Falling For Her Bodyguard: A BWWM Suspense Romance (10 page)

BOOK: Falling For Her Bodyguard: A BWWM Suspense Romance
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“I missed you,”
he growled.

She knew it was true.
In the pit of her stomach she had always known that it was true, no
matter how deeply she’d tried to deny it. Kenzie felt the tears
rising in her eyes again, the sheer emotional bliss of the moment
overwhelming her in it’s raw form. His hands weren’t
gentle, they were all consuming and she found herself lost to his
appetite. Gianni didn’t bother unbuttoning the pale, blue shirt
she wore. He ripped it open like a savage, the buttons popping off in
all directions. Her braless breasts were sucked into his eager, wet
mouth. Her panting filled the space of the small kitchen, her head
thrown back in ecstasy. She felt the hostility in her body dying
away. It felt like renewal, a rebirth of the old her that had been so
viciously ripped away that violent night.

dominance was powerful, pleasure curled her toes as he licked and
sucked on her hardened nipples. She could feel the frustration he’d
held inside bubble to the surface, now it was being taken out on her
flesh. His hand grabbed hers, pushed it to the front of his jeans
where she felt his stiffened cock against her palm. Her fingers
worked on their own, opening the jeans, pushing them down. She slid
from the table without being told. As he kicked off his shoes, she
marveled at the dripping cock before her. She wanted to take her
frustration out on him as well, make him lose himself entirely in

As soon as his clothes
were off, she wrapped her mouth around his cock. The taste of precum
filled her mouth making her moan. She looked up at him as he removed
his shirt over his head. His eyes fell to hers, the half lidded gaze
conveying what she knew he felt. Kenzie slipped him from her mouth,
ran her tongue over the length of his throbbing cock as she teased
him. Her tongue traveled to the shaven globes of his balls, ran over
them as she heard his breath catch in his throat, the moan unbridled
as he pushed his fingers into her hair.

Kenzie continued her
journey upward, tracing her tongue in swirling slowness up his shaft,
before she wrapped her lips around the head. She slid his cock deep
inside her mouth, felt it twitch as she continued to slide him into
her throat. She watched his eyes close in pleasure, his hips bucking
into her mouth with every suction, every languid stroke of her warm

His hands gripped her
shoulders, pulled her off of his cock before he lifted her to the
table once more. The coolness of the wood against the heat of her
skin was both torture and heaven. His hands gripped her ass as he
spread her legs, pulling her closer to his throbbing cock. He slipped
into her slowly, every inch making her writhe her hips in
anticipation. When he was nestled inside of her, his mouth found her
neck once more. He bit into her flesh, kissed her lips, his tongue
greedy inside her mouth. Kenzie’s arms wrapped around his neck
holding on as he began to thrust into her.

The woman cried out as
his muscled arms lifted her from the table, her legs around his waist
and the strength of his arms keeping them together. Sweat pooled
between their bodies, the heat of their passion growing every minute
until she thought they would both lose themselves in each other for
good. Her body trembled against his, her thighs tightening around his
waist as he moaned, her orgasm making her lean against his neck as
she rode it out. The sound of his deep moaning filled her ears as he
came inside of her. They stayed there like that together, wrapped in
each other’s arms until they had both calmed down.

Gianni let her down
slowly as she tried to regain her footing. She swiped at him as he
laughed, but he moved away. He took her arm, leading her to the
shower. As the water washed over them, he wrapped his arms around
her. She felt so safe inside his arms. They took their time, enjoying
the water and washing each other before they both felt that familiar
urge taking over them. The bathroom soon became home to their moaning
and panting until they were spent. They washed off again quickly
before stepping out of the porcelain tub.

When they got out,
Gianni rubbed her down with a thick, yellow towel until she was dry
before he did the same to himself. He gave her one of his t-shirts to
wear, the cool cotton sliding against her skin as he helped her into
it. They curled up in her bed, legs and arms tangled in one another
until they drifted off to sleep.


The next morning,
Kenzie felt invigorated. She dressed in small, denim shorts, a plain
pink tank top and flip flops before they headed off to the studio.
She didn't sit in the backseat as she usually did, instead she sat
right up front next to Gianni. The closer they came to the studio,
the more she began to squeeze his hand. She could feel her fingers
digging into his skin, but he didn’t seem to mind.

He asked.

Kenzie nodded.

“You’ll be
fine. I just know it.”

When they arrived, the
band was already set up, but they looked dubious. Gianni took a seat
where he could watch her up close. The music started. She closed her
eyes, shutting out the world, trying to recapture the memory of how
she’d felt so many months before. In an instant she was flooded
with images of her and Gianni. She decided to go with that instead.

“Baby, I’ve
been losing so much sleep, thinking about the memories that used to

She felt her heart
lighten as the words came naturally. They were her words, feelings
and experiences that were hers to share. She almost wanted to jump up
and down, but she didn’t want to lose the moment. So, she sang
until her throat hurt, until her lungs were screaming for air. It
felt better than it ever had before. They were able to run through
the set before they called it a day.

“Did you hear
that?” She asked excitedly as she hugged Gianni.

“I heard. You
sound amazing.”

Kenzie squealed with
delight. For the first time in days, she wasn’t confused.
Singing was the most important thing in her life, the only thing she
wanted. The thought of the crowds still made her nervous, but she
knew she could handle them if Gianni was by her side. The fear had
been pushed aside for the time being, she could celebrate.

As they pushed out of
the studio, Cassie stood nearby with Ben. She was surprised to see
them there. Then she remembered the date that she had blown off with
Ben. Embarrassment flooded through her. Cassie looked irritated like
she always did lately. She glanced at Gianni only briefly before she
turned back to Kenzie.

“You can’t
call people anymore?”

“Sorry, I was
going through some things.”

Cassie rolled her
eyes. “Whatever. You ditch me, ditch your date with Ben and all
we get is you were going through some things. It’s so selfish,

Kenzie glanced over at
Ben who seemed to be looking at anything but her. She reached out a
hand, placing it on his arm. When he looked up, he wore an
embarrassed smile, she could see the pink flush on his cheeks.

really sorry I blew you off. I should have at least called and said

Ben shrugged. “It’s
okay. I keep trying to tell Cassie that it’s fine, but she
won’t let up.”

right I won’t let up. What’s going on with you?”

Kenzie raised an
eyebrow at her friend. “I don’t know what your problem
is, but I’m not going to let you ruin my day. I apologized, I’m
trying to fix my mistakes, but you’re just being ridiculous.
Call me when you grow up.”

As she walked away,
Gianni next to her, she heard Cassie scoff. Kenzie didn’t care,
she wasn’t going to let Cassie make her feel bad, put her back
into that dark place she’d just escaped from. Life was too good
at the moment.

“I don’t
know what you’re so happy about,” Cassie called after
her. “You were able to sing in front of ten people. I hope you
don’t choke on the stage.”

Kenzie turned around
slowly, her mouth slightly open at Cassie’s words. Cassie had
her arms folded over her chest, the smirk on her face made anger
bubble up inside of Kenzie. She couldn’t believe her friend,
her best friend, would say something like that. She didn’t want
to give Cassie the satisfaction of the look of hurt that crossed her
features. Ben looked just as shocked as she had, his eyes on Kenzie.
She knew what he was thinking, that she was going to lash her, her
temper would take over. Instead, she turned, walked out of the door
to the outside world.

If she’d thought
that going outside would make her feel better, she was wrong. A group
of people stood outside. They snapped pictures as she tried to cover
her face, bellowed questions at her that were indecipherable as their
words collided into each other. Gianni cleared a path, pushing her
through the throng of people before they reached the car. When they
were inside, people still leaned up against the sides of the hot car,
leaned into their windows trying to catch a glimpse of her. Gianni
honked and honked until a path was finally cleared. Then they were
gone, leaving the people on the sidewalk as they flew down the road
at top speed.

Kenzie covered her
face with her hands. She breathed slowly as she tried to regain
control of her breathing and her mind. It never seemed to fail that
as soon as she was happy, something came along to screw it all up.
She kicked off her shoes, ran her toes over the carpet. It seemed to
comfort her somewhat. Like driving with her dad in his car when she
was little. When things had been so blissfully and painfully simple.

No matter how hard she
tried, Kenzie couldn’t get the image of Cassie out of her head.
She couldn’t understand why the woman would want to hurt her
like that, they’d been friends for so long. Something made her
feel uneasy about it, but she couldn’t put her finger on what.
At least Ben seemed to forgive her pretty easily, for that she was
grateful. The good thing was that he hadn’t asked for another
date. There was no way she could have done it, not when she was
falling for Gianni more and more every day.

As they drove back to
the house, a million thoughts raced through her mind. She couldn’t
seem to quiet her brain. Gianni seemed to sense that. He did what he
did best, stayed quiet, letting her have some time to herself. When
they reached the house, she wasn't ready to go back inside just yet.
Instead, she changed into a pair of blue jean shorts, a tank top and
pinned her hair up into a bun.

“I’m going
for a walk. Coming?” She asked as she poked her head into
Gianni’s room.

The man looked up at
her before nodding. He had been lounging on the bed, a book in his
hands. He dressed quickly before he followed her out of the house.
The day was still hot, the sun bearing down on them as they walked
down the road together. She had a plan to find that little stream
again. Water seemed to help her think.

Gianni said, his voice breaking into her thoughts, “you were
going to go on a date with Ben?”

Kenzie felt
embarrassment flare up as he said it. She didn’t think he’d
been close enough to hear, or maybe she just didn’t want to
think he had heard. In either case, he was staring at her now, she
could feel his eyes burning into her face. She kept her gaze straight

“Well, yes. You
were gone, I had nothing to lose. Why wouldn’t I?”

Gianni seemed to think
this over. “Do you still want to go out with him?”

“No, I don’t,”
she said quickly.

“Why?” She
could hear him smirking as she spoke, so she glanced at him. Sure
enough he was smiling.

Kenzie hit him in the
arm. She wasn’t going to say anything now that he had that smug
grin on his face. Still, they both knew it was because of him that
she wouldn’t be seeing Benjamin.

They walked to the
spot Kenzie had found before. Their feet slid over rocks, twigs and
dirt as they made their way down to the stream. The sun filtered
through the trees making the whole area seem warm, alive. She knelt
at the stream, watched a fish dash away from her as her shadow fell
on it.

“I grew up in a
place like this,” Gianni said as he lowered himself to the
ground next to her. “My dad hated the city, always insisted
that we spend as much time at the cabin as possible. That did not go
over so well with my mother.”

“She liked the

“Thrived on it,”
Gianni said. “If she couldn’t see neon lights, smell smog
or hear people yelling on the streets, she wasn’t a happy
camper. They made it work though. As opposite as they were, they
always made sure to consider each other.”

Kenzie smiled. “They
sound like great people.”

“They were great
people. Mom passed when I was in high school, cancer. Dad lived for a
long while after, he didn’t go until a year ago.”

“I’m so

Gianni smiled. “It’s
okay, that life. They were happy with their lives, so I try to live
like them. I haven’t always been good at it so far, but I know
it’ll get better one day. I’ll meet a nice girl, settle
down, start a huge family…”

Kenzie groaned.
“Really? Kids?”

wrong with kids?”

gross, they cry, they’re messy.”

Gianni seemed to
ponder her words. “That sounds a lot like you on a bad day.”

Kenzie’s opened
mouth sent Gianni into a fit of laughter. She walked over to him
before smacking his hand. When he kept laughing, she crossed her
arms, puffed out her lips as she pouted. He reached up, trying to
grab her arm, but she wouldn’t let him. Finally, he grabbed a
hold of her, pulling her down into his lap.

“Look at you,
pouting. See? Kid.”

“Well, if I’m
a kid you’re a dirty old man.”

“I’m only
thirty-two, that’s not old.”

“Cradle robber.”

They smiled as their
lips met. His hands roamed up her sides, gripped her hips as the kiss
deepened. Kenzie lost herself, let the problems of the day melt away
in his embrace. They sat that way for a long time. His arms wrapped
around her body, their lips pressed tightly together as the sun slid
through the trees, warming their skin. When they pulled back from
each other, she leaned back against his chest. Kenzie liked the way
the silence between them was so calm, serene. There was no need for
words if they didn’t want them because they knew how they felt.
It was a relief to Kenzie to not have to say anything for once.

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