Falling For Sakura (Falling For Sakura Trilogy, #1) (26 page)

BOOK: Falling For Sakura (Falling For Sakura Trilogy, #1)
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“They’ve changed,” he said. “They never go anywhere together unless we make them. But recently they hang out a lot. Not that I’m complaining.”

“What brings them together?” Brenda asked.

“Something they’re all interested in,” James said, smiling.

In the house, Tristan caught up with Conrad and yelled out, “What are you up to, Conrad?”

Conrad jumped and cursed under his breath. “Nothing!”

Tristan hooked his arm over his younger brother’s neck and eyed him closely. “Come on, brat
. Tell me what’s going on here. You’re hiding something.”

Conrad went red as a

“Stop pestering him,” Sebastian said, coming toward them.

“Yes, stop pestering me,” Conrad muttered darkly. “And leave me alone. I have important things to do.”

“Like what?” Logan asked.

Conrad clamped his lips together and marched past them.

“He’s going to see Sakura,” Nicolas said easily.

“Now,” Hayden said, “we can’t let that happen.”

Up on the second floor,
Conrad sighed in relief once he realized none of his brothers were following him. Well, at least he thought so. Thus he rushed across the corridor and headed straight to Sakura’s bedroom. He was about to open the door when Tristan coughed loudly, intentionally.

Conrad turned and glared at them. “What the hell?”

Tristan chuckled and said, “What?” and opened Sakura’s door and walked in.

“What are you guys doing?” Conrad shouted, whi
ch of course drew the attention of the occupants from inside.

ing Sakura fix her dress,” Darcy said and walked in as well.

Conrad sighed, his face sti
ll flaming red as he watched his brothers filing into Sakura’s room. He gritted his teeth and entered as well.

ra wasn’t pleased when her room was filled with men.
Young. Hot. Princeton. Men.

“What are you guys doing here?” she asked none too gently.

“Helping you,” Tristan said. “Fixing that horrid dress.”

Sakura gritted her
teeth. “I have enough help here,” she announced. “Now please leave my room. And there isn’t enough space for all of you here.”

It was true. Her room wasn’t that large, and with all of them there, there was absolutely no space to move.

“Then let’s move to mine,” Mary offered. “Mine is bigger.” Of course, since she was the bride-to-be, James had given her one of the biggest bedrooms in the mansion, which pleased Mary very well.

“Let’s go
, then,” Tristan said, pulling Sakura by the hand and leading her out the door.

“Isn’t that nice?” Beth said to Katherine. “The brothers are here to help their sister out.”

Sebastian and Darcy didn’t like the sound of that and didn’t bother to hide their scowling.

A few minutes later, Sakura found herself standing before the
full-length mirror and everyone inspecting her.

“I think it should be shorter,” Tristan said.

“How short?” Beth asked.

“Short short,” Tristan said.

“Not that short,” Sebastian put in.

“I like it short,” Logan said. “Just above the knees.”

“No,” Tristan put in. “Shorter.”

“I don’t want it short,” Sakura said. “Mary?” She turned to her friends for help. She thought the bride-to-be should put in a few words
. Otherwise, the brothers would go out of control designing her new dress to their hearts’ content. When Mary just cocked her head to one side, Sakura said, “I thought the bridesmaid’s dress was supposed to be long.”

—” Mary started, but Tristan cut her off.

“Of course not,” he said sharply. “It suits you better
short.” And he grabbed a bunch of the material on her and ripped off the bottom bit.

Sakura sucked in her breath. “Tristan!” she screamed. But he wasn’t paying her any attention. When she turned to look at the other br
others, they too weren’t shocked to see the material being ripped off from her person. Now she stood before them, her long legs bare.

“Honestly,” she said. “That’s it. I’m not in this anymore.” She took one step toward the door before Darcy caught her wrist and pulled her back.

“Be patient,” he said. “We’re fixing your dress.”

She blinked and wanted to laugh. First, they
’d forgotten she ever existed. Second, they had a swimming competition to see who got to be her instructor, and now they were fixing her dress. She wanted to laugh at that. After all, they were men and how could—

Stop! Pause right there, Sakura!
she told herself. Most great fashion designers were men, so maybe these Princeton men could just be onto something.

She allowed herself to be roped back into the
center spot. Then the inspection proceeded.

“I thin
k it should be strapless,” Hayden said. All the brothers noticed Sakura had very nice shoulders and thought they were better bare.

“I want straps, thank you very much,” Sakura said. “And it’s my dress
, so I do have a say in it.” She eyed Hayden, telling him she meant what she’d said.

He chuckled. “Of course.”

It was two hours later when the final design was done, mostly by Tristan, and by then it was nearly dinnertime.

The brother
s went off down to the dining room with Mary and Katherine while Sakura went to change. The brothers were expecting her to join them, but she never turned up.

“Where is she?” Conrad muttered under his breath.

“Who?” Mary asked.

“Sakura,” he said, agitated.

“If you’re waiting for her, she’s not coming,” Mary said. “She said she’s been slacking around for a couple of days now, and she needed to get back on with it.”

The brothers weren’t happy with the sound of that and wondered what she was doing.



ormented Love

“You’re frowning,” Ned Fabre said from across the room. “It doesn’t become you. Stop frowning.”

From across the studio, Sakura glanced at the man who had been like a second father to her. She saw that he wasn’t actually looking at her. He was concentrating on his painting. She knew he was teasing her because he had a smile on his wrinkled face as he concentrated on his work, moving the paintbrush ever so gently as if he were caressing the canvas with each stroke.

“How did you know I was frowning when you’re not even looking?” she asked, returning her eyes to her canvas. She cocked her head to one side, wondering if she had overdone the green leaves.

“I can tell when you’re frowning,” he said, carefully moving the tiny brush downward.
Ah, the rose looks perfect now,
he thought with a smile.

“Really?” Sakura asked, eyeing the photo she
’d clipped to the side of the canvas. It was of the cherry tree she had taken that day before she met the brothers. She picked this particular picture because the tree stood alone with petals floating across in the wind, and in the distance, there were hills and beyond that the sea of the island. It was perfect for her painting.

Ned put
down his brush and folded his arms across his chest, finally eyeing her. “So what’s bothering you?”

Sakura flicked her eyes t
o him, taking in his silvery-gray hair, thin face, and slight frame. He was completely different from Beth considering the fact that they were siblings. Their personalities, too, were completely different. Beth was the outgoing one with a no-nonsense attitude while Ned was the laidback one, very quiet and preferring to stay in the background.

Sakura had met him when she first moved into Princeton Mansion, and since then
, he had become a very good friend of hers, treating her like his very own daughter and teaching her how to draw and paint. He had said that first day in the garden that painting was like meditation. It calms you down and makes you forget about the world. He had been right. When Sakura painted, she forgot about the world, so consumed she was with her work. Then when it was finished, it was like seeing her baby coming to life for the first time. She felt proud. That was why she loved to paint now.

Nothing is bothering me,” she said, gently stroking the paintbrush against the white sheet, making another tiny green leaf.

“You’re lying,” Ned said. “I can tell
it in your voice.”

Sakura chuckled. “It’s hard to hide anything from you, Ned dear.”

“You’re mocking me, Sakura. I’ve known you since you were a wee girl, hiding behind the house crying your wee heart out ’cause Tara hit you and the boys wouldn’t play with you. Why you didn’t tell James is beyond me. But you know as well as I that he knew what was going on. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have sent you so far away to that bloody boarding school.”

Sakura chuckled again. “Did you miss me that much, Ned dear?”

“Bloody well I did, young missy, and bloody worried about you, too. Who’s to say you don’t get bullied again, even though that little brat Tara wasn’t there with you.”

“Well, I
’m glad Daddy James sent me away to boarding school. I met my two best friends, Mary and Katherine,” Sakura said. “They’re very nice to me.”

Ned got off his chair and went to a desk on the other side of the large studio. He took out some paper and came back to her. “Let’s just hope Tara and Alaina don’t go whispering nasty things about you and turn their heads against you.”

Sakura frowned at that. “That won’t happen.”

“Who knows?” Ned said. “Here.”

Sakura eyed the envelope in Ned’s hand with confusion. “What’s that?”

“Open it,” he said.

Sakura put down her paintbrush and took the envelope. She opened it and took out some papers. She flicked through them and widened her eyes in surprise. “Ned!”

“Yes,” he said. “It’s your birth
mother. You did ask me to help you find her, didn’t you?”

“Well, yes, but I didn’t expect you to go this far. I mean
, you got her name and everything.”

He laughed. “There isn’t much I can’t do for Sakura.” He patted her head like he would his daughter.

“How did you do it? I mean, I’ve e-mailed so many people, but—”

” Ned chuckled. “You were just a wee baby when your mother was here, leaving you there at the orphanage doorstep. I’ll admit it was easy for me because I know a lot of people in this small town. Chasing up those women who used to work in the orphanage was a tad hard, and, mind you, they weren’t very cooperative either.”

“I see,” Sakura murmured, her heart pounding in her chest. She couldn’t believe it. Couldn’t believe Ned had found out who her mother was. “Thank you so much, Ned.”

Ned chuckled. “Now, don’t you give me those distasteful big eyes. It’s disgraceful.”

Sakura chuckled, too. Ned always said that every time she was about to cry. But this time she wasn’t about to cry because she was hurt. No, she was about to cry because she was happy. She was happy with gratitude.

“You’re wonderful, Ned.”

“Nope, I
ain’t wonderful. I’m awful. I should have found this out a long time ago.”

Sakura read the name on the paper. It said Haruka Tanaka. Was that
really her mother?

“Now then, what are you going to do about that?” he asked, watching her carefully.

Sakura put down the paper and stared at the half-finished painting. “I’m going to find her.”

“It’s all in there,” Ned said. “She’s here, in America. New York City, to be precise.”

Sakura felt her heart quicken. “Here? In America? But I though she lived in Japan.”

“It seem
s she’s just moved. She’s working for some Japanese fashion designer. They’re opening another headquarters in New York. I heard they’re opening a new store soon. Supposedly the guy she’s working with is very famous in Japan.”

“I see. That’d make things a lot easier, wouldn’t it?” Sakura asked herself. “Yes. After the wedding.”

Ned smiled. “You know, setting up that gallery for you isn’t that easy either.”

Sakura blinked and turned her attention to him. “Ned! You didn’t!”

He chuckled. “Of course I didn’t.”

She sighed. “If you did, it’d be so much work and—”

“Didn’t want to waste your talent.”

“Ned!” Sakura was shocked. “You?”

“Yes, I did. Set up a gallery for you. Your paintings are all there, ready to sell. Got a sales assistant all set up at the shop, too.”

“Oh, Ned.” Sakura jumped up. “But rent in New York? It’s so expensive.”

“Ha-ha! Made a contract with one of your patrons, I did. He loves your work. Bought most of them online. He’s some real estate tycoon of some sort.”

Ned didn’t dare explain to her that their landlord was Sebastian Princeton, the man who was infatuated with her
paintings. If he told her, she’d flip and tell him to stop everything immediately.

“Whoa!” Sakura couldn’t believe it. She placed her hand on her chest. Suddenly, she was feeling just a bit dizzy. “My mother and my paintings, both in New York.”

“Waiting for you,” Ned said, chuckling.

“Thank you, Ned,” Sakura said, tears in her eyes. “Thank you so much.”

“Didn’t I tell you you look disgusting when you have tears in your eyes?” he scolded.

Sakura chuckled. “You did indeed, Ned dear.”

After that, they both returned to their paintings. Sakura was so engrossed that she’d forgotten about the time until Mary texted her.

, damn!” she muttered under her breath.

Ned glanced up. “Must be dinnertime,” he said. “Mother hen looking for her chic

Sakura laughed. “Mother hen Mary,” she said. “Hold on. It is rather late. I better tell them to start without me.”

“You’re not eating properly again,” Ned said. “This is when a husband comes in handy.”

“Not interested,” Sakura said as she began to text Mary back.

“That Mark person is interested,” Ned said. “So I heard.”

“This Sakura person
interested,” Sakura replied, packing up her gear.

“Well, good luck with that,” Ned said. “Now home
with you and stop bothering me. You’re wasting my electricity and paints,” he muttered.

Sakura laughed. “I shall indeed come and waste more of your wonderful electricity and paints.” She grabbed her satchel and headed to the door. “See ya later.”

“Say hi to Beth for me. Tell her she’s been neglecting me again. Tell her she’s starving me. Tell her I don’t miss her.”

“Will do,” she said, waved
, and left the cottage.

Sakura couldn’t believe it. She
’d spent her whole Sunday with Ned, painting. Although she admitted that she had thoroughly enjoyed it, and not seeing Alaina or Tara was the best part.

The sun was setting on the far west of the island, and Sakura couldn’t help but fall in love with the glow of
the orange sky. She quickly got out her camera and took some pictures. Once she was done, she headed toward the small pathway through the woods toward Princeton Estate.

It was twenty minutes later when she sighted the stately mansion, and instead of walking in through the front door, she headed around to the back.

She sneaked into the kitchen and nearly jumped out of her skin when Beth snapped at her. “You’re late for dinner.”

Sakura chuckled. “Of course I am. It’s all your fault, Beth dear. If you hadn’t neglected your brother for so long, then I wouldn’t have to be there looking after him. If you must know
, he’s starving for your affection.”

Beth chuckled. “Affection my ass,” she said. “All that brother of mine wants is your delicious coffee, just like everyone else. Now they’re complaining about my standard coffee. Give them a cup and they’
ll be good for the day.” She grabbed Sakura by the arm and nudged her to the coffee machine that apparently only Sakura knew how to make do magic. “Now redeem yourself and make nine cups of coffee before they all die of disappointment.”

Sakura snapped her head up to look at Beth in shocked surprise. “Nine? Nine cups!”

Beth folded her arms across her chest. “Now either that or you go in there and have a proper dinner with your family.”

Sakura pulled her face. Beth knew she didn’t want to go in there and have her dinner with certain people
, and she was making a threat. “Okay,” she said. “Once I’m done with the coffee, I’m off to my room. No disruption please.”

“Of course
. You have my word.” Beth said. She even crossed her heart.

Sakura pu
t her satchel down on the bench top and made her way to the coffee machine. Just when she was starting to grind the coffee beans, her phone beeped. She rushed back and picked it up to find she had a new text message. She noted there was no name, and she didn’t recognize the phone number either. She didn’t remember giving her phone number to anybody lately. Curious, she went ahead and read the message.

Where are you?

Huh? Sakura couldn’t help herself and texted back:
Who is this?

A second later she got another text, and it read:
Doesn’t matter. Where are you?

She gritted her teeth. What absolute nonsense. Was somebody p
laying tricks on her? She texted back:
Go to hell!

She threw her phone on the bench, frowning at it. When she was just about to turn, her phone beeped again. She sighed and picked it up, determined to ring whoever it was and tell him to leave her alone.

She had another text, this time from a different number.

It read:
Sakura, where are you? You missed dinner. And I want your coffee with a teddy bear on it like Michael’s. Please come soon.

Sakura cocked her head to one side, wondering.
But how on Earth did he get her number?

She text
ed back:
I’m in the kitchen, making your coffee. Yes, you will get a teddy bear.

She turned
off the phone so she wouldn’t get disrupted again. She went back to making coffee, and two cups later the door burst open and Conrad rushed in.

,” he said, a cheeky smile on his face.

Sakura nodded. “I’m doing yours now. A teddy bear? Are you sure?”

“Nope, I’m not sure,” he said. “Come to think of it, teddy bears are for kids. How about a dragon?”

Sakura laughed. “I can’t do
a dragon. It’s too complicated. How about a swan?”

. Swan is good. No, wait. I want to learn how to make coffee art.” He rushed around the bench and came to stand behind her.

He watch
ed her make the coffee, then she handed him the jug of hot milk.

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