Falling for Flynn (17 page)

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Authors: Nicola Marsh

Tags: #Romance, #General, #Contemporary, #Fiction

BOOK: Falling for Flynn
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Her heart turned over as he stared down at her, his love shining like a beacon from those stormy gray eyes she adored.

“I like that sound of that.”

“Me too.”

Standing on tiptoes, she kissed him, putting her heart and soul into it, showing him what he meant to her, what he’d always meant to her.

He chuckled when they finally came up for air and rested his forehead on hers.

“Come on, let’s go tell our son the good news.”


“Come on, Mom, we’re starving.”

Lori stuck her head out of the camper van and smiled at Adam. “Give me a sec, sweetheart, I’ve got a surprise for you and dad.”

Adam rolled his eyes. “I hope it’s not vegetable lasagna again. That wasn’t such a great surprise last time.”

She laughed as her gaze locked with Flynn’s over their son’s head, her heart swelling with the constant love blazing in her husband’s heated stare.

It had been a whirlwind ten months since their quiet ceremony in the backyard, witnessed by their closest friends Jane and Michael — who were dating much to her delight — and their son, who’d taken pride of place as Flynn’s best man.

They’d settled into family life surprisingly easily, making a mockery of her fears.

Flynn had been right all along.

He was nothing like her dad, nothing like his grandfather and there wasn’t a day went by she didn’t lavish affection and love on her amazing husband.

“What are you cooking up in there?”

Flynn’s eyes twinkled, well aware of her surprise as he ruffled Adam’s hair.

“You’ll see.”

She ducked inside the van, grabbed the photo and set it next to Adam’s favorite afternoon tea when they were traveling: fruit kebabs with a banana smoothie chaser.

Sending a silent prayer heavenward this would go the way they hoped, she eased out of the door, taking the two steps with care as she balanced the tray.

When Adam’s curious gaze landed on the plate piled high with kiwi fruit, watermelon, cantaloupe and strawberry kebabs, he let out an excited whoop.

“Now that’s what I call a surprise. Awesome,”

She laid the tray down on the fold out table they’d set up next to the Murray River, Echuca, their favorite holiday spot for relaxing and watching the paddle steamers of days gone by meandering down the river.

Flynn came to stand next to her, draped an arm around her waist and gently squeezed.

“It’ll be okay,” he murmured as she slid the photo from under a plate, her hand trembling slightly.

“That’s not the only surprise we have for you, son.”

Adam stopped hovering over the kebabs and glanced up at them. “There’s more?”


Beckoning him closer, Flynn made way for him between them as they squatted to his level.

“We have a picture to show you.”

Lori flipped it over, holding her breath as Adam tilted his head to one side, squinting at the photo.

“What is it? Looks like a black and white jellybean.”

“It’s a picture of your brother or sister.” Flynn hugged him close. “Do you know what that means, buddy? Your mom’s going to have a baby and you’ll have a little brother or sister in about five months.”

Adam screwed up his face, his expression thoughtful as his solemn stare swung between the photo and her belly.

“Is it in there?”

She exhaled slowly, nodded. “Uh-huh. Want to feel, sweetheart? It’s only a tiny bump for now but the baby will grow and you’ll be able to feel more then.”

Frowning in concentration, Adam extended his hand, tentative at first, until she pressed his hand to her lower belly and his face split into a wide grin.

“Wow! I can feel a bump. Awesome!”

They laughed, bundling him into their arms, the familiar family hug warming Lori’s heart and obliterating her anxiety at how Adam would take the news.

“Do you have any questions, sweetheart?”

Adam looked at his dad, who gave him a thumbs up sign of encouragement.

“Just one.”


Adam fished his favorite action figurine out of his pocket and held it aloft.

“If it’s a boy, can we call him Ben 10?”

Flynn chuckled. “Plenty of time to chat about names, champ. Let’s eat.”

As Adam dug into his favorite afternoon treat and the sun dipped behind the eucalypts lining the riverbank, Lori rested her head against Flynn’s shoulder, safe in the comfort of his embrace, one arm resting protectively on her belly, the other on Adam’s shoulder, and smiled.

Life didn’t get any better than this.

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