Fallen Angels and the Origins of Evil (33 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Tags: #Spiritual & Religion

BOOK: Fallen Angels and the Origins of Evil
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(give decree 3 or 9 times)

is used here as a term of honor, denoting that Archangel Michael carries the power and presence of God.


In the name of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, in the name of Jesus Christ, I call to my very own beloved Holy Christ Self, Holy Christ Selves of all children of the Light, beloved Archangel Michael and hosts of the L
, legions of angels from the Great Central Sun, Mighty Elohim, seraphim and cherubim of God, for the protection of my life and family and all children of the Light:

Give entire decree 3 or 9 times:

Lord Michael, Lord Michael,
      I call unto thee—
  Wield thy sword of blue flame
      And now cut me free!


  Blaze God-power, protection
      Now into my world,
  Thy banner of faith
      Above me unfurl!
  Transcendent blue lightning
      Now flash through my soul,
  I AM by God’s mercy
      Made radiant and whole!
Lord Michael, Lord Michael,
      I love thee, I do—
  With all thy great faith
      My being imbue!

(Repeat refrain)

Lord Michael, Lord Michael
      And legions of blue—
  Come seal me, now keep me
      Faithful and true!

(Repeat refrain)


  I AM with thy blue flame
      Now full-charged and blest,
  I AM now in Michael’s
      Blue-flame armor dressed!

(give coda 3 times)

“They Shall Not Pass!”

A Call for the Judgment of the Fallen Angels Who Have Sworn Enmity against the Children of God by Jesus Christ


When you have given the “Tube of Light” decree and decrees to Archangel Michael to establish a strong forcefield of protection, you are ready to give “They Shall Not Pass!”

Make a prayer specifically naming the conditions you want halted, such as:

In the name of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, and my very own beloved Holy Christ Self, I call to the seven archangels and all the hosts of the L
to take command over
give your personal prayer here to turn around conditions like child abuse, crime, drug trafficking, terrorism, etc
I ask that my prayers be multiplied to assist all souls in distress. I thank you and I accept it done this hour in full power, according to the will of God.

You can repeat “They Shall Not Pass!” a number of times for the binding of fallen angels and the liberation of all people. When you have finished, give the “And in full faith ...” closing.

The most effective posture for giving this decree is to stand and raise your right hand to shoulder height using the
mudra (gesture of fearlessness). The palm is turned outward and the fingers pointed upward. Place your left hand at the center of your chest, where your heart chakra is located, with the thumb and first two fingers pointing inward.

In the Name of the I AM THAT I AM,
I invoke the Electronic Presence of Jesus Christ:
They shall not pass!
They shall not pass!
They shall not pass!
By the authority of the cosmic cross of white fire
    it shall be:
That all that is directed against the Christ
    within me, within the holy innocents,
    within our beloved Messengers,
    within every son and daughter of God
Is now turned back
    by the authority of Alpha and Omega,
    by the authority of
    my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,
    by the authority of Saint Germain!
    within the center of this temple
    and I declare in the fullness of the entire
    Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood:
That those who, then, practice the black arts
    against the children of the Light
Are now bound by the hosts of the L
Do now receive the judgment of the Lord Christ
    within me, within Jesus
    and within every ascended master,
Do now receive, then,
    the full return—multiplied
    by the energy of the Cosmic Christ—
    of their nefarious deeds
    which they have practiced
    since the very incarnation of the Word!
Lo, I AM a Son of God!
Lo, I AM a Flame of God!
Lo, I stand upon the Rock of the living Word
And I declare with Jesus, the living Son of God:
They shall not pass!
They shall not pass!
They shall not pass!
Elohim. Elohim. Elohim.

(chant the last line)

To be given once after you have concluded your decrees:

And in full faith I consciously accept this manifest, manifest, manifest!
(give 3 times)
right here and now with full power, eternally sustained, all-powerfully active, ever expanding and world enfolding until all are wholly ascended in the light and free!

Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM!

The Chart of Your Divine Self

The reason we can call to God and he will answer is because we are connected to him. We are his sons and daughters. We have a direct relationship to God and he has placed a portion of himself in us. In order to better understand this relationship, the ascended masters have designed the Chart of Your Divine Self.

The Chart of Your Divine Self is a portrait of you and of the God within you. It is a diagram of yourself and your potential to become who you really are. It is an outline of your spiritual anatomy.

The upper figure is your “I AM Presence,” the Presence of God that is individualized in each one of us. Your I AM Presence is surrounded by seven concentric spheres of spiritual energy that make up what is called your “causal body.” The spheres of pulsating energy contain the record of the good works you have performed since your very first incarnation on earth. They are like your cosmic bank account.


The middle figure in the chart represents the “Holy Christ Self,” who is also called the Higher Self. You can think of your Holy Christ Self as your chief guardian angel and dearest friend, your inner teacher and voice of conscience.

Just as the I AM Presence is the presence of God that is individualized for each of us, so the Holy Christ Self is the presence of the universal Christ that is individualized for each of us. “The Christ” is actually a title given to those who have attained oneness with their Higher Self, or Christ Self. That’s why Jesus was called “Jesus, the Christ.”
comes from the Greek word
meaning “anointed”—anointed with the light of God.

What the Chart shows is that each of us has a Higher Self, or “inner Christ,” and that each of us is destined to become one with that Higher Self—whether we call it the Christ, the Buddha, the Tao or the Atman. This “inner Christ” is what the Christian mystics sometimes refer to as the “inner man of the heart,” and what the Upanishads mysteriously describe as a being the “size of a thumb” who “dwells deep within the heart.”

We all have moments when we feel that connection with our Higher Self—when we are creative, loving, joyful. But there are other moments when we feel out of sync with our Higher Self—moments when we become angry, depressed, lost. What the spiritual path is all about is learning to sustain the connection to the higher part of ourselves so that we can make our greatest contribution to humanity.


The shaft of white light descending from the I AM Presence through the Holy Christ Self to the lower figure in the Chart is the crystal cord (sometimes called the silver cord). It is the “umbilical cord,” the lifeline, that ties you to Spirit.

Your crystal cord also nourishes that special, radiant flame of God that is ensconced in the secret chamber of your heart. It is called the threefold flame, or divine spark, because it is literally a spark of sacred fire that God has transmitted from his heart to yours. This flame is called “threefold” because it engenders the primary attributes of Spirit—power, wisdom and love.

The mystics of the world’s religions have contacted the divine spark, describing it as the seed of divinity within. Buddhists, for instance, speak of the “germ of Buddhahood” that exists in every living being. In the Hindu tradition, the Katha Upanishad speaks of the “light of the Spirit” that is concealed in the “secret high place of the heart” of all beings.

Likewise, the fourteenth-century Christian theologian and mystic Meister Eckhart teaches of the divine spark when he says, “God’s seed is within us.” There is a part of us, says Eckhart, that “remains eternally in the Spirit and is divine.... Here God glows and flames without ceasing.”

When we decree, we meditate on the flame in the secret chamber of our heart. This secret chamber is your own private meditation room, your interior castle, as Teresa of Avila called it. In Hindu tradition, the devotee visualizes a jeweled island in his heart. There he sees himself before a beautiful altar, where he worships his teacher in deep meditation.

Jesus spoke of entering the secret chamber of the heart when he said: “When thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.” Going into your closet to pray is going into another dimension of consciousness. It’s entering into the heart and closing the door on the outside world.


The lower figure in the Chart of Your Divine Self represents you on the spiritual path, surrounded by the violet flame, the spiritual fire of the Holy Spirit, and the protective white light of God. The soul is the living potential of God—the part of you that is mortal but that can become immortal.

The purpose of your soul’s evolution on earth is to grow in self-mastery, balance your karma and fulfill your mission on earth so that you can return to the spiritual dimensions that are your real home.

The Origen Conspiracy

If Origen of Alexandria (186–255) was the most influential theologian of the early Greek Church—and he was—why have you never heard of “Saint Origen”?

In the early sixth century, when some of Origen’s brilliant theological deductions about the nature of men and angels were gaining renewed popularity in Palestinian monasteries, anti-Origenist monks from Jerusalem took action. They conspired with a Roman deacon named Pelagius, a papal legate who exercised ungodly influence over the weak-willed Pope Vigilius.

Pelagius convinced the powerful Byzantine emperor Justinian to promulgate an imperial edict anathematizing certain of Origen’s teachings in 543. Pope Vigilius endorsed the move.

Justinian’s despotic control over the Church was such that priests, bishops, and even the pope were essentially powerless to resist his imperial doctrinal decrees. Justinian believed he and his wife, the power-mad ex-prostitute Theodora, were the elect of God to whom He had entrusted the entire Christian empire, including Rome. Together they made dogma and translated it into law—adding clerical approvals as a mere formality.

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