Read Falling Away Online

Authors: Jasinda Wilder

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College

Falling Away (29 page)

BOOK: Falling Away
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“Ben…” I gasp, wanting to beg him to…I don’t even know what I want more, to come, to feel his naked cock against me, to feel him inside me? All of that, all at once. But I can’t get words out and so I just let him have his way.

His way, it turns out, is to finger-fuck me until I’m riding his hand, dipping at the knees and spreading my feet apart to get his fingers deeper and growling like an animal and writhing on his hand as he digs his fingers up and in and curls them and presses the heel of his palm against my clit.

“I’m gonna—oh god, oh god, oh fucking god—Ben, Jesus Ben…please don’t stop please don’t stop please let me come let me come—” I sound breathless and wanton and I’m begging shamelessly.

My thighs clench together and quake as my climax begins to wash over me, and I’m right there, teetering on the edge.

And his fingers are gone. I do scream now and turn to slap him or claw at him or attack him somehow, but he’s got his hands on my face and he’s kissing the living shit out of me, kissing the breath right out of my lungs until I
to break away.

His eyes are blazing hot, deep brown and dark with fiery need. He hooks his thumbs in his shorts and tugs them down until the V is bared and the head of his cock is bared. I reach for him, need to feel him, ready to do literally anything he asks to make him push me over that razor’s edge. But he knocks my hand away, grabs both my wrists in his strong fingers. His shorts are still halfway on, half of his huge dick bared to my view, and I can’t look away from it, wanting it, to touch it or lick it or feel it inside me.

I’m feral with need, and he knows it. He’s engineered my desire to this boiling point, and he’s got me where he wants me.

And then, with a slow smile, he pulls his shorts back up. “Are you close, Echo?”

I nod and tug at his hold on my wrists. “God yes, so close.”

“You want to come, don’t you?” His voice is low and husky and demanding.

“So bad, Benji.”

“Take my shorts off for me,” he orders.

I like this commanding Ben, this take-charge Ben. I grin hungrily and sigh as I fall to my knees in front of him, slowly peel his shorts away from his body and slide them down to expose his cock, standing rigid against his belly, straining and beautiful, a dot of moisture at the tip. He steps out of his shorts and I toss them aside, glance up at him for instructions. He just smiles at me, and so I wrap both hands around him and put the bulbous head that protrudes over my upper fist into my mouth, and then slide one fist down his length and then the other, and then sink lower and take his cock into my throat until I nearly gag, and then pull away and glance up at him, wiping my saliva and his pre-come off my lips with the back of my wrist.

I bend to take him into my mouth again, but he threads his fingers into my hair over my ears, gently guides me to my feet. His mouth crashes against mine, and once again he kisses me senseless, his tongue tangling against mine and his lips scouring my mouth and I melt against him, let my hands roam his body with desperate hunger while his do the same.

He breaks the kiss, stares into my eyes, and the ferocity in his gaze tells me it’s over. No more playing around, no more teasing.

I’m right, so wonderfully right.

He spins me in place, his big hands rough on my hips as he turns me to face the bed, and now his saliva-slick cock is nestled naked against my ass. I gasp in shock when he gathers my hair into a sheaf and wraps it around his fist in a gentle but firm grip, and then whimper in pleased surprise when he bends me over the bed, pushing me down. I press my cheek to the sheet at the edge of the mattress and watch as he caresses a palm down my spine. I’m breathing hard, anticipating. His hand releases my hair and both palms cup my ass cheeks, and then he reaches between my thighs and traces my opening, dips two fingers into my wetness and steps closer to me. I slip a hand between my legs and reach for him, grasp his hard slick shaft and guide him into me. As soon as he’s in, he groans in relief. One palm traces up my spine and back down, coming to rest on my ass. I spread my legs wide and brace against the bed, and then with a drawn-out moan of bliss, Ben drives deep into me.

I whimper breathlessly as he fills me, and then I’m shrieking as he pulls back and slams home. I fist my hands into the sheet and push back into his thrusts, growl as his hands grip my hips and pull. Oh god, this is good. So good. He’s taking me, claiming me, and I’ve never loved anything so much, never wanted in all my life for anything to never stop as much as I want this to just continue forever, this feeling of fullness and this knowledge that this man is mine and I’m his and I can give him exactly what he wants. What I want to give him, what I’ve never given anyone in all my life? Submission. I’ve always guided things; I’ve always been in control. I’ve always taken what I wanted because a guy’s needs in this kind of thing are simple. It won’t take long, never does. So to make sure I get what I need, I’ve always been in charge.

And after Marcus—I couldn’t let anyone have control over me, couldn’t bear to be vulnerable for even a second.

But with Ben, it’s as easy as breathing. I’m safe with him. I can let myself need him. I can unleash a lifetime’s worth of vulnerability onto him, and know that it’s safe and sheltered.

There’s no more room for thought, no more space for rumination. There’s only fullness, only the slick wet slide of his huge cock inside me, the caress of his palms over my back and over the swell of my hips and around the taut curve of my ass, and then those same curves of my ass are pressed flat as he buries himself deep.

“Ben…Ben…?” It’s a plea, but I’m not sure for what.

“Yeah, baby? Talk to me.”

“More…just more of you.”

“You’ve got all of me, Echo.”

I can only shake my head, because it’s not enough, this slow and gentle gliding of his body is not enough. “Harder.” It’s all the sense I can make, but he gets it, I think.

He leans over me and kisses the very center of my back, and then grabs my hair in his hand and the creased curve of my bent hip in the other, and he uses both for leverage to fuck me deep and hard so my ass jiggles against him, and I gasp as he pierces me, and I nearly come from that one slapping thrust.

“Again!” I gasp.

“You want it like that, Echo?” he growls, buried deep, teeth clenched, and I can feel him shaking behind me, and I know he’s close, too.

“God, yes. Fuck me so hard, Ben. Be rough. I can take it. I want it.” And god, that is the deepest truth I possess.

Since I’ve always been in charge of the sex I’ve had before, I’ve never given a guy free rein to do what he wants, how he wants. With Ben, I feel so free, I feel like I can just let go, and I can allow myself to have what I want, to want the deepest secrets inside me. I have a feeling Ben is going to plumb those depths and give me things I didn’t even know I wanted.

He groans and tightens his grip on my hair, pulls my head back, and I plant my palms on the bed and lift up, spine arched, belly pressed into the bed, feet flat and ass high. I push back with my hands, lunging into his next thrust.

“Don’t move, Echo,” he groans. “Just hold still and let me fuck you.”

I duck my head between my arms and gaze down the length of my body, and the view is pretty incredible. I can see between my dangling, swaying tits to where we’re joined, and I can see a hint of his cock sliding out, glistening wetly, and then I’m growling between clenched teeth and I’m rocked forward and I keep watching our joining, watch his dick bury into me, and now there’s his taut heavy balls and he’s impaled in me to the hilt, so those balls of his smack against my flesh.

Oh, Jesus. I’ve never wanted to watch this, before. But now I want to see it all. I want to see my folds stretched thin to accommodate this massive grinding pulsing girth and I want to see even inside so I can see his cock spit his load into me, and I want to watch his face when he comes and I want to watch my own when I come…

Which is right now, oh fuck oh fuck…I scream breathlessly and grip the bed and force my eyes open so I can watch his cock slide in, withdraw, slide in, watch his sac sway heavy and slap my skin. I’m torn apart, a live wire is piercing my core and connecting to my every nerve ending, and my core gushes heat and clamps down and the built-up pressure explodes, and I’m crying, sobbing, and my entire body is trembling and shaking and being rocked forward by powerful, unrelenting thrusts.

And now he’s faltering with his cock deep, shaking, grinding, and I feel him tensing, feel his balls tighten. He takes both of my hips in his big strong hands and lifts me off the ground and jerks me back against his body, sets me down on my tip-toes and then pulls me backward, and I’m nothing but putty in his hands, gasping crying sobbing begging wet clay for him to shape.

“Oh…fuck…Echo…” he gasps, pulling back and thrusting again deep and hard so my body jolts forward and a spear of bliss tears through me, ecstasy so potent it hurts.

“Come, Benji. Come in me,” I beg, breathless, “or come on me, do what you want Ben, take me, fuck me, use me.”

“How about I love you forever?” he says, and taunts me with sudden shallow thrusts.

“God yes, I want that, and I want to love you forever too…but Ben?”

“Yeah, Echo?”

“Shut up and let me feel you come.”

“I don’t want it to end. I want this to last forever.”

But now I’m so hypersensitive from having just come, so limp and so sated that I can’t take another thrust, can’t take another slap of his body against mine, and I just want to touch him and feel him and accept the wet thick heat of his come wherever I can get it, but I simply cannot take another pounding fuck of his body. That’s a problem I’ve never had before.

Ben lets me push him away and stands shakily as I twist and collapse backward to sit on the edge of the bed, staring in awe at his wet gleaming cock as it sways proudly before me, and he’s shaking, gasping, groaning, his muscles stand hard and tensed. I take his cock in my hands and caress his length slowly. He shoves his hips forward, fucking into my grip. His eyes stay hot on mine, and I lean forward and wrap my lips around his head and suck once, gently, and then extend my tongue to lick my essence off his taut dusky flesh, tasting my musk and his salt, and then I swirl my tongue around the head, pump my hands gently and slowly and teasingly soft around his base. He groans, sways in front of me, about to collapse, about to explode.

I’m watching him, tilting my head to one side so I keep his cock in my mouth and still see him at the same time, and I feel his gaze like the heat of fire on my skin. I cup my hand over his balls, squeeze and massage them until he groans, and then I feel his body tighten to coiled-serpent tautness. I keep my eyes on his, arch my back, squeeze his shaft and stroke his length hard and fast now, watching him, watching him watch me. I pull his cock downward and he fucks into my grip.

I lick the head, slide the flat of my tongue over the very tip of him to taste his readiness. “Come on me, Ben. Come all over me.”

“Fuck, Echo, Jesus, I’m coming…”

And he is, ohmyfuckinggod, he’s shooting a thick wet white flood of come. It hits my lips first, and I lick it away, and it trickles down my throat both inside and out, and he’s stilled with his hips flexed as I massage his taut heavy tensing balls and finger his taint and pump his considerable length, stroke all the glorious dark seed-spitting inches of his beautiful cock. He groans wordlessly as his dick twitches in my hand and then another stream leaves him and sloshes onto my chest and down between my tits, and I angle my torso so his seed spills in dripping rivulets on each of my tits and over my nipples and down my stomach and he’s watching with heavy-lidded eyes.

And then, as he flexes and thrusts again, I tongue his head and wrap my lips around his thickness and take him down my throat, angle my head and body so I can take him until he’s fucking my throat and coming one more time. I back away and let him send a mouthful of come onto my tongue and swallow it and suck until he’s gasping and cursing and pulling away.

He collapses onto the bed beside me, and I lie back beside him, his come cooling on my skin.

Ben pulls me to lie on his chest. “Holy shit, Echo.”

“Holy shit, Ben,” I agree.

His voice is a low, sated, pleased rumble under my ear. “I’ve dreamed about fucking you like that for so long. I literally dreamed about it, having your ass spread out for me as I take you from behind…”

“Did it feel as good as you dreamed?” I ask.

“Jesus, Echo…better, so much better,” he says, cradling me to him, cupping my hip in his warm, strong hand.

He rests for a moment like that, and then sits up, scans my room, and spies the towel on the floor from my shower, and retrieves it. Gently, carefully, lovingly, he cleans the mess off my skin, folding and re-folding the towel and wiping until I’m clean.

And then he cradles me in his arms and settles us on the bed, my head on his chest and his heartbeat in my ear, and covers us with the blankets.

Within seconds, we’re both asleep.


I wake up with sunlight on my skin, Ben’s hand on my hip, and a screaming bladder. I worm out from under Ben’s touch and creep naked out of the room and into the bathroom. When I’m done, I discover that Brayden left a note explaining that he’d left early in the morning, knowing we’d want privacy, and to call him when it was safe to come back.

I grin, knowing it’ll be awhile.

When I close my bedroom door behind me, Ben is awake and watching me, the blanket draped over his hips. I stop at the foot of the bed, admiring his gorgeous frame, the heavy muscles and the dark olive skin, the hungry heat in his brown eyes and how his messy black hair hangs over his forehead. I trace his pecs with my eyes and the V-cut where his abs disappear under the sheet. His biceps are thick and his hands are curled loosely where he has them tucked behind his head. He is, in short, utterly gorgeous, and all mine. I crawl onto the bed and paw away the sheet to bare his erection. I prowl up his body until I’m straddling him, and I curl my arms around his neck and clutch him to kiss him dizzy. His hands go to my skin, down my waist and my back to cup my ass and I wiggle against his touch, push my ass back into his hands. He grips my butt in his strong hands and caresses it until I’m ready to purr. I stretch like a cat, tensing every muscle, and then I settle myself on him, my thighs around his waist, shins to the bed, face buried in the side of his neck, his nose in my hair. His hands refuse to relinquish their hold on my ass, and I don’t want him to.

BOOK: Falling Away
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