Falling for Owen (13 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Ryan

BOOK: Falling for Owen
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He reached for her, pulling her close and wrapping his strong arms around her. He settled his head against hers and just held her close.

“You did all that. You’ll get through this. If you don’t want to be alone, I’m happy to stay with you.”

She wanted him to stay, but she couldn’t let Dale win by taking away her independence and sense of security. “You’re right. I’ll be fine. You made sure I’ll be okay.”

“I’ve tried, but unless you’re in my sight, I’ll worry.”

Owen let out a deep sigh and hugged her close. He leaned back and looked down at her. “Do you want me to take you to work tomorrow?”

“I’ll drive myself. I don’t want to put you out any more than I already have.”

“I’m not put out in the least. It’s my pleasure to spend time with you.”

To prove it, he leaned in and kissed her. She thought nothing could compare to the kiss they shared at her shop, but she’d been wrong. This kiss was soft and slow, a melding of mouths and something more. His lips met hers again and again in light caresses. She sighed and he dove in, taking the kiss deeper and sliding his tongue inside to taste and tangle with hers. She gave herself over to the kiss, the moment, and him.

Everything felt right. She’d never been with anyone and let go, but with Owen she knew she could and he’d protect and treat her right. He had since the moment he walked into her home and life yesterday.

Owen ended the kiss, though she didn’t want to stop. She wanted to hold on to him all night. His gaze swept her upturned face. His eyes smoldered, telling her he felt the same.

“I’ll say goodnight.” He traced his finger over the side of her face, drawing a lock of hair back behind her ear. “Take your meds and get some sleep, Claire.”

He hesitated a moment before he let her go and opened the front door. She wanted to call him back, take him to her bed, and give in to the overwhelming need building inside of her every second she spent with him. Something held her back. Not only had they just met, but she wasn’t sure she wanted him to stay just because she feared being alone in the house again. She didn’t want to take that intimate step and discover her mixed-up, lust-laced feelings weren’t the real thing.

“Owen.” She hesitated, wanting to call him back into her arms to give her that sense of safety she’d felt moments ago. “I had a really great time tonight. Thank you. For everything.”

“It was my pleasure. See you tomorrow at one thirty for lunch. Lock the door and set the alarm.”

With that he left, making her laugh. She’d said she’d pay him back for everything he did with lunch. Apparently, he’d taken her up on the offer, and they had another date. She let out a soft squeal of delight as happiness and anticipation rippled through her whole system. She thought she’d never sleep, thinking Dale might come back to hurt her to get to Owen. Instead, Owen gave her something else to think about. Him.


Chapter Fourteen

to the tree, the bark scraping against his arm, but he didn’t care about the rough abrasion against his skin. He tipped the bottle to his lips and gulped down the last of the whiskey like a soda. The sting burned his throat and gut, but not as much as the sight of that damn lawyer walking the hot blonde up to the porch.

The motion lights surprised him. He’d come by earlier to scope out the situation. He might have gotten the wrong house last night, but he followed the lawyer to her shop this evening. If they didn’t know each other before, they knew each other well now. It didn’t take the lawyer long to make his move, kissing her in the store. Maybe the asshole learned his lesson last night and stopped seeing his wife and moved on.

He liked her long hair, the curve of her full breasts, and the sway of her hips. He hated the way she looked at the lawyer, her eyes going right to his handsome face. Dale wanted to punch in that smug smile. The lawyer thought he could have any damn woman he wanted. McBride had the blonde, he didn’t need to go after Shannon, too.

Dale threw the empty bottle at his feet and stormed off into the night, thinking of a new plan. A better plan.


Chapter Fifteen

last nail and hanger into the wall and grabbed the picture from the floor at her feet. She caught the wire on the metal hook and stood back, adjusting the frame just so. Perfect. The four sea scenes in pastel blues, purples, greens, and tans lined one wall of her sky-blue-colored master bath. They added to the tranquil feel she’d tried so hard to achieve with the muted walls, potted ferns, thick towels and rugs, and pretty light blue glass jars on the sand-colored granite countertops. She’d spent a small fortune to have the old-fashioned claw-foot tub refinished with the pretty silver feet. Totally worth it.

The rest of the house may have been old and in need of repairs, but she’d get to them in time. Right now, her priority had been the master bedroom and bath. She deserved the luxury here. She worked long hours, and since her finances had been in such a mess, the only luxury she had was a decent night’s sleep in a soft bed.

Too bad last night she’d barely slept at all, thinking about Owen and all the things he’d done for her. All the things she wanted him to do to her in that bed.

She shook off the thoughts and studied her bathroom again. A few more sleepless nights and predawn decorating sessions and she might get the house in order. Finally.

She’d do the living room next. That way when Owen came over, they’d have someplace comfortable to sit.

She stopped in her tracks in the middle of her bedroom and considered that last thought and how easy it was to picture spending an evening on the couch watching a movie with Owen, cuddling together, and kissing. Definitely more kissing. The man knew how to make her knees go weak and her heart melt.

Still, another man had done the same, and he’d turned her life upside down. Not in a good way.

Owen didn’t compare to her ex. Sure, they were both extremely handsome men, but Owen had a sincerity and charm that drew her in. Her ex pulled it off in the beginning, but then she’d seen right through him because he wasn’t real. Everything he did always had an ulterior motive. Owen had a genuine goodness about him. She’d spent the first hour of dinner last night looking for any kind of hidden agenda behind his words and actions. After a while, she stopped looking for what wasn’t there and settled into learning as much about him as possible.

The thought made her anxious to get to work and lunch with him. She stood a few feet from the dresser and stared at her image in the wall mirror. She slid her hands over her sides and the satin-and-lace nightie she’d slipped on last night rather than grabbing one of her favored old T-shirts or tank tops. Last night, thinking of Owen and feeling more like a woman than she had in a long time, she’d dug out the sexy lingerie her ex had barely noticed on her shortly after their marriage. Another red flag she should have noticed sooner.

She gave herself a critical look. Not bad. Her full breasts filled out the tight bodice that barely contained or covered her. Slim, her hips flared softly to fill out the skirt that ended at her thighs. For the first time in years, she felt sexy. Owen made her feel sexy. Just thinking about him made her breasts feel heavy, her nipples tighten, and she clamped her thighs tight as her mind wandered to images of him running his hands over her body and freeing her from the silky barrier so he could set his hands on a journey over her heated skin.

She sucked in a deep breath and shook off the erotic images. She needed to get to work. The sooner she did, the sooner she’d get to see Owen again.

Giddy and feeling an excitement she hadn’t felt since dating in high school and college, she showered quickly and dressed in her favorite dark purple slacks and a cream-and-violet flower-print blouse. She’d have to be extra careful not to spill anything on it while she baked this morning. She even dug out her pretty lingerie. A lavender bra-and-panty set she’d bought to make her feel pretty and feminine when she’d felt anything but desirable after her marriage fell apart. Wearing it today made her feel sexy and naughty and daring.

She wished she could wear a pair of heels, but her feet still hurt and the stitches didn’t come out for several more days. The sandals didn’t exactly complete the outfit, but they’d do for now.

She walked downstairs, grabbed her purse, and went to the front door. She hesitated, looking out the windows, studying the front yard and driveway, looking for anything out of the ordinary. Everything seemed fine, but still she hesitated. Not even six in the morning, the sun hadn’t quite cleared the hills, leaving most of her yard in dark gray shadows.

“Come on, Claire. You can’t lock yourself away in the house forever.”

She tapped in the code on the security panel, unlocked the door, stepped out onto the porch, and closed and locked the door again. She waited for the last beep on the alarm signaling it was armed and walked to her car, grateful to Owen for putting in the system and saving her sanity. She may not have slept well, but she hadn’t stood guard listening for every little sound because she knew if someone got into the house, the alarm would sound and someone would call Owen.

She didn’t like this need to know he’d come if something happened, but on the other hand, it felt good to know he thought enough to take care of her and wanted to know if something happened to her. It may have started as some misguided obligation because of his client’s ex, but after last night, the kiss and evening they shared, she felt it had turned into a personal duty for him. Independent and able to stand on her own, that didn’t mean she couldn’t accept Owen’s help without losing her pride.

She unlocked the car door and slid into the seat, rushing to relock the door. She put her hands on the steering wheel and tried to calm her racing heart with a few deep breaths. She hated feeling this way.

The drive to town helped to calm her, until she arrived at her shop, parked, and walked to the back door. The dark windows and empty, creepy alleyway sent another chill up her spine. She raced to unlock the door, rush inside, and slam the door behind her. She twisted the bolt into place and flicked on the lights. She spun around to sweep her gaze across the kitchen and office area, searching for Dale.

Alone and creeping herself out for no good reason, she tossed her purse on the desk in her small office and went to the ovens and turned them on. She pulled on her smock over her outfit, buttoned it, and pulled the ingredients from the cupboards and refrigerator to make muffins. By the time she finished the last batch of scones, brownies, and cookies, pulled the tray of triple-berry tarts from the oven, and took delivery of the bagels and breads, Gayle arrived just before seven to help her with the morning crowd. The shop smelled wonderful and her nerves dissipated. She fell into routine, busy with her customers and restocking the display case.

Most of her customers came in the morning. Though the lunch crowd was steady most days, the diner down the street got most of the business. People in town tended to opt for burgers and other hot meals over her sandwich, wrap, panini, and salad selection. Several different groups of ladies met at her place each week on different days for book clubs, “mommy meetings,” and get-togethers with friends. She enjoyed watching the close-knit groups and envied their weekly lunches and the camaraderie they enjoyed.

She and Gayle were the best of friends, but the difference in their ages kept a distance between them. They were at different places in their lives. Still, she relied on Gayle’s wisdom and motherly advice when she needed it.

“It’s almost time for you to go. Don’t want to be late for your date.”

“It’s not a date. I’m repaying him for a favor. That’s all.”

“Everyone in town knows about your dinner date last night.”

“We had a good time, but it wasn’t exactly a date. Brody and Rain joined us.”

“Meeting his family already.” Gayle gave her a knowing smile.

“Stop. It’s not like that.”

“It’s not?”

“He wanted to do something nice for me because of what happened.”

“Stop kidding yourself and talking yourself out of knowing he likes you and wants to get to know you better. If he didn’t, why would he make a date with you for lunch today when he saw you last night?”

“I set myself up for that when I told him I needed to pay him back for the alarm system and lights he put up at my house.”

“He’s the most eligible bachelor in town. He’s got a great job and makes better than decent money. He’s also known for being generous whenever there’s a need for a donation for one thing or another in this town. He probably could care less if you paid him back. He wants to see you. So go in the back, get yourself pretty, and I’ll finish packing up the meal you spent twenty minutes preparing.”

“It’s too much,” she admitted, self-conscious she’d gone to so much trouble to make the perfect lunch and presentation.

“It’s perfect. He’ll see you put a lot of effort into this date because it matters to you. You’ll see, he’ll appreciate it.”

“I’m trying too hard. He’ll think I’m desperate.”

“If I had a gorgeous, kind man like him waiting for me, I’d be desperate to see him, too.”

“You don’t think this is moving too fast?”

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