Falling For Sakura: A Secret Proposal (Part 1) (14 page)

BOOK: Falling For Sakura: A Secret Proposal (Part 1)
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Sakura looked over at Ned and said, “Thanks.”

Ned waved his hand and headed out of the kitchen, whistling.

Sakura took Jane up to her bedroom. The two girls made themselves comfortable on the sofa near the window as Sakura began her tale. As she talked, a cool breeze whistled into the room, stirring the long curtains and fluttering them about. Sakura felt tears stinging her eyes as she recited the last part of her story, of when
she’d heartlessly left her beloved family behind, her beloved men Sebastian and Darcy Princeton.

It had all been for a good cause though, she reminded herself. She hadn’t wanted to hurt any of them in any way, and she thought leaving them had been the best option. Now, however, she wondered if she’d been wrong in that regard. Perhaps leaving them hadn’t been the best option after all. Perhaps she should have stayed and faced the consequences. But then again, she’d have to decide, wouldn’t she, between Sebastian and Darcy? And she wasn’t ready for that yet.

Jane was sobbing noisily and sniffing by the time Sakura finished.

“I’m so sorry.” She chuckled, tears flowing down her red cheeks. “But, oh my God! Your story is just so sad.” She grabbed another Kleenex and wiped her red eyes. “Come here.” She laughed and grabbed Sakura in her arms. “I knew there was something about you that just didn’t fit. You’re so beautiful and elegant and kind. I know lots of girls are jealous of you because you’re so pretty. But your story just…” She couldn’t finish.

“Now you understand, Jane? Why I don’t want to go back to them? I was hoping they’d forget about me and move on, but after yesterday…”

Jane laughed and wiped her eyes again. “Yeah, dear, after what I saw yesterday, I don’t think they’ve moved on. They made a big fuss out of the whole thing. Have you any idea how hard it was for the staff last night?”

“I’m so sorry,” Sakura said. “Now I don’t even know what to do with them. I mean, do I go back and face them or do I just keep going on hiding from them? They’ve seen me. They know I live here in New York.”

“What does your heart tell you?” Jane suddenly asked.

Sakura blinked and shook her head. “I don’t know, Jane. I just don’t know. A part of me want to go back. I’ve missed them so much. Daddy James and Mom Brenda. And the brothers. But then a part of me also didn’t want to return because of what happened last year. Because of Alaina and Tara.”

“To be honest, Sakura, I’d hate to be in your position. But you have just got to move on. I mean, who gives a shit about Alaina and Tara? Pardon my German.”

Sakura laughed. “Thanks, Jane. But walking the talk is a bit harder than talking the talk. Anyways, now that you’re here, I need a favor from you.”


Sakura licked her lips and said, “The necklace and the gown.”

Jane shot her brows up in shock and then looked heavenward. “Shit! I totally forgot about that. Of course, the necklace and the gown.”

“The thing is, Jane…” Sakura said hesitantly. “The thing is, I’ve ripped the gown. It’s kind of ruined.”

“What?” Jane shrieked. “The gown is damaged?”

Sakura nodded. “It happened when I ran… I don’t know what to do, Jane. I have to return these items, but how much do you think it’ll cost to fix the gown?”

“Let me look at it first,” Jane said.

A few moments later, Jane was staring at the ripped piece and finally sighed in surrender. “I’m sorry, Sakura. It’s a one-of-a-kind gown. Only Mr. Tachibana knows how to fix it. It’s so delicate and intricate.”

Sakura fell back onto her seat. Her heart sank at the thought. After all the drama she’d gone through in her life, she knew on this occasion it wasn’t going to be as easy as finding someone who was good with thread and needle to fix the thing.

“Well, there’s only one thing I can do. Return it as it is to Mr. Tachibana and face his wrath.” She shivered at the thought and began to imagine all sorts of nasty things he’d say to her the moment he found out what she’d done to his beloved gown.

“I’m afraid so, Sakura.”

Sakura sat up and reluctantly asked, “Then would you mind taking me to see him?”

“Yeah, sure.”

“Thanks.” She threw herself back on the sofa and eyed the crystal chandelier as the prism of light played about the room. “What about the necklace?”

“It belongs to Lady Suzuki. You’ll need an appointment to see her. I heard she hardly sees anyone. She’s very private, if you know what I mean.”

“Do you think you could perhaps make me an appointment to see her?”

“Sure, I’ll see what I can do,” Jane said. “Don’t worry, Sakura. Everything is going to be all right.”

Sakura sat up and nodded. “I hope so. I’m in such a pickle, aren’t I?”

“Yes, you are.” Jane couldn’t help herself and chuckled.

Sakura got up and headed to the door. “Now then, let’s search for my missing painting.”

“Of course,” Jane said, following her friend.

* * * *


Chapter 13

It Wasn’t a Dream



“You’re late,” Hayden said to Darcy the moment his brother walked into the living area of the apartment.

Darcy eyed Hayden and noted he was dressed a bit more formal than his casual jeans and T-shirt. He looked as though he were about to go out.

“Heading out somewhere?” Darcy asked. “I thought we were going to talk about Sakura.”

“Lady Suzuki invited us for lunch this morning, and you can’t refuse. Our dear brother Nicolas already accepted.”

“Then he can go by himself or with Sebastian,” Darcy said, brushing past his brother into the living area.

Tristan greeted him by hooking his arm around Darcy’s neck in affection. “And let you miss out on all the fun? By the way, you haven’t yet met Akira, Sosuke’s younger sister.” He chuckled. “She’s one hot chick.”

Darcy scowled at his brother. “Not interested.”

Nicolas, who was just entering the room at that moment, said, “Whether you’re interested or not, you’re coming to lunch with us. Lady Suzuki has already prepared us the meal. It’s impolite to refuse her invitation.”

Darcy shoved Tristan away from him and headed over to the sofa. He collapsed on the soft cushions and sighed. “Fine, I’m coming, but afterward, we have to discuss Sakura.”

Sebastian, who was standing by the French door, staring out at the cherry blossom outside in their courtyard, said, “Beth told us last night Ned lives in New York.”

At this, Darcy shot up and queried, “Does he know where she is?”

Sebastian turned and said, “We don’t know. We’re meeting him next Sunday. Hopefully, he can help us.”

Darcy nodded, and Conrad said, “I bet he knows where she is. She just can’t run off by herself.”

“Why couldn’t he meet us today?” Logan asked from the other side of the room.

“He’s busy,” Nicolas said. “Beth said he’s running a gallery or something with a co-owner.”

“I’m not surprised since he’s a painter,” Hayden said, nodding.

“All right, we better go down,” Nicolas said, heading to the door.

“What’s the hurry, Nicolas?” Logan teased. “Or are you eager to see Akira? Hum, or should I call her Akira-chan?”

Nicolas frowned at him and said calmly, “Akira has nothing to do with me.”

“Damn right,” Tristan chimed in. “Or didn’t you see how upset she was with Nicolas at the way he treated her? You are such a ruthless bastard, Nicolas. You’ll never get the girl that way. She hates your guts. And she called you baka. Isn’t that like a swear word in Japanese?”

Logan laughed. “It means fool or stupid and a whole lot of nasty things.”

Nicolas’s scowl darkened and snapped, “We’re leaving now.”

Sebastian just shook his head as he followed Nicolas out the door. Darcy reluctantly got up from the sofa, and he and Conrad followed suit.

Hayden said, “What are you guys waiting for? We better go.”

“Coming,” Logan and Tristan said in unison and all three left the apartment.

It was only a few moments later they were at the front door of Haruka’s apartment. Sosuke, who was dressed in a dark yukata, greeted them with a warm smile and, one by one, allowed the brothers to enter after they’d taken off their shoes. In the living area, Haruka, who was also in a light-blue yukata, came over and bowed her head slightly at the brothers.

“Konnichiwa gozaimasu, everyone,” she said.

The brothers bowed their heads and returned her greeting. “Konnichiwa gozaimasu.”

Akira, who was standing to one side of the room, watched Nicolas as he lifted his head. She blushed when he turned his attention to her.

To Nicolas’s surprise, he found he couldn’t quite tear his gaze from her. She was rather enchanting wearing that floral yukata. “Akira,” he said, his throat just that little bit dry all of a sudden. “Konnichiwa.”

Akira held her head high and replied, “Nicolas.”

Haruka took the brothers into their formal dining room next to the living area. There, the place was designed very much like a traditional Japanese house, with a low, long dining table and a series of soft, comfy cushions on the floor.

Akira indicated for them to take their seats and said, “I hope you like Japanese food and that the low seating will not be too uncomfortable.”

Tristan made himself cozy next to Akira and said, “Not too uncomfortable at all. We’ll get used to it.” He grinned at her.

Conrad looked heavenward and thought it didn’t take Tristan long to start flirting. Logan took a seat beside Tristan and Hayden along that same side. Nicolas took the seat beside Sosuke, and Sebastian took a seat to the left of Nicolas. Darcy placed himself between Sebastian and Conrad, whilst Hayden took the cushion beside Logan.

Haruka took the head of the table and thus commenced their lunch. Tristan continued once everyone was seated. “Although it would be nice if next time we dine, we wear a yukata as well.”

Logan laughed. “Hm, I quite like the idea.”

“I have many,” Sosuke chimed in. “I will give you a few of mine if you’re interested. And it’s my birthday next week.”

Akira said, “And here I thought you weren’t going to do anything, considering you’re turning quite ancient and aren’t yet married with kids. I thought you’d be embarrassed at the thought of throwing yourself a birthday party.”

Tristan couldn’t help himself and laughed loudly. “Well put, Akira-chan. Very well put. Our dear Nicolas is just as ancient and still hasn’t yet found himself a wife, let alone produced some little darlings to chase after. I myself would love to have little darlings to chase after.”

“Considering the way you’re going, Tristan,” Nicolas said, “I wouldn’t be surprised if you already have those little darlings you didn’t know about.”

Tristan, who was sipping his green tea, nearly choked on the hot liquid.

Akira hid her laughter behind a cupped hand, and Logan patted his brother on the shoulder. “Nicolas is probably too old for any beauty to fall for him now.”

“Really?” Akira said softly, gazing at Nicolas under her long lashes. “Well, that is too bad.”

Logan continued. “As for you, bro, if you do have any little darlings, I’d only be too glad to welcome them into the family. Hm, I think the oldest would have to be around five by now.”

Tristan couldn’t help himself and laughed. He took everything in stride.

It was then a Japanese housekeeper and a maid entered the room with the dishes. By the time they had finished placing everything on the table, it was covered with food. There was miso soup in a small china bowl for every one of them. In the middle of the table were grilled fish, sashimi of fresh salmon and tuna, tempura of fish, prawns, and sweet potatoes, fresh salad with homemade dressing sauce, stir-fried vegetables with teriyaki sauce, and an assortment of yakitori and pickled vegetables.   

“Mina,” Haruka said, “please enjoy.”

Everyone nodded and dug in. The brothers found they enjoyed the food tremendously.

It was nearer to the end of the meal when Haruka finally asked, “Nicolas-san, I have been wondering about that girl from last night.”

In unison, Sebastian and Darcy lifted their heads to look at Haruka. Sosuke noticed this and raised his brows in surprise at the reaction.

Nicolas said, “The girl in the finale?”

“The one that ran off,” Akira put in. “With Oba-chan’s necklace and Mr. Tachibana’s gown.”

“She’s not a thief,” Conrad said firmly from the other side of the table. “She was running away from us.”

Haruka frowned at this and said, “Why?”

“It’s a family affair,” Sebastian said. “Why do you want to know about her?”

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