Read Fallen Star Online

Authors: Cyndi Friberg

Tags: #steamy romance, #alpha hero, #shadow assassins, #mystic healer

Fallen Star (27 page)

BOOK: Fallen Star
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“I’ll indulge you,” she said with a playful
smile. “But you have to keep your promise. You’re mine to do with
as I will until I’m ready to release you.”

He laughed. “I think you embellished on my
promise, but I threw in a condition, so I guess fair is fair.”

“I need to hear you say it.” She reached
beneath her arm and grasped the zipper, but didn’t lower it.
“Promise you’ll let me play until I’m ready to stop.”

“I promise I will not restrain your
movements until you say I can.”

That wasn’t exactly what she’d asked for,
but close enough. She slowly lowered the zipper and felt the front
of the dress sag. His gaze followed the descent until her nipples
were exposed, then he lost interest in the garment. He licked his
lips, obviously anxious to do more than look.

Power sizzled around her and spiraled
through her. She knew men found her attractive, but the huger in
Odintar’s eyes went far beyond male appreciation. He made her feel
as if she had been specifically crafted for his enjoyment and still
exceeded his expectations.

She undulated her hips as the gown sank
lower and lower.

“You’re trying to kill me, aren’t you?” His
hands clenched and released then clenched again.

Emboldened by his obvious discomfort, she
stepped out of the dress then slowly bent over so she could pick it
up. As usual, she was wearing a thong so he could see her bare
behind. After carefully draping the gown over a nearby chair, she
hooked her thumbs through the sides of her panties. “Are you sure
you want these off? Seems like a cruel temptation.”

“Like the rest of you isn’t?”

His question filled her with warmth and
hurried her toward the next phase of their game. “It’s your call.
On or off?”


She watched his eyes as she pulled the
panties down then kicked them aside. Blue rings burned through the
black and she heard him inhale deeply. Was he scenting her? The
possibility sent an elemental thrill through her entire body. It
was so animalistic, so primal. So very Odintar.

“Touch me now, or I’ll lose control. I don’t
want to break my promise.”

He’d been hard when he took off his pants,
but his shaft was so rigid now it curved out away from his body.
She ran her hands up his sides, trying to ignore the column of
flesh arching toward her. It was impossible. Her core ached and her
hand gravitated there of its own volition.

Curving her fingers around his shaft, she
let his needful groan wash over her. He wanted this as badly as she
did. The realization only fueled her desire, making it difficult to
savor the freedom he’d granted her.

With one hand absently stroking his shaft,
she continued her exploration. His chest was a work of art,
strength and discipline evident in every curve. Forcing herself to
relinquish her prize, she opened her fingers and slipped around
behind him. Maybe if she couldn’t see his cock straining toward
her, she’d be able to enjoy the rest of him.

His back tapered dramatically from broad
shoulders to narrow hips. She traced the angle with her hands and
then her lips. His skin was warm and faintly salty and she found
herself inhaling his scent, needing to imprint his unique smell on
her brain. Just like he’d done with her.

The dragon burned into his flesh was even
more impressive up close. Detailed and intricate, it seemed almost
alive. She traced the angle of one wing and then kissed a path down
the middle of the creature’s back. Odintar grew restless beneath
her touch, so she shifted to his spine and repeated the teasing

Unable to resist temptation any longer, she
moved back in front of him and knelt.

“Don’t.” The one word was part warning, part

She pressed her teeth into her lower lip,
tempted to take pity on him. Then feminine power surged, eroding
the possibility. She wanted to feel him tremble, to watch him fight
for control and know she had been the one to drive him to the
brink—and beyond.

His cock jerked against her palm as she
wrapped him in her fingers. “You promised to let me play.” She let
her wicked chuckle say the rest. There would be no pity for him

Leaning in with slow and obvious intention,
she circled his tip with her tongue. His hands shot into her hair
and formed loose fists, but he didn’t stop her, didn’t hinder her
in any way. Thrilled by his continued cooperation, she closed her
lips around him and let his taste spread through her mouth. Earthy,
yet somehow fresh, his skin tasted of power and magic.

“I’ll show you the same mercy you’re showing
me.” His voice was barely a whisper, but she heard the warning loud
and clear.

She moved her mouth up and down his length,
savoring the slick slide and contrasting textures. Soon he rocked
into each rotation, pushing deeper than she’d allowed him to

Heat and incandescent urgency streamed into
her mind. His body told her how much he enjoyed this, but actually
feeling his desire pushed the intensity even higher. She opened for
him, showing him how much she enjoyed pleasing him and how exciting
she found his passion.

He cried out suddenly and tried to pull out
of her mouth.

None of that.
She grasped his hips
and held on tight.
You’re mine tonight.

Pushing to the back of her mouth, he
shuddered and shuddered as release tore through him. His seed slid
down her throat as his pleasure saturated her mind. She swirled her
tongue and sucked greedily until he released her hair and stumbled
back, dragging his cock from between her lips in the process.

“Are you. Finished. Playing with me?” he
asked in between pants.

“For now.”


Odintar’s orgasm did little to ease the need
raging through his body and mind. He couldn’t remember the last
time he’d trusted a female enough to let her command his release.
But Jillian wasn’t just a woman. She was his mate, the other half
of his soul. He’d always thought the concept of soul mates was
romantic nonsense, until he experienced it for himself. She was his
match, his equal, his opposite. And he treasured every contrast and
contradiction. Apart they were incomplete. Together they were

He scooped her up in his arms and placed her
on the bed. Catching the back of her knees he pulled her toward him
so suddenly it toppled her backward. She gasped then grinned as he
parted her thighs. She resisted for half a second, then spread her
legs wide and scooted even closer to the edge of the mattress.

Her skin was already flushed, her nipples
tightly beaded. She’d honestly enjoyed giving him pleasure. He
wasn’t sure why it surprised him. He loved watching her come apart
as he filled her with his fingers or caressed her with his mouth.
He’d only gone down on her once before and she had been so anxious
for his cock that he’d let her rush him. Well, there would be no
rushing tonight. He intended to explore every inch of her trembling
body and bring her to climax again and again before he surrendered
to the final joining.

He brushed her folds with his fingertips,
thrilled to feel how wet she was already. Gently parting her with
his thumbs, he dragged his tongue tip from her core to her clit.
She arched into the caress, tensing as he flicked the sensitive
nub. Gods, she was responsive. And her taste was addictive.

Repeating the leisurely circle, he caressed
her from core to clit and back over and over. She pushed up with
her heels, trying to guide his tongue back to her clit.

“Please.” Rather than give her what he knew
she wanted, he slowly pushed his middle finger into her core. She
whimpered. “That’s just mean.”

“Is it?” He carefully worked her with his
finger while his mouth settled over her clit. He licked and sucked
on the tender bud until her inner muscles rippled around his

Her pleasure poured into his mind,
unhindered and unashamed. He added another finger and went right on
licking. Her second orgasm took longer to build, but he didn’t
mind. Her softness captivated him. Each of her gasps and wiggles
sang his praises and communicated her thanks.

Possessiveness twisted through him as desire
erupted again. He draped her legs over his shoulders and moved both
hands to her hips. He pushed his tongue into her core, savoring her
taste. She twisted and arched. Her body was open and, more
importantly, her mind was open, utterly yielded to him.

Humbled by her trust, he tried to slow down,
to be less aggressive. There was no hope for gentleness while her
scent filled his nose and her taste filled his mouth. He dragged
his mouth away from her sex and kissed his way up her body.

Her legs slid off his shoulders, catching on
the bend of his elbows. He hovered over her perfect breasts,
adoring the nipples with his lips and tongue. Everything about her
pleased and excited him. He wanted to spend the rest of his life
learning what made her gasp and giggle. What made her sigh.

Reluctantly releasing her nipple, he cupped
both her breasts with his hands as he kissed his way up her neck.
His taste still lingered in her mouth when he pushed his tongue
between her parted lips. The combination of his taste and hers was
nearly his undoing. He deepened the kiss, sliding his tongue over
hers, mixing their tastes so completely he could no longer identify
the separate components.

She drew her legs up along his sides,
opening herself for his penetration. Rather than resorting to
words, she pushed her hunger into his mind, intensifying his need
in an instant. He angled his hips and found her entrance without
moving his hands from her breasts.

You are mine as I am yours.
The words
tore from his soul as he drove into her clenching passage. Her snug
walls caressed him like a rhythmic fist, yet her wetness allowed
him to sink even deeper.

I am yours as you are mine.
He wasn’t
sure how she’d known the ancient reply, but the thought thrilled
him to the marrow of his bones.

Their link swelled, expanding as emotions
flowed freely from one being into the other. Unable to pace himself
in the face of the emotional deluge, he drew his hips back then
slammed his full length back in. She came around him, her inner
muscles squeezing so tight he moaned. So damn good!

He drew breath from her lips and shared his
energy without reservation. Their bodies rocked against each other,
over and into one another, perfectly synchronized. It felt as if
they’d been born for this moment, this joining.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and
returned his kiss with equal fervor, utterly lost in the sharing.
Release raced up the back of his legs and drew up his balls. He
stubbornly fought it back, not yet ready for it to end.

It won’t end, my love. We have forever. If
that’s what we want.

Her thought shocked and thrilled him. Was
she ready for forever? Just the possibility pushed him over the
edge. He clasped her to him, shaking as he came deep inside her.
Their link expanded again. The emotions carried across the
connection focused with crystal-clear sharpness.

She wanted the same things he wanted, a
permanent relationship, the ultimate intimacy of a soul-bonded
mate. Her hesitation didn’t come from indecision; it came from the
fear that no one could love her the way she loved him. And she did
love him, completely and without reservation.

He framed her face with his hands, still
buried deep inside her body. “Search my mind,
. My
devotion is true. I love you more with every beat of my heart. I
will always love you.”

Tears filled her eyes but happiness rippled
across their link. “I can feel it now.”

“If you ever doubt it again, do the same. My
heart and my mind will remain open to you. Always.”

“It still feels strange to have you there,
but I’m not afraid.”

“To have me here?” He contracted his abdomen
and made his cock buck inside her. “Or here?” He pushed a wave of
sweet contentment into her mind.

She smiled up at him as she whispered, “I’m
rather fond of both.”

“Glad to hear it, because I’m not going
anywhere for a long, long time.” He pulled back his hips and showed
her what he meant.

* * * * *

Loose ends. Sevrin worked hard not to create
them, but once formed they had to be addressed. This particular
loose end had been evading retribution for longer than she could
remember. With the new lab fully functional, she could no longer
tolerate the possibility of exposure. She was too close to her
goals to watch it fall apart now. Which meant Gerrod Reynolds must

“Get dressed.” She tossed Flynn his jeans,
startling him awake as the garment smacked against his bare

It had taken all night and part of the
morning for her to break Flynn, but he’d been infinitely
cooperative during their last encounter. She hadn’t removed his
collar, so there was a slim possibility he was toying with her. It
was more likely, however, that he’d seen the advantages to playing
the game by her rules and reluctantly swallowed his pride.

“Are you sure?” A cocky smile lifted one
corner of his mouth. “I thought you wanted me naked and accessible
whenever we’re alone.”

“We’re not going to be alone for long, so
get dressed.”

After he’d surrendered the first time, she’d
taken him out of restraints. When he physically dominated her
without harming her the second time, she’d moved him to a standard
employee apartment. Their third time had been wild and aggressive
on both sides. They’d both been so sated when they finally
finished, that they’d fallen into an exhausted sleep.

She’d awakened before him a short time ago
and slipped from his room. After a quick shower and a large cup of
coffee, she’d dressed and begun to plan the day. Rather than her
usual chic leather outfit, she wore jeans and a black T-shirt. Once
she made up her mind about something, she never hesitated.

BOOK: Fallen Star
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