Falling for Fate (47 page)

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Authors: Caisey Quinn

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Falling for Fate
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Fate had learned to accept that she would often be on the receiving end of many jealous and hateful glares when Dean brought her coffee or had flowers or chocolates delivered to her. Though he sometimes went a little overboard, she only loved him more for it.

“I now present to you Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Maxwell.”

The applause rang out across the courtyard at the Plaza as Daniel and Regina made their way down the aisle. Fate caught a glimpse of the love gleaming brightly on both of their faces as they passed.

Her eyes met Dean’s and she saw the promise his smoldering stare held.

One day.

Her heart skipped a few beats when Dean linked his arm with hers on the altar and they followed the bride and groom down the aisle.

“What kind of dress do you think you’ll wear when we get married?”

“A lace one,” Fate answered without hesitation.

Dean grinned. “I can’t wait to see you in it. And out of it.”

She couldn’t help but laugh even though she knew the photographer would likely get a candid shot of her with her mouth wide open.

“I love you, Dean Maxell. To the moon and back and around again.”

“Ditto, sweetheart.” Dean leaned over and kissed her behind the ear. “I have something for you. I’ll give it to you tomorrow before we move my things to our new place.”

“If it’s crotchless panties, you’re in big trouble, mister.”

Dean chuckled low, the sweet sound warming her in intimate places. “You’ll see.”


he reception didn’t last long since the newlyweds had a flight to catch early in the morning. Dean and Keaton seemed to be especially interested in speaking privately, so Fate danced with Gwen most of the evening.

“Keaton said your mom was moving here in a few weeks,” Gwen said once they took a dancing break to grab some wine. “We’ll have to have lunch once she gets to town so I can meet her.”

“Definitely. I’m looking forward to it, but I’m nervous too.”

Fate had taken Dean to Dallas on several Sundays over the past year. Her mother had checked out of The Second Chance Ranch over a month ago, and while she’d stayed sober—and single—she was lonely in Texas by herself. It was Dean who had suggested she move into Regina’s old apartment. It was near them and Regina had hated to let it go to a stranger. She’d been thrilled to rent it out to Fate’s mom.


Fate nodded. “It’s just… I work a lot, and then there’s Dean, and I don’t know. I just worry about what will happen if she relapses into old habits, you know?”

Gwen set her glass of wine on the table next to them. “Fate, you know you’re not alone in this life anymore, right? Whatever happens, you’ve got me. And Dean. And my jackass of a husband.” Gwen gestured to where Keaton was currently giving the bride a lap dance. “Swear to God, he’s smarter than he acts.”

Fate laughed as the tension she’d carried for so long floated up into the night sky above them. “Thanks. And I know I’m not alone. I’m just used to handling things on my own. Guess I’m the one slipping into old habits.”

“Well, cut it out.” Gwen nudged her arm gently enough to not spill her wine.

One of the reasons they’d remained such close friends—aside from the fact that they worked together and had been roommates—was their shared understanding of the heinous crime that was wasting wine.

Fate saw Dean heading toward them. She went into his arms when he reached for her.

“Hey, Fate?” Gwen called out as Dean whisked Fate onto the dance floor.

She turned back to her friend.

“I refuse to wear anything orange. Just saying.”

A nearly forgotten conversation came to mind and Fate smiled. She’d once said something similar about her bridesmaid dress for Gwen and Keaton’s wedding. Thankfully, they’d been a very tasteful champagne color.

“I’ll keep that in mind.”


ood morning, beautiful. Rise and shine. It’s moving time.”

“Umph.” Fate rolled over and was immediately greeted by blinding sunlight streaming through the windows of Dean’s apartment. Today, they’d move his things to their new place, one of the few remaining single-family homes on Central Park West. Movers had already delivered her belongings.

Tomorrow, they’d wake up in their new home. Dean was ridiculously giddy about it. Fate had learned that he was somewhat of a morning person, one of his very few flaws.

“Come on, sweetheart. Remember that thing I said I had for you? You can have it now. If you want it, that is.”

Fate sat up and rubbed her eyes until Dean came into focus. He was dressed casually in jeans and a button-down, but she wished he weren’t dressed at all.

“All I want is you,” she pleaded, reaching for him. “Come back to bed.”

Dean’s laughter filled the room. “Not today, gorgeous. Today, we have things to do. Up and at ‘em.”

He took her hands and pulled her to her feet. He kissed her chastely on the lips and she grumbled about needing to brush her teeth. Fate shuffled to the bathroom.

“When you’re done in there, I want to do one last walk-through before we say goodbye to the place,” he called out after she’d closed the door.

She rolled her eyes and prepared to brush her teeth. Except a note written in her own lipstick on the mirror said: “Go to the living room.”

It was too early in the morning to argue with messages on mirrors, so she quickly brushed and then did as the lipstick said.


Fate peeked her head out of the bedroom. The man was nowhere to be seen. But there was a trail of sand leading from the bedroom to the couch.

She followed it.

A large, framed note sat on Dean’s leather couch. It said:


This is where I rubbed your feet for the first time.


Fate laughed and glanced around. “Dean?”

Still nothing.

A group of seashells spelled out the word ‘window’ beside the couch. She made her way to the window, wondering what her crazy boyfriend was up to. Another framed message was propped against the glass wall that over looked the city. It said:


This is where we were standing when I fell in love for the first time.


A powerful wave of tear-inducing emotions crashed over her. She remembered the first time he’d brought her to his apartment, the strange sensation she’d had that they were falling. It was the same place where he’d asked her to move in with him one night after dinner.

On the window was one word in the same lipstick from the bathroom.




Fate moved past the kitchen and followed the trail of sand back to the bedroom. Dean stood at the foot of the bed.

“What in the world are you—”

He cut her off by holding out another framed note.


This is where I proposed.


Before she’d fully processed what was happening, what the sand meant, Dean dropped to one knee and looked up at her with that grin he had, the one that transformed a powerful CEO into a hopeful little boy.

His hands shook as he opened a small, velvet box, but tears blurred her vision too badly for her to see what was in it. It was likely a very expensive diamond, but it could’ve been a plastic ring from a Cracker Jack box. The answer was the same.

Fate nodded as tears rolled freely down her face.

Her answer came out choked and slightly muffled, but much like the ring, the specifics didn’t matter.

“This is where I said yes.”


Read other books by Caisey Quinn

Return to The Second Chance Ranch for

One Last Ride

(Second Chance #3)


Psychiatrist and Drug Rehabilitation Therapist Miranda McLendon is done with men. After the love of her life chose drugs and destruction over a future with her, she dedicated her life to helping others. She doesn’t need anyone else complicating her simple existence with messy emotions—she sorts through them for a living. But when a troubled bull rider and old friend checks in to the rehab facility where she works, he brings memories of her pain-filled past with him. At her breaking point, Miranda escapes in to the arms of a stranger for what is supposed to be just one night. A bar, a handsome nameless cowboy, and soul-searching eyes in a chiseled face she hopes never to see again.

Veterinary physician Jesse Ramirez has unique tastes. Tastes most women can’t fulfill. When a one-night stand meets those needs and more, he’ll do anything it takes to keep her. Fortunately the elusive woman of his dreams happens to work at Second Chance Ranch, the rehab facility his father runs. Taking a permanent position at the ranch so that he can be near her, his attempts at reconciliation are met with blatant rejection. But the need in the long, lingering looks she keeps giving him beckons him to pursue what they both want.

Each other.


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Finishing a book is an emotional experience. Perhaps this is why I usually start tearing up and blubbering like a fool around the time to write the acknowledgements. I have so much to be grateful for that it is a daunting task to try and list the many people who have loved and supported me along the way.

My family is without a doubt the most understanding group of people that I know. Deadlines make me an insane monster that only responds to human contact with grunts and growls. I am so grateful that my family still loves me at my craziest.

Big huge hugs of love to Elizabeth Lee for not only sharing a street team with me but also for critiquing those hideous first drafts of everything I write. Emily Tippetts does so many wonderful things for me that listing them all here would be ridiculous, but I can honestly say that I am grateful for her every day.

Thank you to my awesomesauce Street Team the #BackwoodsBelles and my beta/discussion group, CQ’s Road Crew. You ladies make my heart sing and I don’t tell you enough how much you mean to me. It is an incredible thing to have such a strong support system made up of so many amazingly wonderful women. Thank y’all from the bottom of my heart for always having my back. It means so much more to me than I could ever begin to tell you.

Thank you to Jessica Estep and the ladies of InkSlinger PR who go above and beyond to help spread the word about my books! Book bloggers, if I could squeeze you and kiss each and every one of your faces, I would. If you come see me at a signing event, it’s likely that I will! You make my world go ‘round and there literally aren’t words to express my gratitude to the proper extent. Thank you for all that you do for the book community!

For everyone taking a chance on my Second Chance series, thank you! I hope that you enjoy the books. I am so grateful that I get to share them with you.

To Regina Wamba, who designed this gorgeous cover, you amaze me. You are so very talented and you make the book world a more beautiful place! I am blessed to call you a friend!

Smooches and hugs of love to Ali, Amy, Erica, Kelly A., Kelley H-J., Chelcie, Rebecca, Nicki, Stephanie, and Jamie for beta reading this one for me! Your time and feedback mean the world to me!

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