rules, baby."

"I'm not breaking your rules," she purred as
her tongue lapped around the tip. "You're inside my mouth instead."
I felt her slide her legs over mine. Sitting on my knees, she
started sucking me as she grinded her wet pussy against my legs.
"Is this okay?" she asked in an unsure tone of voice. "Am I doing
it right?"

"Are you doing it…what?" I shook my head and
groaned as she took me to the back of her throat. "Yeah,
Jesus…shit." I thrust myself upwards as my fingers tightened in her
hair. "You're perfect."

She did something–something fucking
amazing–with her tongue and I was sunk. "You're a dangerous woman,"
I growled unable to take this fucking torture a second longer.
Raising my knees, I grabbed her under her arms and pulled her
towards me. Rolling her onto her back, I pushed her legs apart and
settled between them.

"What are you doing?" she asked wide eyed and
breathless as she rested her hands on my chest.

"I warned you." I palmed my shaft and rubbed
it against her wet folds. Releasing myself, I bent over the side of
the bed and grabbed my wallet out of my jeans and pulled out a

"Don't worry," she whispered quietly as I
knelt between her legs with my junk in my hands. Rolling the condom
on, I rested on my elbows as I hovered above her. "About what,
baby?" I asked as I slid inside her. Oh sweet Jesus… The heat, the
sensation of her clenching around me nearly set me off.

"Oh…" she moaned clutching my shoulders as I
moved inside her. "One tube…I won't get…pregnant again," she
breathed as she rocked her hips up to meet my thrust. I stopped
moving. I stopped fucking breathing. I'd only put one on because I
thought that's what she wanted, not because I was worried about
getting her pregnant.

"I'm not worried," I whispered as I bent down
and claimed her lips with mine before pushing inside her again.
"I'm not worried at all."





I felt her body relax as her breathing
slowed. When I was sure she was asleep I lay on my back and waited.
It wouldn't be long before the screaming started.

Her nightmares were the reason I didn't dare
close my eyes. She needed me and I was never going to let her down


Chapter 5



"It's Tracy." Kyle stood in the doorway of
our hotel bedroom, with his shirt half unbuttoned and his phone
pressed to his chest. "She wants to talk to you."

Here we go again…

Resting Hope on my knee, I continued brushing
her wild curls with a soft bristle baby hairbrush I had bought in
the infants section of a baby boutique in town. She wriggled on my
lap, not one bit happy about being groomed. I knew how she felt,
but I also knew how tangled curls like hers could get. "You're
getting so big, sweetie."

Hope was a sturdy baby and I felt every ounce
of her in my arms. I swear my womb fluttered every time she looked
at me with those big beautiful blue eyes. She was so cute and
chubby. A feminine version of her father–minus the chubbiness. No
one could accuse Kyle of being chubby. He was built like one of
those swimsuit models–albeit the dirty, wild untamed kind.

I focused my attention on Hope, while I
prayed that Kyle would take the hint and back off. I wasn't going
to speak to her. I had hoped that we'd put this conversation to bed
the other night. I most certainly had. I was nowhere near ready to
talk to that woman. Kyle needed to drop it...

"Lee, she's still on the line," he said
holding the phone out towards me.

Ignoring Kyle, I stood up carefully and
carried Hope out of the room. "Come on, let's get you some
breakfast," I murmured quietly as we stepped into the corridor.

"Where are you going?" he demanded.

"Breakfast." I had to move away from Kyle and
his phone call. My temper was rising which was funny because before
I moved to the hill I would have never considered myself an angry
person. I had a darkness inside of me I didn't have when I was
eighteen. I was actually surprised he let me pass without a fight.
I usually wasn't allowed the leave the suite until Kyle did a sweep
of the hotel for 'reporters.'

Thankfully, they seemed to be growing bored
of us. I hadn't been ambushed in a couple of weeks. Hopefully Kyle
would start relinquishing some control now that they were creeping
back under the woodwork. I prayed he would because I was smothering
in that room…

My back was really hurting this morning. It
felt like I was being stabbed with a thousand tiny needles directly
into my spine. It was a side effect of my screwed up body.
Bullets, spinal cords and kidneys did not mix well…

The elevator was out of order and carrying
Hope down the stairs exhausted me. The doctors said that it would
get much easier but it would take time.

I had time.

Thanks to Cam, I had a whole life worth of
time ahead of me. I planned on visiting her later if I could get
away from the very angry CEO who was following me down the hotel

"Yeah, I know. Look I have to go. Okay, you
too," I heard Kyle mumble then felt his hand slip around my elbow,
halting me mid-step.

I didn't bother saying anything when he took
Hope from me and carried her down the rest of the steps with her
polka dot changing bag hanging from his shoulder. There was little
point. I knew he had my best interests at heart. Well, my best
interests physically.




"You're doing the wrong thing, princess," I
said quietly as I sat Hope into her highchair at our table. I sat
opposite her and watched as she fiddled with the cutlery in front
of her, obviously ignoring me. Thankfully the restaurant was
practically deserted this morning. From the look on Lee's face, I
guessed I was talking my way into a storm.

I'd been trying my best not to hassle her
about her mom, but when the woman started sobbing down the phone,
begging me to get her daughter to meet her, my heart fucking
squeezed in my chest. I was not good with criers. Especially the
female kind with their crazy hormones. The only woman in my life
whose tears I could handle was my daughter. Those tears I could fix
with a cuddle, a bottle or a clean diaper. When Lee cried I morphed
into a wild animal. Her tears brought out the beast in me and I
wanted to tear whoever had upset her apart. Unfortunately, that
person was usually me…

Lee waited until Theresa, our waitress, left
after placing two mugs and a pot of coffee on our table before she
spoke. "I love you, Kyle," she said in tight voice. "But if you
keep pushing me on this you're not going to like what I have to
say." She picked up the pot of coffee and filled both mugs. "You
promised you would let this go."
Actually, I'd promised no such

I leaned my elbows on the table and watched
as he prepared our coffee. She was wearing one of my black t-shirts
over her jeans and it swamped her tiny body. It was loose enough to
camouflage every amazing curve I knew was hidden underneath it. She
tucked then re-tucked her hair behind her ears–a sure sign she was

"You haven't given her a chance to explain,"
I said as I wrapped my fingers around her wrist and pried her hand
away from her hair. Her hands were shaking, but I didn't comment on
that fact. Lee had a continuous tremor since she woke up from her
surgery. And those tremors worsened every day that grew closer to
the trial.

"Don't lecture me on parents," Lee warned as
she swung her face up to glare at me. Her gray eyes narrowed
challengingly. I narrowed mine accepting her challenge. "If you
want to go around fixing families like Jerry freaking Springer then
maybe you should start with your own. You're hardly an expert on
the matter." She was lashing out, trying to hurt me so I would back
off. Well, if she wanted a fight she'd get one.

Lee had been as alive as a house plant for
too long. She needed to get her claws back and if fighting with me
brought her back to life then I'd fight all fucking day. I had no
pressing engagements and my skin was tough.

"No, I'm not an expert," I said deadpan. "My
mother's dead and my father denied me. I was dumped into a home
when I was three. So you're right, princess, I don't have a clue
what it feels like to have a living relative who would risk their
life to save mine." Regret flickered in Lee's eyes and I felt like
an asshole for making her feel guilty, but she needed to hear this.
"You have a chance at having a mom. A real, honest to god decent
parent, but you're judging her when you don't know the whole

"She had a choice, Kyle." Lee snapped,
pulling her hand away from mine. "I didn't."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I
asked as I tore the lid off a yoghurt and started to feed Hope.
"What the fuck kind of choice did she have when her husband put his
hands on her? What choice did you have when your father beat you?
Baby, that man is a tyrant. You think she chose to be beaten?"

"I meant that she
my father. She
chose to date him, to marry him, to have a child with him." She
balled her hands into fists and I knew she was forcing herself not
to cry. "Where were my choices, Kyle?"

"It's not that simple, Lee," I sighed as I
plopped another spoon of yoghurt into Hope's waiting mouth. "You
haven't heard her side of things. If you talked to her you'd see
things clearer. Baby, I know you're hurt, but right now you're
being very judgmental."

"No, you don't understand me, Kyle," Lee
croaked out. "Of course I don't think she chose to be beaten. No
one would choose that. I know what it feels like, so don't put that
guilt trip on me. And I don't blame her for leaving him," she
paused and inhaled deeply through her nose before continuing. "I
blame her for leaving me behind. She ran away and left me to take
her place. She left me in that house. With
." She yanked
on the end of her ponytail, clearly distraught. "Eighteen years,
Kyle. I spent eighteen years of my life hungry, hurt and terrified.
She had eighteen years to come back for me…to take me away from
that life–from him. But she didn't. Would you do that to your

"Don't turn this on me," I argued, but she'd
hit me hard with the daughter card. "This isn't about…"

"Would you leave Hope with a man you knew was
capable of beating her to a pulp?" she demanded in a hushed tone.
"Would you leave our baby daughter with Jimmy Bennett?"

"No," I admitted through clenched teeth. The
thought alone made me want to put my fist through the fucking wall.
I thought back to the day Jimmy showed up at the hospital, the day
before Lee was discharged.

I'd been in the cafeteria getting Lee a
coffee when he arrived. Lee swore to me that he'd only been there a
couple of minutes before I came back, but I wasn't sure. She had an
awful habit of covering up for that man. She couldn't help it, it
was built into her psyche after spending years of her life covering
up her bruises and burns. Jesus, I'd never felt anger like I had
the moment I walked into that room and witnessed him slapping my
fiancée across her face. I lost it. Completely fucking lost my
mind. I would have put that child-beater out of commission if the
damn security guards hadn't arrived. When I'd calmed down enough to
make a phone call, I had Kelsie ship that piece of shit back to
where he came from with a check. It had pained me to give him
anything, but twenty thousand dollars was a small price to pay for
his departure. I wanted him out of her life. Permanently. That
piece of scum would never so much as stand too close to his
daughter or my daughter again.
Not while I'm breathing…

BOOK: Fall On Me
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