Fallen Darkness (The Trihune Series Book 2) (26 page)

BOOK: Fallen Darkness (The Trihune Series Book 2)
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Chapter 55

“Kobal!” Sonneillon sent the bellow into the demon’s head. He’d just come from the recruits’ holding cell. The numbers weren’t good.

He’d have to ask the British Columbia leader to start hunting for recruits. They couldn’t take seventy people out of this po-dunk town without someone noticing. A century ago humans could go missing and no one would look more than twice. Now with every child and grandparent carrying some electronic device that could capture an image and spread it around the world with a click of a few buttons, the earth was not as it used to be.

No use explaining it to Apollyon, though, unless Sonneillon only wished to hear his own voice. Apollyon didn’t listen to reason.

“You called?” Kobal skidded into the chamber just as Sonneillon sat in his chair. The demon bounced from foot to foot.

Eyebrow raised, he waited.

Kobal stilled.

Sonneillon remained silent. It brought a small amount of pleasure to keep the demon on edge. He was pissed off tonight. Had been since his return. He never should’ve left Apollyon without learning his plans. The churn in the pit of his gut said it would be one of Apollyon’s crazier schemes. Sonneillon frowned.

Kobal squeaked.

Oh, right. He’d forgotten the demon was there. “How many recruits do we have?”

Kobal paused, gaze rolling to the ceiling, the floor, some spot over Sonneillon’s right shoulder.

“Twenty-three,” Sonneillon answered quietly.

Kobal startled then nodded. “Yes, we have twenty-three recruits.” He beamed.

Sonneillon stared.

Kobal’s smile fell. He scratched his head. Bounced from foot to foot. Frowned. Stared at the floor. The ceiling. Sonneillon. The walls. Hands rubbed his pant leg. Another glance at Sonneillon. “More are coming,” he blurted.

Sonneillon raised an eyebrow.

“A lot more.”

“How many recruits did I tell you to prepare?”

Kobal scratched his head. “Sixty?”

“Seventy,” he clarified, his voice lower than before.

The demon froze. His heart beat so loud it was like an echo around the room. “Yes, seventy. That’s what you said. That’s what we’ll get.” Kobal bowed.

Sonneillon didn’t reply.

Kobal’s gaze darted to the floor, ceiling, Sonneillon, the wall, shoulder, his hands. “Serial has a bunch of recruits to bring in.”

“Really? How many?”

Kobal swallowed. “I’m not sure. He’s due back any minute.”

Sonneillon glanced to the ceiling. He could feel the sunlight’s heat on the other side of the thick concrete and dirt. “Is that so?”

The demon’s gaze roamed again. “He must’ve gotten caught by the sun. I’m sure he’s holed up somewhere with them.”

Sonneillon cocked his head, studying the little circus freak in front of him.

Kobal squeaked, clapped a hand over his mouth, removed it. “He’s at a cabin in the woods.”

He waited.

A drop of sweat ran down the side of the demon’s face. “He’s brought in a lot of recruits. I thought he deserved a break.”


A whine escaped. “It’s not my fault. I’d no idea he was going to do it. He’s Vetis’s recruit. I didn’t realize he was The Bone Saw Surgeon until I saw the clippings in his room.”

Sonneillon steepled his fingers.

“I told him he couldn’t get a car. He never specifically mentioned wanting a cabin in the woods. I did tell him we had to stay away from humans. Hidden. I told him that. That’s the first thing I tell all of the recruits. Stay away from humans and from the Behns. Just like you told me. I told him.”

Sonneillon stood.

Another whimper. The demon stepped back, hands raised. “I’m sorry,
. I went to him. Told him to stop. He didn’t listen to me. What was I supposed to do?”

Sonneillon advanced.

“He’s been gone for three days. I was going to get him tonight. When the sun’s down. I was going to make him come back.”

Another step.

Kobal cringed. Retreated. “I thought it’d be okay. I mean, what’s the difference between killing a human by taking their soul or cutting them into pieces? The end is the same.”

Sonneillon was in front of Kobal, hands fisted in his shirt. He lifted the demon off the ground, bringing him eye level. “Where?” The word was barely a whisper.

Kobal squealed, tried to lift his hands to cover his face.

“Where!” The word echoed around the chamber. Followed by Kobal’s scream.

“In his room,” he spilt out, his words running together. “The address is in his room.”

Sonneillon let go.

The demon fell to the ground in a heap, immediately tightening into a ball.

Sonneillon stepped over him and stormed to the door.

He paused in the doorway. “I’ll need seventy recruits in two weeks, Kobal, or you’ll be the one cut into pieces. Understand?”

The Kobal-pile squeaked. Sonneillon left the chamber, slamming the door closed so hard the walls shook.

Chapter 56

It was so hot. Why was she so frickin’ hot?

Kate pushed the blanket away from her. It didn’t move. Gah. To go from absolutely-will-die cold to sweltering. Where was the happy medium? And why wouldn’t this damn blanket move? She opened one eye and saw the blanket was actually an arm thrown over her chest and a leg over her hip. She stiffened, suddenly aware of the hard body tight against her back. Why wasn’t she having a vision?

The night’s—or was it the morning’s, everything was so screwed up here—events came rushing back. She turned. The feat not as difficult as she thought it would be with her “blanket” draped over her.

Lucas’s eyes were open, watching her.

She sucked in a breath. It’d really happened.

“Hi,” he said.

Her hands were fisted, tight against her chest. Habit. If she was going have a vision it’d be from their entwined legs. Or the hardness pressing against her hip that had been inside her many times last night. Maybe from the hand tangled in her hair, resting against the back of her head. His other hand trailed up and down her arm giving her goose bumps.

Slowly she uncurled her fingers, laid her palms against his cheeks. The stubble was rougher this time. Her breath caught as her body filled with liquid heat.

Lucas inhaled. “Kate?” His voice was quiet. His eyes flared blue. The light warm across her face.

Her thumbs were resting near his mouth and she felt more than saw the growth of his fangs. Arms wrapping around his neck, she pulled his head down. He needed no other encouragement.

He growled.

Yep, still a turn on.

He rolled on top of her, the head of him right at her entrance. His tongue licked the seam of her lips until she opened for him.

Thrills ran through her. It hadn’t dimmed. The pleasure of his touch. Of touching him. She ran her fingers through his short cap of hair, down his arms to grip his biceps, across his back to hold him tight against her while she arched. Bonus. The head of him slipped even closer to the spot she wanted. She moaned in half excitement, half frustration.

Lucas propped up on his elbows. “What do you want, Kate?” His grin said he knew the answer.

She dug her nails into his butt. “Stop playing games, Lucas. Just give me—ooohh.”

He slid deep inside her and stilled. His gaze ran over her face before he lowered his head toward her mouth.

She stopped him. Placed her hands on his chest. Wanting, she didn’t know, just to look at him, while he was deep inside, so the next time she wouldn’t have to work hard to remember this really happened. It was real.

Her skin had been touched, every single inch of it, by this man. She’d done the same to him.

Head turned, he kissed the inside of her palm. Gaze back on her, he began to move. Sliding almost all the way out before plunging back. The pace was maddingly slow.

Soon she was panting. Her body screamed for release. For him to move faster. Her hands fell to the floor, fisted in the blankets.

He ran his mouth over her lips, nose, cheeks, closed eyelids, temple, near her ear. Still keeping his turtle rhythm. Seemingly in no hurry.

She was at the top of the peak, ready to dive off but not enough momentum to go over. “Lucas,” she pleaded, moving her hips, trying to arch into him.

His hands were suddenly holding her hips. He chuckled low against her throat, his nose running up and down the length of her neck.

“You’re an ass.” The words emerged on a slow moan, taking the sting out of the insult.

“Do you want to come, Kate?” His husky voice brought chills to her spine. “Need it?”

“Yes,” she answered, hers just as breathy.

He nuzzled her neck. Heard him inhale deep, open his mouth like he was going to kiss her. Something grazed against her neck.

She was air born. Stars burst behind her eyelids. The orgasm ripped through her body. Her back bowed. Hands squeezed his upper arms.

The descent into reality was disorienting. Her body was half on edge, still wanting and aching. The other half wanted to curl in a ball and go to sleep. She opened her eyes.

Lucas was above her, eyes wide, body frozen.

She moved her hips, felt him inside, deep and still hard. Mmmm. “What did you do to me?”

A look crossed over his face, expression almost reverent. “I love watching you come,” he whispered. “You grip my cock so hard.”

A thrill went through her and she could feel her body start to climb again.

He dipped his head, ran his tongue against hers.

She pulled back, tasting something weird. “What is that?”

His gaze met hers, his expression now serious and something else. Nervous? “A bit of your blood.”

“My blood?” She touched the side of her neck where he nuzzled. The skin was smooth and when she drew her fingertips back there was nothing on them.

“It wasn’t a lot,” he said. “Just the tips grazed your neck. I didn’t mean for it to happen. I’m sorry.”

She frowned. “Was that why I orgasmed?”

He was watching her closely now. “Yes.”

How many other women had he sent over the edge with his fangs? She shook the thought away.

“Have I scared you? I’m sorry.”

Scared wasn’t what she was feeling. She cupped his cheeks. Would she ever get used to seeing her bare hands on his skin? Her thumbs ran over his mouth, lifted his lips to look at his fangs that had begun to recede. “Do it again,” she whispered.


She planted her feet on either side of his legs, tilted her hips back as far as they would go against the unforgiving floor, and then forward to bring him deeper inside again. His eyes rolled in the back of his head, body stiffening. She did it again.

When he met her gaze, his eyes glowed blue, his fangs peeked from between his lips. “Are you sure?”

She nodded.

He pulled out completely, slid back in. Both of them groaned. Then he picked up speed, something she wanted him to do ages ago. She was climbing that hill, barely touching the ground. She closed her eyes, hands gripped his buttocks, loving the feel of his muscles as they clenched and unclenched.

At her neck, he moved his mouth over her skin, his tongue flicked out. She tilted her head to give him better access. His hips moved faster. Her breaths were as ragged as his.

She was almost there when something else slid into her, just below her ear. First a twinge of pain, the barest hint. Heat spread through her body. Hotter than when she’d woke. Hotter than anything she’d felt before. She stiffened, wrapped her arms around him. He sucked the same time he thrust. Once. Twice. The sensations together were too much and she exploded, screaming his name.

When she came back to earth, Lucas was pumping slowly, his gaze on hers, watching. She pulled his face to hers, planted her mouth over his, the taste of blood stronger than before. He groaned, hips picking up speed until he broke away to roar out his own orgasm.

He rolled to his back, bringing her with him. His hand ran down her shoulder, arm, the dip at her side, curve of her hip. Like he also couldn’t touch her enough. “What did you feel when I drank from you?”

She raised her gaze, which had been focused on her fingers gliding across his chest, a quick—or maybe not so quick—pause at his nipples. Down his side to trace his tattoo that had started to look pink, not red. Was he worried she was scared of him? “It felt really good, Lucas,” she assured him.

His hand paused on her hip, fingers resting lightly on her butt. It was comfortable, intimate, and slightly turning her on again. How many orgasms could this man give her before she was completely satisfied? Would that day ever come? She’d be leaving before it happened.

He smiled, brushed a strand of hair that had fallen forward into her face. “I’m glad. But I meant did you feel any burning?”

Kate frowned. “Burning?” She touched the spot where he’d fed from her. Again the skin was smooth. “No. Not at all.”

Lucas’s hand dropped back to her hip. “Oh. Okay.” He smiled, but it seemed off. “That’s good.”

“Was it supposed to burn?”

He held her gaze, slowly shook his head. “No, Kate.”

He lay back, dragging her over top of him. She rested her head on his chest and his arms wrapped around her. Soon the beat of his heart and his hands caressing her back lulled her to the edge of sleep. She stiffened. Pushed up.

“What time is it?” The clock was on a nightstand but on the other side of the bed. She had to stand to see over the bed. The red numbers told her it was 3:13. “Crap.” She knelt, then scrambled on all fours to find the clothes Lucas had removed.

Why hadn’t Martha knocked on her door? Dammit. Where was her underwear?

Lucas caught her by the waist, holding her in place. She glanced over her shoulder. He was on his knees behind her, his expression one she’d seen many times the last twelve or so hours. She opened her mouth to tell him she had to get going, when he slid inside of her.

“Fuuuck.” He was deeper than ever in this position. Her body turned to jelly and she leaned forward, resting her head on her hands, bringing him even deeper.

“I’ll talk to Martha,” Lucas said each word on a separate breath. His pace wasn’t so slow anymore. “Explain why you’re late.”

“Don—” she got out before the orgasm clawing its way up scattered all thought.

Kate woke to soft feather strokes on her breasts. She made a small sound of pleasure in her throat and rolled on her back to give better access. At the soft chuckle, her eyes flew open. “What time is it? Why did you let me sleep? I have to go.”

Lucas pressed his hand against her shoulders. “Relax. I already called Martha. Told her you were with me.”

She gasped, knocked his hand away to sit up. His gaze lowered to her uncovered breasts and she grabbed the blanket, covering herself. “You did not. I told you not to do that.”

He frowned, reached to take the blanket from her. She gripped it tighter. His eyebrow raised and with one tug the blanket tore from her grasp. He started to smile until she crossed her arms over her chest. With a growl, he lunged for her. Before she had time to move she was flat on her back, her wrists captured in one of his hands, held over her head. He grinned. “That’s better.”

She scowled. “Lucas, get off of me. I have to go to work.”

He leaned down, nipped the end of her nose. “I told you, Martha knows you’re with me. I said I had a deep, hard need for you today. A job only you could do. It was of utmost urgency.”

Heat flooded her cheeks. “You did not say that.”

He took her lower lip into his mouth, sucked then let it go. “She told me I could have you for as long as I wanted.” He moved to her earlobe. “And I want,” he whispered.

“Lucas,” she said on a half moan as his mouth trailed to her breasts. His tongue darted out to flick a nipple. “I have to go to work. Martha has a lot to get done in a short amount of time.”

Lucas let go of her nipple, rested his forehead against hers. “I’m going to talk to Cade.”

She frowned, strained against his hold. He let go and she sat up. “Don’t do that. I know what happened the last time.”

“I don’t want you to leave. Tell me you feel the same.”

She stroked his cheek.
I feel the same. Oh, God, do I feel the same.
“I have someone counting on me. I can’t stay here.”

He inhaled sharply, nodded. “I can help. I’ll go with you. We can bring them here.”

She was shaking her head before he even finished. “You know Cade won’t let you do that. He doesn’t even want me here.”

“Then I’ll leave and we won’t come back. We can go wherever you want.”

“Lucas.” Tears burned at the back of her throat. No one ever cared this much for her before. “This is all it’s meant to be.” It was hard to keep her voice steady. “I’m so happy I met you.” She’d remember him forever. “And I thank you for everything you’ve given me. I’ll never regret touching you.” She cupped his cheeks, ran her thumbs over his mouth. “You’re so giving and generous. You sacrifice everything for the ones you love. To be allowed a small part in your life is a gift I’ll always treasure.”

“Don’t leave.” His voice broke.

It was all Kate could do to hold back her sobs.

“Let me talk to Cade. I’ll convince him.” The steel determination in his face scared her as much as watching the tattoo on his arm slowly darken back to red.

Lucas shook his head, rubbed a hand over his left arm as if it was a big eraser.

“What’s wrong, Lucas? Is your tattoo supposed to change color like that?”

“Doesn’t matter. Just don’t leave until I come back. I’ll talk to Cade.” His voice was high now. He jumped to his feet, bouncing from one to the other, his words coming out fast.

Her mind flashed to the meth head in Philadelphia. “Lucas?” But he was already out of the room, door closing behind him.

Kate sat in the middle of the blanket. What was that?

She stood abruptly, spotting her underwear underneath the bed. She scooped them up, looking for her socks so she could get off the blanket and find the rest of her clothes.

She had to help Lucas. He sacrificed for everyone around him. It was time to return the favor. Cade wouldn’t let her stay and Kate would never allow Lucas to choose her over his brothers. It was time to find Stacy. Make amends.

Kate stilled. Slowly sank to her knees on the blanket.

She had to make amends.

Do the right thing. Asking Stacy to run away to Mexico was not the right thing.

People sacrificed for the ones they loved.

It was time she sacrificed.

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